Background: #fff
Foreground: #000
PrimaryPale: #8cf
PrimaryLight: #18f
PrimaryMid: #04b
PrimaryDark: #014
SecondaryPale: #ffc
SecondaryLight: #fe8
SecondaryMid: #db4
SecondaryDark: #841
TertiaryPale: #eee
TertiaryLight: #ccc
TertiaryMid: #999
TertiaryDark: #666
Error: #f88
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
<div class='header' role='banner' macro='gradient vert [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]'>
<div class='headerShadow'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div class='headerForeground'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div id='mainMenu' role='navigation' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' role='navigation' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' role='complementary' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea' role='main'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
body {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}

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a img {border:0;}

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h2,h3 {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}

.button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}

.header {background:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
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.headerForeground {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.headerForeground a {font-weight:normal; color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];}

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.tabUnselected {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tabContents {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]]; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.tabContents .button {border:0;}

#sidebar {}
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#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a:active {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}

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.wizard h2 {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:none;}
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.wizard .button {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; border: 1px solid;
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.wizard .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.wizard .button:active {color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: 1px solid;
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.wizard .notChanged {background:transparent;}
.wizard .changedLocally {background:#80ff80;}
.wizard .changedServer {background:#8080ff;}
.wizard .changedBoth {background:#ff8080;}
.wizard .notFound {background:#ffff80;}
.wizard .putToServer {background:#ff80ff;}
.wizard .gotFromServer {background:#80ffff;}

#messageArea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#messageArea .button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; border:none;}

.popupTiddler {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.popup {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-top:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-right:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
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.listBreak div {border-bottom:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.tiddler .defaultCommand {font-weight:bold;}

.shadow .title {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.title {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.subtitle {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.toolbar {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .toolbar a {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.selected .toolbar a:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}

.tagging, .tagged {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];}
.selected .tagging, .selected .tagged {background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.tagging .button, .tagged .button {border:none;}

.footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}
.selected .footer {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.error, .errorButton {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::Error]];}
.warning {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.lowlight {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]];}

.zoomer {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.imageLink, #displayArea .imageLink {background:transparent;}

.annotation {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}

.viewer .listTitle {list-style-type:none; margin-left:-2em;}
.viewer .button {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];}
.viewer blockquote {border-left:3px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.viewer table, table.twtable {border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.viewer th, .viewer thead td, .twtable th, .twtable thead td {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]]; border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.viewer td, .viewer tr, .twtable td, .twtable tr {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.viewer pre {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]];}
.viewer code {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.viewer hr {border:0; border-top:dashed 1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.highlight, .marked {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]];}

.editor input {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.editor textarea {border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; width:100%;}
.editorFooter {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
.readOnly {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];}

#backstageArea {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}
#backstageArea a {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageArea a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; }
#backstageArea a.backstageSelTab {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageButton a {background:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstageButton a:hover {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border:none;}
#backstagePanel {background:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; border-color: [[ColorPalette::Background]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]] [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button {border:none; color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];}
.backstagePanelFooter .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageCloak {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; opacity:0.6; filter:alpha(opacity=60);}
* html .tiddler {height:1%;}

body {font-size:.75em; font-family:arial,helvetica; margin:0; padding:0;}

h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none;}
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h4,h5,h6 {margin-top:1em;}
h1 {font-size:1.35em;}
h2 {font-size:1.25em;}
h3 {font-size:1.1em;}
h4 {font-size:1em;}
h5 {font-size:.9em;}

hr {height:1px;}

a {text-decoration:none;}

dt {font-weight:bold;}

ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}

.txtOptionInput {width:11em;}

#contentWrapper .chkOptionInput {border:0;}

.externalLink {text-decoration:underline;}

.indent {margin-left:3em;}
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code.escaped {white-space:nowrap;}

.tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold;}
.tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-style:italic;}

/* the 'a' is required for IE, otherwise it renders the whole tiddler in bold */
a.tiddlyLinkNonExisting.shadow {font-weight:bold;}

#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting,
	#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkNonExisting,
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#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;}

.header {position:relative;}
.header a:hover {background:transparent;}
.headerShadow {position:relative; padding:4.5em 0 1em 1em; left:-1px; top:-1px;}
.headerForeground {position:absolute; padding:4.5em 0 1em 1em; left:0; top:0;}

.siteTitle {font-size:3em;}
.siteSubtitle {font-size:1.2em;}

#mainMenu {position:absolute; left:0; width:10em; text-align:right; line-height:1.6em; padding:1.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em; font-size:1.1em;}

#sidebar {position:absolute; right:3px; width:16em; font-size:.9em;}
#sidebarOptions {padding-top:0.3em;}
#sidebarOptions a {margin:0 0.2em; padding:0.2em 0.3em; display:block;}
#sidebarOptions input {margin:0.4em 0.5em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {margin-left:1em; padding:0.5em; font-size:.85em;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel a {font-weight:bold; display:inline; padding:0;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {margin:0 0 0.3em 0;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents {width:15em; overflow:hidden;}

.wizard {padding:0.1em 1em 0 2em;}
.wizard h1 {font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0; margin:0.4em 0 0.2em;}
.wizard h2 {font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0; margin:0.4em 0 0.2em;}
.wizardStep {padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.wizard .button {margin:0.5em 0 0; font-size:1.2em;}
.wizardFooter {padding:0.8em 0.4em 0.8em 0;}
.wizardFooter .status {padding:0 0.4em; margin-left:1em;}
.wizard .button {padding:0.1em 0.2em;}

#messageArea {position:fixed; top:2em; right:0; margin:0.5em; padding:0.5em; z-index:2000; _position:absolute;}
.messageToolbar {display:block; text-align:right; padding:0.2em;}
#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}

.tiddlerPopupButton {padding:0.2em;}
.popupTiddler {position: absolute; z-index:300; padding:1em; margin:0;}

.popup {position:absolute; z-index:300; font-size:.9em; padding:0; list-style:none; margin:0;}
.popup .popupMessage {padding:0.4em;}
.popup hr {display:block; height:1px; width:auto; padding:0; margin:0.2em 0;}
.popup li.disabled {padding:0.4em;}
.popup li a {display:block; padding:0.4em; font-weight:normal; cursor:pointer;}
.listBreak {font-size:1px; line-height:1px;}
.listBreak div {margin:2px 0;}

.tabset {padding:1em 0 0 0.5em;}
.tab {margin:0 0 0 0.25em; padding:2px;}
.tabContents {padding:0.5em;}
.tabContents ul, .tabContents ol {margin:0; padding:0;}
.txtMainTab .tabContents li {list-style:none;}
.tabContents li.listLink { margin-left:.75em;}

#contentWrapper {display:block;}
#splashScreen {display:none;}

#displayArea {margin:1em 17em 0 14em;}

.toolbar {text-align:right; font-size:.9em;}

.tiddler {padding:1em 1em 0;}

.missing .viewer,.missing .title {font-style:italic;}

.title {font-size:1.6em; font-weight:bold;}

.missing .subtitle {display:none;}
.subtitle {font-size:1.1em;}

.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}

.tagging {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; float:left; display:none;}
.isTag .tagging {display:block;}
.tagged {margin:0.5em; float:right;}
.tagging, .tagged {font-size:0.9em; padding:0.25em;}
.tagging ul, .tagged ul {list-style:none; margin:0.25em; padding:0;}
.tagClear {clear:both;}

.footer {font-size:.9em;}
.footer li {display:inline;}

.annotation {padding:0.5em; margin:0.5em;}

* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
.viewer {line-height:1.4em; padding-top:0.5em;}
.viewer .button {margin:0 0.25em; padding:0 0.25em;}
.viewer blockquote {line-height:1.5em; padding-left:0.8em;margin-left:2.5em;}
.viewer ul, .viewer ol {margin-left:0.5em; padding-left:1.5em;}

.viewer table, table.twtable {border-collapse:collapse; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
.viewer th, .viewer td, .viewer tr,.viewer caption,.twtable th, .twtable td, .twtable tr,.twtable caption {padding:3px;}
table.listView {font-size:0.85em; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
table.listView th, table.listView td, table.listView tr {padding:0 3px 0 3px;}

.viewer pre {padding:0.5em; margin-left:0.5em; font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em; overflow:auto;}
.viewer code {font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em;}

.editor {font-size:1.1em;}
.editor input, .editor textarea {display:block; width:100%; font:inherit;}
.editorFooter {padding:0.25em 0; font-size:.9em;}
.editorFooter .button {padding-top:0; padding-bottom:0;}

.fieldsetFix {border:0; padding:0; margin:1px 0px;}

.zoomer {font-size:1.1em; position:absolute; overflow:hidden;}
.zoomer div {padding:1em;}

* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
#backstageArea {display:none; position:relative; overflow: hidden; z-index:150; padding:0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageToolbar {position:relative;}
#backstageArea a {font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.5em; padding:0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageButton {display:none; position:absolute; z-index:175; top:0; right:0;}
#backstageButton a {padding:0.1em 0.4em; margin:0.1em;}
#backstage {position:relative; width:100%; z-index:50;}
#backstagePanel {display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; width:90%; margin-left:3em; padding:1em;}
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}

.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
#sidebarOptions {font-size:1.05em;}
#sidebarOptions a {font-style:normal;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {font-size:0.95em;}
.subtitle {font-size:0.8em;}
.viewer table.listView {font-size:0.95em;}
@media print {
#mainMenu, #sidebar, #messageArea, .toolbar, #backstageButton, #backstageArea {display: none !important;}
#displayArea {margin: 1em 1em 0em;}
noscript {display:none;} /* Fixes a feature in Firefox where print preview displays the noscript content */
<div class='toolbar' role='navigation' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
 a	konekti	1) to (aim, direction); 2) to (dative case)
 a desna	loko-komo	(to the) right
 a flanka		sideways
 a lefta	loko-komo	(to the) left
 a mutu		to each other
 a wo		where, which way
 aa	exklami	ah, oh (an exclamation of understanding, recognition)
 abisma	kwo	abyss
 abnega	kwo	abnegation, self-denial
 abnegi	zwo	abnegate, deny oneself; renounce
 abola	kwo	abolishment
 aboli	zwo	abolish
 abreva	kwo	abbreviation
 abrevem	komo	in abbreviated form
 abrevi	zwo	abbreviate (words); abridge (a book), curtail (a narrative)
 abrevi-nem	komo	in abbreviated form
 abrevi-ney	kwel	abbreviated, abridged
 abrevitura	kwo	acronym
 abrupte	kwel	precipitous, abrupt; brusque; sudden, abrupt
 absensia	kwo	absence
 absente	kwel	absent, not present
 abses	kwo	abscess
 absoluta	kwo	(the) absolute
 absolute	kwel	absolute
 absolutem	komo	absolutely
 absorba	kwo	absorption
 absorbi	zwo	absorb
 abstrakta	kwo	abstraction
 abstrakta-ney	kwel	abstract
 abstrakte	kwel	abstract
 abstrakti	zwo	abstract
 absurda	kwo	absurd
 absurde	kwel	absurd
 absurditaa	kwo	absurdity
 abundansia	kwo	abundance
 abundante	kwel	abundant
 abundantem	komo	abundantly, amply, generously
 abyas	kwo	habit, custom
 abyasi	zwo	get accustomed/used (a koysa - to smth), get into the habit of
 abyasi-ney (abyasen)	kwel	accustomed, used (a koysa - to smth)
 abyas-nem	komo	habitually (see also "pinchan")
 abyas-ney	kwel	habitual
 acha	kwo	axe
 ada	kwo	addition
 adapta	kwo	adaptation
 adapter	kwo	adapter
 adapti	zwo	adapt, adapt oneself
 adaptibile	kwel	adaptable
 adaptibilitaa	kwo	adaptability
 adar	loko-komo	thither, there, that way
 adi	zwo	add
 adike	kwel	additional
 adita	kwo	addition (math.)
 aditi	zwo	add (math.), add up, tot up
 adiwat	kwo	additive, addition (smth added)
 administra	kwo	administration (administering)
 administrasion	kwo	administration (managers)
 administri	zwo	administer (manage, conduct)
 admira	kwo	admiration
 admiral	kwo	admiral
 admirer	kwo	admirer
 admiri	zwo	admire
 admiri-sha	kwo	admirer
 admirival	kwel	admirable
 admita	kwo	admission, admittance
 admiti	zwo	admit (grant entrance, whether into a place or into the mind)
 adopta	kwo	adoption
 adopti	zwo	adopt
 adres	kwo	address (location or its description)
 adresi	zwo	address, accost
 adresing	kwo	addressing, address (act)
 adulta	kwo	adult
 adulte	kwel	adult
 adultina	kwo	adult female
 adulto	kwo	adult male
 adyoo	exklami	Goodbye! Adieu! (kwo) farewell
 aflui	zwo	flow towards, rush towards, stream towards
 afluisa	kwo	flow, flood (of tide), rising tide; influx, inflow
 afsos	kwo	regret, pity; (exklami) alas! it is a pity!
 afsosi	zwo	regret, be sorry about
 afsos-ney, afsosival	kwel	regrettable, sad, unfortunate
 afte	konekti	after; in (at the end of)
 aftechi	zwo	eat with, eat smth after drinking
 aftemanya	kwo	the day after tomorrow
 aften	taim-komo	afterwards, later on, subsequently
 agenda	kwo	agenda
 agita	kwo	agitation (for the meaning “stirring up of public interest” one can use also “agitasion”)
 agiti	zwo	agitate (also to stir up public interest in a cause)
 agiti-ney (agiten)	kwel	agitated, excited
 agni	kwo	fire
 agni-arma		fire-arms
 agnibeda		fire (occurrence of fire in a certain place)
 agnibrigada		fire-brigade
 agnibrigada		fire-brigade
 agni-luma	kwo	blaze, glow
 agni-ney	kwel	aflame; fiery
 agninka	kwo	spark
 agnisi	zwo	burn up, fire up; sear
 agra	kwo	(ploughed) field, tillage
 agrajen	kwo	peasant (also “kisan”)
 agralanda	kwo	countryside
 agrare	kwel	agrarian
 agrava	kwo	aggravation
 agravi	zwo	aggravate (cf. “vexi”)
 agresa	kwo	aggression
 agreser	kwo	aggressor
 agresi	zwo	aggress; feel aggression
 agresive	kwel	aggressive
 agude	kwel	sharp, acute
 agudisi	zwo	sharpen
 ah	exklami	ah (expresses strong emotions)
 ahaa	exklami	aha
 ahak	kwo	lime
 ahfem	komo	hidingly, in a hiding way
 ahfi	zwo	hide, conceal
 ahfi swa		hide oneself
 ahfi-geim		hide-and-seek
 ahfi-klaida	kwo	disguise
 ahfi-klaidi	zwo	disguise
 ahfilok	kwo	hiding-place
 ahfi-shem	komo	hidingly, in a hiding way
 ahfishil	kwel	reserved, reticent, secretive
 ahir	loko-komo	hither, here, this way
 ahmak	kwo	fool
 ahuki	zwo	hitch, hook, couple, link, catch
 aida	exklami	let's go, come along (invitation to go somewhere)
 aika	modus-komo	quite, rather
 aira	kwo	air
 aira-alarma		air-raid warning
 airaportu	kwo	airport
 ais	kwo	ice
 aisifa	kwo	icing up
 aiskrem	kwo	ice cream
 aiskrem	kwo	ice-cream
 ais-lenge		ice-cold
 ais-ney	kwel	ice, icy,
 aispluva	kwo	hail
 aivi	kwo	ivy
 ajibe	kwel	queer, weird, odd
 ajile	kwel	agile, alert, brisk
 ajilisi	zwo	brisk up
 ajilitaa	kwo	agility, alertness, swiftness, legerity
 ajorna	kwo	adjournment, postponement, reprieve
 ajorni	zwo	adjourn, put off, defer (cf. "deri")
 ajusti	zwo	adjust, regulate, set
 akademia	kwo	academy
 akademiayuan	kwo	academician
 akaunta	kwo	account (a registry of pecuniary transactions; a subscription to a service)
 aklama	kwo	acclaim, acclamation
 aklami	zwo	acclaim, praise enthusiastically, cheer
 akompana	kwo	accompaniment
 akompani	zwo	accompany
 akorda	kwo	chord (combination of pitches sounded simultaneously)
 akre	kwel	acrid, caustic, pungent
 aksenta	kwo	accent
 aksenti	zwo	accent, accentuate
 aksepta	kwo	acceptance
 aksepter	kwo	acceptor
 aksepti	zwo	accept
 akses	kwo	access
 aksesi	zwo	access, have access to
 aksesibile	kwel	accessible
 aksham	kwo	evening
 akshamfan	kwo	evening meal; supper
 akshamfan	kwo	evening meal; supper
 aksia	kwo	share (finance)
 aksidenta	kwo	accident (in an ill sense), mishap
 aksidenta-ney	kwel	accident-related
 aksidente	kwel	accident-related
 akta	kwo	act; action (smth done)
 akti	zwo	act
 akting	kwo	action (functioning; effect)
 aktive	kwel	active
 aktivenesa	kwo	activity (the state or quality of being active)
 aktivisa	kwo	activation
 aktivisi	zwo	activate
 aktivista	kwo	activist
 aktivitaa	kwo	activity
 aktor	kwo	actor
 aktorina	kwo	actress
 aktoro	kwo	male actor
 aktuale	kwel	actual (acting at the present moment - cf. “reale”)
 aktualisi	zwo	actualize
 aktum	kwo	act (theater; legal document)
 akumula	kwo	accumulation
 akumuli	zwo	accumulate
 akusa	kwo	accusation
 akusi	zwo	accuse, inculpate, charge with, indict
 akwa	kwo	water
 akwalwo	kwo	waterfall
 akwa-ney	kwel	water; aqueous
 akwapruf		waterproof
 akwarium	kwo	aquarium
 akwa-smuk	kwo	water snake
 akwavirta	kwo	whirlpool, vortex
 akwira	kwo	acquisition
 akwiri	zwo	acquire
 akwish	kwel	watery
 al	konekti	when doing smth, while, at, under (simultaneity, circumstances)
 al nau	komo	at the moment, presently; nowadays
 ala	kwo	wing
 ala-raketa		cruise missile
 alarma	kwo	alarm
 alarmi	zwo	alarm
 alarmifi	zwo	get alarmed, uneasy
 alarmi-ney	kwel	alarmed
 alauda	kwo	lark, skylark
 albatros	kwo	albatross (sea bird)
 alee	kwo	lane, walk, path (in a garden, park, etc., generally between rows of trees)
 alegre	kwel	merry; cheerful; lighthearted; lively
 alegritaa	kwo	merriment; mirth; gaiety; liveliness
 alfabet	kwo	alphabet
 alga	kwo	alga(e)""":""" see-weed, kelp, dulse, etc.
 algebra	kwo	algebra
 algoritma	kwo	algorithm
 aliansa	kwo	alliance
 alianser	kwo	ally
 alibi	kwo	alibi
 alif	kwel	tame
 aligi	kwo	attach, append
 alkali	kwo	alkali
 alkali-ney	kwel	alkaline
 alkohol	kwo	alcohol
 almu	kwo	alms
 along	konekti	along
 also	unisi	therefore, so, then; accordingly; consequently
 alterna	kwo	alternation
 alternativa	kwo	alternative
 alternative	kwel	alternative
 alterni	zwo	alternate, take turns
 amasi	zwo	knead
 amator	kwo	amateur
 amator-ney	kwel	amateur
 amaxi	modus-komo	at most, not more than
 amba	kwo	amber
 ambi	inplas-kwo, kwel	both
 ambigue	kwel	ambiguous, equivocal
 ambiguitaa	kwo	ambiguity
 ambision	kwo	ambition
 ambisionful	kwel	ambitious, full of ambition
 ambrela	kwo	umbrella
 ambulansia	kwo	ambulance
 ambush	kwo	ambush
 amen	exklami	amen
 Amerika	kwo	America (continent)
 Amerika-jen	kwo	American (an inhabitant of the Americas; cf. “USA-jen”)
 amerikan	kwel, kwo	American (of or pertaining to the USA or the American culture; American man)
 Amerika-ney	kwel	American (of or pertaining to the Americas)
 amiga	kwo	friend
 amigalik	kwel	amiable, affable, friendly
 amiga-ney	kwel	amiable, affable, friendly
 amige	kwel	amiable, affable, friendly
 amigina	kwo	female friend
 amigitaa	kwo	friendship, amity
 amigo	kwo	male friend
 amini	modus-komo	at least
 amper	kwo	ampere
 amplituda	kwo	amplitude
 amusa	kwo	amusement
 amusi	zwo	amuse, entertain
 amusi swa		amuse oneself
 amusi-she	kwel	amusing
 analis	kwo	analysis
 analisi	zwo	analize
 analoga	kwo	analogue
 analoge	kwel	analogous
 analogem	komo	analogously
 analogitaa	kwo	analogy, analogousness
 ananas	kwo	pineapple
 anar	kwo	pomegranate (fruit)
 anarbaum	kwo	pomegranate (tree)
 anarkia	kwo	anarchy
 anarkike	kwo	anarchic
 anarkista	kwo	anarchist
 anchun	kwel	safe, secure
 anchuntaa	kwo	safety, security
 anekdot	kwo	anecdote, joke, funny story
 angula	kwo	angle; corner
 anima	kwo	animation
 animal	kwo	animal
 animasion	kwo	animation ((making) cartoon)
 animi	zwo	animate, endow with life; enliven, give animation to
 animi-ney	kwel	animated
 anis	kwo	anise
 anjel	kwo	angel
 anjellik	kwel	angel-like, angelic
 anka	kwo	anchor
 ankur	kwo	sprout, shoot
 ankuri	zwo	sprout, spring up
 anonime	kwel	anonymous
 ansambla	kwo	ensemble
 ansha	kwo	hint
 anshi	zwo	hint
 antilopa	kwo	antelope
 antonim	kwo	antonym
 antra	kwo	gut
 antratot	kwo	intestine
 anubav	kwo	experience
 anubavi	zwo	experience (cf. "trajivi")
 anunsa	kwo	announcement
 anunsi	zwo	announce; give notice of
 anus	kwo	anus
 apara	kwo	appearance
 aparat	kwo	apparatus
 apari	zwo	appear (come into existence; to become visible - cf. “sembli”)
 aparte	kwel	separate, detached, apart (from others)
 apartem	komo	apart
 apela	kwo	appeal
 apeli	zwo	appeal (but not “to be attractive”)
 apena	komo	hardly, scarcely, barely
 apetit	kwo	appetite
 aplika	kwo	application
 apliki	zwo	apply (put on, upon, or to; put to or adapt for a special use; put into action)
 apliken	kwel	applied
 apliki-ney	kwel	applied
 aploda	kwo	applause, clapping
 aplodi	zwo	applaud
 apoga	kwo	support, prop, rest
 apogi	zwo	prop, lean, rest
 april	kwo	April (also mes-char)
 aproba	kwo	approbation
 aprobi	zwo	approve, give approbation to
 apropoo	konekti-komo	apropos; by the way
 arabeska	kwo	arabesque
 arabi	kwel, kwo	Arab; Arabic; Arabic language
 aranja	kwo	arrangement
 aranji	zwo	arrange (plan or prerare for; bring about or come to an agreement; settle)
 arda	kwo	earth
 ardagloba	kwo	globe (the planet Earth)
 ardanuta	kwo	peanut
 ardaposeser	kwo	landowner
 ardatrema	kwo	earthquake (also “sisma”)
 arena	kwo	arena
 arenda	kwo	lease
 arendaguan	kwo	rental agency
 arendi	zwo	lease, rent, charter
 aresta	kwo	arrest, custody
 aresti	zwo	arrest, make a prisoner
 argenta	kwo	silver
 argumenta	kwo	argument (statement put forth as proof, reason)
 arhiduka	kwo	archduke
 ariva	kwo	arrival
 arivi	zwo	arrive (at destination, at a certain place)
 arka	kwo	arc; arch (cf. “raduga”)
 arkaike	kwel	archaic
 arkitekter	kwo	architect
 arkitektura	kwo	architecture
 arku	kwo	bow (weapon)
 Arkuman	kwo	Sagittarius
 arkusyen	kwo	bow string
 arma	kwo	weapon
 arma-dun	kwo	loophole, embrasure
 armas	kwo	arms, armament
 armee	kwo	army
 armeeyuan	kwo	military man, serviceman
 armisa	kwo	arming
 armisi	zwo	arm
 aroma	kwo	aroma
 aromaful	kwel	full of aroma, aromatic, fragrant or sweet-smelling
 aroma-herba		aromatic herbs
 aromike	kwel	aromatic (chem.)
 aroser	kwo	watering-pot
 arosi	zwo	moisten, wet, water (with any liquid)
 arpa	kwo	harp
 arsenal	kwo	arsenal
 arta	kwo	art
 artifisiale	kwel	artificial (man-made; false; unnatural - cf. “jengun-ney”)
 artikla	kwo	article (a part of speech in some languages)
 artista	kwo	artist
 asada	kwo	siege
 asadi	zwo	siege, besiege
 asembla	kwo	assemblage, assembly; meeting, gathering
 asembli	zwo	assemble""":""" collect, bring together (people, materials, etc.)
 asenda	kwo	ascension
 asendi	zwo	go up, ascend, mount
 aserta	kwo	assertion, claim, statement
 aserti	zwo	assert, aver, claim, state
 asfalta	kwo	asphalt
 asilum	kwo	asylum, sanctuary
 asimila	kwo	assimilation
 asimili	zwo	assimilate (physiol. and fig. - cf. "similisi")
 asimut	kwo	azimuth
 asla	kwo	donkey, ass
 aspekta	kwo	aspect, view, sight, look, appearance
 aspekti	zwo	look, appear
 aspira	kwo	aspiration, striving
 aspiri	zwo	aspire, desire eagerly, long for, aim at, seek after
 asteroyda	kwo	asteroid (astron.)
 astona	kwo	amazement, astonishment
 astoni	zwo	astonish, amaze
 astoni-she, astonival	kwel	astonishing, marvelous
 astoni-shem	komo	astonishingly
 astronomia	kwo	astronomy
 astronomier	kwo	astronomer
 astronomike	kwel	astronomical
 ataka	kwo	attack, assault
 ataki	zwo	attack, assail, assault
 atarafi	kwo	move aside, draw aside; step aside
 atena	kwo	achievement, attainment, accomplishment
 ateni	zwo	attain, reach, achieve
 atenta	kwo	attention
 atenta-nem	komo	attentively, closely, carefully.
 atenta-ney	kwel	attentive, alert
 atente	kwel	attentive, alert
 atentem	komo	attentively, closely, carefully.
 atenti	zwo	be attentive to, heed, mind, pay attention to
 atlas	kwo	(anat., geog.) atlas
 atletika	kwo	athletics
 atletike	kwel	athletic
 atma	kwo	soul
 atma-ney	kwel	of soul
 atmosfera	kwo	atmosphere
 atom	kwo	atom
 atom-ney	kwel	atomic
 atom-nuklea		atomic nucleus
 atrakta	kwo	attraction
 atrakti	zwo	attract
 atraktive	kwel	attractive
 auda	kwo	hearing (auditory faculty)
 auder	kwo	(telephone) receiver
 audi	zwo	hear; listen
 audibile	kwel	audible
 audibilitaa	kwo	audibility
 audike	kwel	auditory
 audimogsa	kwo	hearing ability
 auding	kwo	listening; audition
 audio	kwo, kwel	audio
 audisens	kwo	sense of hearing
 augusto	kwo	August (also mes-ot)
 aur	kwo	ear
 aurganda	kwo	cerumen
 aurhalka	kwo	earring
 aus	konekti-komo	1) out (of) (outward movement); 2) (made) of (material), out of
 ausen	konekti-komo	outside of, on the outside, beyond the limits of
 ausengama-ney	kwel	extramarital
 ausenklaida	kwo	overclothes
 ausen-munda	kwo	the outer world
 ausen-ney	kwel	outer, external
 ausen-taraf	kwo	the outside
 ausjivi	zwo	survive, remain alive
 ausjiving	kwo	survival, surviving
 auskati	zwo	cut out, carve out
 auskavi	zwo	dig out, dig up
 auskupa	kwo	redemption, redeeming; ransom
 auskupi	zwo	redeem; ransom
 auslanda	kwo	foreign countries
 auslandajen	kwo	foreigner, a person from a foreign country (cf. "gariba")
 auslander	kwo	foreigner, a person from a foreign country (cf. "gariba")
 auslanda-ney	kwel	foreign, of foreign countries
 ausmorti	zwo	die out, become extinct
 auspren	zwo	take out, pull out, extract
 ausspira	kwo	exhalation, outward breath
 ausspiri	zwo	exhale, breathe out
 austori		tear out
 ausyusa	kwo	wear and tear
 ausyusi	zwo	wear out
 autentike	kwel	authentic (genuine, real)
 autentikitaa	kwo	authenticity
 auto	kwo	automobile, car, motor-car
 automat	kwo	automatic machine, automaton, automat
 automatike	kwel	automatic
 automatisa	kwo	automatization
 automatisi	zwo	automatize
 autor	kwo	author
 autoritaa	kwo	authority (power to influence or persuade resulting from knowledge or experience - cf. "mahta")
 avan	komo	forward, ahead (in space or time)
 avana	kwo	front, facing side (also “avantaraf”)
 avan-dasta		advanced detachment, vanguard
 avane	kwel	front, fore
 avanen	konekti-komo	ahead (of) (at what place?)
 avanpasi	zwo	pass ahead of, outstrip
 avanpatas		forelegs
 avansa	kwo	advance, advancement
 avansi	zwo	advance, go forward; further, promote
 avantaja	kwo	advantage
 avantuh	kwo	apron
 avare	kwel	avaricious, miserly, greedy
 avaritaa	kwo	avarice, greed
 avarnik	kwo	miser, niggard
 aventura	kwo	adventure
 avenu	kwo	avenue (broad street)
 avida	kwo	greedy person
 avide	kwel	greedy, avid
 aviditaa	kwo	greed, avidity
 avion	kwo	airplane
 avos	komo	hopefully, maybe, perhaps, with luck we may
 axa	kwo	axis, axle
 axike	kwel	axial
 ay	exklami	ouch
 azure	kwel	azure
 ba		gramatika marks imperative
 badal	kwo	cloud
 badal-ney		cloudy
 bade	kwel	bad; evil (cf. “dushte”)
 badifi	zwo	become worse, deteriorate
 baditaa	kwo	evil
 bagaja	kwo	luggage
 bagula	kwo	heron
 bahana	kwo	pretext, excuse
 bahani	zwo	pretext
 bahmal	kwo	velvet
 bait	kwo	byte
 baja	kwo	ring, ringing
 baji	zwo	ring, resound; play (a musical instrument); strike (about the clock)
 baji tambur	zwo	drum
 bajika	kwo	doorbell, buzzer
 bak	komo	1) back (in space or time), backwards; 2) ago
 baka	kwo	the back (back side, reverse side, or area behind) (also “baktaraf”)
 bakak	kwo	frog
 bakdwar	kwo	back door
 bake	kwel	rear, back, hind
 baken	konekti-komo	behind (at what place?)
 bakpatas		hind legs
 bakra	kwo	goat
 bakrina		female goat
 bakro		male goat
 bakshish	kwo	baksheesh
 baktaraf	kwo	backside
 bakteria	kwo	bacterium
 bal	kwo	ball (dance)
 balada	kwo	ballad
 balansa	kwo	balance, equilibrium (cf. "vaka")
 balansen	kwel	balanced
 balansi	zwo	balance, maintain equilibrium; counterpoise, counterbalance
 balansi-ney	kwel	balanced
 balansing	kwo	equilibration, balancing
 balbati	zwo	gurgle
 baldakin	kwo	baldaquin
 balena	kwo	whale
 balet	kwo	ballet
 balja	kwo	bulge
 balji	zwo	bulge
 balka	kwo	log, beam; rafter, balk
 balka-dom		loghouse
 balkon	kwo	balcony
 balon	kwo	balloon
 balsam	kwo	balsam, balm
 bambu	kwo	bamboo
 banan	kwo	banana
 bananplanta	kwo	banana-plant
 banda	kwo	1) band (strip; a part of spectrum); ribbon; 2) band (group)
 bandaja	kwo	bandage
 bandaji	zwo	bandage
 bandana	kwo	bandana
 bandita	kwo	bandit
 banduk	kwo	rifle
 bangi	zwo	burst
 bani	zwo	bathe
 bani swa		bathe oneself
 banidom	kwo	bath-house, baths
 baniguan	kwo	bath-house, baths
 baning	kwo	bath (bathing)
 banipen	kwo	bathtub
 banishamba	kwo	bathroom
 banka	kwo	bank (financial institution)
 bankanota	kwo	bank note
 bankayuan	kwo	bank clerk
 banker	kwo	banker
 banket	kwo	banquet (ceremonial dinner)
 bao	kwo	bag
 baobaba	kwo	baobab
 bar	kwo	bar (pub, tavern)
 barak	kwo	barrack
 barana	kwo	fence
 barba	kwo	beard
 barba-ney		bearded
 barbara	kwo	barbarian
 barbare	kwel	barbarian, barbarous
 barbaritaa	kwo	barbarism; barbarity
 barela	kwo	barrel
 barelakin	kwo	keg, small barrel / cask
 bari	zwo	bar, block, obstruct
 bariera	kwo	barrier
 barilok	kwo	enclosured place
 baron	kwo	baron / baroness
 baronina	kwo	baroness
 barono	kwo	baron
 barsuk	kwo	badger
 bartan	kwo	household vessel; tableware
 bartanlemar	kwo	dresser (cupboard or set of shelves for dishes or kitchen utensils)
 barut	kwo	gunpowder
 barut-depo		powder magazine
 basa	kwo	base
 basar	kwo	market, marketplace, bazaar; fair
 basar-ekonomia		market economy
 basar-teatra		a fair theatre
 bashan	kwo	speech (oration)
 bashani	zwo	orate, give a speech
 basi	zwo	base
 basike	kwel	basic
 basikem	komo	basically
 basina	kwo	basin (geog., geol.)
 basketa	kwo	basket
 basketabol	kwo	basketball
 basta	komo	enough; (exklami) that will do! enough!
 baston	kwo	staff, stick; crosier
 basu	kwo	bass (low sound)
 basu-ney	kwel	bass
 bat	unisi	but
 batala	kwo	fight, battle
 batalakin	kwo	skirmish
 batali	zwo	fight, battle
 bataria	kwo	battery
 bater	kwo	bat (club); beater
 bati	zwo	beat (hit or strike repeatedly)
 bati-mixi	zwo	churn
 baum	kwo	tree
 baum dun		tree hollow
 baumkuta	kwo	tree bark
 bavul	kwo	suitcase
 bay	konekti	1) by, with, by means of (a means or tool); 2) by (doer or author)
 baya	kwo	bay (nautical)
 bebi	kwo	baby
 bebi gari		perambulator, baby carriage
 bechori koywan		to rob smb
 beda	kwo	misfortune, distress, trouble, disaster (cf. "disasta")
 bedlam	kwo	bedlam
 beduin	kwo	bedouin
 begin	zwo	begin, commence
 beginsa	kwo	beginning
 beje	kwel	beige
 beklefi		lock (smb) up
 beklosi		shut (smb) in, close smb (somewhere)
 bekon	kwo	bacon
 bekresi	zwo	overgrow
 belka	kwo	squirrel
 belta	kwo	belt (band)
 bencha	kwo	bench; pew
 bensin	kwo	benzine, petrol, gasoline
 bensin-tanka	kwo	petrol tank
 bependi	zwo	hang round (with), cover (with)
 bepon tabla		lay the table
 bereta	kwo	beret
 beri	kwo	berry
 berna	kwo	bear
 bes	kwo	devil (as a half-animal creature, not Satan, not the chief one)
 besbol	kwo	baseball
 beshuki	zwo	search, ransack
 bestia	kwo	beast
 bestialik	kwel	bestial, brutish
 betaski	zwo	charge, commission
 beton	kwo	concrete (building material)
 bey	kwo	back (the rear of body); backrest
 beybao	kwo	rucksack
 beybao	kwo	rucksack
 Bharat		India (also "India")
 bi	zwo	be
 bi hao		1) You are welcome! (a reply to thanking); 2) Bless you! (after smb's sneezing); 3) Good luck! (when parting)
 bi karim		will you be so kind as, please
 bia	kwo	being
 bicha	kwo	contempt, scorn, disdain
 bichi	zwo	despise, disdain, disparage, scorn
 bifoo	konekti	before (in space or time)
 bifooen	taim-komo	formerly, previously, before
 bifoo-ney	kwel	former, previous, one-time
 biftek	kwo	beefsteak
 bigara	kwo	spoiling, spoilage
 bigari	zwo	spoil
 bigudi	kwo	hair-roller
 bik	kwo	beak
 bika	kwo	peck
 bikam	zwo	become
 biki	zwo	peck
 biking	kwo	pecking
 bikos	unisi	because
 bil	kwo	bill, invoice
 bildi	zwo	build
 bildilok	kwo	building site
 bilding	kwo	building (act)
 bildura	kwo	building (structure)
 bileta	kwo	ticket
 biliar	kwo	billiards
 biliar	kwo	Kurdish
 bilion	kwo	billion, a million millions
 bin		was, were
 bin		was, were (past tense from "bi")
 bira	kwo	beer
 biraguan	kwo	beerhouse
 birka	kwo	birch
 bisikla	kwo	bicycle (also "baik")
 biskwit	kwo	biscuit, cookie
 bisnes	kwo	business (commercial activity)
 bit	kwo	bit (computing)
 bitum	kwo	bitumen
 blada	kwo	blade (of a knife, sword; of an oar, propeller)
 blage	kwel	blessed, connected with God's grace; beneficial
 blagitaa	kwo	grace (religion); beneficence
 blama	kwo	blame, censure
 blami	zwo	blame, condemn, censure
 blan	kwel	white
 blan pan	kwo	white bread
 blantaa		whiteness
 blesa	kwo	blessing, benediction
 blesi	zwo	bless
 bli	konekti-komo	near, nearby, beside, close to
 blik	kwo	catchlight, flare (reflection of light)
 blin	kwo	pancake
 blinda	kwo	a blind person
 blinde	kwel	blind
 blindisi	zwo	blind; dazzle
 blindisi-she	kwel	blinding
 blinditaa	kwo	blindness
 blise	kwel	close, near, nearby
 blisejen	kwo	one’s near and dear
 blisi	zwo	approach/bring nearer
 fa-blise	zwo	approach, come closer
 mah-blise	zwo	draw/bring nearer
 blisifi	zwo	approach, come closer
 blisisi	zwo	draw/bring nearer
 blisitaa	kwo	closeness, nearness, proximity; affinity
 blislok		hereabouts
 bliza-flash		a flash of lightning
 blog	kwo	blog
 blok	kwo	block
 bloki	zwo	block, blockade
 blu	kwel	blue
 blusa	kwo	blouse
 blutaa	kwo	blue
 boa	kwo	boa
 bobina	kwo	bobbin, spool, reel
 bobra	kwo	beaver
 boh	kwo	god
 bohina	kwo	goddess
 bohmata	kwo	mother of god
 boh-ney	kwel	divine
 bohlik	kwel	divine
 bol	kwo	ball
 bolkalam	kwo	ballpoint pen
 bolta	kwo	bolt (metal fastener)
 bomba	kwo	bomb
 bombi	zwo	bomb, bombard
 bombiavion	kwo	bomber (aircraft)
 bomber	kwo	bomber (aircraft)
 bombing	kwo	bombardment, bombing
 bombi-sha	kwo	bomber (person)
 bona	kwo	bean
 bonbon	kwo	bonbon, candy, sweet
 borda	kwo	border (outer edge; frontier), brink; edge; board (of ship)
 bordi	zwo	border (on)
 boritul	kwo	borer (tool)
 borer	kwo	borer (tool)
 bori	zwo	bore, drill
 boring	kwo	boring
 borsta	kwo	bristle, stubble
 borsti	zwo	bristle
 borya	kwo	woven mat
 bota	kwo	boat
 botajen	kwo	boatman
 botela	kwo	bottle
 boxa	kwo	box (container)
 boxer	kwo	boxer
 boxi	zwo	box (strike with fists)
 boxing	kwo	boxing
 boy	kwo	boy
 boyar	kwo	boyar(d)
 boyarina	kwo	boyarynia, boyar’s wife
 bracha	kwo	arm
 brachastula	kwo	armchair
 brai	zwo	roar, bellow
 braisa	kwo	roar, bellow
 brancha	kwo	branch
 brandi	kwo	brandy
 brash	kwo	brush (tool)
 brashi	zwo	brush
 brashing	kwo	brushing
 brata	kwo	brother
 brata-inloo	kwo	cousin
 bratalik	kwel	brotherly
 bratason	kwo	nephew (brother's son)
 brave	kwel	brave, gallant, stalwart, dashing
 bravo	exklami	bravo
 brecha	kwo	breach (opening, gap, tear, rupture)
 brein	kwo	brain
 brein-sinua		brain convolution(s)
 brek	kwo	brake
 breki	zwo	brake, apply a brake
 breking	kwo	braking
 breve	kwel	brief, concise
 brevem	komo	briefly, in a few words
 brida	kwo	bridle
 bridi	zwo	bridle
 brig	kwo	brig
 brigada	kwo	brigade
 brij	kwo	bridge (card game)
 brik	kwo	brick
 brila	kwo	shining, glitter, brilliance
 brili	zwo	shine, glitter, glow
 briliante	kwel	brilliant (glorious, superb, wonderful)
 brilika	kwo	spangle
 brili-she	kwel	brilliant, shining, shiny
 bringi	zwo	bring
 brisa	kwo	breeze (of wind)
 brova	kwo	eye-brow, brow
 bru	zwo	brew (prepare liquor)
 bruing	kwo	brewing
 brum	kwo	broom
 brumi	zwo	sweep (with a broom)
 bruming	kwo	sweeping
 brun	kwel	brown
 brutale	kwel	brutal
 brutalitaa	kwo	brutality
 bu	syao-gramatika	not (negation)
 bu darfi		is not allowed
 bu tanikem	komo	not in the least, not at all, not a bit
 bu totem		not entirely, not completely
 buahfen	kwel	unconcealed, undisguised
 buahfi-ney	kwel	unconcealed, undisguised
 buchauke	kwel	incautious, imprudent
 Buda	kwo	Buddha
 budisma	kwo	Buddhism
 buevitibile	kwel	unavoidable, inevitable
 buevitibilitaa	kwo	inevitability
 bufal	kwo	buffalo
 bufeta	kwo	buffet (a counter or sideboard from which food and drink are served or may be bought)
 bugai-ke	kwel	improper, inappropriate
 bugamnik	kwo	bachelor
 bugundey	kwo	day free from work, day off, rest-day
 bugwansa-nem	komo	malapropos, not to the point
 bugwansa-ney	kwel	irrelevant, out of place, having nothing to do with
 bugwanse	kwel	irrelevant, out of place, having nothing to do with
 bugwansem	komo	malapropos, not to the point
 bu-gwo-audi-ke		unheard-of
 buhabiti-ney	kwel	uninhabited
 buhabiten	kwel	uninhabited
 buhao	kwel, komo	not good, bad; badly
 bujeta	kwo	budget
 buketa	kwo	bouquet (bunch of flowers; specific scent)
 bukomparibile	kwel	incomparable; matchless, nonpareil
 bukoniwan	kwo	stranger
 bukovri-ney	kwel	not covered; undisguised
 bulautem	komo	in a low voice, in an undertone
 bulba	kwo	bulb
 bulbul	kwo	nightingale
 bulevar	kwo	boulevard
 buli	zwo	boil
 buling	kwo	boiling
 bulyon	kwo	broth, bouillon
 bumbar	kwo	bumblebee
 bumerki-nem	komo	unnoticedly
 buniden	kwel	unnecessary, needless
 bunte	kwel	variegated, many-coloured, motley
 buposible		impossible
 bure	kwel	gray-brown
 burnus	kwo	burnous
 burokratia	kwo	bureaucracy
 burokratike	kwel	bureaucratic
 buroo	kwo	bureau
 bursa	kwo	exchange (a place for trading, such as a stock exchange)
 buruji-stal		rustless steel, stainless steel
 bus	kwo	bus (coach)
 busamajibile	kwel	inconceivable, incomprehensible, inscrutable
 busatibile	kwel	insatiable
 bush	kwo	bush, shrub
 bushel	kwo	bushel (unit of volume)
 bus-stopika	kwo	bus stop
 busta	kwo	bust (head and shoulders of body; woman's bosom)
 busufi-she	kwel	insufficient
 busyuan	kwo	ticket collector (in bus)
 buta	kwo	boot
 buton	kwo	button (fastener; device meant to be pressed; bud)
 butondun	kwo	buttonhole
 butoni	zwo	button
 butralasike	kwel	impermeable, impenetrable; inscrutable
 buy	kwo	buoy
 byen	kwel	convenient; comfortable; handy, easy-to use; opportune
 byentaa	kwo	convenience; ease, handiness
 chabi	zwo	chew
 chabiguma	kwo	chewing gum
 chabika	kwo	chewing gum
 chabing	kwo	chewing, mastication
 chapa	kwo	hoe, mattock
 chapta	kwo	chapter (section in a book)
 char	kwanto	four (4)
 chardi	kwo	Thursday
 charfen		un (de) charfen - one fourth
 charfenka	kwo	quarter
 charma	kwo	charm (appeal, attraction - cf. "jadu", "talisman")
 charmaful	kwel	charming
 charmi	zwo	charm (seduce, fascinate)
 char-nem		fourthly
 char-ney		the fourth
 charple	kwel	quadruple
 charshi		forty
 charsto		four hundred
 chata	kwo	chat, babble, chatter
 chati	zwo	chat, babble, chatter
 chauka	kwo	caution, wariness, vigilance
 chaukem	komo	cautiously, warily, vigilantly
 chauke	kwel	cautious, watchful, wary, vigilant
 chauka-nem	komo	cautiously, warily, vigilantly
 chauka-ney	kwel	cautious, watchful, wary, vigilant
 chauka-stepa		precautionary measures
 chauki	zwo	beware (of), be on one’s guard against, take care
 chaure	kwel	wide, broad
 chaurem	komo	broadly, widely, wide
 chauri	zwo	widen (tr./intr.)
 fa-chaure	zwo	widen (become wide or wider), broaden
 mah-chaure	zwo	widen (make wide or wider), broaden
 chaurifi	zwo	widen (become wide or wider), broaden
 chaurisi	zwo	widen (make wide or wider), broaden
 chauritaa	kwo	breadth, width
 chay	kwo	tea
 chaychiza	kwo	teaspoon
 chaydan	kwo	teapot
 chayguan	kwo	tea room, tea house
 chek	kwo	cheque, (bank-) check, receipt (written acknowledgement)
 cheka	kwo	check (inspection; verifying)
 cheki	zwo	check (verify; inspect)
 cherpi	zwo	draw liquids, scoop (out); (fig.) to take, borrow
 cherpika	kwo	scoop
 chi	zwo	eat
 chi akshamfan		have evening meal/supper
 chi deyfan		have a midday meal
 chi sabahfan		have breakfast
 chia	kwo	eating
 chibile	kwel	edible
 chibuk	kwo	chin
 chifan	zwo	meal, have a meal
 chifansa	kwo	meal
 chihi	zwo	sneeze
 chihing	kwo	sneezing; catarrh
 chinara	kwo	plane (tree of the genus Platanus)
 chipe	kwel	cheap
 chipenesa	kwo	cheapness, low prices
 chiriki	zwo	twitter, chirp
 chiriking	kwo	twitter, chirp, chirping
 chitan	kwo	pond
 chiwat	kwo	eats, food
 chiza	kwo	spoon
 chokolat	kwo	chocolate
 chora	kwo	theft
 chori	zwo	steal, thieve
 chori-sha	kwo	thief
 chorer	kwo	thief
 chorishil	kwel	thievish
 Chosen	kwo	North Korea
 chou	kwel	stinking, foul, fetid
 chu	zwo	go out, leave, exit; issue (from); ooze out; come out, be issued
 chu-ataka	kwo	sally, sortie
 chudao	kwo	way out
 chudwar	kwo	exit door
 chuf	kwo	tuft (cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass)
 chukanda	kwo	beet, beetroot
 chukandasup	kwo	beet soup, borscht
 chunauta	kwo	challenge, defiance
 chunautem	kwo	defiantly
 chunaute	kwo	defiant
 chunauta-nem	kwo	defiantly
 chunauta-ney	kwo	defiant
 chusa	kwo	going out, leaving, withdrawal; exit, way out; outlet
 chuwat	kwo	issue (smth issued)
 chuyshu	zwo	boast, brag
 chuyshushil	kwel	boastful, vainglorious
 chuyshu-ke	kwel	boastful, vainglorious
 chyen	kwel	shallow
 chyen pyata		dinner-plate; side plate
 chyenlok	kwo	ford, wade; shoal, sandbank
 dabe	unisi	in order to, in order that, so that
 dacha	kwo	dacha, summer house
 dadu	kwo	bet, wager
 dafna	kwo	interment, burial, funeral
 dafni	zwo	inter, bury
 dafta	kwo	exercise book, notebook
 dai	zwo	give
 dai bak	zwo	give back
 daisa	kwo	giving
 daklis	kwo	threshold
 dale	kwel	far, distant, remote
 dalem	komo	afar
 dalitaa	kwo	distance (a considerable amount of space), expanse, remoteness
 dalta	kwo	chisel
 dalwa	kwo	bucket, pail
 dam	kwo	dam, dike
 dama	kwo	married or widowed woman; dame; lady; (in cards, chess, checkers) a queen
 damaja	kwo	damage
 damaji	zwo	damage
 damay	kwo	barley
 damna	kwo	damnation
 damni	zwo	damn (cf. "shatami")
 dan		1) then (at that time; in that case); 2) suffix for container then
 danja	kwo	danger, peril
 danja-ney	kwel	dangerous, perilous
 danjaful	kwel	dangerous, perilous
 dank a	konekti	thanks to, owing to
 danka	kwo	gratitude
 dankaful	kwel	thankful, grateful
 danke	exklami	thank you, thanks
 danki	zwo	thank
 dansa	kwo	dance
 danser	kwo	dancer
 dansi	zwo	dance
 dansilok	kwo	dance floor, dance hall
 dao	kwo	way (path; method)
 daobarika	kwo	road barrier
 daofurka		road fork
 daojen	kwo	wayfarer, traveller; wanderer
 daokin	kwo	path (trail), pathway
 daokrosa	kwo	crossroads, crossing
 daokrosa		crossroads
 dar	loko-komo	there
 darba	kwo	blow, stroke
 darbi	zwo	strike (hit)
 darfi	sta	have permission, be allowed, (one) may
 dashat	kwo	horror, terror
 dashatfilma		thriller, horror film
 dashati	zwo	dread, be terrified/horrified
 dashatisi	zwo	terrify, horrify
 dashat-ney	kwel	awful, frightful, dreadful (Syn.""":""" terible)
 dashi	kwo	ambassador
 dashiguan	kwo	embassy
 dasin	kwo	virtue (moral excellence, an example or kind of it - cf. "merita")
 dasin-ney	kwel	virtuous
 dasta	kwo	detachment, party
 data	kwo	data
 datsan	kwo	datsan (Buddhist monastery)
 datum	kwo	date (day, month and year)
 dave	kwel	bygone, distant in time, ancient, old
 davem	komo	long ago
 de	konekti	1) of (genitive); 2) of (partialness optional)
 deba	kwo	debt, duty (obligation)
 debata	kwo	debate
 debati	zwo	debate
 debi	zwo	owe, be obliged to
 debloki	zwo	unblock, deblock
 debrilifi	zwo	lose its lustre, grow dim
 debuta	kwo	debut, début
 debuti	zwo	debut
 dedermisi	zwo	skin, flay, excoriate
 dedika	kwo	dedication
 dediki	zwo	dedicate (address or inscribe to another - cf. “devoti”)
 defai hunga		satisfy/appease one's hunger
 defai ilusion	zwo	become disillusioned/disappointed
 defai kasam		take one’s vow/oath back
 defai orda		cancel an order
 defai pyasa		slake/quench one's thirst
 defai stupor		awake from stupor
 defekta	kwo	defect, flaw, impairment
 defekta-ney	kwel	flawed, imperfect, defective
 defekte	kwel	flawed, imperfect, defective
 defensa	kwo	defence
 defensa-ney	kwel	defensive
 defense	kwel	defensive
 defensi	zwo	defend
 defina	kwo	definition
 defini	zwo	define, give the definition of
 deflui	zwo	flow away, rush from
 defluisa	kwo	ebb, reflux
 deforma	kwo	deformation
 deformi	zwo	deform, put out of shape
 defrosti	zwo	defrost, unfreeze
 degama	kwo	divorce
 degami	zwo	divorce
 degrada	kwo	degradation
 degradi	zwo	degrade, debase
 dek	kwo	deck (ship’s)
 dekada	kwo	decadence, decline
 dekadi	zwo	be decadent, be in state of decay, decline (physically or morally)
 dekapisa	kwo	decapitation
 dekapisi	zwo	decapitate
 deklaidi	zwo	undress
 deklaidi swa	zwo	undress oneself
 deklama	kwo	declamation
 deklami	zwo	declaim
 deklara	kwo	declaration
 deklari	zwo	declare
 deklina	kwo	declination
 deklini	zwo	decline (gram., fis., astr.)
 dekolori	zwo	discolour
 dekonsa	kwo	loss of consciousness, swoon
 dekonsi	zwo	lose consciousness
 dekonsili	zwo	dissuade
 dekora	kwo	decoration; decor
 dekori	zwo	decorate, make decor
 dekovri	zwo	uncover
 dekresi	zwo	decrease
 dekroni	zwo	uncrown
 dekurteni	zwo	uncurtain
 dela	kwo	affair, business, case, issue, matter
 delerni	zwo	unlearn
 delfin	kwo	dolphin
 deligi	zwo	untie, unfasten, unbind
 delikate	kwel	delicate, fine
 delir	kwo	delirium, ravings
 deliri	zwo	be delirious, rave
 delir-ney	kwel	delirious
 delodi		unload
 demanda	kwo	demand (claim; desire to purchase goods; request for some product)
 demandi	zwo	demand (claim, request or ask forcefully)
 demon	kwo	demon (evil spirit)
 demonstra	kwo	demonstration
 demonstra-ney	kwo	demonstrative
 demonstre	kwo	demonstrative
 demonstrasion	kwo	demonstration (public display of group opinion)
 demonstri	zwo	demonstrate
 demoti	zwo	unwind, uncoil
 den	gramatika	optional accusative particle
 denada	kwo	despair
 denadi	zwo	despair
 dense	kwel	dense
 densika	kwo	thicket
 densitaa	kwo	density
 denta	kwo	tooth; prong
 dentagron	kwo	tusk
 dentapuda		tooth-powder
 dentarada	kwo	gear wheel, cog-wheel
 dentista	kwo	dentist
 depaki	zwo	unpack
 departa	kwo	departure
 departi	zwo	depart, leave (a koysa -for smth)
 dependa	kwo	dependence
 dependi	zwo	depend (fon koysa/koywan - on smth/smb)
 depligi	zwo	unfold
 depo	kwo	depot, store, storehouse
 depon	zwo	take off, lay off, put off
 depos	konekti	since, starting from
 depos dan		since then
 depos longtaim		long since
 depos nau		from now on, henceforth
 depo-shamba	kwo	storeroom
 dera	kwo	delay
 deri	zwo	delay; linger
 deri spira		hold one's breath
 deriva	kwo	derivation
 derivi	zwo	derive
 derivi-ney	kwel	derivative, derived
 derivitura	kwo	derivative
 derma	kwo	skin, hide
 desapara	kwo	disappearance
 desapari	zwo	disappear, vanish
 desasembli	zwo	disassemble, take to pieces
 desemba	kwo	December (also mes-shi-dwa)
 desenda	kwo	descent
 desendi	zwo	descend, go down
 deser	kwo	dessert
 deserter	kwo	deserter
 deserti	zwo	desert (abandon, withdraw)
 deshuani	zwo	unbar, unbolt
 desida	kwo	decision
 desidi	zwo	decide
 desilusiona	kwo	disillusionment, disenchantment, disappointment
 desilusioni	zwo	become disillusioned/disappointed
 deskovra	kwo	discovery
 deskovri	zwo	discover
 deskriba	kwo	description
 deskribi	zwo	describe
 desna	kwo	right, right side
 desne	kwel	right (not left)
 desnen	konekti-komo	at the right (of)
 desobeda	kwo	disobedience
 desobedi	zwo	disobey
 desordini	zwo	disarrange
 desorganisi		disorganize
 despota	kwo	despot
 destavi	zwo	demount, uninstall
 destina	kwo	destination (ultimate purpose for which smth is created or intended - cf. “safara-gola”)
 destini	zwo	destine
 destrukta	kwo	destruction
 destrukti	zwo	destroy
 destruktive	kwel	destructive, disruptive
 detal	kwo	detail
 detalisa	kwo	detailing
 detalisi	zwo	detail
 detal-nem	komo	in detail
 detal-ney	kwel	detailed
 detekta	kwo	detection
 detekter	kwo	detector
 detekti	zwo	detect
 detektif	kwo	detective
 determina	kwo	determination (but not resolution - cf. “resolutitaa”)
 determini	zwo	determine (establish or ascertain definitely, give direction to, fix the limits of)
 developa	kwo	development
 developi	zwo	develop
 devinti	zwo	unscrew (tr.)
 devisa	kwo	motto
 devolvi	zwo	unroll, uncurl
 devori	zwo	devour
 devota	kwo	devotion (act of devoting or the state of being devoted)
 devoti	zwo	devote
 devoti-ney	kwel	devoted
 dey	kwo	day (in all meanings)
 deyfan	kwo	midday meal; dinner
 diabla	kwo	devil, fiend (Satan or demon)
 diagnos	kwo	diagnosis
 diagnosi	zwo	diagnose
 diagonala	kwo	diagonal
 diagonale	kwel	diagonal
 diagrama	kwo	diagram
 dialekta	kwo	dialect
 dialoga	kwo	dialogue
 diamanta	kwo	diamond
 diarea	kwo	diarrhoea
 diba	kwo	bottom (the lowest part - cf. "popa")
 difusa	kwo	diffusion (but not prolixity)
 difusi	zwo	diffuse
 digesta	kwo	digestion
 digesti	zwo	digest (physiol.)
 digne	kwel	dignified, stately
 dignitaa	kwo	dignity
 dika	kwo	showing, demonstration
 diker	kwo	pointer, indicator
 diki	zwo	show, display
 diki denta		show/bare one's teeth
 dikifinga	kwo	index finger
 diki-winda	kwo	shop window
 diktat	kwo	diktat, dictate (command)
 diktater	kwo	dictator
 diktati	zwo	dictate (impose, order)
 diktatura	kwo	dictatorship
 dikter	kwo	announcer
 dikti	zwo	dictate (say or read aloud)
 dilim	kwo	slice, clove
 dimension	kwo	dimension
 dinamika	kwo	dynamics
 dinamike	kwel	dynamic
 dine	kwel	thin (about size - cf. “nodense”)
 diploma	kwo	diploma
 diplomatia	kwo	diplomacy
 diplomatike	kwel	diplomatic
 direksion	kwo	direction (path, course - cf. "diriging")
 direkte	kwel	direct (not indirect - cf. "rekte")
 direktem	komo	directly; straightforwardly
 direktor	kwo	director (person chosen to control or govern the affairs of an institution or corporation)
 dirigi	zwo	direct (aim at; manage, control)
 diriging	kwo	directing; direction (guidance; the skill of directing a film, play etc.)
 disain	kwo	design (shape, appearance, plan for the structure and functions)
 disainer	kwo	designer
 disaini	zwo	design, lay out, make a design
 disasta	kwo	disaster, calamity, catastrophe (cf. "beda")
 disertasion	kwo	dissertation
 dish	kwo	dish (the vessel or its contents)
 disipa	kwo	dissipation, squander, waste
 disipi	zwo	dissipate, squander, waste
 disipla	kwo	disciple
 disiplina	kwo	discipline (behaviour control)
 diska	kwo	disk
 diskrete	kwel	discrete, discontinuous
 diskusa	kwo	discussion
 diskusi	zwo	discuss
 disposa	kwo	disposition, disposal (positioning; control)
 disposi	zwo	dispose (arrange; have at one’s disposal)
 disputa	kwo	dispute, controversy
 disputi	zwo	argue, spar, bicker
 disputibile	kwel	disputable, arguable
 disputnik	kwo	debater, squabbler
 distansia	kwo	distance (cf. "dalitaa")
 distila	kwo	distillation
 distiler	kwo	distiller
 distili	zwo	distil
 distinta	kwo	distinction
 distinta-ney	kwel	distinct
 distinte	kwel	distinct
 distinti	zwo	distinguish
 distintive	kwel	distinctive
 distrata	kwo	distraction, diversion; (fig.) absence of mind
 distraten	kwel	absent-minded
 distrati	zwo	distract, divert
 distrati-ney	kwel	absent-minded
 distratishil	kwel	absent-minded
 distribu	zwo	distribute
 distribusa	kwo	distribution
 disturba	kwo	disturbance
 disturbi	zwo	disturb, trouble, bother, unsettle, put out of order
 diva	kwo	miracle, marvel, wonder
 diva yok		no wonder
 divan	kwo	divan (sofa)
 diva-ney	kwel	marvellous, wonderful
 diverse	kwel	diverse, sundry, several, various
 diversitaa	kwo	diversity, variety, multiplicity
 divi	zwo	wonder at, marvel, look with amazement
 divida	kwo	dividing, division (act)
 dividi	zwo	divide
 division	kwo	division (military formation)
 do	konekti	precedes a specific characteristic, distinctive feature, or destination of object
 do kwadra	kwel	checkered (divided into squares)
 docha	kwo	daughter
 doga	kwo	dog
 dogina	kwo	bitch, female dog
 dogo	kwo	male dog
 doiche	kwel, kwo	German (relating to ethnicity, language or country); German (person of German ethnicity); German language
 Doichland	kwo	Germany
 Doichland-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of Germany
 do-janma-ney	kwel	innate, inborn, inherent, native
 dok	kwo	dock (in port)
 doker	kwo	docker
 doktor	kwo	doctor (holder of a doctorate; physician)
 doktrina	kwo	doctrine
 dokumenta	kwo	document
 dokumentale	kwel	documental
 dokumenti	zwo	document
 dol	kwo	dale, vale
 dolar	kwo	dollar
 dolcha, dolchika	kwo	sweet (smth sweet)
 dolche	kwel	sweet
 dolchekirsa	kwo	sweet cherry
 dolchitaa	kwo	sweetness, sweet (basic taste sensation)
 dom	kwo	house; home
 domen	kwo	domain, sphere; domain (computing)
 domina	kwo	domination
 domini	zwo	dominate
 domini-she	kwel	dominant, dominating
 domino	kwo	domino
 domisi	zwo	domesticate
 domlik	kwel	home, cozy
 dom-masta	kwo	master/mistress of the house
 domyuan	kwo	member of household
 dona	kwo	gift, present; donation
 donakin	kwo	sop; tip
 doni	zwo	give as a gift; donate; make a present (cf. “dai”)
 donishil	kwel	generous, unstinting
 donishiltaa	kwo	generosity
 dosa	kwo	dose
 dosh	kwo	vice, defect, flaw
 dosile	kwel	docile
 dota	kwo	dowry, endowment; gift, talent, endowment
 doti	zwo	endow; furnish a dowry
 dotika	kwo	dowry (payment or property)
 dragon	kwo	dragon (cf. «lung»)
 draka	kwo	scuffle, tussle, fight
 drama	kwo	drama
 dranga	kwo	pressure, stress, force, push, dash; urge, drive
 drangi	zwo	urge, hustle, press, force
 dranging	kwo	crush, jam, squash
 drastike	kwel	drastic
 drena	kwo	drainage
 drenaja	kwo	drainage
 dreni	zwo	drain, draw off liquid
 dreni-tuba		drain, drain pipe
 drima	kwo	dream (hope, wish, cherished desire), daydream
 drimem	komo	dreamily, musingly
 drime	komo	dreamy, pensive
 drima-nem	komo	dreamily, musingly
 drima-ney	komo	dreamy, pensive
 drimi	zwo	dream (hope, wish, daydream)
 drimnik	kwo	(day)dreamer
 drir	kwel	uncompromising, steadfast, firm, unflinching, inflexible, unbending
 drole	kwel	funny, amusing
 droni	zwo	drown; sink
 dronijen		drowned man
 duan	kwo	segment, section, piece
 duba	kwo	doubt
 duba yok		undoubtedly, no doubt
 dubi	zwo	doubt, question
 dubival	kwel	doubtful, dubious, questionable
 dubli	zwo	dub (a film)
 duda	kwo	pipe (music - cf. “pipa”)
 dudi	zwo	play the pipe
 duha	kwo	anguish, misery, distress
 duhaful	kwel	agonizing, distressing, trying
 duhi	zwo	anguish
 duka	kwo	duke / duchess
 dukan		boutique, shop
 dukina	kwo	duchess
 duko	kwo	duke
 dukti	zwo	lead (guide or conduct), conduct (manage, carry on - cf. "kondukti")
 dulari	zwo	coddle, pamper, fondle
 dule	kwel	tender (affectionate)
 dulha	kwo	fiancée/bride or fiancé/bridegroom
 dulhina	kwo	fiancée/bride
 dulho	kwo	fiancé/bridegroom
 dulitaa	kwo	tenderness
 duma	kwo	thought, idea
 dumi	zwo	think
 duming	kwo	thinking
 dumi-shem	komo	thoughtfully, meditatively
 dumishil	kwel	thoughtful
 dun	kwo	hole (opening; hollow)
 duna	kwo	dune
 dunbartan	kwo	colander
 duner	kwo	puncher; holer
 duni	zwo	hole
 dunmuh	kwo	mouth of hole
 dun-ney	kwel	having a hole; full of holes
 dura	kwo	duration
 duran	konekti	during
 duran ke	konekti	while
 duran to	taim-komo	meanwhile
 duri	zwo	last (continue, endure)
 durta	kwo	cunning person 
 durte	kwel	sly, cunning, wily
 durtitaa	kwo	cunning; slyness
 dusatma-ney	kwel	bad souled, base
 dusfama-ney		ill-famed
 dusfauha	kwo	fetor, stench, stink
 dusfauha		fetor, stench
 dusfauhi	zwo	stink, reek
 dusha	kwo	shower (bath)
 dushman	kwo	enemy
 dushman-ney	kwel	hostile, inimical
 dushmanlik	kwel	hostile, inimical
 dushmantaa	kwo	enmity, hostility
 dushte	kwel	malicious, spiteful
 dushtitaa	kwo	malice, spite
 dusproba	kwo	trial, ordeal
 dussigna-ney		ill-omened, sinister
 dussigne		ill-omened, sinister
 dussonja	kwo	nightmare
 dustaim		bad times
 dustrati		to maltreat
 duyfu	zwo	cope with, manage, overcome, deal effectively
 duza	kwo	belly, abdomen
 dwa	kwanto	two (2)
 dwadi	kwo	Tuesday
 dwafen		un (de) dwafen - one half
 dwaka	kwo	two
 dwa-nem		secondly
 dwa-ney		second
 dwanik	kwo	(smb's) double
 dwapla	kwo	double (twice the number, amount, etc.)
 dwaple	kwel	double, dual; twofold
 dwaplem	komo	doubly
 dwapunta	kwo	colon (punctuation mark)
 dwar	kwo	door
 dwaryuan	kwo	doorkeeper, doorman
 dwashi		twenty
 dwasto		two hundred
 e	unisi	and
 edikta	kwo	edict, decree, ukase
 edita	kwo	edition
 editi	zwo	publish (a book, a paper), print (cf. “redakti”)
 eduka	kwo	upbringing
 eduki	zwo	bring up, educate, breed
 efekta	kwo	effect
 efektive	kwel	efficacious, effective
 efektivitaa	kwo	effectiveness, efficacy, efficaciousness
 eforta	kwo	effort
 eforti	zwo	make/exert effort
 egale	kwel	equal
 egale geim		draw (game)
 egalem	komo	equally
 egalisi	zwo	equalize
 egalitaa	kwo	equality
 egalsenta-ney	kwel	indifferent, not caring
 ego	kwo	ego
 egoisma	kwo	egoism
 egoista	kwo	egoist
 egoistike	kwo	egoistic
 eho	kwo	echo
 ejekta	kwo	ejection
 ejekti	zwo	eject
 ek	syao	"one time or suddenly" (single or momentary action)
 ekinoxa	kwo	equinox
 ek-jal	zwo	burn, cauterize
 ek-kafkafi	kwo	cough once, give a cough
 ek-kan		glance quickly
 eklipsa	kwo	eclipse
 ekonoma	kwo	economy (sparing use or example/result of it)
 ekonoma-ney	kwel	economical (prudent; intended to save money), economy (economical or inexpensive to buy or use)
 ekonomi	zwo	economize
 ekonomia	kwo	economics; economy (management; system of production)
 ekonomike	kwel	economic
 ekonoming	kwo	economizing, economization
 ekonomista	kwo	economist
 ek-pleska	kwo	a splash (single)
 ekran	kwo	screen (viewing area) (cf. "shirma")
 ek-shuti	zwo	fire a shot
 eksita	kwo	excitation
 eksiti	zwo	excite (arouse, incite, rouse, provoke)
 ek-tiri	zwo	give a tug
 ek-tremi		flinch, give a start
 ek-tuki	zwo	give a knock/tap/rap
 ek-vidi	zwo	catch a glimpse of
 ekwator	kwo	equator
 ela	inplas-kwo	she, her
 elabora	kwo	elaboration
 elabori	zwo	elaborate (work out with care and detail)
 Elada	kwo	Greece
 ela-ney	inplas-kwel	her
 elastike	kwel	elastic
 elay	inplas-kwel	her
 elefanta	kwo	elefant
 elefantina	kwo	female elefant
 elefanto	kwo	male elefant
 elegansia	komo	elegance
 elegante	kwel	elegant
 elekta	kwo	election
 elekti	zwo	elect, select by vote
 elektre	kwel	electric, electrical
 el-strom	kwo	electric current
 elektre strom	kwo	electric current
 elektrifa	kwo	electrization
 elektrifi	zwo	electrify (intr.), become electric
 elektrisa	kwo	electrization
 elektriser	kwo	electrizer
 elektrisi	zwo	electrify
 elektritaa	kwo	electricity
 elektronika	kwo	electronics
 elektronike	kwel	electronic
 elementa	kwo	element
 elementare	kwel	elementary
 el-fanus		electric torch
 elin	kwel, kwo	Greek (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Greek (person of Greek ethnicity); the Greek language
 elita	kwo	elite
 elita-ney	kwel	elite
 elixir	kwo	elixir
 el-ketla		electric kettle
 eluda	kwo	evasion, elusion
 eludi	zwo	elude, evade
 eludive	kwel	elusive
 embrasa	kwo	embrace, hug
 embrasi	zwo	embrace, hug
 embrio	kwo	embryo
 emerja	kwo	emersion, emergence
 emerji	zwo	emerge (from a liquid); (fig.) rise into view
 emfasa	kwo	emphasis
 emfasi	zwo	emphasize, stress, single out as important
 eminente	kwel	eminent, distinguished, notable
 emisa	kwo	emission
 emisi	zwo	emit
 emosion	kwo	emotion
 emploi	zwo	employ (give work/job)
 emploier	kwo	employer
 emploisa	kwo	employment
 emploiyuan	kwo	employee
 en	syao	"begin" (beginning of action)
 en-dumi	zwo	begin to think
 energetika	kwo	energetics
 energia	kwo	energy
 energike	kwel	energetic, energy
 en-exista	kwo	coming into existence
 en-existi	zwo	arise, start to exist, spring up
 en-flai	zwo	fly up, take off
 en-flaisa	kwo	take-off
 en-fobi	zwo	take fright, get frightened
 en-hev	zwo	come to possess
 eni	inplas-kwel	any
 enikas		in any case
 enikomo	inplas-komo	in any way, anyhow
 enilok	inplas-komo	anywhere, at any place
 enisa	inplas-kwo	anything
 enitaim	inplas-komo	anytime
 enives	taim-komo	ever (at any time)
 eniwan	inplas-kwo	anyone
 en-jagi	zwo	wake up (intr.)
 en-jan	zwo	get to know, learn
 en-koni	zwo	become acquainted
 en-loki	zwo	find oneself, come to be
 en-lubi	zwo	fall in love
 en-morbi	zwo	fall sick/ill
 enoi	zwo	be bored, feel dull, have a tedious time (cf. “tedi”)
 enoisa	kwo	boredom, ennui
 enoisaful	kwel	boring, dull
 en-posesi	zwo	take possession of
 en-sidi	zwo	sit down
 ensiklopedia	kwo	encyclopedia
 ensiklopedike	kwel	encyclopedic
 en-somni		to fall asleep"
 en-stan	zwo	stand up, rise, get up
 en-stromi	zwo	gush, spout
 en-tuki	zwo	begin to knock
 enva	kwo	envy
 envi	zwo	envy
 envishil	kwel	envious
 envival	kwel	enviable
 episoda	kwo	episode
 episodike	kwel	episodic; occasional
 epoka	kwo	epoch
 era	kwo	era
 ergo	unisi	consequently
 ermina	kwo	ermine
 ermina	kwo	Gypsy
 erupta	kwo	eruption
 erupti	zwo	erupt
 es	zwo	is, are, am (the present tense of "bi")
 esensia	kwo	essence (phys. and metaphys.)
 esensiale	kwel	essential (showing essence; of high importance; also biochem.)
 eskadra	kwo	squadron
 eskapa	kwo	escape
 eskapi	zwo	escape
 Espania	kwo	Spain
 Espania-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of Spain
 espaniol	kwel, kwo	Spanish (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Spanish (person of Spanish ethnicity); Spanish language
 esperantista	kwo	Esperantist (speaker of/specialist in Esperanto)
 esperanto	kwo	Esperanto
 esperanto-ney	kwel	Esperantist (of, relating to, or characteristic of Esperanto)
 esta	kwo	east
 establi	zwo	establish (set up, bring into force, settle)
 esta-ney	kwel	east, eastern; oriental
 esten	konekti-komo	to the east, east of
 etaja	kwo	storey
 eter	kwo	ether
 eterne	kwel	eternal, everlasting
 etiket	kwo	etiquette
 eureka	exklami	eureka
 euro	kwo	euro
 Europa	kwo	Europe
 europajen	kwo	European (person living or originating from Europe)
 Europa-ney	kwel	European
 evalu	zwo	evaluate, estimate
 evalusa	kwo	evaluation, estimate
 eventa	kwo	event, occurrence
 eventi	zwo	happen, occur, take place
 evidente	kwel	evident, obvious
 evidentem	komo	evidently
 evidenti	zwo	show with obviousness, be eloquent of
 evita	kwo	avoiding, avoidance
 eviti	zwo	avoid
 evitival	kwel	which is better to avoid
 evolusion	kwo	evolution
 evolusioni	zwo	evolve
 ewalaa	unisi	(coordinating conjunction introducing new, often little expected circumstances)
 ex	syao	"former"
 exakte	kwel	exact, precise
 exaktem	komo	exactly, precisely
 exaktitaa	kwo	exactness, precision, accuracy
 examen	kwo	exam, examination (test)
 examener	kwo	examiner
 exameni	zwo	examine (determine the qualifications by means of questions or exercises)
 examina	kwo	examination (cf. “examen”)
 examini	zwo	examine (inspect, study, check the condition or health of)
 exampla	kwo	example
 exepta	kwo	exeption
 exepte	konekti	except
 exepti	zwo	except (specify as being an exception)
 exes	kwo	excess
 exes-ney	kwel	excess
 exila	kwo	exile, banishment
 exili	zwo	exile, banish
 exista	kwo	existence
 existi	zwo	exist
 exklama	kwo	exclamation
 exklami	zwo	exclaim
 exklusa	kwo	exclusion
 exklusi	zwo	exclude
 exklusive	kwel	exclusive
 ex-molya		ex-wife
 ex-mursha		ex-husband
 exosta	kwo	exhaustion
 exosti	zwo	exhaust
 exotika	kwo	exotics, exotica
 exotike	kwel	exotic
 expansa	kwo	expansion
 expansi	zwo	expand (to develop in volume or surface, spread, widen, also fig.)
 expansive	kwel	expansive
 expekta	kwo	expectation
 expekti	zwo	expect
 experimenta	kwo	experiment
 experimentale	kwel	experimental
 experimenti	zwo	experiment
 experta	kwo	expert
 experta-ney	kwel	expert
 experte	kwel	expert
 expira	kwo	expiration (coming to a close, termination)
 expiri	zwo	expire (to come to an end (of time), terminate)
 explika	kwo	explanation, explication
 expliki	zwo	explain, explicate
 explora	kwo	exploration; reconnaissance
 explorer	kwo	explorer; scout
 explori	zwo	explore; reconnoiter, scout
 explosa	kwo	esplosion
 explosi	zwo	explode, detonate
 explosika	kwo	explosives
 explosive	kwel	explosive
 explota	kwo	exploitation
 exploti	zwo	exploit
 exponenta	kwo	exponent (math.)
 exporta	kwo	export, exportation
 exporti	zwo	export
 exposa	kwo	exposition (act or example of exposing; a public exhibition or show, as of artistic or industrial developments)
 exposi	zwo	expose (to subject or allow to be subjected; to set in public view, introduce to, exhibit)
 expres	kwo	express (smth quick, e.g. a means of transport, such as a train, that travels rapidly)
 expresa	kwo	expression
 expresi	zwo	express (convey meaning)
 ex-presidenta		ex-president
 expres-kursa		an express course
 extas	kwo	ecstasy, rapture
 extenda	kwo	extension, spread
 extendi	zwo	extend, spread, stretch (cf. “stiri”)
 externe	kwel	external
 extirpi	zwo	extirpate, uproot; destroy wholly, eradicate, weed out
 extrakta	kwo	extract
 extrakti	zwo	extract, draw from/out
 extreme	kwel	extreme
 extremem	komo	extremely
 fa	syao-gramatika	1) "to get, to become"; 2) optional marker of intransitivity
 fa-astoni	zwo	be amazed, be astonished, marvel, wonder
 fa-audi	zwo	be heard, be audible
 fa-bade	zwo	become worse, deteriorate
 fa-bloki	zwo	become blocked; get stuck
 fabrika	kwo	factory, plant, works
 fabriki	zwo	fabricate, manufacture
 fabula	kwo	fable; fairy-tale
 fabulalik	kwel	fabulous (incredible)
 fabula-ney	kwel	fabulous (of the nature of a fable; unhistorical)
 dalifi	zwo	become more remote
 fa-dale	zwo	become more remote
 fa-deligi		come untied
 fa-dense	zwo	become dense
 densifi	zwo	become dense
 fa-devinti	zwo	come unscrewed
 fa-dey		it is dawning, day is breaking
 fa-dey		it dawns
 fa-deysa	kwo	dawn, daybreak
 fadi	zwo	fade
 fading	kwo	fading
 fa-dirigi	zwo	make one’s way (to), direct one’s steps, head
 fa-drangi	zwo	jostle, hustle, crowd
 fa-dwa	zwo	become double; bifurcate
 fa-feble	zwo	weaken, become weaker
 fa-flami	zwo	ignite, catch fire, burst into flames, take fire, blaze up
 fa-forte	zwo	grow strong or stronger
 fa-fule	zwo	become filled
 fa-gadle	zwo	grow turbid/dull
 fa-gande	zwo	get/become dirty
 fa-gao	zwo	become higher, heighten
 fa-garme	zwo	become hot
 fa-glate	zwo	become smooth
 fa-glube	zwo	become deeper
 fa-gran	zwo	increase, become bigger/larger
 fah	kwo	anything portioned off, as a compartment, division (in a desk), stall (in a stable); branch, province, department, speciality (in a business, profession, government, field of knowledge)
 fa-hwan	zwo	grow/turn yellow
 fai	zwo	"to do, to perform action connected with" (only in combination with nouns or adverbs)
 fai agninka	zwo	spark
 fai ambush		make/lay an ambush
 fai anka	zwo	anchor
 fai dadu	zwo	bet, wager
 fai dusha		take a shower
 fai examen		take/have an examination
 fai fax	zwo	fax
 fai fiasko		have a fiasco
 fai fila		stand in line (in a queue)
 fai filosofia		philosophize
 fai for		continue, go on
 fai fortuna		have luck, be in luck
 fai foto	zwo	photograph, take a photo
 fai fujur		indulge in debauch(ery), lead a depraved/loose/dissolute life
 fai gaf		to make a gaffe
 gosipi	zwo	gossip, tittle-tattle, tell tales
 fai gosip	zwo	gossip, tittle-tattle, tell tales
 fai grugru	zwo	grunt, utter a grunt
 fai gunah	zwo	sin
 fai gwer	zwo	make/wage war
 fai ha-ha		laugh
 fai hasima		to be defeated
 fai hunga		be hungry
 fai interes		take an interest (in smth – om koysa)
 fai jadu		do/practice sorcery, conjure
 fai kama		go to bed
 fai kasam		to make (take) a vow
 fai kimbimba		to feel creeps
 fai konsilum	zwo	take counsel
 fai leta	zwo	correspond (exchange messages)
 fai mu		moo, low
 fai musika		play/make music
 fai pao		bubble, form bubbles
 petisioni	zwo	petition, present a petition
 fai petision	zwo	petition, present a petition
 fai pompa		behave pompously
 fai pyasa		be thirsty
 fai radio	zwo	wireless, radio, wire
 fai ski	zwo	ski
 fai solo	zwo	solo
 fai stupor		be in stupor; become numb, stiffen
 fai sukses		to succeed
 fai tabu	zwo	taboo
 fai tro	zwo	overdo, go too far; exaggerate
 troisi	zwo	overdo, go too far; exaggerate
 fail	kwo	file (computer)
 faildan	kwo	folder (computer)
 faine	kwel	fine (very small in size, weight, or thickness; refined; subtle)
 fa-kalme	zwo	become calm, calm down
 fakir	kwo	fakir
 fa-klare	zwo	grow light(er), grow/become clear, clear up
 fakta	kwo	fact
 fakta-nem	komo	in fact, actually
 fakta-ney	kwel	factual, actual
 fakte	kwel	factual, actual
 faktem	komo	in fact, actually
 fa-kurte	zwo	shorten (become shorter)
 fala	kwo	failure; fiasco
 fa-lansi		throw oneself (to/into), dash/rush (to)
 fa-lao	zwo	grow old, age
 fa-laxe	zwo	relax, loosen (become loose or less tense)
 fa-lenge	zwo	cool (get colder, lose heat)
 fa-leve	zwo	lighten (become light or lighter in weight or seriousness)
 fali	zwo	fail, miscarry, not to succeed
 fa-libre	zwo	become/get free
 fa-likwe	zwo	melt, thaw
 fali-ney		failed, unsuccessful
 falkon	kwo	falcon
 falnik	kwo	unlucky fellow/person
 false	kwel	false; fake
 falsifika	kwo	falsification, forgery, counterfeit
 falsifiki	zwo	falsify, counterfeit, forge
 falsitaa	kwo	falseness; falsity
 falta	kwo	lack, shortage
 falti	zwo	lack
 fama	kwo	fame, renown; repute
 fama-ney	kwel	famous, renowned
 fa-masbute	zwo	grow strong, firm
 fa-mature	zwo	ripen
 familia	kwo	family
 familianam	kwo	family name
 fa-mokre	zwo	get wet/drenched
 fa-mole	zwo	soften, become soft
 fan	kwo	food
 fa-nagi	zwo	stick, pierce
 fanata	kwo	fan; fanatic, zealot
 fanatike	kwel	fanatical
 fanatisma	kwo	fanatism
 fanguan	kwo	dining rooms
 fa-nich	zwo	sink, drop, move down
 fa-nocha		the night is coming
 fa-nove	zwo	be/get renewed
 fanshop	kwo	food store, grocery
 fantabla	kwo	dinner table
 fantasia	kwo	fantasy (creative imagination; imagined event, fiction)
 fantastika	kwo	fiction
 fantastike	kwel	fantastic
 fantom	kwo	phantom (ghost, apparition; illusion)
 fanus	kwo	lantern, light
 fanusyuan	kwo	lamplighter
 fa-ofensi	zwo	be offended
 fa-ofensishil	kwel	touchy, susceptible, quick to take offence
 fa-ofri		present itself (about an opportunity)
 fa-oton		autumn is coming
 fa-plasi	zwo	find room, go in, be placed
 fa-pyan	zwo	become drunk
 fa-pyu	zwo	increase
 fara	kwo	headlight
 farad	kwo	farad
 fa-reveli	zwo	turn out, prove (to be)
 farfari	zwo	snort, sniff
 fa-riche	zwo	become rich
 farina	kwo	flour
 farka	kwo	difference
 farka-nem	komo	differently
 farka-ney	kwel	different
 farke	kwel	different
 farkem	komo	differently
 farki	zwo	differ
 farmak	kwo	medicine, medicament, drug, pharmaceutical preparation
 farmakguan	kwo	pharmacy, drugstore
 farmakista	kwo	pharmacist
 farmakyuan	kwo	pharmacist
 farna	kwo	fern
 farwa	kwo	fur
 farwaklaida		fur clothes
 farwapalto		fur coat
 fas	kwo	face
 fasa	kwo	phase
 fasada	kwo	facade, front
 fa-sate	zwo	satiate oneself
 faseta	kwo	facet
 fasia	kwo	1) sheaf, bundle; 2) fascia (connective tissue)
 fasile	kwel	easy, taking little effort
 fasilem	komo	easily
 fasilitaa	kwo	easiness
 fa-sloy	zwo	stratify
 fasol	kwo	haricot (plant or its bean)
 fa-stolba	zwo	be dumbfounded
 fa-stolba-ney	kwel	dumbfounded, stupefied, stumped
 fa-suan	zwo	turn/go sour
 fa-suhe	zwo	become dry
 fata	kwo	fate, doom (cf. “kisma”, one’s lot, destiny)
 fa-tange	zwo	get narrower
 fa-tayari	zwo	make oneself ready, get ready, prepare (for smth - fo koysa)
 fa-tedi	zwo	get bored, be bored
 fatiga	kwo	tiredness, weariness, fatigue
 fatige	kwel	weary, tired
 fatiga-ney	kwel	weary, tired
 fatigi	zwo	get tired; make weary
 fatigi-ney	kwel	tired, fatigued
 fatigen	kwel	tired, fatigued
 fatigi-she	kwel	tiresome
 fa-trani		drag oneself
 fa-trompi		be mistaken
 fa-tume		grow/get dark, darken
 fa-tupe	zwo	get/become blunt
 fa-twerde	zwo	harden, become hard, coarsen
 fauha	kwo	smell, odour
 fauhi	zwo	smell (to have a smell; to sense a smell)
 fauhing	kwo	sense of smell
 fauhisens	kwo	sense of smell
 faula	kwo	bird
 faula-grip		bird flu
 uuparifi	zwo	move up, go up, rise; turn up (intr.)
 fa-uupar	zwo	move up, go up, rise; turn up (intr.)
 fa-vakue	zwo	become empty
 fa-vesna		the spring is coming
 fa-vexi	zwo	become irritated
 fa-vidi	zwo	be seen, be visible
 favor	kwo	favour (an approving attitude, good will; an act performed out of good will, generosity, or mercy)
 favori	zwo	favour (treat or regard with kindness, befriend)
 favori-she	kwel	favourable
 favorita	kwo	favourite
 favorite	kwel	favourite
 fa-warme	zwo	get warm, warm up, grow warm
 fa-wek	zwo	vanish
 fax	kwo	fax
 faxi	zwo	fax
 fa-yok	zwo	disappear, vanish
 fa-yoksuni	zwo	lose, be deprived
 fa-yunge	zwo	become younger
 feble	kwel	weak, feeble
 feblem	komo	weakly
 febli	zwo	weaken (tr./intr.)
 feblifi	zwo	weaken, become weaker
 feblisi	zwo	weaken, enfeeble, make weaker
 feblitaa	kwo	weakness
 febra	kwo	fever
 febra-ney	kwel	feverish, febrile
 februar	kwo	February (also mes-dwa)
 fek	kwo	feces, excrement
 fekale	kwel	fecal
 feki	zwo	defecate
 feking	kwo	defecation
 felda	kwo	field
 feldakin		glade, clearing
 felise	kwel	happy
 felisitaa	kwo	happiness
 felta	kwo	felt
 femina	kwo	female
 femina-ney	kwel	female
 feminasexu	kwo	female sex
 femine	kwel	female
 feminisma	kwo	feminism
 feminista	kwo	feminist
 feminum	kwo	feminine gender (gramm.)
 fen	gramatika	forms fractions
 fendi	zwo	split (lengthwise), slit, cleave
 feng	kwo	wind
 feng japat		a gust of wind
 fengi	zwo	blow (about wind)
 fenging	kwo	air current, draught
 fenomen	kwo	phenomenon
 fenomenale	kwel	phenomenal
 fenshan	kwo	customs, manners, morals
 fer	kwo	iron
 ferdao	kwo	railway
 ferka	kwo	an iron thing; piece of iron
 ferma	kwo	farm
 fermenta	kwo	ferment (as yeast, leaven)
 fermenti	zwo	ferment
 fermenting	kwo	fermentation
 ferose	kwel	fierce, ferocious
 festa	kwo	holiday, celebration, festivities
 festachia	kwo	feast
 festadey	kwo	holiday, day of celebration
 festi	zwo	celebrate
 festike	kwel	celebratory
 festing	kwo	celebration
 festival	kwo	festival
 fet	kwo	fat; grease
 fet-baka	kwo	fat(ty) tail (of certain breeds of sheep)
 fet-ney	kwel	fat; fatty; greasy
 feya	kwo	fairy
 fiasko	kwo	fiasco, complete failure
 fibra	kwo	fibre, fiber
 fida	kwo	confidence, trust, faith
 fidele	kwel	faithful, staunch, loyal
 fidelitaa	kwo	fidelity, loyalty, staunchness
 fidi	zwo	trust, confide in, have faith in; rely on
 fidishil	kwel	trusting, trustful
 fidival	kwel	trustworthy, reliable, dependable
 figa	kwo	fig (bot.)
 figabaum	kwo	fig-tree
 figura	kwo	figure (outside form, shape of a body; appearance, representation; also geom.)
 figuri	zwo	figure (to be pertinent or involved, appear - cf. “kalkuli, konti”)
 fiktia	kwo	fiction (imaginative creation, fabrication, invention)
 fiktike	kwel	fictitious; fake, sham
 fil	kwo	thread
 fila	kwo	row, line; queue, file (a line of persons or things)
 filma	kwo	film (medium used to capture images; motion picture)
 filmi	zwo	film, shoot (record)
 filming	kwo	shooting
 filosofia	kwo	philosophy
 filosofier	kwo	philosopher
 filosofike	kwel	philosophical
 fin	kwo	end
 final	kwo	final (last contest), finale
 finansa	kwo	finance, finances
 finansa-ney	kwel	financial
 finansi	zwo	finance
 finansing	kwo	financing
 finaudi	zwo	listen to the end
 finchi		eat to the end
 finda	kwo	find
 findi	zwo	find
 findi swa	zwo	find oneself
 finga	kwo	finger; toe; digit
 finga nok		fingertips
 finga trasa		fingerprints
 fingadan	kwo	thimble
 fingastampa	kwo	fingerprints
 fini	zwo	end, be over; finish
 finika	kwo	ending (gram.)
 finlekti		read to the end
 fin-nem	komo	finally
 fin-ney	kwel	final; finite
 finzwo		finish doing, complete
 firma	kwo	firm (business or company)
 fish	kwo	fish
 fishala	kwo	fin
 fisher	kwo	fisherman
 fishi	zwo	fish
 fishika	kwo	fishing tackle
 fishing	kwo	fishing
 fishistik	kwo	fishing rod
 fisika	kwo	physics
 fisike	kwel	physical
 fisiker	kwo	physicist
 fiti	zwo	fit, be of the right size; suit (to accord with - see also "godi")
 fitil	kwo	wick, fuse
 fixem	komo	fixedly, steadfastly
 fixi	zwo	fix, fasten
 fixika	kwo	fastener
 fixi-nem	komo	fixedly, steadfastly
 fixi-ney	kwel	fixed, fastened
 fixing	kwo	fixation
 flaga	kwo	flag
 flagastanga	kwo	flagstaff, flagpole
 flai	zwo	fly
 flai-lopi		scud, rush along
 flaisa	kwo	flight
 flama	kwo	flame, blaze
 flama-lisan		tongues of flame
 flama-ney	kwel	fiery
 flami	zwo	flame, blaze
 flamifi	zwo	ignite, catch fire, burst into flames, take fire, blaze up
 flaming	kwo	flaming, blazing
 flami-she	kwel	flaming
 flamisi	zwo	kindle, blaze up, produce flame
 flanka	kwo	flank, side
 flanke	kwel	side, flank, lateral
 flanken	konekti-komo	at the flank or side (of)
 flash	kwo	flash (blaze)
 flat	kwo	flat, apartment
 flecha	kwo	arrow
 flechadan	kwo	quiver (container for arrows)
 flesh	kwo	flesh (the soft parts of the body; the physical being)
 flexa	kwo	bending; bend; flexion
 flexi	zwo	bend, curve, flex
 flexibile	kwel	flexible
 flexitura	kwo	bend, curve (result of bending)
 fliti	zwo	whisk, flit, dart, slip (expresses a sudden quick movement)
 flor	kwo	flower
 flora	kwo	flora
 florbuton		flower bud
 flordan	kwo	flowerpot
 flori	zwo	flower, bloom, blossom
 floring	kwo	flowering, florescence, blossoming, blooming
 florkyar		flower-bed
 florpot	kwo	flowerpot
 flot	kwo	fleet
 floti	zwo	float (be afloat; drift)
 flotilia	kwo	flotilla
 flui	zwo	flow
 fluisa	kwo	flow
 fo	konekti	1) for (the object, aim, or purpose); 2) for (duration or a specific time)
 fo exampla		for example
 fo sempre		forever
 foba	kwo	fear, fright
 foba-ney	kwel	terrible, frightful
 fobi	zwo	fear, be afraid
 fobisa	kwo	intimidation
 fobishil	kwel	timid, timorous
 fobisi	zwo	frighten, scare, intimidate
 fobisi-she	kwel	frightening
 fobista		-phobe
 fobnik	kwo	coward
 fogeta	kwo	oblivion
 fogeti	zwo	forget
 fogetishil	kwel	forgetful
 fok	kwo	seal (animal - cf. “sigla”)
 fon		1) (konekti) from; of (from among); 2) phone, telephone (shortening of "telefon")
 fon dalem		from afar
 fon nichen		from below
 fon uuparen		from above
 fon wo		where from
 fonda	kwo	background (but not person's experience, training, or education)
 fonetika	kwo	phonetics
 fonetike	kwel	phonetic
 fonologia	kwo	phonology
 fonologike	kwel	phonological
 fontan	kwo	fountain, jet, spout
 fontani	zwo	fountain
 for	syao-komo	further, on (continuing an action)
 fora	kwo	furrow
 forjer	kwo	forger, smith
 forji	zwo	forge (metals)
 forjidom	kwo	smithy, forge
 forjidom	kwo	smithy, forge
 forjifah	kwo	blacksmithing
 forma	kwo	form, shape
 formi	zwo	form, shape
 formiling	kwo	formulation
 forming	kwo	forming, formation (act or process)
 formitura	kwo	formation (result)
 formula	kwo	formula
 formuli	zwo	formulate
 forna	kwo	stove, furnace, kiln
 for-ney	kwel	further, following
 forsa	kwo	force
 forsen	kwel	forced
 forsen smaila		strained smile
 forsi	zwo	force
 forsi-ney	kwel	forced
 forsi-ofni		force (smth) open
 forte	kwel	strong
 fortesa	kwo	fortress
 fortifi	zwo	grow strong or stronger
 fortisi	zwo	strengthen, make strong or stronger
 fortitaa	kwo	strength
 fortuna	kwo	good fortune, good luck
 fortuna-ney	kwel	fortunate, lucky
 fortune	kwel	fortunate, lucky
 fortunnik	kwo	lucky one
 foti	zwo	photograph, take a photo
 fotika	kwo	photo camera
 foting	kwo	photographing
 foto	kwo	photo
 fotoaparat	kwo	photo camera
 foto-flash		photo flash
 foxa	kwo	fox
 fragile	kwel	fragile, frail
 fragmenta	kwo	fragment
 frai	zwo	fry
 fraier	kwo	fryer; frying pan
 frak	kwo	(evening) dress coat, swallow-tailed coat
 frama	kwo	frame (framework as of a machine, as of a picture; context)
 franke	kwel	frank (open in expression, straightforward; manifest)
 franko	kwo	franc (unit of currency)
 Frans	kwo	France
 franse	kwel, kwo	French (relating to ethnicity, language or country); French (person of French ethnicity); French language
 Frans-jen		inhabitant/citizen of France
 frasa	kwo	phrase; clause, sentence (gramm.)
 fraula	kwo	strawberry
 frekwensa	kwo	frequency
 frenta	kwo	forehead
 frentahar	kwo	fringe (part of the hair that hangs down over the forehead)
 freshe	kwel	fresh
 freshenesa	kwo	freshness
 frikta	kwo	friction
 frikti	zwo	undergo friction
 frima	kwo	hoar-frost, rime
 friser	kwo	hairdresser, barber, coiffeur
 frisi	zwo	dress the hair
 frisiguan	kwo	hairdressing saloon, barber's (shop), hairdresser's
 frivole	kwel	frivolous, light-headed
 fronta	kwo	front (battlefront; field of activity; group or movement - cf. "avana", "frenta")
 frosta	kwo	frost (intensely cold weather)
 frosta-ney	kwel	frosty (cold, chilly)
 froste	kwel	frosty (cold, chilly)
 froster	kwo	freezer
 frosti	zwo	freeze
 froti	zwo	rub
 froting	kwo	rubbing, rub
 fruni	zwo	frown (wrinkle the brow, as in thought or displeasure); wrinkle (the brow)
 fruni brovas		to knit one's brows
 fruta	kwo	fruit
 frutajus		fruit juice
 fruti	zwo	fruit, bear fruit
 fruting	kwo	fructification (process of producing fruit)
 fruti-she	kwel	fruit-bearing, fructiferous; fruitful
 frutishil	kwel	fecund
 fuga	kwo	flight, escape
 fuger	kwo	fugitive, runaway
 fugi	zwo	flee, run away
 fujur	kwo	depravity
 fuka	kwo	waft, whiff, puff, breath
 fuki	zwo	blow (produce an air current)
 fukiflor	kwo	dandelion
 fule	kwel	full
 fulem	komo	fully
 fulfil	zwo	fulfill (carry out, bring to completion, satisfy), come true
 fulfilsa	kwo	fulfillment
 fuli	zwo	fill (tr./intr.)
 fulifi	zwo	become filled
 fulisi	zwo	fill
 fulitaa	kwo	fullness, plenitude
 fum	kwo	smoke
 fumi	zwo	smoke
 fumilok	kwo	smoking-room
 fuming	kwo	smoking
 fumtuba	kwo	chimney
 funda	kwo	foundation, establishing (cf. "fundamenta")
 funding	kwo	foundation, establishing (cf. "fundamenta")
 fundamenta	kwo	foundation (that on which anything rests; groundwork, underpinnings; (fig.) basis, ground)
 fundamentale	kwel	fundamental
 fundi	zwo	found (establish, base)
 fundu	kwo	fund, foundation
 funduk	kwo	hazelnut
 funga	kwo	mushroom
 funksion	kwo	function
 funksioni	zwo	function
 funksioning	kwo	functioning
 fupi	kwo	bran
 furaja	kwo	forage, fodder
 furia	kwo	fury, rage, frenzy
 furia-ney	kwel	furious, frantic, frenetic
 furisi	zwo	infuriate, enrage
 furka	kwo	fork
 furmi	kwo	ant
 furmidom	kwo	anthill
 furna	kwo	supply, furnishing
 furning	kwo	supply, furnishing
 furni	zwo	furnish, supply
 fusing	kwo	melting, fusion
 fusa	kwo	melting, fusion
 fusi	zwo	melt, fuse, smelt
 fusika	kwo	fuse (electric safety device)
 fusi-nayu		melted butter
 fut	kwo	foot (unit of measure)
 futbol	kwo	football
 futbolista	kwo	football-player
 futur	kwo	future
 futur-ney	kwel	future
 fuy	exklami, syao	fie (disgust, repugnance)
 fuy-jen		a nasty person
 fuynik		a nasty person
 ga	komo	quite, entirely, completely
 ga fogeti		quite forget
 ga hao		quite good
 gadara	kwo	betrayal, treason
 gadaralik	kwel	treacherous, perfidious, traitorous
 gadara-ney	kwel	treacherous, perfidious, traitorous
 gadare	kwel	treacherous, perfidious, traitorous
 gadari	zwo	betray, give away
 gadarnik	kwo	betrayer, traitor
 gadle	kwel	turbid, muddy (not bright or pure, not clear, cloudy; lacking luster, dull)
 gaf	kwo	gaffe, lapse
 gai	sta	(one) should, (one) ought, supposed to; befit, become
 gai-ke	kwel	proper, due, appropriate
 galga	kwo	gallows, gibbet
 galsa	kwo	neck
 galsahar	kwo	mane
 galsatasma	kwo	collar (band around an animal’s neck - cf. “kolar”)
 galta	kwo	error, mistake
 galta-ney	kwel	erroneous, mistaken
 galte	kwel	erroneous, mistaken
 galti	zwo	err, be wrong, make a mistake
 gama	kwo	wedlock, marriage (the state of being married)
 gamande	kwel	haughty, supercilious; conceited
 gamanditaa	kwo	haughtiness, superciliousness; conceit
 gamba	kwo	leg
 gambir	kwo	serious
 gamer	kwo	fiance/fiancee (also dulho, dulhina)
 gami	zwo	marry (intr./tr.)
 gamifer	kwo	fiance/fiancee (also dulho, dulhina)
 gamifesta	kwo	wedding
 gamifi	zwo	marry (intr.)
 gamigina	kwo	female spouse, wife (also molya)
 gamijen	kwo	spouse, wife/husband
 gamiman	kwo	male spouse, husband (also mursha)
 gami-ney	kwel	married
 gaming	kwo	marriage (wedding)
 gamipara	kwo	married couple
 gamisi	zwo	marry (tr.)
 gamusa	kwo	chamois, suede, shammy
 gana	kwo	song
 gande	kwel	dirty, impure; indecent, nasty
 gandenik	kwo	slovenly/untidy person
 gandi	zwo	make/become dirty
 gandifi	zwo	get/become dirty
 gandisi	zwo	dirty, soil; pollute
 ganditaa	kwo	impurity, filth, dirt
 ganer	kwo	singer
 gani	zwo	sing
 gani-ki	zwo	hum; sing quietly
 gansa	kwo	goose
 gansamasu	kwo	goose meat
 gansina	kwo	female goose
 ganso	kwo	gander, male goose
 ganta	kwo	glove
 gao	kwel, komo	high
 gaobuta	kwo	high boot
 gaograd	komo	in a high degree
 gaoley	kwel	higher (advanced in complexity or elaboration; of education beyond the secondary level)
 gaotaa	kwo	height
 gap	kwo	gap
 gapi	zwo	gape (open wide - cf. "guapi")
 garabel	kwo	sparrow
 garaja	kwo	garage (place to store a car)
 garanter	kwo	guarantor
 garanti	zwo	guarantee
 garantia	kwo	guarantee (anything that assures a certain outcome; a written declaration)
 garbar	kwo	turmoil, bustle, fuss
 garda	kwo	guarding, safeguarding
 garden	kwo	garden
 gardi	zwo	guard, safeguard
 gardika	kwo	guard(s)
 gardiyuan	kwo	guard (a person who guards)
 gargari	zwo	gargle
 gari	kwo	carriage, cart, wagon, chariot
 gariba	kwo	alien, stranger
 garibe	kwel	alien, extraneous, foreign
 garijen	kwo	coachman
 garma	kwo	heat
 garma-ney	kwel	hot
 garme	kwel	hot
 garmi	zwo	heat up (intr./tr.)
 garmifi	zwo	become hot
 garming	kwo	heating
 garmiser	kwo	heater (device)
 garmisi	zwo	heat up
 garmitaa	kwo	hotness
 garoba	kwo	carob
 garoba-baum		carob tree
 garson	kwo	waiter
 garwe	kwel	proud
 garwefai	zwo	be proud, take pride
 garwi	zwo	be proud, take pride
 garwitaa	kwo	pride
 gas	kwo	gas
 gasela	kwo	gazelle
 gaseta	kwo	newspaper
 gasisa	kwo	gasification; aeration
 gasisi	zwo	gasify; aerate
 gaska	kwo	fizzy drink
 gas-linia		gas pipeline
 gas-ney	kwel	gas
 gason	kwo	lawn, grassplot
 gaspiwat	kwo	fizzy drink
 gasta	kwo	guest
 gastaguan	kwo	hotel, guesthouse
 gasti	zwo	be a guest, be on a visit, stay
 gasyuan	kwo	gasman
 gata	kwo	street
 gata-ki	kwo	bystreet
 gaurawe	kwel	considerable, substantial; influential, imposing
 gavaha	kwo	testimony, witness
 gavaher	kwo	witness, eyewitness
 gavahi	zwo	witness, testify
 gayar	kwo	lad, guy, fellow, chap, bloke
 gaza	kwo	gauze (thin fabric)
 ge	kwo	piece (single item)
 geda	kwo	spike (fish)
 gei	gramatika	marks "passive of becoming"
 geim	kwo	game (a kind of game; a stage of game - cf. “pleisa”)
 geit	kwo	gate
 gela	kwo	girl
 gema	kwo	groan, moan
 gemi	zwo	groan, moan
 gen	kwo	gene
 general	kwo	general (commander)
 generale	kwel	general (not particular - cf. «sarwe»)
 generalem	komo	in general
 generalisa	kwo	generalization
 generalisi	zwo	generalize
 generasion	kwo	generation (people of same period)
 generata	kwo	generation (act or process of generating; origination, production, or procreation)
 generati	zwo	generate (bring into existence; engender, procreate; produce)
 generati elektritaa		to generate electricity
 generative	kwel	generative
 genia	kwo	genius
 geniale	kwel	of genius, ingenious, genial
 genialem	komo	ingeniously, genially
 genialitaa	kwo	ingeniousness, ingenuity
 genialnik	kwo	genius (about a person)
 genra	kwo	genus, genre
 genta	kwo	clan, ethnic group, family, kin, stock
 genu	kwo	knee
 genu jor		knee joint
 genui	kwo	kneel
 genukapak		kneecap, patella
 geografia	kwo	geography
 geografier	kwo	geographer
 gerania	kwo	geranium
 gerbila	kwo	gerbil
 gesa	kwo	guess
 gesi	zwo	guess
 gesing	kwo	guessing
 geti	zwo	get (to somewhere, into smth); fall (into a situation)
 gida	kwo	guide (person or thing)
 gidi	zwo	guide (serve as a guide; exert control or influence over)
 giganta	kwo	giant
 giganta-ney	kwel	giant
 gigante	kwel	giant
 gimnastika	kwo	gymnastics
 gimnastike	kwel	gymnastic
 gin	syao	"feminine"
 gina	kwo	woman (also ginjen)
 ginalik	kwel	womanly
 ginaliknesa	kwo	womanliness
 gin-bakra		female goat
 gin-doga	kwo	bitch, female dog
 gin-gansa	kwo	female goose
 gin-gova	kwo	cow
 gin-hiran	kwo	doe, female deer
 ginjen	kwo	woman (also gina)
 gin-kalkun	kwo	turkey hen
 gin-kaval	kwo	female horse, mare
 gin-kok	kwo	hen
 gin-kota	kwo	female cat
 gin-leon	kwo	lioness
 gin-masta	kwo	mistress
 ginnik	kwo	womanizer
 gin-partner	kwo	female partner
 gin-swina	kwo	sow, female pig
 gin-utka	kwo	female duck
 gin-visin	kwo	neighbour woman
 gin-yan	kwo	ewe
 gitara	kwo	guitar
 gladi	zwo	stroke (move the hand over the surface of smth in one direction)
 glan	zwo	be glossy, shine
 glansa	kwo	gloss, shine, lustre
 glan-she	kwel	glossy, shiny, sleek
 glas	kwo	glass (substance)
 glasa	kwo	glass (vessel)
 glasakin	kwo	small drinking glass
 glaska	kwo	smth made of glass; jar
 glaslik	kwel	glassy
 glas-ney	kwel	glass, of glass
 glate	kwel	smooth (not rough)
 glatifi	zwo	become smooth
 glatisi	zwo	smooth
 glidi	zwo	slide, glide
 glidi-she	kwel	slippery, sliding
 glimi	zwo	glimmer (emit or reflect a dim, intermittent light)
 glina	kwo	argil; clay
 globa	kwo	globe
 globale	kwel	global
 globus	kwo	globe (a spherical model of Earth or any planet)
 glodi	zwo	gnaw
 glok	kwo	bell
 gloki	zwo	ring a bell, toll
 gloria	kwo	glory
 gloria-ney	kwel	glorious
 glorisa	zwo	glorification
 glorisi	zwo	glorify
 glota	kwo	a swallow
 gloti	zwo	swallow
 gloting	kwo	swallowing
 glu	kwo	glue
 glube	kwel	deep, profound
 glube pyata		soup-plate
 glubifi	zwo	become deeper
 glubisi	zwo	deepen, make deep or deeper
 glubitaa	kwo	depth
 gluhe	kwel	deaf; dull, muffled, toneless
 gluhe-mute	kwel	deaf-mute
 gluhisi-she	kwel	deafening
 gluhitaa	kwo	deafness
 glui	zwo	glue
 gluing	kwo	gluing
 glume	kwel	gloomy, sulky, sullen, morose
 go	zwo	go (move; leave; proceed)
 godi	zwo	serve (to be convenient or favourable), suit (answer a purpose, be of use)
 godinesa	kwo	suitability, aptitude
 godi-she	kwel	suitable, good
 going	kwo	going; course (onward movement, progress)
 gol	kwo	goal (point scored)
 gola	kwo	aim, goal, end, purpose, target
 golda	kwo	gold
 golda-ney	kwel	gold, golden
 goldika	kwo	smth gold
 goldisi	zwo	gild
 golfa	kwo	golf
 gol-geit	kwo	goal (zone)
 goli	zwo	aim
 gona	kwo	drive, chase, pursuit
 gonga	kwo	gong
 goni	zwo	drive (cause to move; chase)
 gorba	kwo	hump, hunch (deformity of the back in humans; the fleshy structure on the back of a camel)
 gorbe	kwel	hunchbacked
 gorba-ney	kwel	hunchbacked
 gorbe jen	kwo	hunchback
 gorbi	zwo	hump, hunch, stoop
 gorbi-ney	kwel	stooping, stooped
 gorila	kwo	gorilla (ape)
 gorla	kwo	throat
 go-she	kwel	current
 gosip	kwo	gossip, scuttlebutt, tittle-tattle
 gosiper	kwo	talebearer, gossiper
 gova	kwo	cow/bull
 govamasu	kwo	beef
 govina	kwo	cow
 govo	kwo	bull
 grada	kwo	degree, extent (cf. “gradus”)
 gradina	kwo	a single stair, step, footstep; rung (step of a ladder)
 graduale	kwel	gradual
 gradualem	komo	gradually
 gradus	kwo	degree (a unit of measurement)
 graf	kwo	graph
 grafika	kwo	graphic
 grafike	kwel	graphic
 gram	kwo	gram
 gramatika	kwo	grammar
 gran	kwel	big, large, great
 grandiose	kwel	grandiose
 granfinga	kwo	thumb
 granifa	kwo	increase
 granifi	zwo	increase, become bigger/larger
 granisa	kwo	increase
 granisi	zwo	increase, make bigger/larger, magnify
 granit	kwo	granite
 grantaa	kwo	size, magnitude
 grapa	kwo	cluster, bunch, a number of fruits or flowers growing along a common stalk
 grasile	kwel	gracile
 graspi	zwo	grasp (to take hold of or seize firmly; comprehend)
 graspika	kwo	handle (haft, knob, bail, etc.)
 grata	kwo	grating, grate, lattice
 gratis	komo	gratis, free of charge
 gratula	kwo	congratulation
 gratuli	zwo	congratulate
 graula	kwo	growl, snarl
 grauli	zwo	growl, snarl
 grave	kwel	heavy, ponderous; (fig.) weighty, momentous, grave
 gravela	kwo	gravel
 gravida	kwo	a pregnant woman
 gravide	kwel	pregnant, with child
 gravita	kwo	gravitation
 gravitaa	kwo	heaviness, gravity
 graviti	zwo	(phys. and fig.) gravitate, be attracted, tend to a center
 gren	kwo	grain (seeds of crops; crops)
 grendom	kwo	granary, barn
 greninka	kwo	a single seed of grain
 grey	kwel	gray
 grey-har-ney		grey-haired
 grif	kwo	vulture
 grimasa	kwo	grimace
 grimasi	kwo	grimace, make a grimace, contort the face, make a wry face
 fai grimasa	kwo	grimace, make a grimace, contort the face, make a wry face
 grin	kwel	green
 grin pwa		green peas
 grinka	kwo	greenery, verdure
 grip	kwo	flu, grippe, influenza
 griva	kwo	grief, woe, sorrow
 griva-ney	kwel	sorrowful, mournful, sad
 grive	kwel	sorrowful, mournful, sad
 grivi	zwo	grieve (feel sorrow or distress); mourn (om koysa - for smth)
 grivi-plaki		lament, deplore
 gro	syao, komo, kwel	"very much, strongly" (augmentative/intensifying particle)
 gro-feng	kwo	strong wind, gale
 grog	kwo	grog
 gro-gran	kwel	huge, enormous
 gro-hao		great, excellent
 gro-kitaba		a big volume, tome, folio
 gro-prega	kwo	entreaty
 gro-pregi	zwo	entreat, implore, supplicate, beseech
 gro-pri		to adore, to like greatly
 gro-pyan	kwel	blind drunk
 grose	kwel	thick
 grose taip		thick/bold type
 grositaa	kwo	thickness
 gro-stik	kwo	cudgel, bludgeon, club
 grugru	zwo	grunt, utter a grunt
 grumbli	zwo	grumble
 grunta	kwo	soil, ground
 grupa	kwo	group
 grupi	zwo	group
 gual	kwo	coal
 guan	kwo	institution
 guapa	kwo	yawn
 guapi	zwo	yawn
 gubra	kwo	dung, manure, muck
 gubrajuk	kwo	dung-beetle
 gudi	zwo	honk, hoot, toot
 guha	kwo	cavern, cave
 gukan	kwo	chaff
 gulam	kwo	slave
 gulamtaa	kwo	slavery
 gulao	kwel	ancient, antique
 guma	kwo	gum; rubber; eraser
 gumabanda	kwo	elastic (band), rubber band
 gun	zwo	work
 gunah	kwo	sin
 gunahi	zwo	sin
 gundey	kwo	working day, workday
 gunjen	kwo	worker
 gunjenta	kwo	workpeople
 gunpaga	kwo	salary, wage
 gunsa	kwo	work, labour
 gunsafara	kwo	business trip
 gunshil		industrious
 gunstopa	kwo	strike (a work stoppage)
 guntaim	kwo	working time
 guntura	kwo	work (product of working)
 guran	kwo	crane (bird)
 gurka	kwo	cucumber
 gurta	kwo	herd, flock, drove
 gurti	zwo	herd, flock
 guru	kwo	spiritual teacher
 guruha	kwo	thunder
 guruhi	zwo	thunder
 gusta	kwo	taste
 gusti	zwo	taste (have a taste; sample the flavour of smth orally)
 gustike	kwel	gustatory
 guta	kwo	drop (of liquid)
 guti	zwo	drip, fall in drops
 guting	kwo	dripping
 guverna	kwo	government
 guverner	kwo	governor
 guverni	zwo	govern (exercise authority over)
 guy	kwel	expensive, costly
 guytaa	kwo	expensiveness, costliness
 gwansa	kwo	relation, connection, anything to do (with)
 gwansi	zwo	concern (have to do with, relate to, be of importance to)
 gwansi-yen	konekti	concerning, regarding
 gwer	kwo	war
 gwer akta		military action
 gweri	zwo	make/wage war
 gwerjen	kwo	warrior
 gwerlik	kwel	warlike
 gwership		warship
 gwin	zwo	gain, earn, win
 gwinsa	kwo	gain; income, earnings
 gwo	gramatika	"some time ago, at one time, earlier in life"
 habar	kwo	(piece of) news
 habita	kwo	habitation
 habiti	zwo	inhabit; dwell, live
 habitibile	kwel	habitable
 habitilok	kwo	living place, habitation
 haf	kwo, syao	half
 haf-dey	kwo	half a day
 haf-luma	kwo	twilight
 haf-ora	kwo	half an hour
 haf-sfera	kwo	hemisphere
 ha-ha	exklami, kwo	ha-ha, a sound made in imitation of laughter
 haifen	kwo	hyphen
 haili	zwo	heal, cure
 haishi	taim-komo	still, as yet, so far
 haki	zwo	hew, hack, chop, cut
 hakimarka	kwo	notch
 hakma	kwo	(court) trial
 hakmi	zwo	try (examine by judicial process)
 hakmiwat	kwo	defendant, the accused, prisoner at the bar
 halat	kwo	circumstance; circumstances
 halka	kwo	ring (a circumscribing object)
 halkafinga	kwo	ring finger (finger between middle finger and little finger)
 halka-ney	kwel	annular, ring-shaped
 haloo	kwo	hallo (used also over the telephone)
 halwa	kwo	halva
 ham	kwo	ham (food)
 hamak	kwo	hammock
 hampi	komo	almost
 hamra	kwo	hammer
 hamri	zwo	hammer
 hamsa	kwo	whisper
 hamsi	zwo	whisper
 hamsta	kwo	hamster
 han		1) (kwel, kwo) Chinese (relating to ethnicity, language or country); 2) (kwo) khan
 handa	kwo	hand
 handabao	kwo	handbag
 handa-batala		hand-to-hand fighting
 handagunsa		handwork
 handak	kwo	ditch, trench
 handa-kao	kwo	handcuffs, manacles
 handakloka	kwo	wrist watch
 handa-mani	kwo	ready cash, money in hand
 handi	zwo	hand (to give or pass with the hands)
 Hanguk	kwo	South Korea
 hanjen	kwo	Chinese (person of Chinese ethnicity)
 hanlingwa	kwo	Chinese language (syn.""":""" putunhua)
 hansa	kwo	swan
 hanzi	kwo	Chinese characters, Hanzi
 hao	kwel, komo	good; well
 hao eduki-ney		well-bred, well-mannered, well brought up
 hao-chi-ke fan		tasty
 hao-gusta-ney	kwel	tasty
 haosa	kwo	chaos
 hao-samaji-ke		easy to understand, understandable
 haotaa	kwo	good
 hao-yusi-ke		handy
 har	kwo	hair, hairs (chevelure)
 harem	kwo	harem
 harhalka	kwo	lock, curl, ringlet
 harhari	zwo	expectorate
 harinka	kwo	a single hair
 harkata	kwo	haircut
 harmoni	zwo	harmonize (be in agreement, be harmonious)
 harmonia	kwo	harmony
 harmonike	kwel	harmonious
 harmonisi	zwo	harmonize (
 hashish	kwo	hashish
 hasima	kwo	defeat, loss
 hasta	kwo	hurry, haste
 hasta-ney	kwel	hasty, hurried
 haste	kwel	hasty, hurried
 hasti	zwo	be in a hurry
 hasti-muvi		bustle, move hastily
 hata	kwo	peasant house (esp. in Ukraine and Russia)
 hay	gramatika	let, may (wish; leave); (exklami) hi!
 he	gramatika	past tense marker: completed action
 hek	kwo	pick, hack
 helikopta	kwo	helicopter
 helma	kwo	helmet
 helpa	kwo	help
 helpalingwa	kwo	auxiliary language
 helpi	zwo	help
 helpike	kwel	auxiliary
 hema	kwo	blood
 hemaful	kwel	bloody
 hema-ney	kwel	bloody
 hema-sosis		blood sausage, blood pudding
 hema-vasa		blood vessel
 hemi	zwo	bleed
 heming	kwo	bleeding, haemorrhage
 hena	kwo	hatred
 heni	zwo	hate
 henival	kwel	odious
 henri	kwo	henry
 hepata	kwo	liver (organ)
 herba	kwo	grass; herb
 herbinka	kwo	a blade of grass
 hereda	kwo	heritage; inheritance
 hereder	kwo	heir
 heredi	zwo	inherit, be the heir to; succeed (to)
 hero	kwo	hero
 heroisma	kwo	heroism
 herolik	kwel	heroic
 hesita	kwo	hesitation
 hesiti	zwo	hesitate, falter
 hev	sta	have
 hevsa	kwo	possession; property, belongings
 hey	exklami	hey! (used to attract attention)
 hi	gramatika	"exactly, it's...that" (emphasizes the previous word)
 hieroglif	kwo	hieroglyph
 hieroglifike	kwo	hieroglyphic
 hili	zwo	stagger, be unsteady, sway, reel
 hima	kwo	winter
 hima geimes		the winter games
 hima sportas		winter sports
 hina	kwo	henna
 hindi	kwel, kwo	Indian (relating to Indians [of India], their language and country); Indian (person of Indian ethnicity); Hindi
 hipotesa	kwo	hypothesis
 hir	loko-komo	here
 hiran	kwo	deer
 hiranmasu	kwo	venison
 hir-ney	kwel	of this place, local
 hisa	kwo	hissing
 hisi	zwo	hiss
 hising	kwo	hissing
 histeria	kwo	hysteria
 histerike	kwel	hysterical
 histo	kwo	tissue (anat., biol.)
 historia	kwo	history (the aggregate of past events; science; record or narrative description)
 historier	kwo	historian
 historike	kwel	historic
 hm	exklami	hm, ahem
 hobi	kwo	hobby (activity that one enjoys doing in one's spare time)
 hok	kwo	hawk (predatory bird)
 hokeista	kwo	hockey player
 hokey	kwo	hockey
 hole	kwel	hollow (having an empty space or cavity inside)
 holifi	zwo	become hollow
 holika	kwo	hollow
 holisi	zwo	hollow (out)
 hom	kwo	home (habitual abode, birthplace, native land, asylum)
 honeste	kwel	honest (fair and straightforward in conduct, thought, etc., free from deceit or fraud, upright)
 honor	kwo	honour
 honor-ney	kwel	honorary (guard, etc.)
 hopak	kwo	hopak (Ukrainian folk dance)
 hor	kwo	choir, chorus
 horal	kwo	choral
 horisonta	kwo	horizon
 horisontala	kwo	horizontal (line)
 horisontale	kwel	horizontal
 hospital	kwo	hospital
 hosta	kwo	host
 hostel	kwo	hostel (lodging house)
 hosti	zwo	host
 hostina	kwo	hostess
 hotel	kwo	hotel, inn
 hovi	zwo	hover (float in the air)
 hu	kwesti	who
 huanmi	kwo	millet
 huf	kwo	hoof
 huk	kwo	hook
 huki	zwo	hook (catch, suspend, or connect with a hook)
 huligan	kwo	hooligan
 huligani	zwo	behave like a hooligan, engage in hooliganism
 huliganing	kwo	hooliganism
 humane	kwel	humane
 humanisma	kwo	humanism (system of thought)
 humanista	kwo	humanist
 humanistike	kwel	humanistic, humanist
 humanitaa	kwo	humaneness, humanity (the quality of being humane, benevolence - cf. “jenley”)
 humel	kwo	hop (plant)
 humide	kwel	humid, damp, moist
 humiditaa	kwo	humidity, dampness
 hu-ney		whose
 hunga	kwo	hunger
 hunga-nem	komo	hungrily
 hunga-ney	kwel	hungry
 hunge	kwel	hungry
 hungem	komo	hungrily
 hungi	zwo	hunger, starve
 hunta	kwo	joining, junction
 hunta-nem	komo	together, jointly
 hunta-ney	kwel	joint, combined
 hunte	kwel	joint, combined
 huntem	komo	together, jointly
 hunti	zwo	join; come together; pool
 huraa	exklami	hurrah, hurray
 huta	kwo	hut (crude or makeshift dwelling or shelter; a shack)
 hwan	kwel	yellow
 hwanka	kwo	yolk
 hwei	zwo	repent, rue
 hweisa	kwo	repentance, penitence
 i	unisi	i...i... - both...and... (komo) too, also (relates to the following word)
 idea	kwo	idea
 ideal	kwo	ideal
 ideal-ney	kwel	ideal
 idea-ney	kwel	of idea, conceptual
 idente	kwel	identical
 identifi	zwo	identify (intr.)
 identisi	zwo	identify (tr.)
 identitaa	kwo	identity, sameness
 ideologia	kwo	ideology
 ideologike	kwel	ideological
 idiota	kwo	idiot
 idola	kwo	idol (also fig.)
 idris	kwo	bird cherry
 idyen	komo	a little, a bit
 igla	kwo	needle
 ignori	zwo	ignore, disregard
 igo	kwo	yoke (also fig.)
 ikra	kwo	calf (of leg)
 ilusion	kwo	illusion, delusion
 imaja	kwo	image
 imajina	kwo	imagination
 imajini	zwo	imagine (to form a mental image of something; to envision or create something in one's mind; to use one's imagination)
 imbati	zwo	strike (against), run (against), run into, bump into, stumble upon
 imita	kwo	imitation
 imiti	zwo	imitate
 impeda	kwo	hindrance, impediment
 impedi	zwo	impede, hinder
 impedi-korda		hobble, fetter
 imperator	kwo	emperor
 imperia	kwo	empire
 importa	kwo	import, importation
 importi	zwo	import
 impresa	kwo	impression
 impresi	zwo	impress (produce impression, affect strongly)
 in	konekti	in, at, on
 in auslanda		abroad
 incha	kwo	inch (unit of length)
 indexa	kwo	index (number, ratio)
 India	kwo	India (also "Bharat")
 indigna	kwo	indignation
 indigna-nem	komo	indignantly
 indignem	komo	indignantly
 indigni	zwo	be indignant
 indika	kwo	indication (act of pointing out; sign, token)
 indiki	zwo	indicate, point
 indikiflecha		pointer index
 individu	kwo	individual (single person or animal)
 individuale	kwel	individual
 individualisma	kwo	individualism
 indulga	kwo	lenience, indulgence
 indulgi	zwo	be indulgent, make allowance for, forbear to inflict
 indulgishil	kwel	indulgent, lenient
 inen	konekti-komo	inside, within
 inenklaida	kwo	underclothes, underwear
 inenlanda	kwo	inland
 inen-taraf	kwo	the inside
 infanta	kwo	infant
 infekta	kwo	infection
 infekti	zwo	infect
 inferna	kwo	hell, inferno
 infernalik	kwel	infernal, hellish
 inferna-ney	kwel	infernal, hellish
 infla	kwo	inflation (for the economical meaning “inflasion” is used)
 inflama	kwo	inflammation (morbid condition)
 inflami	zwo	inflame
 infli	zwo	inflate
 influsa	kwo	influence
 influsi	zwo	influence, affect
 informa	kwo	information (also “info”)
 informi	zwo	inform
 infrarude	kwel	infrared
 Ingland	kwo	England
 Ingland-jen		inhabitant/citizen of England
 inglish	kwel, kwo	English (relating to ethnicity, language or country); English (person of English ethnicity); English language
 ingrava	kwo	carving, engraving
 ingravi	zwo	carve, engrave
 inisa	kwo	initiation
 inisi	zwo	initiate (to set going by taking the first step; to introduce into a sosiety, club, etc. by formal rites)
 inisiativa	kwo	initiative
 injenior	kwo	engineer
 inkarna	kwo	incarnation
 inkarni	zwo	incarnate
 inklina	kwo	slant, slope; physical tilt or bend; inclination (act; mental tendency)
 inklini	zwo	incline (bend; slope; tend)
 inklusa	kwo	inclusion
 inklusi	zwo	include
 inklusi-yen	konekti	including
 inkombri	zwo	encomber, obstruct, block, hinder in passing
 inkweri	zwo	inquire, make inquiries
 inloo	gramatika	marks non-immediate relatives
 inmurisi	zwo	immure, mure, wall up, brick up
 inosensia	kwo	innocence
 inosente	kwel	innocent, guileless, artless
 inplas	konekti	instead (of), in place (of)
 inplasi	zwo	be instead of, fill in, act as a substitute
 insekta	kwo	insect
 inserta	kwo	insertion
 inserti	zwo	insert, put in, set in
 insidenta	kwo	incident, occurrence
 insisti	zwo	insist
 inspira	kwo	inspiration
 inspiri	zwo	inspire (by divine instruction, poetic spirit, ideas)
 instala	kwo	installation
 instali	zwo	install
 instali swa	zwo	install oneself
 instinkta	kwo	instinct
 instinkta-ney	kwel	instinctive
 institut	kwo	institute
 instrukta	kwo	instruction (directions on procedure, a direction to be obeyed - cf. “talim”)
 instrukti	zwo	instruct, brief, give instructions
 instrukting	kwo	briefing, instruction
 insulta	kwo	insult, affront
 insulti	zwo	insult, affront
 integre	kwel	integral, entire, complete, whole, all parts properly united and present
 integri	zwo	integrate (intr./tr.)
 integrifa	kwo	integration
 integrifi	zwo	integrate (intr.)
 integrisa	kwo	integration
 integrisi	zwo	integrate, render entire
 integritaa	kwo	integrity, entirety
 intele	kwel	clever
 intelekta	kwo	intellect
 intelekta-ney	kwel	intellectual
 intense	kwel	intense, intensive
 intensifi	zwo	intensify (intr.)
 intensisi	zwo	intensify (tr.)
 intenta	kwo	intention, purpose
 intenta-nem	komo	intentionally, on purpose
 intenta-ney	kwel	intentional, deliberate, premeditated
 intente	kwel	intentional, deliberate, premeditated
 intentem	komo	intentionally, on purpose
 intenti	zwo	intend, purpose, have in mind
 inter	konekti	between
 interen	komo	between (them), in between; in the meantime
 interes	kwo	interest (attention, concern)
 interesi	zwo	interest
 interes-ney	kwel	interesting
 interfai	zwo	intervene, interfere
 interjenmin-ney	kwel	international
 intermiti	zwo	intermit
 internasion-ney	kwel	international
 interne	kwel	internal
 internet	kwo	Internet
 interplexi	zwo	interlace, intertwine
 interrupti	zwo	interrupt, break off
 intershanja	kwo	exchange; interchange
 intershanji	zwo	exchange; interchange
 interval	kwo	interval
 intriga	kwo	intrigue
 intrigi	zwo	intrigue
 introdukta	kwo	introduction
 introdukti	zwo	introduce (begin, preface; put inside or into; bring into use; provide smb with a beginning knowledge - cf. “prisenti”)
 intrusa	kwo	intrusion
 intrusi	zwo	intrude
 inu	loko-komo	into
 inunda	kwo	flood, inundation
 inundi	zwo	inundate, flood
 inuspira	kwo	inhalation
 inuspiri	zwo	inhale, breathe in
 invada	kwo	invasion
 invadi	zwo	invade
 invalida	kwo	invalid (one who is sickly or disabled)
 inventa	kwo	invention
 inventi	zwo	invent
 inversa	kwo	the contrary, the reverse, opposite
 inverse	kwel	inverse, inverted
 inversem	komo	vice versa
 investiga	kwo	investigation, research
 investigi	zwo	investigate, research, inquire into
 invita	kwo	invitation
 inviti	zwo	invite
 inyekta	kwo	injection
 inyekti	zwo	inject
 ira	kwo	anger, ire, wrath
 iradi	zwo	find fault, carp, cavil, nag
 ira-nem	komo	angrily, crossly
 ira-ney	kwel	angry, cross
 iri	zwo	be angry (om koysa/koywan - at/with smth/smb)
 irishil	kwel	short-tempered
 irisi	zwo	anger, enrage
 irisi-ney	kwel	incensed, infuriated, enraged
 isla	kwo	island
 islajen	kwo	islander
 islam	kwo	Islam
 islamjen	kwo	Islamite
 isola	kwo	isolation; insulation
 isoli	zwo	isolate; insulate
 it	inplas-kwo	it (inanimate)
 Italia	kwo	Italy
 Italia-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of Italy
 italiano	kwel	, (kwo) Italian (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Italian (person of Italian ethnicity); Italian language
 iva	kwo	willow
 iven	komo	even
 jabra	kwo	jaw
 jadu	kwo	sorcery
 jadugina	kwo	sorceress; witch
 jadujen	kwo	sorcerer/sorceress
 jaduleker	kwo	witch-doctor, quack doctor
 jaduman	kwo	sorcerer
 jadu-shwosa	kwo	spell, exorcism
 jaga	kwo	wakefulness, vigil
 jagi	zwo	be awake; vigil
 jagifi	zwo	wake up (intr.)
 jaging	kwo	wakefulness, vigil
 jagiser		alarm clock
 jagisi	zwo	wake up (tr.)
 jaka	kwo	jacket (a short coat)
 jaketa	kwo	jacket (a piece of a person’s suit)
 jal	zwo	be on fire, burn
 jalka	kwo	fuel
 jalsa	kwo	burning
 jal-she	kwel	ablaze, burning
 jalusa	kwo	jealousy
 jalusi	zwo	be jealous (of)
 jalusnik	kwo	jealous man
 jami	zwo	gather
 jamile	kwel	beautiful, handsome, pretty
 jamilina	kwo	beauty (beautiful woman)
 jamilitaa	kwo	beauty (property)
 jamilo	kwo	handsome man
 jamitura	kwo	that which has been gathered
 jan	zwo	know
 jangla	kwo	jungle
 janma	kwo	birth
 janmadey	kwo	birthday
 janmalanda	kwo	native land, homeland, motherland
 janmalingwa	kwo	native language
 janmalok	kwo	native place, home
 janmer	kwo	parent
 janmi	zwo	be born; give birth to
 janming	kwo	childbirth, delivery
 janmog	zwo	know how to, can
 janmogsa	kwo	ability, skill, know-how
 jansa	kwo	knowledge
 januar	kwo	January (also mes-un)
 jaopay	kwo	signboard
 japat	kwo	fit (seizure; outburst of emotion); gust
 japat-ney	kwel	gusty
 japunga	kwo	dragonfly
 jatile	kwel	intricate, sophisticated
 jawaba	kwo	answer
 jawaba-ney	kwel	reply, return
 jawabi	zwo	answer
 jay-jay	exklami	hip, hip, hooray!
 jay-jayka	kwo	cheer (a shout of congratulation)
 jay-jaysa	kwo	cheers, hurrahing
 jel	kwo	gel
 jelee	kwo	jelly
 jem	kwo	jam (sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar)
 jemglaska		jam-jar
 jen	kwo	man (human, any man or woman)
 jen-chier	kwo	cannibal, man-eater
 jengun-ney	kwel	man-made, artificial
 jenley	kwo	mankind
 jenlik	kwel	human, humane (characteristic of human)
 jenmenga	kwo	crowd
 jenmin	kwo	people (nation)
 jenmin-ney	kwel	people's
 jen-ney	kwel	human
 jen-simile		resembling a human being
 jenta	kwo	folk, (a particular group of) people
 jesta	kwo	gesture (motion of the limbs or body)
 jestalingwa		the gesture language, pantomime
 jesti	zwo	gesture, gesticulate
 jesting	kwo	gesticulation
 jet-avion		jet, a jet-propelled aircraft
 jet-ney	kwel	jet, jet-propelled
 jigyas	kwo	curiosity, inquisitiveness
 jigyas-ney	kwel	curious (eager to learn - cf. “kuriose”)
 jila	kwo	vein (blood vessel; nervure; lode; a long strip of a different colour - cf. “vena”)
 jinja	kwo	ginger
 jinsa	kwo	jeans, denim
 jirafa	kwo	giraffe
 jita	kwo	victory
 jiti	zwo	win
 jiva	kwo	life
 jivaful	kwel	lively, animated
 jiva-ney	kwel	living, alive
 jive	kwel	living, alive
 jivi	zwo	live
 jivika	kwo	living thing/being/creature
 jivishil	kwel	viable, tenacious of life
 joi	zwo	be glad, be happy. rejoice
 joisa	kwo	joy
 joisaful	kwel	joyful
 joisi	zwo	gladden, make happy
 joka	kwo	joke
 joki	zwo	joke
 jor	kwo	joint, articulation
 jota	kwo	harness
 joti	zwo	harness
 juda	kwo	judgement
 judi	zwo	judge
 judidela	kwo	court trial, case
 judiguan	kwo	law-court; tribunal
 judike	kwel	judicial
 judista	kwo	judge
 judura	kwo	judgement of court
 jui	zwo	enjoy (feel with pleasure, revel in)
 juisa	kwo	delight, enjoyment
 juk	kwo	beetle, bug
 jula	kwo	fraud (act)
 juli	zwo	defraud, cheat, swindle
 julnik	kwo	fraud (person)
 Jungwo	kwo	China
 Jungwo-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of China
 jupa	kwo	skirt
 Jupiter	kwo	Jupiter
 jura	kwo	law (legal system - cf. “kanun”)
 jura-ney	kwel	juridical, law, legal
 jurap	kwo	stockings
 jurap-tasma	kwo	garter
 juri	kwo	jury
 jurista	kwo	lawyer, jurist
 jurnal	kwo	magazine (periodical), journal
 jurnalista	kwo	journalist, newsman
 jus	kwo	juice; sap
 jusnesa	kwo	succulence
 jus-ney	kwel	juicy
 juste	kwel	just (equitable, fair)
 justifika	kwo	justification
 justifiki	zwo	justify
 justis	kwo	justice (the civil power dealing with law)
 justitaa	kwo	justice, fairness
 kabel	kwo	cable (assembly of wires for electricity or a communications system)
 kabina	kwo	cab, cockpit, cabin (compartment for driver, pilot, or user)
 kabluk	kwo	heel (part of shoe - cf. “topuk”)
 kabra	kwo	grave, sepulchre, tomb
 kabralok	kwo	cemetery, graveyard
 kabu	kwo	cape, promontory
 kada	inplas-kwel	every
 kada dey		every day
 kadalok	inplas-komo	everywhere
 kadames-ney	kwel	monthly
 kadawan	inplas-kwo	everyone
 kadena	kwo	chain
 kafee	kwo	coffee house/bar/shop, café, cafeteria
 kafeeyuan	kwo	café worker
 kafkaf	kwo	cough
 kafkafi	zwo	cough
 kafsa	kwo	cage (an enclosure made of bars)
 kahwa	kwo	coffee
 kahwa bona		coffee beans
 kahwabaum	kwo	coffee tree
 kahwadan	kwo	coffee-pot
 kahwameler	kwo	coffee grinder/mill
 kaif	kwo	delight, rapture, ecstasy
 kaila	kwo	wedge
 kaka	kwo	caca
 kaki	zwo	do caca
 kalaba	kwo	tumble, somersault
 kalabi	zwo	tumble, somersault
 kalafati	zwo	caulk
 kalam	kwo	a writing tool; pencil
 kalam kapushon		pen cap
 kalamar	kwo	squid
 kalamdan	kwo	pencil-box
 kalenda	kwo	calendar
 kalibra	kwo	calibre, bore, gauge
 kalibri	zwo	calibrate, gauge
 kalibring	kwo	calibration
 kalina	kwo	viburnum, guelder-rose
 kalka	kwo	tracing paper; tracing paper copy; calque
 kalki	zwo	trace (copy)
 kalkula	kwo	calculation
 kalkuli	zwo	calculate, compute
 kalkun	kwo	turkey
 kalkunina	kwo	turkey hen
 kalkuno	kwo	turkey cock
 kalme	kwel	calm (cf. “kyete”, “trankwile”)
 kalmi	zwo	calm (intr./tr.)
 kalmifi	zwo	become calm, calm down
 kalming	kwo	calming
 kalmiser	kwo	sedative
 kalmisi	zwo	make calm, calm
 kalmitaa	kwo	calm
 kalson	kwo	long johns, long underwear, drawers
 kalve	kwel	bald, having but little hair
 kalvika	kwo	bald spot/patch
 kalyum	kwo	potassium
 kama	kwo	bed (for sleeping - cf. "kyar, chwan")
 kamakapra		bed linen
 kamar	kwo	girdle
 kamarada	kwo	comrade, mate
 kamari	zwo	girdle
 kamel	kwo	camel
 kamera	kwo	camera (photo, video)
 kamfer	kwo	camphor
 kamila	kwo	camomile
 kamin	kwo	fireplace
 kamina	kwo	road
 kamion	kwo	lorry, truck (motor vehicle)
 kamisa	kwo	shirt
 kamon	exklami	come on (an expression of encouragement, hurrying up, or disbelief)
 kampa	kwo	camp (outdoor place; group of people)
 kampania	kwo	campaign
 kampi	zwo	camp
 kan	zwo	look (try to see; to face or present a view), watch (view)
 kan fixem		stare
 kana	kwo	cane, reed (bot.)
 kanal	kwo	canal; channel
 kanalya	kwo	rascal, scoundrel
 kanapa	kwo	hemp
 kanapafibra	kwo	hemp fiber
 kandela	kwo	candle
 kandeladan	kwo	candlestick
 kanela	kwo	cinnamon
 kanga	kwo	comb (a toothed implement)
 kangi	zwo	comb
 kangi swa		comb one's hair
 kanging	kwo	combing
 kanguruu	kwo	kangaroo
 kanon	kwo	cannon (artillery piece)
 kansa	kwo	look (action of looking; expression of eyes), glance
 kanser	kwo	cancer (disease)
 kanula	kwo	cannula
 kanun	kwo	law
 kanun-ney	kwel	legal
 kanva	kwo	canvas
 kao	kwo	shackles, irons; handcuffs, manacles
 kapa	kwo	head; prow
 kapable	kwel	capable, able
 kapablitaa	kwo	ability, faculty, capability
 kapak	kwo	lid (cover)
 kapal	kwo	skull
 kapase	kwel	capacious, able to hold
 kapasitaa	kwo	capacity
 kapitan	kwo	captain (milit., naval)
 kapra	kwo	cloth (woven fabric, material, stuff); linen
 kaprisa	kwo	whim, caprice
 kaprisi	zwo	be capricious
 kaprisnik	kwo	capricious/self-willed person
 kapta	kwo	capture (act of capturing), catching
 kapter	kwo	snare, trap; catcher (smb that catches)
 kapti	zwo	catch, capture, seize
 kaptika	kwo	snare, trap
 kapting	kwo	capture (act of capturing), catching
 kapti-sha	kwo	catcher (smb that catches)
 kaptiwat	kwo	capture (smth captured), prey
 kapushon	kwo	hood (covering); cap (protective cover)
 karabe	kwel	corrupt, tainted, spoilt; depraved
 karabisi	zwo	corrupt (taint, spoil; deprave, demoralize)
 karada	kwo	lathe
 karader	kwo	turner, lathe operator
 karadi	zwo	lathe, operate a lathe
 karaf	kwo	carafe, decanter
 karakter	kwo	character (distinctive quality of a person or thing)
 karakterisi	zwo	characterize
 karakter-ney	kwel	characteristic
 karamel	kwo	caramel
 karamelisi	zwo	caramelize
 karat	kwo	carat
 karavan	kwo	caravan
 karbon	kwo	carbon (chem.)
 karbonisa	kwo	carbonization
 karbonisi	zwo	carbonize
 kardamom	kwo	cardamom
 kare	kwel	dear (loved - cf. “guy”)
 karesa	kwo	caress
 karesi	zwo	caress, fondle with affection
 karga	kwo	freight, cargo, lading
 kargi	zwo	freight
 kariera	kwo	career (occupation; the general course or progression of one's working life or one's professional achievements)
 karikatura	kwo	caricature
 karikaturi	zwo	caricature caricaturist
 karikaturista	kwo	caricaturist
 karim	kwel	kind (kindhearted)
 karimtaa	kwo	kindness
 karitaa	kwo	charity, spiritual benevolence
 karkasa	kwo	framework, skeleton
 karke	kwel	rough, coarse, rude, harsh, rugged
 karmin	kwo	carmine
 karmin-ney	kwel	carmine
 karota	kwo	carrot
 karpenter	kwo	carpenter
 karpenti	zwo	carpenter
 karpentifah	kwo	carpentering
 karpus	kwo	watermelon
 karta	kwo	map; card
 karton	kwo	cardboard, pasteboard
 kartun	kwo	cartoon (animated film)
 karwe	kwel	bitter
 karwitaa	kwo	bitterness
 kasa	kwo	cash-box, till; cashier’s stand; fund
 kasak	kwo	Cossack
 kasam	kwo	oath, vow
 kaser	kwo	cashier
 kaseta	kwo	cassette
 kasha	kwo	porridge, gruel, mush; squash; slush, mess, jumble
 kaskasa	kwo	scales (platelike dermal or epidermal structures - cf. "vaka")
 kaskasinka	kwo	a single scale
 kasrat	kwo	morning exercises
 kastana	kwo	chestnut
 kastela	kwo	castle
 kasu	kwo	case (instance, event)
 kasuale	kwel	casual
 kasualem	komo	casually
 kata	kwo	cut
 kataloga	kwo	catalogue
 katapila	kwo	caterpillar
 katastrofa	kwo	catastrophe
 katedral	kwo	cathedral
 kategoria	kwo	category
 kategorike	kwel	categorical
 kati	zwo	cut, clip, shear, mow, hew
 kati-kili	zwo	slaughter
 kating	kwo	cutting
 katiwunda	kwo	cut, incised wound
 katolika	kwo	(Roman) Catholic (person)
 katolike	kwel	(Roman) Catholic, Catholical
 katolikisma	kwo	(Roman) Catholicism
 katorga	kwo	penal servitude
 katran	kwo	tar, pitch
 katri	zwo	cut out (form or shape by severing or incising, e.g. making a dress)
 katring	kwo	cutting out
 kauda	kwo	tail
 Kaukas	kwo	the Caucasus
 kaulu	zwo	consider, ponder, take into account
 kaulusa	kwo	consideration, taking into account
 kaulu-yen		considering, taking into account
 kaunta	kwo	counter (flat surface on which money is counted, business is transacted, or food is prepared or served)
 kausa	kwo	cause (source, reason)
 kausale	kwel	causal, causative
 kausi	zwo	cause
 kaval	kwo	horse
 kavaldom	kwo	stable, stabling
 kavaler	kwo	horseman, rider, equestrian
 kavalier	kwo	cavalier (a well mannered man; gentleman)
 kavalina	kwo	female horse, mare
 kavalo	kwo	male horse, stallion
 kavi	zwo	dig, grub
 kaviar	kwo	caviar
 kaving	kwo	digging
 kazan	kwo	boiler
 kazan-ki	kwo	cauldron
 ke	gramatika	that (introduces subordinate clause)
 keb	kwo	cab, cabriolet
 kek	kwo	cake (a sweet baked food)
 kel	gramatika	which, who, that (introduces subordinate clause, replaces subject)
 kela	kwo	cellar
 kelke	inplas-kwanto	some (amount)
 kelkes		several people; some people
 kem	gramatika	than
 kemia	kwo	chemistry
 kemier	kwo	chemist (person working in chemistry)
 kemike	kwel	chemical
 ken	kwo	can (vessel); tin can (also "tin ken")
 kepa	kwo	cap with a peak
 kerna	kwo	kernel
 kerosin	kwo	kerosene
 kes	kwo	cheese
 ketla	kwo	kettle (vessel for boiling water for tea)
 ki	syao	"little, a little" (diminutive particle)
 kiba	kwo	fang
 kibrit	kwo	matches
 kibritdan	kwo	matchbox
 kicha	kwo	mud
 kicha-ney	kwel	muddy, miry
 kif	kwo	funnel (utensil)
 kika	kwo	kick
 kiki	zwo	kick
 kiki-boxing		kick-boxing
 kikiriki	exklami, zwo	cock-a-doodle-doo; to crow (utter the shrill cry characteristic of a cock or rooster)
 kila	kwo	killing, murder
 kiler	kwo	killer
 kili	zwo	kill
 kilo	kwo	kilogram
 kilogram	kwo	kilogram
 kilometra	kwo	kilometre
 kilya	kwo	keel
 kimbimba	kwo	creeps, goose bumps
 kinah	kwo	louse
 kinda	kwo	child
 kinda-dom	kwo	children's home
 kindagarden	kwo	kindergarten
 kindalik	kwel	childish
 kinda-ney	kwel	child's, children's
 kinda-yash	kwo	childhood
 kindocha	kwo	granddaughter
 kindocha-inloo	kwo	grandniece
 kinin	kwo	quinine
 kinjal	kwo	dagger, poniard
 kinkinda	kwo	grandchild
 kino	kwo	cinema (film; art of making films; movie industry)
 kinoguan	kwo	cinema (movie theatre)
 kinson	kwo	grandson
 kioska	kwo	kiosk, stand, stall, booth
 kiparis	kwo	cypress
 kipi		keep (maintain possession or condition of)
 kirka	kwo	church (house; organization)
 kirkayuan	kwo	churchman, clergyman
 kirsa	kwo	cherry
 kirsabaum	kwo	cherry tree
 kisa	kwo	kiss
 kisan	kwo	peasant
 kisi	zwo	kiss
 kisma	kwo	destiny, lot
 kitaba	kwo	book
 kitabaguan	kwo	library
 kitabakin	kwo	booklet, brochure
 kitabashop	kwo	bookshop
 kitaba-tana	kwo	bookshelf
 kiwi	kwo	1) kiwi (bird); 2) kiwi fruit
 kiwi-faula		kiwi bird
 kiwi-fruta		kiwi fruit
 klaida	kwo	clothes, clothing, garments
 klaidatot	kwo	wardrobe (garments as a group)
 klaidawahta	kwo	checkroom, cloakroom
 klaidi	zwo	dress, clothe
 klaidi swa	zwo	dress oneself
 klaidilok	kwo	changing room, locker room
 klaiding	kwo	dressing (the activity of getting dressed)
 klan	kwo	clan
 klap	exklami	pop!, bang!
 klapi	zwo	clap
 klapika	kwo	popgun; fly-swatter; flapper
 klare	kwel	clear (also fig.); light, light-coloured (cf. "yarke")
 klarem	komo	clearly
 klarifi	zwo	grow light(er), grow/become clear, clear up
 klarisi	zwo	clarify, make clear
 klaritaa	kwo	clearness, clarity; lucidity
 klas	kwo	class (in var. meanings)
 klasika	kwo	classic, classics
 klasike	kwel	classical
 klasiker	kwo	classic (person)
 klas-shamba		classroom
 klaun	kwo	clown
 klava	kwo	key (of a keyboard)
 klavatot	kwo	keyboard
 klaxon	kwo	klaxon
 klaxoni	zwo	honk
 klef	kwo	key (an object designed to open and close a lock)
 klefi	zwo	lock (fasten with a lock)
 klemi	zwo	press closely together, squeeze, tighten, clench
 klemika	kwo	clamp, clip
 klen	kwo	maple
 kleva	kwo	clover
 klienta	kwo	client, customer
 klika	kwo	click, clack
 kliki	zwo	click, clack
 klima	kwo	climate
 klimbi	zwo	climb
 klin	kwel	clean (not dirty; unmarked; tidy - cf. "pure")
 klingi	zwo	cling, hold fast or adhere to smth, as by grasping, sticking, embracing, or entwining
 klinika	kwo	clinic (med.)
 klinike	kwel	clinical
 klinisa	kwo	cleaning
 klinisi	zwo	clean
 klintaa	kwo	cleanness, cleanliness, neatness
 klok	gramatika	introduces time indication in hours
 kloka	kwo	clock; watch
 kloker	kwo	watchmaker
 klon	kwo	clone
 kloni	zwo	clone
 kloning	kwo	cloning
 klosa	kwo	closing, closure
 klosi	zwo	close, shut
 klosen	kwel	closed, shut
 klosi-ney	kwel	closed, shut
 klota	kwo	clot
 kloti	zwo	clot
 kluba	kwo	club
 kluki	zwo	cluck, cackle
 knopa	kwo	drawing pin, thumbtack
 knopi	zwo	pin/fix with a drawing pin/thumbtack
 knuta	kwo	knout
 koagula	kwo	coagulation
 koaguli	zwo	coagulate
 koalision	kwo	coalition (union of persons, parties or states)
 kobra	kwo	cobra
 koda	kwo	1) code (a system of signals or symbols - cf. “kodexa”); 2) coda
 kodexa	kwo	code (a systematic collection of laws or regulations - cf. “koda”)
 ko-gina	kwo	female companion; wife
 kognita	kwo	cognition
 kogniti	zwo	cognize, come to know
 kognitive	kwel	cognitive
 koinsida	kwo	coincidence
 koinsidi	zwo	coincide
 koita	kwo	coitus, coition
 koiti	zwo	perform the sexual act
 kojansa	kwo	conscience
 ko-jen	kwo	associate, helpmate
 kok	kwo	chicken, hen / cock
 koka	kwo	coca
 koketa	kwo	coquette
 kokete	kwel	coquettish
 koketi	zwo	coquet, flirt
 kokina	kwo	hen
 kokmasu	kwo	chicken (meat)
 koko	kwo	cock
 kokori	zwo	squat
 kol	kwo	cabbage
 kolar	kwo	collar (of shirt or garment - cf. “galsatasma”)
 kolekta	kwo	collection
 kolekti	zwo	collect (mostly in the sense "to accumulate similar items")
 kolekting	kwo	collecting
 kolektiva	kwo	collective (group, body)
 kolektiva-nem	komo	collectively
 kolektiva-ney	kwel	collective, joint
 kolektura	kwo	collection (smth. collected)
 kolina	kwo	hill
 kol-kapa		head of cabbage
 kolona	kwo	column
 kolonia	kwo	colony
 kolor	kwo	colour
 koloring	kwo	coloration
 koloranta	kwo	colorant
 kolori	zwo	colour (cf. "pinti")
 kolorkalam	kwo	colour pencil
 kolor-ney	kwel	coloured, colour
 kol-tokon		cabbage stump
 kom	gramatika	1) as (in comparisons, references); 2) as, in the capacity of
 koma	kwo	1) comma; 2) coma (med.)
 ko-man	kwo	male companion; husband (also “mursha”)
 komanda	kwo	command (order; the right to order)
 komander	kwo	commander
 komandi	zwo	be in command; command, order
 kombina	kwo	combination
 kombini	zwo	combine
 komenta	kwo	comment
 komenti	zwo	comment
 komersa	kwo	commerce, trade
 komersanta	kwo	merchant, businessman, trader
 komersa-relatas		commercial relations
 komersi	zwo	trade, deal
 kometa	kwo	comet
 komike	kwel	comic, ludicrous, funny, laughable
 komitee	kwo	commitee, board
 komo	gramatika	how
 komoda	kwo	chest of drawers
 kompania	kwo	company (business firm; one’s companions, companionship)
 kompanion	kwo	companion (mate, one who keeps company with another person, one associated with another in an employment)
 kompara	kwo	comparison
 kompari	zwo	compare (kun koysa - with smth)
 komparike	kwel	comparative
 kompatible	kwel	compatible
 kompatiblitaa	kwo	compatibility
 kompensa	kwo	compensation
 kompensi	zwo	compensate (to counterbalance, to make amends for, to make up for)
 kompeta	kwo	competition, rivalry
 kompeter	kwo	rival
 kompeti	zwo	vie, rival, compete (cf. «konkuri»)
 komplementa	kwo	complement (that which is necessary to add to make a thing complete)
 komplementa-ney	kwel	complementary
 komplemente	kwel	complementary
 komplementi	zwo	complement
 kompleta	kwo	(complete) set
 komplete	kwel	complete
 kompletem	komo	completely
 kompletisi	zwo	complete; replenish
 komplexa	kwo	complex (a whole)
 komplexa-ney	kwel	complex (of a complex)
 komplexe	kwel	complex (of a complex)
 komplike	kwel	complicated, complex (not simple - cf. "komponi-ney")
 komplikifa	kwo	complication
 komplikisi	zwo	complicate
 komplot	kwo	conspiracy, plot
 kompona	kwo	composition (general makeup; a mixture or compound)
 komponen	kwel	composite, compound, complex (made up of multiple parts)
 komponenta	kwo	component, ingredient
 komponi	zwo	compound, compose; consist (aus koysa - of smth)
 komponi-ney	kwel	composite, compound, complex (made up of multiple parts)
 komposa	kwo	composition (act; a work of music, literature or art)
 komposer	kwo	composer
 komposi	zwo	compose (construct by mental labour)
 kompot	kwo	compote, stewed fruit
 kompromis	kwo	compromise
 kompyuter	kwo	computer (also "kompa")
 kompyuterisi	zwo	computerize
 komune	kwel	common (shared), communal
 komunika	kwo	communication
 komuniki	zwo	communicate
 kondamna	kwo	sentence; condemnation
 kondamni	zwo	condemn, sentence, doom (cf. “blami”)
 kondision	kwo	condition (requirement, term or requisite - cf. "stasa")
 kondision-ney	kwel	conditional
 kondola	kwo	condolence
 kondoli	zwo	condole with (express or feel sympathetic sorrow)
 kondom	kwo	condom
 kondukta	kwo	conduction, conductivity
 kondukter	kwo	conductor (as of heat, electricity, etc.)
 kondukti	zwo	conduct (transmit, as heat, light, electricity - cf. "dukti")
 konekta	kwo	connection
 konekti	zwo	connect
 konektihisto	kwo	connective tissue
 konferensa	kwo	conference
 konfesa	kwo	confession
 konfesi	zwo	confess
 konfidi	zwo	confide (to), entrust
 konfirma	kwo	confirmation, corroboration
 konfirmi	zwo	affirm, confirm, corroborate
 konforme	kwel	conforming, conformable, complying, compliant
 konformifi	zwo	conform (intr.)
 konformisi	zwo	conform (tr.)
 konformitaa	kwo	conformity
 konfusa	kwo	confusion
 konfusi	zwo	confuse
 kongres	kwo	congress (gathering)
 koni	zwo	be acquainted, know
 koninesa	kwo	acquaintance (state of being acquainted)
 koni-ney	kwel	familiar, known
 koniwan	kwo	acquaintance (person)
 konkesta	kwo	conquest, subjugation, subdual
 konkesti	zwo	conquer, subdue, subjugate
 konklusa	kwo	conclusion
 konklusi	zwo	conclude (arrive at a logical conclusion; bring/come to an end)
 konkorda	kwo	agreement, harmony
 konkordi	zwo	agree, concord, accord
 konkordisi	zwo	bring into accord / agreement
 konkura	kwo	competition
 konkuri	zwo	compete (esp. in business)
 konkuri-she	kwel	competitive, rival
 konsa	kwo	consciousness
 konsa-nem	komo	consciously
 konsa-ney	kwel	conscious
 konse	kwel	conscious
 konsem	komo	consciously
 konsenta	kwo	consent, agreement
 konsenti	zwo	consent, agree
 konsentra	kwo	concentration
 konsentri	zwo	concentrate
 konsepta	kwo	conception, consept
 konsepti	zwo	conceive (an idea), apprehend
 konserta	kwo	concert (musical performance)
 konserva	kwo	conservation, preservation
 konservi	zwo	conserve (keep in a safe and sound state); preserve (of fruits, etc.)
 konservika	kwo	thing conserved, preserve
 konsi	zwo	be conscious
 konsila	kwo	advice
 konsiler	kwo	adviser
 konsili	zwo	advise
 konsilum	kwo	council
 konsipa	kwo	conception (formation of a zygote)
 konsipi	zwo	conceive (become pregnant - cf. "konsepti", "imajini")
 konsola	kwo	consolation
 konsoli	zwo	console (allay the sorrow or grief of), comfort, solace
 konstansia	kwo	constancy
 konstanta	kwo	constant
 konstante	kwel	constant
 konstata	kwo	statement, establishing
 konstati	zwo	state, establish, certify
 konstitusion	kwo	constitution (the fundamental law)
 konstrukter	kwo	constructor
 konstrukti	zwo	construct
 konsulta	kwo	consultation
 konsultanta	kwo	consultant
 konsulti	zwo	consult
 konsuma	kwo	consumption
 konsumi	zwo	consume, use up
 konta	kwo	count, reckoning
 kontakta	kwo	contact
 kontakti	zwo	contact
 kontempla	kwo	contemplation
 kontempli	zwo	contemplate (to look at attentively and thoughtfully)
 kontena	kwo	content(s)
 kontener	kwo	container
 konteni	zwo	contain, hold
 konteniwat	kwo	content(s)
 konti	zwo	count (determine the number or enumerate the digits)
 kontinu	zwo	continue
 kontinue	kwel	continuous
 kontinuitaa	kwo	continuity
 kontinusa	kwo	continuation
 kontra	konekti-komo	1) against, contrary to; 2) opposite, in front of (in space); 3) against (contact from an opposite direction; against the background)
 kontradikta	kwo	contradiction
 kontradikta-ney	kwel	contradictory
 kontradikti	zwo	contradict
 kontrajen	kwo	opponent, adversary
 kontrakosa	kwo	opposite, antipode
 kontra-nem	komo	the other way round, on (to) the contrary
 kontra-ney	kwel	opposite
 kontratoxin	kwo	antidote
 kontrem	komo	the other way round, on (to) the contrary
 kontrola	kwo	control
 kontroler	kwo	controller
 kontroli	zwo	control
 konus	kwo	cone (figure)
 konus-ney	kwel	conical
 konversa	kwo	conversion
 konversi	zwo	convert
 konvinsa	kwo	persuasion, conviction (act of convincing; a firmly held belief, opinion)
 konvinsi	zwo	convince
 konvinsinesa	kwo	conviction (the state of being convinced)
 konvinsive	kwel	convincing
 konvoka	kwo	convocation
 konvoki	zwo	convoke
 konyak	kwo	cognac
 ko-operata	kwo	cooperation
 ko-operati	zwo	cooperate
 ko-operative	kwel	cooperative
 kopa	kwo	bowl (hemispherical vessel; a bowl-shaped object); goblet; calyx; flower cup
 kopi	zwo	copy
 kopia	kwo	copy
 kopibile	kwel	copyable
 koping	kwo	copying
 kopra	kwo	dill
 korda	kwo	rope, cord
 kordasulam	kwo	rope ladder
 kordia	kwo	heart
 kordiale	kwel	cordial, hearty
 kordialem	komo	cordially, heartily
 korekta	kwo	correction
 korekta-ney	kwel	correct
 korekte	kwel	correct
 korekti	zwo	correct
 koresponda	kwo	correspondence
 korespondi	zwo	correspond (answer in character or function, be adequate)
 korespondi-she	kwel	corresponding
 koridor	kwo	corridor, passage-way
 korka	kwo	cork (bark; stopper)
 korkatirika	kwo	corkscrew
 korna	kwo	horn (of animals, as material or as used in wind instrument)
 kornanos	kwo	rhinoceros
 kornea	kwo	cornea
 korpa	kwo	body (but not a group of persons or collection of particulars)
 korporasion	kwo	corporation
 korpus	kwo	corps
 korta	kwo	court, yard, courtyard; court (all the surroundings of a sovereign)
 kortayuan	kwo	courtier (a person in attendance at a royal court)
 korva	kwo	raven
 kosa	kwo	thing
 ko-senti	zwo	sympathize (with), feel (for)
 kosinus	kwo	cosine (math.)
 kosmike	kwel	cosmic
 kosmo	kwo	cosmos
 kosmokostum	kwo	space suit
 kosta	kwo	cost
 kosti	zwo	cost
 kostum	kwo	suit (set of clothes)
 kota	kwo	cat (feline)
 kotina	kwo	female cat
 koto	kwo	male cat
 koton	kwo	cotton
 koton kapra		cotton fabric
 kovi	zwo	brood, incubate, hatch (cause to hatch)
 kovilot	kwo	brood
 kovra	kwo	cover, covering
 kovri	zwo	cover
 koy	inplas-kwel	some
 koygrad	inplas-komo	to some degree, to a certain extent
 koykomo	inplas-komo	somehow, in some way or other
 koylok	inplas-komo	somewhere
 koysa	inplas-kwo	something
 koywen	inplas-komo	somewhen, sometime, some time
 koytaim	inplas-komo	somewhen, sometime, some time
 ko-yuan	kwo	fellow member, fellow worker
 koyves	komo	sometimes, at times
 koywan	inplas-kwo	somebody
 kraba	kwo	crab (crustacean)
 krai	zwo	cry (shout - cf. "plaki")
 kraisa	kwo	cry (shout)
 kraishil	kwel	vociferous
 kraiyuan	kwo	town/public crier
 krak	exklami	crack!
 kraki	zwo	crackle, crack, crunch
 kraking	kwo	crackling, crack, crunch
 kran	kwo	faucet, stopcock, tap, spigot
 krapa	kwo	snore
 krapi	zwo	snore
 kraping	kwo	snoring
 krashi	zwo	crush, squeeze
 kreata	kwo	creation
 kreati	zwo	create
 kreative	kwel	creative
 kreatura	kwo	creature
 kreba	kwo	crawfish, crayfish
 kreda	kwo	belief, faith
 kredi	zwo	believe
 kredibile	kwel	credible, believable
 kredita	kwo	credit (business, finances)
 krediti	zwo	credit
 krednik	kwo	true believer, the faithful
 krek	kwo	crack, crevice, fissure, cleft, split
 kreki	zwo	crack, cleave
 kreking	kwo	cracking
 krem	kwo	cream
 kren	kwo	horseradish
 kresa	kwo	growth
 kresi	zwo	grow (but not "become")
 kresta	kwo	crest, ridge, top
 kreta	kwo	chalk
 Krim	kwo	Crimea
 krimen	kwo	crime (act)
 krimenale	kwel	criminal
 krimenalitaa	kwo	criminality; crime (practice)
 krimenjen	kwo	criminal
 kripi	zwo	creep, crawl
 krisa	kwo	crisis
 Krista	kwo	Christ
 kristajanma	kwo	Christmas
 kristajen	kwo	Christian
 kristakreda	kwo	Christianity
 kristal	kwo	crystal
 kristisi	zwo	christen, baptize
 kriteri	kwo	criterion
 kritika	kwo	criticism
 kritiki	zwo	criticize
 krokodil	kwo	crocodile
 krome	konekti-komo	besides, in addition to
 krome to		besides that, moreover
 kromegun		work additionally, make some money on the side
 kromepaga		extra payment
 krona	kwo	crown (also fig. as of teeth)
 kroni	zwo	crown
 kronike	kwel	chronic
 kroning	kwo	crowning, coronation
 kros	kwo	cross
 krosa	kwo	intersection, crossing
 krosi	zwo	cross, intersect
 krosta	kwo	crust, incrustation; scab (incrustation)
 kru	kwel	raw, crude
 kruele	kwel	cruel
 kruga	kwo	jar, jug, pitcher
 kruma	kwo	crumb
 krumi	zwo	crumb, crumble
 krusha	kwo	crash, collapse, wreck
 krushi	zwo	crash, collapse
 krushisa	kwo	rout, crushing defeat
 krushisi	zwo	smash, defeat, beat, shatter
 krute	kwel	steep
 ku	gramatika	interrogative particle
 Kuba	kwo	Cuba
 kuba	kwo	cube
 Kuba-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of Cuba
 kubike	kwel	cubic
 kuda	kwo	elbow (also a length of pipe with a sharp bend in it)
 kufla	kwo	lock (device for fastening)
 kukaracha	kwo	cockroach
 kuker	kwo	cook
 kuki	zwo	cook
 kukilok	kwo	kitchen
 kuking	kwo	cooking
 kukipot	kwo	cooking pot
 kukishamba	kwo	kitchen
 kukla	kwo	doll
 kuku	kwo	cuckoo
 kula	kwo	bullet (projectile)
 kuladan	kwo	case (receptacle for bullet)
 kulagron	kwo	shell (projectile for cannon)
 kulak	kwo	fist
 kulak-batala	kwo	fistfight
 kulakin	kwo	(small) shot
 kulmina	kwo	culmination
 kulmini	zwo	culminate, reach the highest point
 kulpa	kwo	guilt
 kulpanesa	kwo	guiltiness
 kulpa-ney	kwel	guilty
 kulpe	kwel	guilty
 kultiva	kwo	cultivation
 kultivi	zwo	cultivate
 kultura	kwo	culture
 kultura-ney	kwel	cultural
 kulture	kwel	cultural
 kulturisi	zwo	culturize
 kum	syao	god- (related through christening)
 kumin	kwo	caraway
 kumisma	kwo	nepotism
 kumman	kwo	godfather of one's child; father of one's godchild
 kummata	kwo	godmother
 kumpatra	kwo	godfather
 kumson	kwo	godson
 kun	konekti	with, along with
 kun kuyda		with care
 kunda	kwo	butt (of gun)
 kunem	komo	with oneself
 kunila	kwo	rabbit
 kunshwo	zwo	converse, talk
 kunshwoer	kwo	interlocutor
 kunshwosa	kwo	conversation, talk
 kupa	kwo	purchase (act of purchasing or smth purchased)
 kupala	kwo	Midsummer Day
 kuper	kwo	buyer, purchaser
 kupi	zwo	buy
 kuping	kwo	shopping
 kuprum	kwo	copper
 kupula	kwo	cupola, dome
 kuraja	kwo	courage, boldness
 kuraja-ney	kwel	courageous, bold, daring, audacious
 kuraje	kwel	courageous, bold, daring, audacious
 kuraji	zwo	dare, be bold, venture
 kurajisi	zwo	encourage, hearten
 kurajnik	kwo	man of courage
 kuriose	kwel	curious (odd, arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness - cf. “jigyas-ney”)
 kurkuma	kwo	turmeric
 kurla	kwo	curls
 kurlahar-ney	kwel	curly, curly-haired
 kurla-ney	kwel	curly, curly-haired
 kurli	zwo	curl (intr.)
 kurlinka	kwo	curl
 kurlisa	kwo	curling, (hair-)wave
 kurlisi	zwo	curl (tr.), twist into ringlets or coils
 kursa	kwo	course (of lessons, of lectures, of study, etc.); (fin.) rate (of exchange); course (direction)
 kurte	kwel	short
 kurte sirkuita		short circuit
 kurtem	komo	shortly, in short
 kurtena	kwo	curtain
 kurteni	zwo	curtain
 kurti	zwo	shorten (tr./intr.)
 kurtifi	zwo	shorten (become shorter)
 kurtisi	zwo	shorten (make shorter)
 kurupa	kwo	ugly creature, ugly person
 kurupe	kwel	ugly, unsightly
 kurva	kwo	curve
 kurve	kwel	curved, crooked, bent
 kurvi	zwo	curve, bend (tr./intr.)
 kurvifi	zwo	curve, bend (become curved), wind
 kurvisi	zwo	curve, bend (cause smth to change its shape into a curve)
 kurvitaa	kwo	curvature
 kusa	kwo	bite
 kushale	kwel	skilful, deft, dexterous, clever
 kushen	kwo	pillow, cushion
 kushenkuta	kwo	pillow case
 kusi	zwo	bite
 kusishil	kwel	biting (tending to bite)
 kuta	kwo	tegument, coating, envelope (wrapping)
 kuti	zwo	envelop, wrap, cover, coat
 kuyda	kwo	care, concern, worry
 kuydem	komo	carefully, thoroughly
 kuyde	kwel	careful, thorough
 kuyda-nem	komo	carefully, thoroughly
 kuyda-ney	kwel	careful, thorough
 kuydi	zwo	care, take care; be concerned, worry
 kuydishil	kwel	careful, considerate, conscientious
 kwadra	kwo	square (polygon)
 kwadra-ney	kwel	square (but not "honest, fair")
 kwadre	kwel	square (but not "honest, fair")
 kwadra-riza		square root
 kwadri	zwo	square (raise to the second power)
 kwaizi	kwo	chopsticks
 kwaki	zwo	croak (of a frog, to make its cry)
 kwalifa	kwo	qualification
 kwalifi	zwo	qualify (characterize; certify)
 kwalitaa	kwo	quality
 kwalitaa-ney	kwel	qualitative
 kwalma	kwo	fumes, charcoal fumes
 kwan	kwo	well
 kwanshi	kwo	ore
 kwanshilok	kwo	mine (place where ores and minerals are extracted)
 kwantitaa	kwo	quantity
 kwantitaa-ney	kwel	quantitative
 kwanto	kwesti	how much, how many
 kwarza	kwo	quartz
 kwas	kwo	kvass
 kwasi	konekti-komo	quasi, as if, as it were, as though
 kway	kwel, komo	quick, rapid, fast; quickly, rapidly, promptly
 kwaylok	kwo	rapids
 kwaytaa	kwo	quickness, rapidity; speed, velocity
 kwel	kwesti	which, what (which one)
 kwelgrad	komo	to what extent
 kwerela	kwo	quarrel, altercation, variance, brawl
 kwereli	zwo	quarrel (engage in a quarrel; dispute angrily)
 kwerka	kwo	oak
 kwesta	kwo	question
 kwesta-nem	kwo	interrogatively
 kwesta-ney	kwo	interrogative
 kweste	kwo	interrogative
 kwestem	kwo	interrogatively
 kwesti	zwo	ask
 kwiti	zwo	abandon, forsake, quit
 kwo	kwesti	what
 kwota	kwo	quota
 kyar	kwo	bed (a small plot of cultivated or planted land)
 kyete	kwel	quiet; still (cf. “kalme”)
 Kyete Osean	kwo	the Pacific
 kyetem	komo	quietly
 kyetitaa	kwo	quiet; still
 la	gramatika	substantivator, substitute word, singular
 laba	kwo	lip
 label	kwo	label
 labeli	zwo	label
 laboratoria	kwo	laboratory
 lada	kwo	OK-condition, harmony
 ladi	zwo	go right, go well; put right, put in order, fix up, settle, make smth OK
 lagan	kwo	zeal; diligence, assiduity, painstakingness
 lagan-ney	kwel	zealous; diligent, assiduous
 lagi	zwo	lie (be in horizontal position; be situated)
 lagilok	kwo	den, lair
 laguna	kwo	lagoon
 lai	zwo	come
 laisa	kwo	coming
 lai-sha	kwo	comer
 lai-she	kwel	coming; next
 laives	komo	next time
 lak	kwo	lake
 laka	kwo	varnish, lacquer
 lakey	kwo	lackey (footman; servile follower)
 laki	zwo	varnish, lacquer
 laking	kwo	varnishing, lacquering
 lakma	kwo	dainty, delicacy
 lakme	kwel	dainty, tasty, delicious
 lama	kwo	1) lama; 2) llama
 lampa	kwo	lamp
 lan	kwel	lazy, idle
 landa	kwo	land
 Landan	kwo	London
 landi	zwo	land
 lanfai	zwo	be lazy, idle one's time away
 langusta	kwo	spiny lobster, rock lobster
 lannik	kwo	lazy fellow, idler, sluggard, loafer
 lansa	kwo	throw; launch
 lansi	zwo	throw, cast; hurl; launch
 lansika	kwo	slingshot, (boy's) catapult
 lantaa	kwo	laziness
 lanza	kwo	spear, pike, lance
 lao	kwel	old
 lao yash	kwo	old age
 laogina	kwo	old woman
 laojen	kwo	old person
 laoman	kwo	old man
 laotaa	kwo	oldness
 laoyuan	kwo	elder, senior
 lapa	kwo	flap, tail, skirt
 lapu	kwo	burdock
 lapuka	kwo	bur, prickly husk of burdock
 lapulif	kwo	burdock leaf
 lapuspika	kwo	bur, prickly husk of burdock
 larma	kwo	tear (drop(s) of liquid from the eyes)
 las	gramatika	substantivator, substitute word, plural
 laser	kwo	laser
 lash	kwo	cadaver, dead body
 lasi	sta	let (allow)
 lasi lwo		let fall, drop
 laska	kwo	weasel
 laste	kwel	last (final or latest)
 lata	kwo	patch (piece of material used to mend or cover a hole)
 lati	zwo	patch
 latif	kwel	affable, polite, courteous
 latina	kwel, kwo	Latin (language, person)
 lauda	kwo	praise
 laudi	zwo	praise
 laudi-bashan		laudatory speech, eulogy
 laudike	kwel	laudatory
 laudival	kwel	laudable, commendable, praiseworthy
 laudi-worda		compliment, commendation
 laura	kwo	laurel
 laureat	kwo	laureate
 laute	kwel	loud
 lautem	komo	loud, aloud, loudly
 lautshwoka, shwoka	kwo	loudspeaker
 lavanda	kwo	lavender
 lavina	kwo	avalanche
 laxe	kwel	lax, loose, relaxed, slack
 laxi	zwo	relax, loosen (tr./intr.)
 laxifa	kwo	relaxation
 laxisi	zwo	relax, loosen (make smth loose or less tense)
 laza	kwo	rubbish, waste, trash, garbage, litter
 lazadan	kwo	dustbin, garbage can, trash can
 lazalok	kwo	dump
 lazika	kwo	dump
 lefta	kwo	left, left side
 lefte	kwel	left
 leften	konekti-komo	at the left (of)
 legenda	kwo	legend
 legenda-ney	kwel	legendary
 legendare	kwel	legendary
 legum	kwo	vegetable
 legumgarden	kwo	kitchen garden
 legumgarden	kwo	vegetable garden
 leker	kwo	physician, doctor
 leki	zwo	cure, heal, treat (care for medicinally)
 lekiguan	kwo	clinic, medical facility
 lekiherba	kwo	medicinal herb(s)
 lekika	kwo	medicine, drug, cure
 lekimedia	kwo	medicinal agent, remedy
 leking	kwo	cure, healing, (medical) treatment
 lekter	kwo	reader
 lekti	zwo	read
 lektia	kwo	lecture
 lektibile	kwel	readable, legible
 lektika	kwo	reader (device)
 lekting	kwo	reading (act)
 lekti-sha	kwo	reader (person)
 lektiwat	kwo	reading (material to read)
 leleka	kwo	stork
 lemar	kwo	cupboard, closet, press, bookcase, wardrobe
 lemarkin	kwo	nightstand, bedside table
 lenga	kwo	cold (condition of low temperature)
 lenga-nem	komo	coldly
 lenga-ney	kwel	cold
 lenge	kwel	cold
 lengem	komo	coldly
 lengi	zwo	cool (intr./tr.)
 lengifi	zwo	cool (get colder, lose heat)
 lengiser	kwo	cooler
 lengisi	zwo	cool (make cooler)
 lengitaa	kwo	coldness
 lengitura	kwo	cold (illness)
 lente	kwel	slow
 lentem	komo	slowly
 lentila	kwo	lentil
 leon	kwo	lion
 lepi	zwo	mould, model, to make a model (in clay, wax)
 leping	kwo	moulding, modelling
 lepitura	kwo	smth moulded, modelled
 lerner	kwo	learner
 lerni	zwo	learn (but not "come to know, find out" - cf. "en-jan")
 lernifah	kwo	subject (course of study)
 lernikitaba	kwo	textbook, manual
 lerninesa	kwo	learnedness, erudition
 lerni-ney	kwel	learned, erudite
 lerning	kwo	learning
 leson	kwo	lesson
 leson-pausa	kwo	break, intermission (between lessons)
 lesta	kwo	flattery, adulation
 lesti	zwo	flatter, adulate
 lestinik	kwo	flatterer, adulator
 leta	kwo	letter (written message)
 letakuta	kwo	envelope (wrapper for a letter)
 letayuan	kwo	mailman, postman
 letnan	kwo	lieutenant
 letra	kwo	letter (a symbol in an alphabet)
 leve	kwel	light (not heavy)
 levifa	kwo	alleviation; relief
 levifi	zwo	lighten (become light or lighter in weight or seriousness)
 levisa	kwo	alleviation; relief
 levisi	zwo	lighten (make lighter; alleviate)
 lexika	kwo	vocabulary (words of a language collectively)
 lexike	kwel	lexical
 lexikon	kwo	dictionary, vocabulary
 ley	inplas-kwel	their; (syao) "kind, sort, type"
 li	inplas-kwo	they, them
 libre	kwel	free
 librifa	kwo	liberation
 librifi	zwo	become/get free
 librisa	kwo	liberation
 librisi	zwo	set free, liberate
 libritaa	kwo	liberty, freedom
 lider	kwo	leader (head of; best or dominant person/thing)
 lideri	zwo	take first place, be in the lead
 lidertaa	kwo	leadership
 lif	kwo	leaf; sheet (piece of paper; flat layer of solid material)
 lifi	zwo	browse, leaf through
 liflwosa	kwo	leaf fall
 lifta	kwo	rise, elevation
 lifti	zwo	raise, lift, elevate
 lifti swa	zwo	rise (to one's feets), get up
 liftika	kwo	lift, elevator
 liftot	kwo	foliage
 liga	kwo	tie, bond; league
 ligi	zwo	tie, tie up, fasten, bind, link
 ligna	kwo	timber; wood; firewood
 ligna-ney	kwel	wooden, ligneous
 lignapuda		sawdust
 lignapuda		sawdust
 lignatabla	kwo	wooden table
 ligne	kwel	wooden, ligneous
 lihua	kwo	ploughshare
 lika	kwo	leak, leakage
 liki	zwo	leak
 likwa	kwo	liquid, fluid
 likwe	kwel	liquid, fluid
 likwi	zwo	melt (tr./intr.)
 likwifi	zwo	melt, thaw
 likwisi	zwo	melt (make liquid)
 lilak	kwo	lilac
 lima	kwo	lime (citrus fruit)
 limita	kwo	limit
 limiti	zwo	limit, confine
 limiti swa	zwo	limit/restrict oneself
 limiting	kwo	limitation
 limon	kwo	lemon
 limonada	kwo	lemonade
 limpa	kwo	spleen (organ - cf. “splin”)
 lin	kwo	flax
 li-ney	inplas-kwel	their
 lingwa	kwo	language
 lingwistika	kwo	linguistics
 lingwistike	kwel	linguistic
 linia	kwo	line (writing, printing, telegraphic, genealogical, military)
 linisi	zwo	line, rule (paper, etc.)
 linkapra		linen cloth
 linsa	kwo	lens
 lipi	zwo	adhere (stick fast by or as if by glue) (intr.)
 lipi-plasta	kwo	sticking plaster
 lipi-she	kwel	adhesive, sticky, glutinous
 lipisi	zwo	adhere, stick (fasten or attach with an adhesive material)
 lisan	kwo	tongue (organ in the mouth)
 lisi	zwo	lick
 lisipedi	zwo	cringe, grovel, fawn, toady
 lisipednik	kwo	toady, lickspittle, bootlicker, sycophant
 lisi-pi	zwo	lap (take in a liquid with the tongue)
 lista	kwo	list
 literatura	kwo	literature
 literatura-ney	kwo	literary
 literature	kwo	literary
 liti	zwo	pour
 litra	kwo	litre
 liva	kwo	lever
 livada	kwo	meadow
 lizarda	kwo	lizard
 lo	gramatika	imparts the meaning of general notion
 lo for		what goes further
 lo nau	kwo	the present (time)
 lo reste		the rest
 olo reste		all the rest
 lo sirkum		milieu, surroundings, environment
 loda	kwo	load, burden
 lodi	zwo	load
 loding	kwo	loading
 lof	kwo	loaf (a block of baked bread)
 logaritma	kwo	logarithm
 logika	kwo	logic
 logike	kwel	logical
 logotip	kwo	logotype
 loja	kwo	lodge (a local chapter of certain fraternal organizations); box (theater)
 lok	syao	«place»
 lokale	kwel	lokal
 lokalisi	zwo	lokalize
 loki	zwo	be situated/located
 lokisi	zwo	place, station, situate, deploy
 lokma	kwo	morsel, a piece (of food)
 loko	kwo	place (location), spot, site; locality (cf. “plasa”)
 lokomotiva	kwo	locomotive
 lokwa	kwo	puddle
 lon	kwo	loan (smth lent, esp. money)
 londaier	kwo	lender, creditor
 longhar-ney	kwel	longhair
 longe	kwel	lengthy; long
 longem	komo	at length; for a long time
 longem-weiten		long-awaited
 longitaa	kwo	length
 longmao-ney	kwel	shaggy
 longtaim	taim-komo	(during) long time
 longtaim-ney	kwel	long-term, prolonged (cf. “dave”)
 loni	kwo	loan, lend; borrow
 lon-nem	komo	on loan
 lonprener	kwo	borrower
 lopa	kwo	run, running
 loping	kwo	running
 lopata	kwo	spade (digging tool)
 loper	kwo	runner
 lopi	zwo	run
 lopi-ateni		catch up by running
 lorda	kwo	lord
 lot	kwo	lot (articles sold as one unit; a number of associated people or things - cf. "kisma")
 loyale	kwel	loyal
 loza	kwo	mule (the hybrid offspring of a male donkey and a female horse)
 lu	inplas-kwo	he, him
 luba	kwo	love
 lubi	zwo	love
 lubijen	kwo	loved one, lover
 lubijenta	kwo	lovers
 lubrikanta	kwo	lubricant
 lubriki	zwo	lubricate
 lucha	kwo	struggle
 lucher	kwo	wrestler, struggler, fighter
 luchi	zwo	struggle; wrestle
 luching	kwo	wrestling (sport)
 luga	kwo	lie, lies
 luger	kwo	liar
 lugi	zwo	lie (tell lies)
 lugishil	kwel	tending to lie
 luk	kwo	onion
 luku	kwo	hatchway, hatch
 luli	zwo	lull to sleep, to soothe, compose, quiet
 luma	kwo	light
 lumadey	kwo	daylight, daytime
 luma-fasia		shaft of light
 lumaful	kwel	luminous, full of light
 luma-ney	kwel	light (having light)
 lumi	zwo	give light, shine
 lumijuk	kwo	firefly, glowworm
 lumisa	kwo	illumination
 lumisi	zwo	light, illuminate
 luna	kwo	moon
 luna-dilim	kwo	crescent
 lu-ney	inplas-kwel	his
 luy	inplas-kwel	his
 lung	kwo	Chinese dragon
 lup	kwo	loop
 lusa	kwo	loss
 luserna	kwo	lucerne, alfalfa
 lushuy	kwo	dew
 lusi	zwo	lose (also fail to win)
 luta	kwo	lute
 luxa	kwo	luxury
 luxa-ney	kwel	luxurious
 luxe	kwel	luxurious
 luxika	kwo	something luxurious
 lwo	zwo	fall, drop, come down
 lwo-genui		fall to one's knees
 lwosa	kwo	fall, drop
 lyan	zwo	be attached (to smth/smb - а koywan/koysa), be affectionate (towards)
 lyan-ney	kwel	in mental bonding, attached, devoted
 lyansa	kwo	attachment, affection, mental/emotional bonding
 lyu	zwo	leave (but not "depart")
 mach	kwo	match (sporting event)
 madam	kwo	madam, lady (a polite form of addressing or naming a woman)
 madu	kwo	honey
 maestro	kwo	maestro (musical master)
 maga	kwo	mug (large cup)
 magari	gramatika, exklami	I wish, if only
 magia	kwo	magic
 magier	kwo	magician
 magike	kwel	magical
 magnet	kwo	magnet
 magnetfelda		magnetic field
 magnetifi	zwo	magnetize (grow magnetic)
 magnetisa/magnetifa	kwo	magnetization
 magnetisi	zwo	magnetize (make magnetic)
 magnifike	kwel	magnificent, splendid, grand
 magre	kwel	meagre, lean
 magyar	kwel, kwo	Hungarian; Hungarian (person); the Hungarian language
 mah	syao-gramatika	«make» (causative particle)
 mahan	kwel	majestic, grand, stately, sublime
 mahanatmitaa	kwo	magnanimity
 mahantaa	kwo	majesty, grandeur, greatness
 mah-blan		to whiten
 mah-chi	zwo	feed
 mah-chihi-she	kwel	sternutatory
 mah-chu	zwo	issue (smth); utter
 dalisi	zwo	distance, move away from
 densisi	zwo	make dense, condense
 mah-dale	zwo	distance, move away from
 mah-dense	zwo	make dense, condense
 mah-droni	zwo	drown (deprive of life)
 mah-dwa	zwo	bisect, divide into two
 mah-fasile	zwo	facilitate, make easy or easier
 mah-feble	zwo	weaken, enfeeble, make weaker
 mah-felise	zwo	make happy
 mah-fiti	zwo	make fit, adjust
 mah-flami	zwo	kindle, blaze up, produce flame
 mah-forte	zwo	strengthen, make strong or stronger
 mah-fule	zwo	fill
 mah-gande	zwo	dirty, soil; pollute
 mah-gao	zwo	make high, raise higher, elevate
 mah-garme	zwo	heat up
 mah-glan	zwo	gloss, give a gloss or sheen to
 mah-glate	zwo	smooth
 mah-glube	zwo	deepen, make deep or deeper
 mah-gran	zwo	increase, make bigger/larger, magnify
 mah-grivi	zwo	grieve (make unhappy)
 mah-haf	zwo	halve
 mah-hao		to make better, improve
 mah-hwan	zwo	make yellow
 mah-jadu	zwo	bewitch, enchant
 mah-jal	zwo	burn (to cause to be consumed by fire)
 mah-kalme	zwo	make calm, calm
 mah-klare	zwo	clarify, make clear
 mah-koni	zwo	acquaint
 mah-kurte	zwo	shorten (make shorter)
 mah-lao	zwo	make old, age
 mah-laxe	zwo	relax, loosen (make smth loose or less tense)
 mah-lenge	zwo	cool (make cooler)
 mah-leve	zwo	lighten (make lighter; alleviate)
 mah-libre	zwo	set free, liberate
 mah-likwe	zwo	melt (make liquid)
 mah-lwo	zwo	throw down, drop
 mah-masbute	zwo	make stronger, reinforce
 mah-mokre	zwo	wet (cover or impregnate with liquid)
 mah-mole	zwo	soften, make soft or softer
 mah-mushkile	zwo	make difficult
 mah-nise	zwo	lower, reduce hight (tr.)
 mah-nokalme	zwo	disquiet, worry, make anxious/uneasy
 mah-nove	zwo	renew; update
 mah-of		turn off
 mah-on		turn on
 mah-pasi	zwo	pass, spend (time)
 mah-posible	zwo	enable (also “mogisi”)
 mah-pyan	zwo	make drunk, intoxicate
 mah-remembi	zwo	remind ("to memorize" is "memorisi")
 mah-sate	zwo	satiate, sate
 mah-serte	zwo	assure (remove doubt)
 mah-shami	zwo	shame, put to shame
 mah-sloy	zwo	layer
 mah-stan	zwo	erect, stand (to cause to stand, place upright)
 mah-suan	zwo	sour, make sour
 mah-suhe	zwo	make dry
 mahta	kwo	might, power, authority (cf. "potensia")
 mahtaful	kwel	mighty, powerful
 mah-tange	zwo	narrow, contract
 mah-tupe	zwo	make blunt, dull
 mah-twerde	zwo	harden, make hard
 mah-uupar	zwo	move up, go up, rise; turn up (tr.)
 uuparisi	zwo	move up, go up, rise; turn up (tr.)
 mah-vakue	zwo	make empty
 mah-warme	zwo	warm, make warm
 mah-wek	zwo	get rid of, do away with, expel, drive away
 mah-yunge	zwo	make (look) younger
 maidan	kwo	square (open place in town); ground, area
 maimun	kwo	monkey
 maini	zwo	mean (have in mind; signify)
 mais	kwo	maize
 maista	kwo	majority
 maistitaa	kwo	majority
 maiste	gramatika	most (superlative form from "mucho")
 maistegrad	komo	to the greatest extent
 maistem	komo	mostly, by and large
 majbur	sta	be compelled to, have to, there is no other way but
 majburi	zwo	compel, constrain, force, oblige
 majburi-nem	komo	forcedly, perforce, willy-nilly
 majburem	komo	forcedly, perforce, willy-nilly
 majburen	kwel	forced, compulsory
 majburi-ney	kwel	forced, compulsory
 major	kwo	major (mus.)
 mak	kwo	poppy
 makala	kwo	article (a story, report in a newspaper, journal, etc.)
 makaron	kwo	pasta, macaroni
 maketa	kwo	layout drawing, layout, (printing) dummy, maquette, mockup, model
 maketi	zwo	lay out, breadboard
 makiaja	kwo	make-up (cosmetics applied especially to the face)
 makni	zwo	dip, dunk
 mala	kwo	beads
 malgree	konekti	in spite of, despite
 malina	kwo	raspberry
 malinka	kwo	bead
 malkreda	kwo	superstition
 maltrati	zwo	ill-treat, abuse, mistreat
 mama	kwo	mammy, mom, mommy
 mamila	kwo	breast (of woman); udder (of animal)
 mamila-kinda	kwo	infant, nurseling
 mamiler	kwo	mammal
 mamili	zwo	suckle
 mamili-animal	kwo	mammal
 man	kwo	man, male human; (syao) "male"
 man-bakra		male goat
 mandarina	kwo	tangerine, mandarin
 mandir	kwo	temple (building for worship)
 man-doga	kwo	male dog
 manera	kwo	manner
 manga	kwo	being busy, pressure of work
 manga-ney	kwel	busy, occupied
 man-gansa	kwo	gander, male goose
 mange	kwel	busy, occupied
 mangi	zwo	be busy (with)
 mango	kwo	mango
 man-gova	kwo	bull
 mangusta	kwo	mongoose
 man-hiran	kwo	buck, male deer
 mani	kwo	money
 mania	kwo	mania
 manidan	kwo	purse, wallet
 manifesta	kwo	manifestation
 manifesti	zwo	manifest, make to appear, show plainly
 manifestu	kwo	manifesto
 manikur	kwo	manicure
 manili	zwo	entice, allure, beckon, decoy, inveigle
 manilika	kwo	bait, lure
 manipulata	kwo	manipulation
 manipulati	zwo	manipulate
 manipuna	kwo	fine (a payment or fee issued as punishment for breaking the law)
 mani-yoksa		want of money, penury
 manjen	kwo	man, male human
 man-kalkun	kwo	turkey cock
 man-kaval	kwo	male horse, stallion
 man-kok	kwo	cock
 man-kota	kwo	male cat
 man-leon	kwo	male lion
 manlik	kwel	manly
 manliktaa	kwo	manliness
 manovra	kwo	manoeuvre, maneuver
 manovri	zwo	manoeuvre
 mansha	kwo	sleeve
 man-swina	kwo	boar, male pig
 manta	kwo	blanket
 mantela	kwo	mantle, cloak
 manteni	zwo	maintain (keep up, keep in the same state, sustain (in a state of stability))
 manuskripta	kwo	manuscript
 man-utka	kwo	male duck, drake
 manya	taim-komo	tomorrow
 man-yan	kwo	ram
 mao	kwo	hair coat; wool; fleece
 mao-ney	kwel	woolen; hairy
 maori	kwel, kwo	Maori (relating to ethnicity or language)
 maoshapa	kwo	woolen cap
 mapa	kwo	map
 mar	kwo	sea
 mar-bata	kwo	surf
 margen	kwo	margin (of book, of paper); (fig.) border, edge (of anything)
 marinada	kwo	marinade
 marinadi	zwo	marinade
 marjen	kwo	seaman, sailor
 marka	kwo	mark (sign, token; label; trace)
 market	kwo	supermarket
 marki	zwo	mark, denote
 marking	kwo	marking
 marmar	kwo	marble
 mar-ney	kwel	marine
 Marsa	kwo	Mars
 marsha	kwo	march (also music)
 marshal	kwo	marshal
 marshi	zwo	march (to walk steadily; to participate in an organized walk)
 martanga	kwo	strait, channel
 marto	kwo	March (also mes-tri)
 masa	kwo	mass (quantity of matter; a body of matter with no specific shape; the body of common people - cf. “mesa”)
 masala	kwo	spice; seasoning
 masala-ney	kwel	spicy, savoury, piquant
 masale	kwel	spicy, savoury, piquant
 masali	zwo	spice, season
 masa-media	kwo	mass medium, mass media
 masbute	kwel	firm; sound, robust, sturdy, solid
 masbutifi	zwo	grow strong, firm
 masbutisi	zwo	make stronger, reinforce
 masbutitaa	kwo	durability, strength; soundness, solidity
 mashina	kwo	machine
 masive	kwel	massive
 masjid	kwo	mosque
 maska	kwo	mask
 maski	zwo	mask
 maskul	kwo	male
 maskul-ney	kwel	male
 maskulum	kwo	gram. masculine gender
 Masra	kwo	Egypt
 masri		Egyptian (of, from, or pertaining to Egypt, the Egyptian people or the Egyptian dialect of Arabic); Egyptian (a person from Egypt or of Egyptian descent)
 masta	kwo	master (owner, boss)
 master	kwo	master (expert; skilled artist)
 mastula	kwo	mast (nautical)
 masu	kwo	meat
 masumeler	kwo	mincing machine, meat grinder
 masuyuan	kwo	butcher
 mat	kwo	checkmate, mate
 mata	kwo	mother
 mata-inloo	kwo	mother-in-law
 mata-patra	kwo	parents
 matematika	kwo	mathematics
 matematike	kwel	mathematical
 matematiker	kwo	mathematician
 materia	kwo	matter, substance
 material	kwo	stuff, material
 materiale	kwel	material (relating to matter; bodily, physical)
 matove	kwel	matte (not reflecting light, not glossy, dull)
 matras	kwo	mattress
 mature	kwel	ripe, mature
 maturifi	zwo	ripen
 maturitaa	kwo	ripeness, maturity
 maus	kwo	mouse
 mausbuton		a mouse button
 mauskapter	kwo	mouse trap
 mausmet	kwo	mouse mat/pad
 maxima	kwo	maxim
 maximale	kwel	maximal, maximum, highest possible
 maximalem	komo	maximally
 maximum	kwo	maximum
 may	inplas-kwel	my, mine
 mayor	kwo	major (military rank)
 mazuta	kwo	mazut
 me	inplas-kwo	I, me
 mebel	kwo	furniture (movable articles that equip a room, house, etc.)
 mebelka	kwo	a piece of furniture
 medalia	kwo	medal
 media	kwo	means, medium
 medika	kwo	medic, medical man, medical worker
 medike	kwel	medical
 medisina	kwo	medicine (science, practice - cf. “farmak”)
 medita	kwo	meditation
 mediti	zwo	meditate, think over, ponder
 megawat		megawatt
 meil	kwo	mail, post
 meilguan	kwo	post office
 meja	kwo	measure (also "step, action")
 meji	zwo	measure
 mejibile	kwel	measurable
 mekanika	kwo	mechanics
 mekanike	kwel	mechanical
 mekaniker	kwo	mechanic
 mekanisma	kwo	mechanism
 melankolia	kwo	melancholy
 melankolike	kwel	melancholic, melancholy
 meli	zwo	grind, mill
 melidom	kwo	mill
 meliyuan	kwo	miller
 melodia	kwo	melody
 melon	kwo	melon
 memba	kwo	member (a part of a human or animal body; a part of a plant - cf. "yuan")
 memoria	kwo	memory
 memorisi	zwo	memorize
 me-ney	inplas-kwel	my, mine
 menga	kwo	a lot, multitude, large body (of smth)
 mengi	zwo	be in multitude, crowd, throng, swarm, mob
 meno	gramatika	less, fewer
 mensiona	kwo	mention, mentioning
 mensioni	zwo	mention, make mention of
 menta	kwo	mind, mentality
 mentale	kwel	mental
 mentastasa	kwo	state of mind
 mer	kwo	mayor
 merita	kwo	merit, desert
 meriti	zwo	merit, deserve
 merki	zwo	notice, note, take notice of, mark
 merkibile	kwel	noticeable
 merkival	kwel	notable, noteworthy, remarkable
 Merkuri	kwo	Mercury
 mes	kwo	month
 mesa	kwo	(Church) Mass
 mesaja	kwo	message
 mes-ney	kwel	monthly
 met	kwo	mat (flat piece of material); doormat
 metal	kwo	metal
 metalka	kwo	a metallic thing, piece of metal
 metal-ney	kwel	metallic
 meteo	kwo	weather
 metoda	kwo	method (special or definite system of procedure)
 metodike	kwo	methodical
 metra	kwo	meter
 metro	kwo	subway, the underground
 mey	kwo	May (also mes-pet)
 meyjuk	kwo	cockchafer, may-bug
 mida	kwo	middle, mean
 middey		midday, noon
 middeyfan	kwo	lunch
 mide	kwel	middle, mean; average
 Mide Epoka		Middle Ages
 midem	komo	on average
 miden	konekti	amid, in the middle (of), in the midst (of), among
 midfinga	kwo	middle finger
 midika	kwo	average
 midnocha		midnight
 midyash-ney		middle-aged
 mif	kwo	myth
 mifen	kwo	bee
 mifendom	kwo	hive
 mifike	kwel	mythic(al)
 mifologia	kwo	mythology
 mifologike	kwel	mythological
 mifologisi	zwo	mythologize
 migi	zwo	blink; wink
 migra	kwo	migration
 migri	zwo	migrate
 migri-faulas		migrating birds
 mikas	kwo	scissors; shears
 mikroskop	kwo	microscope
 mil	kwanto	thousand (1000)
 milfen		un de milfen - one-thousandth
 miliarda	kwanto	milliard, 1000 millions
 miliarder	kwo	billionaire
 milion	kwanto	million
 milioner	kwo	millionaire
 milka	kwo	milk
 milkadan	kwo	milk can
 Milkadao		Milky way
 milka-ney	kwel	milk, milky; dairy
 milker	kwo	milker (person or machine)
 milki	zwo	milk
 milking	kwo	milking
 milki-sha	kwo	milker (person)
 milyoo	kwo	milieu
 mina	kwo	mine (explosive device - cf. “kwanshilok”)
 mindal	kwo	almond
 mineral	kwo	mineral
 mineralisi	zwo	mineralize
 mineral-ney	kwel	mineral
 minim	gramatika	least
 minimale	kwel	minimal, minimum
 minimalem	komo	minimally
 minimgrad	komo	least of all
 minimtaa	kwo	minority
 minimum	kwo	minimum
 minisi	zwo	mine (lay mines)
 minista	kwo	minister (high officer of state)
 minor	kwo	minor (mus.)
 minta	kwo	mint (plant or flavouring)
 minuta	kwo	minute
 minutadiker		minute hand
 mira	kwo	mirror, looking glass
 mirakla	kwo	miracle
 mirakla-ney	kwel	miraculous
 mirakle	kwel	miraculous
 miraklalik	kwel	miraculous
 mirta	kwo	myrtle
 mis	kwo	miss (a title of respect for a young unmarried woman; an unmarried woman)
 misaudi		mishear
 misgloti	zwo	choke (with)
 mision	kwo	mission
 misioner	kwo	missionary
 miska	kwo	musk
 miskalkuli		miscalculate
 miska-rata		muskrat
 misliti	zwo	spill
 misluma		uncertain light
 misstepi		stumble
 misteria	kwo	mystery
 misteriaful	kwel	mysterious
 mistrefi	zwo	miss, fail to hit
 misyusi		misuse
 mita	kwo	meeting; encounter
 miti	zwo	meet; encounter
 mixa	kwo	mix
 mixer	kwo	mixer
 mixi	zwo	mix; blend, mingle
 mixing	kwo	mixing
 mixitura	kwo	mixture
 mlan	kwel	sluggish, lackadaisical, listless, languid, slack, inert, nerveless
 mobila	kwo	mobile phone
 mobile	kwel	mobile
 moda	kwo	fashion, vogue, mode
 model	kwo	model
 modeli	zwo	model (cf. “lepi”)
 moden	kwel	modern
 modenisi	zwo	modernize
 moderi	zwo	moderate, keep within bonds; mitigate
 moderinesa	kwo	moderateness, moderation, temperance
 moderi-ney	kwel	moderate, temperate
 modifika	kwo	modification
 modifiki	zwo	modify, make partial changes in
 modus	kwo	mode (way, manner, or status); (gram.) mood
 mog	sta	can, may
 mogbi	komo	maybe
 mogisi	zwo	enable
 mogsa	kwo	might, power
 moha	kwo	moss (plants)
 moher	kwo	mohair
 moka	kwo	mock, derision, sneer, ridicule
 moki	zwo	mock, deride, ridicule
 mokre	kwel	wet
 mokrifi	zwo	get wet/drenched
 mokrisi	zwo	wet (cover or impregnate with liquid)
 mole	kwel	soft
 molekula	kwo	molecule
 molenesa	kwo	softness
 moli	zwo	soften (tr./intr.)
 molifi	zwo	soften, become soft
 molika	kwo	pulp (soft mass or matter)
 molisi	zwo	soften, make soft or softer
 molya	kwo	wife
 momenta	kwo	moment, instant
 momenta-nem	komo	instantly, in a moment
 momenta-ney	kwel	momentary
 momente	kwel	momentary
 momentem	komo	instantly, in a moment
 momentum	kwo	momentum
 monah	kwo	monk, nun
 monahina	kwo	nun
 monaho	kwo	monk
 monarka	kwo	monarch
 monarkia	kwo	monarchy
 monastir	kwo	cloister, monastery, nunnery, convent
 moneta	kwo	coin
 monitor	kwo	monitor (device or program)
 monitori	zwo	monitor
 monitoring	kwo	monitoring
 monologa	kwo	monologue, soliloquy
 monopolia	kwo	monopoly
 monopolisi	zwo	monopolize
 monson	kwo	monsoon
 monsta	kwo	monster
 monstalik	kwel	monstrous
 monsta-ney	kwel	monstrous
 monta	kwo	mountain
 montaflanka	kwo	mountain flank
 montaflanka		mountainside
 monta-gap	kwo	gorge, ravine, canyon
 monta-kadena	kwo	mountain-ridge, range, chain of mountains
 montalok	kwo	mountains, mountainous place
 monta-ney	kwel	mountain, mountainous
 montira	kwo	mounting, installation; montage; editing
 montiri	zwo	mount, set up; montage
 monton	kwo	heap, pile
 montoni	zwo	heap, pile
 moral	kwo	morals, morality
 moral-ney	kwel	moral
 morba	kwo	sickness, illness; disease
 morba-ney	kwel	sick, ill
 morbe	kwel	sick, ill
 morbi	zwo	to be sick/ill
 morta	kwo	death
 mortakapra		shroud, cerement
 mortalok	kwo	the next/other world
 morta-ney	kwel	dead
 morta-puna	kwo	execution
 morta-puni	zwo	execute, put to death
 morte	kwel	dead
 morti	zwo	die
 mortifa	kwo	mortification
 mortijen	kwo	deadman
 mortika	kwo	carrion
 moska	kwo	fly (insect)
 moskamenga	kwo	swarm of flies
 moskita	kwo	mosquito
 moti	zwo	reel, wind, coil
 motika	kwo	hank, coil, skein
 motimashina	kwo	reeling machine, winder
 motiv	kwo	motive; motif
 motiva	kwo	motivation
 motivi	zwo	motivate
 motor	kwo	motor, engine
 motosikla	kwo	motorcycle
 mu	kwo	moo
 muaka	kwo	nausea
 muaki	zwo	feel sick (at the stomach), have nausea
 muar	kwo	moire, watered silk
 muazin	kwo	muezzin
 mucho	inplas-kwanto	much, many, a lot
 muchos		many (people)
 muchoyar-ney	kwel	multiyear, of many years
 muda	kwo	mood, spirits
 muh	kwo	mouth
 muhim	kwel	important
 muhimtaa	kwo	importance, significance
 muhka	kwo	mouthpiece
 muh-ney	kwel	oral
 mukati	zwo	blow one’s nose
 mukus	kwo	mucus, mucilage; slime
 mule	kwel	mild, gentle
 mulitaa	kwo	mildness, gentleness
 multiplika	kwo	multiplication
 multipliki	zwo	multiply (bay, pa - by)
 mumia	kwo	mummy (embalmed corpse)
 mumifi	zwo	mummify (intr.)
 mumisi	zwo	mummify (tr.)
 munda	kwo	world
 munda-ney	kwel	world; global
 mur	kwo	wall
 murkloka	kwo	wall clock
 murmura	kwo	murmur
 murmuri	zwo	murmur (cf. “hamsi”)
 mursha	kwo	husband
 mus	sta	must
 musafer	kwo	passenger
 mushkila	kwo	difficulty (obstacle)
 mushkile	kwel	difficult
 mushkilem	komo	with difficulty
 mushkilitaa	kwo	difficulty (the state of being difficult)
 musika	kwo	music
 musikale	kwel	musical
 musiker	kwo	musician
 musiki		play/make music
 muskula	kwo	muscle
 muskulaful	kwel	brawny, muscular
 muskulatot	kwo	muscular system
 musla	kwo	muzzle, snout
 musladan	kwo	muzzle (device used to prevent animal from biting or eating)
 muslina	kwo	muslin
 musta	kwo	pattern (that from which a copy is made), specimen, sample
 mustash	kwo	moustache; whisker (animal’s)
 mute	kwel	dumb, mute
 mutila	kwo	mutilation, deformity
 mutilawan	kwo	cripple
 mutili	zwo	maim, mutilate, cripple
 mutu	komo	one another, each other
 mutuale	kwel	mutual
 muva	kwo	move, motion, movement
 muvi	zwo	move
 muvi-miksi	zwo	stir up
 muy	modus-komo	very
 myao	zwo	mew, meow, miaow
 myati	zwo	crumple, crush, rumple
 myen	kwo	mien
 na	gramatika	(optionally marks an end of a semantic group)
 nabla	kwo	navel, umbilicus
 nada	kwo	hope
 nadi	zwo	hope
 nafra	kwo	aversion, disgust
 nafra-ney	kwel	abominable, repulsive, detestable
 nafre	kwel	abominable, repulsive, detestable
 nafta	kwo	(mineral) oil, petroleum
 naga	kwo	nail (of metal - cf. “naka”)
 nagi	zwo	nail
 nagla	kwo	impudent/insolent person
 nagle	kwel	impudent, insolent, impertinent
 naglitaa	kwo	impudence, insolence
 naiva	kwo	naive person
 naive	kwel	naive
 naivnik	kwo	naive person
 naka	kwo	nail; claw
 nakali	zwo	incandesce
 nakali-ney	kwel	incandesced
 nal	kwo	horseshoe
 naloga	kwo	tax (money paid to the government)
 nam	kwo	name
 namastee	exklami	hello; good-bye
 namba	kwo	number (cf. "numer")
 nami	zwo	name; be named, be called
 nami-yen	komo	namely
 namre	kwel	modest
 namrem	komo	modestly
 namritaa	kwo	modesty
 nana	kwo	nurse
 nangwa	kwo	pumpkin
 narko	kwo	narcotic, addictive drug
 nasha	kwo	intoxication (any kind of)
 nashi-she	kwel	befuddling, intoxicating
 nashisi	zwo	stupefy, befuddle, besot, intoxicate
 nasion	kwo	nation
 nasion-ney	kwel	national
 natryum	kwo	sodium, natrium
 natura	kwo	nature
 naturale	kwel	natural
 naturalem	komo	naturally
 naturalitaa	kwo	naturalness
 nau	taim-komo	now; nau...nau - (konekti)
 nau hi		right now
 nau-ney	kwel	present, actual, today's, current
 naviga	kwo	navigation
 navigi	zwo	navigate, sail
 nayu	kwo	butter
 nayudan	kwo	butterdish
 nayudan	kwo	butterdish
 nefra	kwo	kidney
 nega	kwo	negation
 negativa	kwo	negative
 negative	kwel	negative
 negi	zwo	deny, negate
 neglekta	kwo	negligence
 neglekti	zwo	neglect, treat carelessly, slight, be remiss
 negra	kwo	a Black person, negro
 negrina	kwo	Negress
 negro	kwo	a Black male
 neme	kwel	numb, insensible
 nemifi	zwo	grow numb
 nemitaa	kwel	numbness
 neon	kwo	neon
 neon-jaopay		neon sign
 Neptun	kwo	Neptune
 Neptun-ney	kwel	Neptunian
 nerva	kwo	nerve
 nerva-morba		nervous disease
 nerva-ney	kwel	nerve, nervous
 nerva-sistema		nerve system
 nesese	kwel	necessary (also "of an inevitable nature")
 nesesitaa	kwo	necessity
 nesta	kwo	nest
 nesti	zwo	nest, build its nest; nestle
 neta	kwo	net
 neutrale	kwel	neutral
 neva	taim-komo	never
 ney	gramatika	modifier-making particle
 ni	gramatika - neither... nor
 nich	konekti-komo	down(wards)
 nich fluisa		downstream
 nicha	kwo	lower part, bottom
 nicha-uupar		upside down, bottom up
 niche	kwel	lower, situated below
 nichen	konekti-komo	down, at the lower part of
 nichifi	zwo	sink, drop, move down
 nichisi	zwo	lower, bring down; turn down
 nichlodi	zwo	download
 nichlok	kwo	lowland, depression
 nida	kwo	need
 nidi	zwo	need, have need of (cf. “treba”)
 nihil	kwo	non-being, nil, nothing
 nihilisa	kwo	destruction, annihilation
 nihilisi	zwo	destroy, eliminate, annihilate
 nihon	kwel, kwo	Japanese
 nika	kwo	nod
 nikab	kwo	niqab
 niki	zwo	nod
 Nil	kwo	Nile
 nin	kwanto	nine (9)
 ninshi		90
 ninsto		900
 Nipon	kwo	Japan
 Nipon-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of Japan
 nise	kwel	low (of small hight or placed below normal height - cf. "niche")
 nisha	kwo	niche
 nishan	kwo	target (butt or mark to shoot at; goal or objective)
 nisisi	zwo	lower, reduce hight (tr.)
 nitrogen	kwo	nitrogen
 nivel	kwo	level
 nixa	inplas-kwo	nothing
 no	syao	makes antonyms
 noadmitibile	kwel	inadmissible
 noble	kwel	noble
 nobridibile	kwel	indomitable
 nobridi-ney	kwel	unbridled, unruly
 nobyen	kwel	inconvenient; inopportune, inappropriate
 nobyen-taim-ney		ill-timed
 nocha	kwo	night
 nochauke	kwel	foolhardy, reckless, desperate
 nochi	zwo	pass the night, spend the night
 noda	kwo	knot
 nodaful	kwel	knotty, snaggy, gnarled
 nodave	kwel	recent
 nodavem	komo	recently, not long ago, lately
 nodense	kwel	thin, sparse, rarefied
 nodensifa	kwo	rarefaction
 nodependa	kwo	independence
 nodependa-ney	kwel	independent
 nodepende	kwel	independent
 nodi	zwo	knot
 nodurte	kwel	artless, simple-hearted, ingenuous; naive
 noemploisa	kwo	unemployment
 nofalibile		certain, definite to happen
 nofida	kwo	distrust
 nofida-nem	komo	with distrust, distrustfully, mistrustfully
 nofidem	komo	with distrust, distrustfully, mistrustfully
 nofin-ney	kwel	endless, infinite
 nofintaa	kwo	infinity, endlessness
 nofortuna	kwo	misfortune
 nofortunnik	kwo	unlucky one, luckless
 nogaitaa	kwo	outrage, disgraceful goings-on
 nohonor	kwo	dishonour
 nointele	kwel	silly, stupid
 nojuste	kwel	unjust, unfair
 nojustitaa	kwo	injustice, unfairness
 nok	kwo	point, tip
 nokalme	kwel	unquiet, uneasy, restless, troubled
 nokalmi	zwo	worry
 nokalmisi	zwo	disquiet, worry, make anxious/uneasy
 nokalmitaa	kwo	anxiety, unrest, uneasiness
 nokanun-ney	kwel	illegal
 nokredibile	kwel	incredible, unbelievable
 nokrute	kwel	slightly/gently sloping
 nokuraja	kwo	cowardice
 nokushale	kwel	awkward, clumsy
 nol	kwanto	zero (0)
 nomuhim	kwel	unimportant, trifling, trivial
 nomuhimka	kwo	trifle, nothingness
 non	exklami	no
 no-ofensive	kwel	inoffensive
 no-ordina	kwo	disorder
 no-ordinnik	kwo	sloven
 nopare	kwel	odd, uneven
 nopinchan	kwel	extraordinary, unusual, uncommon, singular
 nopiti-she, nopitishil	kwel	ruthless, pitiless, merciless
 noprave	kwel	wrong
 nopri	zwo	dislike
 nopria	kwo	dislike
 nopriate	kwel	disagreeable, unpleasant
 norahimem	komo	unmercifully, cruelly
 norasum-ney	kwel	unreasonable, unwise; foolish
 norda	kwo	north
 Norda Amerika		North America
 norda-ney	kwel	north(ern), northerly
 norden	konekti-komo	to the north, north of
 normale	kwel	normal
 normalem	komo	normally
 normalisa	kwo	normalization
 normalisi	zwo	normalize
 nos	kwo	nose
 nosabra	kwo	impatience
 nosabre	kwel	impatient
 nosane	kwel	unhealthy
 nosantisi	zwo	desecrate, defile
 nosantisi	zwo	desecrate, profane, defile
 nosdun	kwo	nostril
 nosimile	kwel	dissimilar, unlike
 nosion	kwo	notion (concept; mental image or representation)
 nosmukus	kwo	nasal mucus, snivel
 nosmukus	kwo	snivel, snot
 nosolte akwa		sweet water
 nospara-ney	kwel	unthrifty, improvident
 nospare	kwel	unthrifty, improvident
 nospari	zwo	squander, dissipate
 nota	kwo	note (a brief piece of writing; a diplomatic missive; a musical sound/mark)
 noti	zwo	note (record - cf. “merki”)
 notifika	kwo	notification, notice
 notifiki	zwo	notify (formally)
 notoleribile	kwel	unbearable, intolerable
 noutile	kwel	useless
 nove	kwel	new
 novela	kwo	novel (short story - cf. “roman”)
 novemba	kwo	November (also mes-shi-un)
 novifi	zwo	be/get renewed
 novika	kwo	smth new (e.g. product)
 novisa	kwo	renewal; update
 novisi	zwo	renew; update
 novitaa	kwo	newness, novelty
 novnik	kwo	novice
 noyao-shem	komo	unwillingly, reluctantly
 nu	inplas-kwo	we, us
 nuansa	kwo	nuance
 nude	kwel	nude, naked, bare
 nudifi	zwo	become naked
 nudina	kwo	a naked woman
 nudisi	zwo	bare, strip
 nudisi swa		bare/strip oneself
 nudisma	kwo	nudism
 nuditaa	kwo	nudity, bareness, nakedness
 nudla	kwo	noodles
 nudpeda-ney		barefooted
 nudpede		barefooted
 nuka	kwo	back of the head, nape, occiput
 nuka-darba		cuff on the nape
 nuklea	kwo	nucleus
 nukleare	kwel	nuclear
 nuksan	kwo	harm; mischief
 nuksani	zwo	harm
 nuksan-ney	kwel	harmful
 nul	inplas-kwel	no (whatever), none (whatever)
 nulem	inplas-komo	in no way
 nulgrad	komo	not at all, to no extent
 nullok	inplas-komo	nowhere
 nulnik	kwo	a nobody, nonentity
 nulves	taim-komo	not once, never
 nulwan	konekti-kwo	nobody
 numer	kwo	number (No.)
 numera	kwo	numeration
 numeri	zwo	number
 nu-ney	inplas-kwel	our
 nungu	kwo	porcupine
 nuta	kwo	nut
 nutra	kwo	nourishing, nutrition
 nutri	zwo	nourish, feed
 nutria	kwo	nutria, coypu
 nutritive	kwel	nutritive, nutritious
 nuy	inplas-kwel	our
 Nyusiland	kwo	New Zealand
 o	unisi	or
 ob	gramatika	1) interrogative particle; 2) whether
 obeda	kwo	obedience
 obedi	zwo	obey, comply with
 obese	kwel	obese
 obesitaa	kwo	obesity
 objeta	kwo	objection
 objeti	zwo	object, adduce as an objection
 obliga	kwo	obligation
 obliga-ney	kwel	obligatory
 oblige	kwel	obligatory
 obligi	zwo	oblige (put under obligation to do or not to do smth), bind, constrain (by duty, honour, etc.)
 oblikue	kwel	oblique
 observa	kwo	observation
 observi	zwo	observe (carefully view; follow)
 obskure	kwel	obscure (without sufficient light, dim, somber; not easily understood)
 obskurifi	zwo	become obscure
 obskurisi	zwo	obscure, dim, darken
 obstakla	kwo	obstacle
 obstakli	zwo	impede, hamper, put obstacles in the way
 obwol	unisi	though, although
 obyekta	kwo	object (thing, item)
 ochak	kwo	hearth, fireplace; (fig.) hotbed, seat, breeding ground, focus, center
 oda	unisi	or; oda...oda... - either...or
 of	komo	off (about a mechanism or connection)
 ofensa	kwo	offence
 ofensem	komo	offendedly, resentfully
 ofensen	kwel	offended, resentful, hurt
 ofenser	kwo	offender
 ofensi	zwo	offend, give offence to
 ofensi-nem	komo	offendedly, resentfully
 ofensi-ney	kwel	offended, resentful, hurt
 ofensive	kwel	offensive
 ofis	kwo	office (place), bureau
 ofisiala	kwo	official, officer, functionary, bureaucrat
 ofisiale	kwel	official (authorized; authoritative)
 oflain	kwel	offline
 ofna	kwo	opening
 ofne	kwel	open
 ofnelok	kwo	open place, opening, glade
 ofner	kwo	opener
 ofni	zwo	open
 ofnika	kwo	opener
 ofnitura	kwo	aperture, orifice
 ofra	kwo	offer
 ofri	zwo	offer, proffer, tender
 ofser	kwo	officer (military, police, nautical)
 ofte	kwel	frequent
 oftem	komo	often
 oko	kwo	eye
 okovati	zwo	eye
 oko-yama	kwo	eye socket
 okra	kwo	ochre
 oktoba	kwo	October (also mes-shi)
 okula	kwo	glasses, spectacles, goggles
 okupi	zwo	occupy (a place, time, mind)
 okupen	kwel	occupied
 okupi-ney	kwel	occupied
 ol	inplas-kwel	all, the whole of, throughout the whole of
 olea	kwo	oil (liquid fat)
 olei	zwo	oil
 oli	inplas-kwo, kwel	all, everyone, everybody
 oli hi		all to a man, every single one
 oliva	kwo	olive
 olivabaum	kwo	olive tree
 olo	inplas-kwo	all, everything
 olosam	komo	all the same; anyway
 oltaim	komo	all the time, constantly
 oltaim pyu		more and more
 om	konekti	about, concerning; on (refers to the subject of activity)
 oma	kwo	grandmother
 omlet	kwo	omelette
 on	konekti	on (on the surface)
 on	komo	on (about a mechanism or connection)
 on pedafinga		on tiptoe
 onda	kwo	wave
 ondi	zwo	wave, undulate
 onding	kwo	undulation
 oni	inplas-kwo	one, they (indefinite personal pronoun)
 onishwoka	kwo	rumour, hearsay
 onkla	kwo	uncle
 onlain	kwel	online (connected to a computer; accessible via computer network)
 onpon	kwo	put on (clothes, glasses)
 oo	exklami	1) oh; 2) o (vocative particle)
 opa	kwo	grandfather
 operata	kwo	operation (also “operasion”)
 operater	kwo	operator
 operati	zwo	operate
 opina	kwo	opinion
 opini	zwo	opine, deem, be of opinion
 oposa	kwo	opposition
 oposer	kwo	oppositionist; opponent
 oposi	zwo	oppose
 opresa	kwo	oppression
 opresi	zwo	oppress
 optimale	kwel	optimal, optimum
 ora	kwo	hour
 oradiker		hour hand
 orak	kwo	sickle
 oranja	kwo	orange (fruit)
 oranje	kwel	orange (colour)
 orda	kwo	order (request)
 orden	kwo	order (awarded decoration; organization - cf. “orda”, “ordina”, “komanda”)
 ordi	zwo	order, book
 ordina	kwo	order (arrangement; the state of being well arranged)
 ordini	zwo	put in order; arrange
 ordini swa	zwo	tidy oneself up, set oneself to rights
 ordinnik	kwo	an orderly person
 organ	kwo	organ (part of organism - cf. “orgel”)
 organike	kwel	organic (biol., chem.)
 organisa	kwo	organization (quality of being organized or way in which smth is organized)
 organisasion	kwo	organization (group of people)
 organisi	zwo	organize
 organising	kwo	organization (process)
 organisma	kwo	organism (lit. and fig.)
 orgel	kwo	organ (musical instrument - cf. “organ”)
 orgelista	kwo	organist, organ player
 orienta	kwo	orientation
 orienti	zwo	orient, orientate
 orientika	kwo	reference point
 orienting	kwo	orienteering
 origin	kwo	origin
 originala	kwo	original (first form, firsthand work)
 originale	kwel	1) original (first, preceding all others in time); 2) original (fresh, unusual)
 originalnik	kwo	original (odd or curious person)
 origini	kwo	originate, arise, begin
 orla	kwo	eagle
 ornamenta	kwo	ornament, ornamental pattern
 orni	zwo	adorn, embellish, bedeck
 ornika	kwo	adornment, embellishment
 ortodoxia	kwo	orthodoxy (cf. «pravaslavia»)
 ortodoxike	kwel	orthodox
 osean	kwo	ocean
 osi	zwo	dare (be courageous or bold enough to)
 osobe	kwel	especial, particular
 osobem	komo	especially, particularly
 osobitaa	kwo	peculiarity, (special) feature
 osoka	kwo	sedge, carex
 osta	kwo	bone
 ostalik	kwel	bony
 Osterraih	kwo	Austria
 ostifa	kwo	ossification
 ostifi	zwo	ossify
 ot	kwanto	eight (8)
 ot-ney		eighth
 oton	kwo	autumn, fall
 oton-ekinoxa		autumnal equinox
 oton-ney	kwel	autumn
 otre	inplas-kwel	other, another
 otrelok	inplas-komo	elsewhere, in another place, somewhere else
 otrem		in other way, differently; otherwise
 otreves	komo	another time, some other time
 otshi		eighty
 otsto		eight hundred
 ouran	komo	casually, accidentally; inadvertently
 oval	kwo	oval
 oval-ney	kwel	oval
 ovo	kwo	egg
 ovosela	kwo	ovum, ovocyte, ovicell
 ovoshel	kwo	eggshell
 ovotot	kwo	spawn
 oxa	kwo	ox
 oxigen	kwo	oxygen
 oysta	kwo	oyster
 pa		preposition of a wide meaning; introduces adverbial phrase
 pa afsos		regrettably, sadly, unfortunately
 pa avos		on the off-chance, at random, in a hit-or-miss fashion
 pa dom		at home
 pa exes		to excess
 pa fakta		in fact, actually
 pa fin		finally, in the end
 pa fortuna		fortunately, luckily
 pa haf		by half, in half
 pa hasta		hastily, in haste, hurriedly
 pa hunta	komo	together, jointly
 pa intenta		on purpose, intentionally
 pa kasu		accidentally
 pa konklusa		in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up
 pa memoria		from memory
 pa nocha		at/by night
 pa nofortuna		unfortunately, unluckily
 pa nul dao		in no way, by no means
 pa selfa		on its own, by itself (himself etc.)
 pa sey dao		by this way
 pa sole		alone, on one's own
 pa tota		on the whole, altogether
 pa tur		by turns
 padma	kwo	lotus
 paga	kwo	pay, payment
 pagala	kwo	madman, lunatic
 pagale	kwel	crazy, mad
 pagalifi	zwo	go mad
 pagalitaa	kwo	craziness, madness
 pagalnik	kwo	madman, lunatic
 pagi	zwo	pay (give money)
 pah	kwo	groin (anatomy)
 pai	zwo	receive, get; succeed, achieve, obtain
 pai lengitura		catch a cold
 paisaja	kwo	landscape, scenery
 paja	kwo	page
 pajo	kwo	page (serving boy)
 pak	kwo	pack, package, parcel
 paketa	kwo	packet
 paki	zwo	pack
 pakla	kwo	tow, oakum
 palak	kwo	eyelid
 palas	kwo	palace
 pale	kwel	pale (light in colour)
 palenesa	kwo	paleness, pallor
 paliata	kwo	palliation, alleviation
 paliati	zwo	palliate, alleviate
 paliative	kwel	palliative
 palma	kwo	palm (palm tree - cf. “pama”)
 palma-semdi		Palm Sunday
 paloma	kwo	pigeon, dove
 palpa	kwo	feeling (by touch), palpation
 palpi	zwo	feel (about), palpate
 palto	kwo	coat, overcoat
 pama	kwo	palm (of hand)
 pama-holika	kwo	hollow of the hand
 pan	kwo	bread
 pandan	kwo	bread box/bin
 panika	kwo	panic
 pankin	kwo	bread roll, bun
 panpasta	kwo	dough
 panshop	kwo	baker’s
 panta	kwo	trousers, pants
 pantakin	kwo	underpants
 pantera	kwo	panther
 panza	kwo	armour
 pao	kwo	bubble; blister
 papa	kwo	dad, daddy, papa
 papagay	kwo	parrot
 papir	kwo	paper
 paprika	kwo	paprika
 para	kwo	pair, couple
 parada	kwo	parade (procession or ceremonial review of troops)
 paradigma	kwo	paradigm (philos., gram.)
 paradoxa	kwo	paradox
 paradoxale	kwel	paradoxical
 paradoxalem	komo	paradoxically
 paragraf	kwo	paragraph
 para-jen	kwo	match (person)
 paralela	kwo	parallel
 paralele	kwel	parallel
 paralisa	kwo	paralysis, palsy
 paralisi	zwo	paralyze
 para-ney	kwel	pair, forming a pair
 parapeta	kwo	parapet; railing, handrail, banisters
 parashut	kwo	parachute
 parasita	kwo	parasite
 parasitike	kwel	parasitic
 parda	kwo	curtain
 pardona	kwo	forgiveness, pardon
 pardoni	zwo	forgive, pardon
 pare	kwel	even (divisible by 2)
 pari	zwo	pair
 parka	kwo	park
 parola	kwo	password
 parpar	kwo	butterfly
 parta	kwo	part
 parta-nem	komo	partly, partially
 parta-ney	kwel	partial
 parte	kwel	partial
 partem	komo	partly, partially
 parti	zwo	share, divide, part
 partia	kwo	party (group taking one side of smth; political group - cf. “pati”)
 partiayuan	kwo	party member
 partikla	kwo	particle
 partikulare	kwel	particular (not general or universal)
 partikularitaa	kwo	particularity (the quality or state of being particular rather than general; a specific point or detail, a particular)
 partisipa	zwo	participation
 partisiper	zwo	participant, participator
 partisipi	zwo	participate
 partner	kwo	partner (of either sex)
 partnerina	kwo	female partner
 parus	kwo	sail (of a ship or boat)
 parus-kapra	kwo	sailcloth
 pas	konekti-komo	past, by
 pasaja	kwo	passageway, gangway, aisle
 pashu	kwo	cattle
 pashudom	kwo	cattle-shed
 pasi	zwo	pass; pass by
 pasienta	kwo	patient (one who receives medical attention)
 pasijen	kwo	passer-by
 pasion	kwo	passion
 pasion-ney	kwel	passionate
 pasive	kwel	passive
 pasivitaa	kwel	passivity
 pasiwat	kwo	past (the period of time that has already happened)
 pasiworda	kwo	password (also “parola”)
 paska	kwo	Easter
 pasta	kwo	paste
 pasturi	zwo	graze, pasture
 pasturi-sha	kwo	herder, herdsman, shepherd (also “gurtayuan”)
 pata	kwo	paw
 patata	kwo	potato, potatoes
 patenta	kwo	patent (declaration issued by a government agency to an inventor)
 patenti	zwo	patent
 patenting	kwo	patenting
 pati	kwo	party (social gathering especially for pleasure or amusement - cf. “partia”)
 patlajan	kwo	eggplant, aubergine
 patra	kwo	father
 patralanda	kwo	fatherland
 patriota	kwo	patriot
 patrul	kwo	patrol
 patruli	zwo	patrol
 paun	kwo	pound (unit of mass; unit of currency)
 pausa	kwo	pause
 pausi	zwo	pause
 pava	kwo	peafowl
 pavimenta	kwo	pavement
 pavimenti	zwo	pave; cobble
 pavina	kwo	peahen
 pavo	kwo	peacock
 pay	kwo	pie
 peda	kwo	foot
 peda trasa		footprint
 pedafinga	kwo	toe
 pedal	kwo	pedal
 pedi	zwo	go on foot
 pedijen	kwo	pedestrian
 peding	kwo	walking; footrace
 pedi-sha	kwo	pedestrian
 pedisoldata	kwo	infantryman
 pega	kwo	peg (a cylindrical wooden, metal etc. object used to fasten; a protrusion used to hang things on)
 peker	kwo	baker
 peki	zwo	bake
 pekiguan	kwo	bakery
 peking	kwo	baking
 pekitura	kwo	pastry
 pelatuk	kwo	woodpecker
 pelikula	kwo	film (pellicle, thin sheet or coating - cf. “filma”)
 pelin	kwo	wormwood, absinth
 pen	kwo	tub
 pena	kwo	pains, trouble, strain
 pendi	zwo	hang (intr./tr.)
 pendika	kwo	rack, hanger
 pendi-kili	zwo	hang, kill by hanging
 pendikufla		padlock
 pendula	kwo	pendulum
 penetra	kwo	penetration, permeation
 penetri	zwo	penetrate
 peni		1) (zwo) to take the trouble (to do smth or to do smth difficult of execution), to take pains; 2) (kwo) penny, pence
 penis	kwo	penis
 pepa	kwo	pepper (paprika is "paprika")
 pepadan	kwo	pepper pot
 pepla	kwo	ashes
 pepladan	kwo	ash-tray
 peplalok	kwo	site of fire, ashes
 peplisi	zwo	burn to ashes
 per	konekti	per, for each/every
 pera	kwo	pear
 perfekte	kwel	perfect
 perfektisi	zwo	perfect, improve, polish up
 perfektitaa	kwo	perfection (quality)
 perfora	kwo	perforation
 perfori	zwo	perforate
 perioda	kwo	period
 periodika	kwo	periodical
 periodike	kwel	periodical
 perla	kwo	pearl(s)
 permanente	kwel	permanent (lasting for an indefinitely long time)
 permita	kwo	permission
 permiti	zwo	permit, allow
 permitibile	kwel	permissible
 perplexe	kwel	perplexed, puzzled
 perplexitaa	kwo	perplexity
 persekwa	kwo	persecution; pursuit, chase
 persekwi	zwo	persecute, pursue, chase
 persepta	kwo	perception
 persepti	zwo	perceive
 perseptibile	kwel	perceptible
 persik	kwo	peach
 persona	kwo	person
 personale	kwel	personal
 personalem	komo	personally
 personalitaa	kwo	personality
 personifika	kwo	personification
 personifiki	zwo	personify
 perspektiva	kwo	perspective
 perspektive	kwel	perspective
 perteni	zwo	belong, pertain
 peruka	kwo	wig, peruke
 pes	kwo	piece (separated part - cf. "ge")
 pesta	kwo	plague
 pet	kwanto	five (5)
 petala	kwo	petal
 petdi	kwo	Friday
 petision	kwo	petition, written request
 pet-ney		fifth
 petshi		fifty
 petsto		five hundred
 pi	zwo	drink
 pia	kwo	drinking; drink
 pi-akwa		drinking water
 piano	kwo	piano
 piesa	kwo	play (theatrical performance), piece (musical composition, literary work)
 piga	kwo	leather
 piguan	kwo	pub, public house
 pijama	kwo	pyjamas
 pika	kwo	prick, puncture
 piki	zwo	prick, sting
 piki-she	kwel	prickly
 pikter	kwo	painter (artist who paints pictures)
 pikti	zwo	depict, picture, paint
 pikting	kwo	painting (art)
 piktura	kwo	picture, image
 pila	kwo	pile (heap)
 pilok	kwo	watering place
 pilota	kwo	pilot (of aircraft or ship)
 pi-mani	kwo	tip, gratuity
 pimenta	kwo	pimento; allspice
 pin	kwo	commodity, article(s), goods, ware(s)
 pina	kwo	pine
 pinchan	kwel	ordinary, usual
 pinchanem	komo	ordinarily, usually
 pinguin	kwo	penguin
 pinsa	kwo	pinch
 pinsel	kwo	(artist’s or painter’s) brush
 pinser	kwo	pincers, pliers
 pinserkin	kwo	tweezers
 pinsi	zwo	pinch
 pinta	kwo	paint (substance)
 pintaken	kwo	can of paint
 pintaken		can of paint
 pinter	kwo	painter (laborer - cf. "pikter")
 pinti	zwo	paint (apply paint to - cf. "pikti")
 pipa	kwo	(tobacco) pipe (cf. “duda”, “tuba”)
 pipeta	kwo	pipette, medicine dropper
 pipsi	zwo	peep, cheep
 pirsi	zwo	pierce
 pirsing	kwo	piercing
 pisi	zwo	piss
 pisina	kwo	swimming pool
 pistaka	kwo	pistachio
 pistola	kwo	pistol, handgun
 pita	kwo	compassion; pity
 piti	zwo	have compassion on; pity
 piti-she	kwel	compassionate, pitiful
 pitishil	kwel	compassionate, pitiful
 pitival	kwel	pitiable
 pitsa	kwo	pizza
 piwat	kwo	drink, beverage
 plaka	kwo	weeping
 plaki	zwo	weep, cry
 plaknik	kwo	weeper, cry-baby, sniveller
 plan	kwo	plan
 plana	kwo	plane
 plane	kwel	plane, level, even, flat (cf. "plate")
 planeta	kwo	planet
 planeta-ney	kwel	planetary
 plani	zwo	plan
 planika	kwo	plain; smth level
 planing	kwo	planning
 planisa	kwo	levelling, smoothing
 planisi	zwo	even, level, plane
 planka	kwo	plank, board
 planka-kama	kwo	plank bed
 planta	kwo	plant (organism)
 planti	zwo	plant
 planting	kwo	planting (act)
 plantiwat	kwo	planted plant
 plantura	kwo	plantation, planting (also "plantasion")
 plasa	kwo	place (for smth or smb; room, space - cf. “loko”)
 plasi	zwo	place
 plasma	kwo	plasma
 plasta	kwo	plaster (adhesive bandage)
 plastik	kwo	plastic (material)
 plastike	kwel	plastic (capable of being shaped or formed)
 plastik-ney	kwel	plastic
 plata	kwo	plate, plaque, slab
 plataforma	kwo	platform
 platbota		flat-boat
 plate	kwel	flat, flattened
 platem	komo	flatways, flatwise
 plati	zwo	flatten (tr./intr.)
 platifa	kwo	flattening (act or result)
 platifi	zwo	flatten (intr.)
 platin	kwo	platinum
 plating	kwo	flattening (process)
 platisi	zwo	flatten (tr.)
 plato	kwo	plateau, tableland
 platpeda		flat-foot
 playa	kwo	beach
 plecha	kwo	shoulder
 plei	zwo	play (cf. "baji")
 pleier	kwo	player
 pleika	kwo	plaything, toy
 pleisa	kwo	play (cf. “geim”)
 plei-sha	kwo	player (person)
 plen	kwo	captivity
 plenisi	zwo	take prisoner
 plenjen	kwo	captive, prisoner
 plesir	kwo	pleasure
 pleska	kwo	splash, plash, lapping, swash
 pleski	zwo	splash, plash, lap, swash
 plexi	zwo	braid, plait, twine, wreathe, weave
 plexika	kwo	smth (inter)twined; plait, braid
 plexus	kwo	plexus (anatomy)
 pliga	kwo	fold; crease, plait
 pligi	zwo	fold
 pligibile	kwel	folding (designed to fold)
 plis	exklami	please
 plota	kwo	raft
 pluga	kwo	plough, plow
 pluga-sikin	kwo	ploughshare
 pluger	kwo	plowman, ploughman
 plugi	zwo	plough
 pluging	kwo	ploughing, tillage
 pluki	zwo	pluck, cull, gather, pick (fruits, flowers, etc.); pluck (pull out the hair or feather of)
 pluma	kwo	feather, plume
 plumamao	kwo	plumage, feathering
 plumba	kwo	lead (metal)
 plunja	kwo	dive, plunge
 plunjer	kwo	diver
 plunji	zwo	dive, plunge
 pluri	inplas-kwanto	several
 plus	kwo, konekti, komo	plus (plus sign; advantage; besides)
 plusi	zwo	add
 plus-ney	kwel	plus, extra
 Pluton	kwo	Pluto
 pluva	kwo	rain
 pluvi	zwo	rain
 pluvi gro		it is pouring, it pours
 pluvi-ki		it is drizzling, it drizzles
 pluvinka	kwo	raindrop
 po	konekti	po (refers to distribution in portions)
 poda	kwo	floor (cf. “etaja”)
 podla	kwo	scoundrel, rascal, villain
 podle	kwel	vile; mean; foul
 poema	kwo	poem
 poesia	kwo	poetry
 poeta	kwo	poet
 poetike	kwel	poetic
 poklona	kwo	bow
 pokloni	zwo	bow (in greeting, courtesy, veneration, etc.)
 pol	kwo	pole (either extremity of an axis through a sphere; a magnetic pole)
 polare	kwel	polar
 polarisa	kwo	polarization
 polarisi	zwo	polarize (tr.)
 polaritaa	kwo	polarity
 poliglota	kwo	polyglot
 Polinesia	kwo	Polynesia
 polis	kwo	police
 polisguan	kwo	police station
 polisyuan	kwo	policeman
 politika	kwo	policy, politics
 politike	kwo	political
 politiker	kwo	politician
 polsa	kwo	wrist (the joint between the hand and the forearm)
 polva	kwo	dust
 polvinka	kwo	speck of dust
 polviser	kwo	sprayer, atomizer, pulverizer
 polvisi	zwo	spray, atomize, pulverize
 pompa	kwo	pomp, state
 pompa-ney	kwel	pompous
 pompaful	kwel	pompous
 pon	zwo	put
 pondi	zwo	weigh (determine weight; consider - cf. “vegi”)
 pondidan	kwo	scale (either of the pans, trays or dishes of a balance or scales)
 pondika	kwo	balance, scales (also «vaka»)
 ponding	kwo	weighing
 poni	kwo	pony
 ponta	kwo	bridge
 pop	kwo	Christian priest
 popa	kwo	stern, poop; buttocks, bottom
 popla	kwo	poplar
 populare	kwo	popular
 populasion	kwo	population
 por	konekti	due to, because of
 porcha	kwo	porch
 porter	kwo	porter
 porti	zwo	bear, carry; wear
 porti wek	zwo	take away, carry away
 portibile	kwel	portable
 portika	kwo	stretcher, litter
 porting	kwo	carrying, bearing
 portisulam	kwo	stepladder
 portiwat	kwo	what is carried, load, burden
 portreta	kwo	portrait
 portu	kwo	port, harbour
 Portugal		Portugal
 Portugal-jen		inhabitant/citizen of Portugal
 portuges	kwel, kwo	Portuguese (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Portuguese (person of Portuguese ethnicity); Portuguese language
 posa	kwo	pose, posture
 poseser	kwo	owner, proprietor, possessor, holder
 posesi	zwo	possess
 posh	kwo	pocket
 poshtuh	kwo	handkerchief
 posible	kwel	possible
 posiblitaa	kwo	possibility
 posision	kwo	position
 posision-ney	kwel	positional
 positiva	kwo	positive
 positive	kwel	positive
 posta	kwo	post (message in an electronic forum); post (position of employment; outpost, guard-post)
 posti	zwo	post (send to an electronic forum)
 pot	kwo	pot (a household vessel of medium size)
 potensia	kwo	potentiality, potency, ability or capacity to perform; math. power
 potensial	kwo	potential (ability or capacity for growth; physical notion)
 potente	kwel	potential, potent, endowed with energy adequate to a result
 povra	kwo	poor fellow
 povre	kwel	poor (with little money; to be pitied)
 povritaa	kwo	poverty
 poy	taim-komo	then, later
 prais	kwo	price
 prais-disputnik		haggler
 prais-lista	kwo	price list
 prajanmer		forebear
 prajen		ancestor, forefather
 prakinda		descendant, offspring, scion
 praktika	kwo	practice
 praktike	kwel	practical, pertaining to practice
 praktikem	komo	practically
 praktiki	zwo	practice, exercise, put into practice
 pralingwa		parent language
 praopa	kwo	great-grandfather
 praopa		great-grandfather
 prapatra	kwo	forefather
 pravaslavia	kwo	Orthodoxy (religion)
 pravaslavike	kwel	Orthodox
 prave	kwel	right (correct, just, true, appropriate; synonyms with narrower meaning are “vere, juste, korekte”)
 pravitaa	kwo	rightness
 pravnik	kwo	righteous man
 pre-existi		to preexist
 prefera	kwo	preference
 preferi	zwo	prefer
 preferival	kwel	preferable, preferred
 preferivalem	komo	preferably
 prefoba	kwo	misgiving, apprehension
 prega	kwo	request
 pregi	zwo	ask for, beg, request
 pregi skusa		apologize
 pregi-pai		obtain by request, asking
 pregoer		predecessor
 prei	zwo	pray
 preijuk	kwo	mantis
 preikitaba	kwo	prayer book
 preisa	kwo	prayer
 preiyuan	kwo	priest
 prejuda	kwo	prejudice
 prejui	zwo	look forward to, foretaste
 prelaste	kwel	last but one, next to last, penultimate; one from the bottom
 prelime	kwel	preliminary
 premature	kwel	premature
 premia	kwo	bonus, premium (also finance), prize
 pren	zwo	take
 prenam		forename
 prensa	kwo	taking
 prepaga	kwo	prepayment, upfront payment
 pres	kwo	press (the entirety of media and agencies that collect, publish, transmit, or broadcast the news - cf. "preser")
 presa	kwo	pressure
 preseda	kwo	precedence
 presedi	zwo	precede
 presedi-she	kwel	preceding
 presensia	kwo	presence
 presente	kwel	present (not absent; current)
 preser	kwo	press (a devise used to apply pressure to an item)
 preservi	zwo	preserve (fon koysa - from smth), save, keep from injury
 preshwo		to foretell
 presi	zwo	press
 presidenta	kwo	president
 presigna	kwo	omen, presage, augury
 presigni	zwo	portend, presage, forebode
 preskriba	kwo	precept, direction; prescription
 preskribi	zwo	prescribe, direct, order
 presuposi	zwo	presuppose, imply as an antecedent condition
 preventa	kwo	prevention
 preventi	zwo	prevent
 previdi		to foresee
 preworda	zwo	preface, foreword
 preyeri	taim-komo	the day before yesterday
 pri	sta	to like
 pria	kwo	liking
 priate	kwel	agreeable, pleasant, pleasing
 pricha	kwo	sermon, preaching, preachment
 prichi	zwo	preach
 primare	kwel	primary (elementary, first or lowest in order)
 prime	kwel	prime (first in importance or quality), primary, paramount
 primem	komo	above all, first of all; primarily, chiefly, mainly, principally
 primitive	kwel	primitive
 primula	kwo	primula, primrose
 prinsa	kwo	prince
 prinsip	kwo	principle
 prinsip-ney	kwel	of principle
 printing	kwo	print, printing
 printer	kwo	printer
 printi	zwo	print
 printiguan	kwo	printing house
 pris	kwo	prize (smth striven for in a contest)
 prisenta	kwo	presentation
 prisenti	zwo	present (reveal, show)
 prison	kwo	prison, jail
 prival	kwel	lovely, alluring, nice
 private	kwel	private
 privilegia	kwo	privilege
 pro	konekti-syao	pro, in favour of
 proba	kwo	trial, test; sample
 probable	kwel	probable, likely
 probablem	komo	probably (see also “shayad”)
 probablitaa	kwo	probability
 probi	zwo	sample (to take or to test a sample), test; try on; try out (cf. “trai”)
 problema	kwo	problem
 problema yok		no problem
 probus	kwo	proboscis (of elephant, of insect)
 produkta	kwo	product
 produkter	kwo	producer
 produkti	zwo	produce
 produkting	kwo	production
 produktive	kwel	productive
 produktivitaa	kwo	productivity
 produktura	kwo	produce, items/amount produced
 profesion	kwo	profession, occupation
 profesor	kwo	professor
 profeta	kwo	prophet, seer
 profeti	zwo	prophesy, augur
 profetura	kwo	prophecy
 profit	kwo	profit
 profiti	zwo	profit
 profit-ney	kwel	profitable
 prognosa	kwo	prognosis, forecast
 prognosi	zwo	prognose
 programa	kwo	programme
 programi	zwo	programme
 programing	kwo	programming
 programista	kwo	programer
 progresa	kwo	progress
 progresi	zwo	progress
 prohiba	kwo	prohibition, interdiction, ban
 prohibi	zwo	prohibit, forbid, interdict
 proklama	kwo	proclamation
 proklami	zwo	proclaim, cry out
 prolonga	kwo	prolongation
 prolongi	zwo	prolong, lengthen, extend
 promena	kwo	walk, stroll
 promeni	zwo	stroll, go for a walk
 pronunsa	kwo	pronunciation
 pronunsi	zwo	pronounce (utter, say words)
 propaga	kwo	propagation (dissemination, diffusion)
 propaganda	kwo	propaganda
 propagander	kwo	propagandizer, propagandist
 propagandi	zwo	propagandize
 propagi	zwo	propagate (extend, spread)
 prope	kwel	own
 propisi	zwo	appropriate, take for one’s own
 proporsion	kwo	proportion
 proporsion-nem	komo	proportionally
 proporsion-ney	kwel	proportional, proportionate
 proposa	kwo	proposal, proposition, suggestion
 proposi	zwo	propose (suggest)
 prosa	kwo	prose
 prosa-ney	kwo	prosaic
 prosalik	kwo	prosaic
 prosenta	kwo	percent
 prosesa	kwo	process
 prosesion	kwo	procession, train
 prostituta	kwo	prostitute
 protekta	kwo	protection
 protekter	kwo	protector
 protekti	zwo	protect
 protektive	kwel	protective
 protesta	kwo	protest
 protesti	zwo	protest
 prototip	kwo	prototype
 provinsia	kwo	province
 provinsiale	kwel	provincial
 proyekta	kwo	project
 proyekti	zwo	project
 pruf	kwel	proof (firm or successful in resisting)
 pruja	kwo	spring (mechanical device - cf. "vesna")
 pruja-matras		spring mattress
 pruji	zwo	be springy/resilient
 pruji-she	kwel	springy, resilient
 pruta	kwo	rod (bar; twig)
 pruva	kwo	proof
 pruvi	zwo	prove (give proof)
 psikiatria	kwo	psychiatry
 psikiatrier	kwo	psychiatrist, psychiater
 psikiatrike	kwel	psychiatric
 psikika	kwo	psyche
 psikike	kwel	psychic, psychical
 psora	kwo	any evident skin disease
 psore	kwo	mangy, scabby
 psora-ney	kwo	mangy, scabby
 publika	kwo	public; audience
 publike	kwel	public
 publikisi	zwo	publish, make public
 puda	kwo	powder
 pudla	kwo	poodle
 puha	kwo	fluff, fuzz, fluffy covering (down; thin hair)
 puha-ney	kwel	downy, fluffy
 puhe	kwel	downy, fluffy
 puhisi	zwo	fluff up
 puhle	kwel	swollen; plump
 puhlifa	kwo	swelling
 puhlifi	zwo	swell
 puhlika	kwo	tumor
 puja	kwo	worship
 puji	zwo	worship
 pula	kwo	domestic fowl(s), poultry
 pula-ferma		poultry farm
 pulga	kwo	flea
 pulmon	kwo	lung
 pulmones		the lungs
 pulova	kwo	sweater, pullover
 pulsa	kwo	pulse
 puma	kwo	puma
 pumba	kwo	silly, simpleton, ninny, duffer
 pumbe	kwel	silly (may be used without insulting connotations), simple-minded, goofy
 pumbitaa	kwo	folly
 pumpa	kwo	pump
 pumpi	zwo	pump
 pumping	kwo	pumping
 puna	kwo	punishment, penalty
 puni	zwo	punish
 punitive	kwel	punitive
 punival	kwel	deserving punishment
 punta	kwo	point (dot; full stop, period; item or entry in list; score; place or locality)
 puntakoma	kwo	semicolon
 punta-konta	kwo	score (number of points earned)
 pupila	kwo	pupil (of eye)
 pur	konekti	1) for, in exchange for; 2) for, in place of
 pure	kwel	pure
 purga	kwo	purge (act)
 purgi	zwo	purge (the body, soul, mind, party)
 purgi-farmak	kwo	purge (medicine)
 purgika	kwo	purge (medicine)
 purisa	kwo	purification
 purisi	zwo	purify
 puritaa	kwo	purity
 purpur	kwo	purple
 purpur-ney	kwel	purple
 pusha	kwo	push
 pushi	zwo	push
 pushing	kwo	pushing
 putre	kwel	rotten; putrid
 putrifi	zwo	rot, decay, become bad
 putrika	kwo	rotten stuff
 putrisi	zwo	make rot
 putunhua	kwo	Putonghua
 pwa	kwo	pea(s)
 pyan	kwel	drunk, drunken, tipsy
 pyani	zwo	drink hard/heavily
 pyaning	kwo	drunkenness, hard drinking
 pyanisi	zwo	make drunk, intoxicate
 pyannesa	kwo	intoxication
 pyannik	kwo	drunkard
 pyasa	kwo	thirst
 pyasa-ney	kwel	thirsty
 pyase	kwel	thirsty
 pyasi	zwo	thirst
 pyata	kwo	plate (dish)
 pyu	gramatika-komo	more
 pyu shao		less, smaller amount
 pyu-nem	komo	rather, to a greater degree
 rabata	kwo	reduction, diminution, rebate, abatement (in price)
 rabati	zwo	make a reduction in (value or price)
 rabia	kwo	rabies, canine madness
 rabike	kwel	rabid
 rada	kwo	wheel
 radiati	zwo	radiate
 radiatia	kwo	radiation
 radikal	kwo	radical (linguistics, chemistry)
 radikala	kwo	radical (a person with radical opinions)
 radikale	kwel	radical (favouring fundamental change)
 radikal-ney	kwel	radical (linguistics, chemistry)
 radio	kwo	radio
 radioyuan	kwo	radio/wireless operator
 radis	kwo	radish
 raduga	kwo	rainbow
 raduga-ney	kwel	iridescent, rainbow
 raduge	kwel	iridescent, rainbow
 radugisi	zwo	rainbow
 radyum	kwo	radium
 ragi	zwo	jut out, protrude, stick up, stick out
 ragi-she	kwel	prominent, protruding
 rahim	kwel	merciful; charitable
 rahimem	komo	mercifully
 rahimtaa	kwo	mercy, charity, grace
 raidem	komo	astride, astraddle
 raidi	zwo	ride (on a horse), straddle
 raidi-shem	komo	astride, astraddle
 raita	kwo	right (a legal or moral entitlement)
 raja	kwo	raja
 raker	kwo	rider; passenger
 raketa	kwo	1) rocket; missile; 2) racquet
 raki	zwo	ride (to transport oneself by means of smth), drive, go by smth (tr./intr.)
 raki-ateni		catch up by car (or other vehicle)
 raking	kwo	ride, riding; drive, driving
 rakonta	kwo	tale, narrative, story, account
 rakonti	zwo	narrate, tell, give an account, recount
 ramla	kwo	sand
 ramlakloka	kwo	hourglass
 ramlinka	kwo	grain of sand
 rane	kwel	early
 ranem	komo	early
 rare	kwel	rare, infrequent
 rarem	komo	seldom, rarely, infrequently
 rarika	kwo	rarity (a rare object)
 raritaa	kwo	rarity (rareness)
 rasa	kwo	race (breed)
 rasdai		to distribute, give to several people
 rasfobisi		scare/frighten away
 rasgoni		to drive away, disperse, scatter
 ras-haki		to hack to pieces
 raslansi		to throw around, scatter
 raslwo		to fall to pieces
 rasma	kwo	drawing (smth drawn""":""" picture, diagram, etc.)
 rasmi	zwo	draw (depict with lines)
 rasming	kwo	drawing (act or instance; the art)
 rasmuvi		to move apart
 raspon		to lay out, place
 rasrupti	zwo	knock to pieces, to smash into smithereens
 rassendi		to send out/round
 rasshwai	zwo	scatter, throw about
 rasstepi	zwo	give way, part, step aside
 rasta	kwo	rake (tool)
 rasti	zwo	rake
 rasting	kwo	raking
 rasum	kwo	reason (cognitive faculties; reasoning; ability to think - cf. “kausa”)
 rasum-nem	komo	reasonably
 rasum-ney	kwel	reasonable
 rata	kwo	rat
 rauba	kwo	robbery, brigandage, pillage
 rauber	kwo	robber, brigand
 raubi	zwo	rob, maraud, plunder, loot
 rauka	kwo	wheeze, hoarse sound
 rauka-ney	kwel	hoarse, raucous, husky
 rauke	kwel	hoarse, raucous, husky
 rauki	zwo	wheeze; speak hoarsely, croak; be hoarse
 raunda	kwo	round (a unit of play)
 ray	kwo	ray, beam
 ray-fasia		sheaf of rays
 raza, razing	kwo	shave, shaving
 razer	kwo	razor
 razi	zwo	shave
 razi swa		shave oneself
 rea	kwo	rhea
 reaksion	kwo	reaction (chemistry, physics)
 reaksioni	zwo	react (chemistry, physics)
 reakta	kwo	reaction
 reakti	zwo	react (act in response)
 reale	kwel	real
 realem	komo	really
 realifi	zwo	come true, be realized
 realisa	kwo	realization (making real), accomplishment
 realisi	zwo	realize (make real)
 realisibile	kwel	realizable
 realitaa	kwo	reality
 rebela	kwo	rebellion
 rebeli	zwo	rebel
 redakta	kwo	redaction
 redakter	kwo	editor
 redakti	zwo	edit
 redaktiguan	kwo	editorial office
 redakting	kwo	redaction (process of editing)
 redaktitim	kwo	editorial staff
 redaktura	kwo	redaction, version
 redukta	kwo	reduction
 redukter	kwo	reducer
 redukti	zwo	reduce
 reflekta	kwo	reflection
 reflekti	zwo	reflect (throw or bend back from a surface, mirror - cf. "mediti")
 reflexa	kwo	reflex (physiology, phychology)
 reforma	kwo	reform
 reformi	zwo	reform, amend for the better
 refuja	kwo	refuge, shelter
 refuji	zwo	refuge, shelter
 refusa	kwo	refusal
 refusi	zwo	refuse, decline
 refuta	kwo	refutation, disproof
 refuti	zwo	refute, confute, disprove
 rega	kwo	monarch, king/queen
 regale	kwel	royal, regal, kingly
 regi	zwo	reign
 regilanda	kwo	kingdom, realm
 regilok	kwo	kingdom, realm
 regimenta	kwo	regiment
 regina	kwo	queen
 reging	kwo	reign
 region	kwo	region (all senses)
 regionale	kwel	regional
 register	kwo	register (computer science, music)
 registra	kwo	registration
 registri	zwo	register (record, enter, enroll)
 rego	kwo	king
 regula	kwo	rule, regulation
 regulare	kwel	regular
 regularitaa	kwo	regularity
 regulator	kwo	regulator
 regulatot	kwo	regulations
 reguli	zwo	regulate
 reguling	kwo	regulation (act of regulating)
 reina	kwo	rein
 rejekta	kwo	rejection
 rejekti	zwo	reject
 rejim	kwo	regime, regimen
 rejisor	kwo	director (in a show or film)
 rek	komo	right (directly, straight; downright, quite)
 reka	kwo	streak, stroke, line (cf. “treta”)
 reklama	kwo	advertisement; ad, commercial
 reklami	zwo	advertise
 reklaming	kwo	advertising
 rekola	kwo	harvest
 rekoli	zwo	harvest
 rekoling	kwo	harvesting
 rekomenda	kwo	recommendation
 rekomendi	zwo	recommend
 rekompensa	kwo	requital, recompense
 rekompensi	zwo	recompense, reward, remunerate
 rekona	kwo	recognition
 rekoni	zwo	recognize
 rekonsila	kwo	reconciliation
 rekonsili	zwo	reconcile
 rekor	kwo	record (unsurpassed measurement)
 rekorda	kwo	record, recording
 rekordi	zwo	record, make an audio/video recording
 rekruta	kwo	recruit, conscript
 rekruti	zwo	recruit, enroll, enlist
 rektangula	kwo	rectangle
 rekte	kwel	straight (not crooked or bent)
 rektisi	zwo	straighten
 rel	kwo	rail (the metal bar that makes the track for a railroad)
 relata	kwo	relation, relationship (connection; condition of being related)
 relatem	konekti	in relation to, relative to
 relati	zwo	relate (have connection or relationship)
 relative	kwel	relative
 relativem	komo	relatively
 relativitaa	kwo	relativity
 religion	kwo	religion
 religionful	kwel	religious (having reverence for God)
 religion-ney	kwel	religious (of religion)
 reloka	kwo	relocation
 reloki	zwo	relocate
 relokifi	zwo	move (to), migrate, transmigrate, resettle
 rema	kwo	oar
 remarka	kwo	remark (comment, a casual or brief expression of opinion)
 remarki	zwo	remark (express briefly and casually as a comment)
 rememba	kwo	recollection, reminiscence
 remembi	zwo	remember (have in memory; recall from memory)
 remer	kwo	rower, oarsman
 remi	zwo	row (propel a boat by use of an oar)
 reming	kwo	rowing
 remorsa	kwo	remorse
 remorsi	zwo	feel remorse
 renegat	kwo	renegade, apostate
 renegat-ney	kwel	renegade, apostate
 rensheng	kwo	ginseng
 renta	kwo	rent (payment)
 renversa	kwo	overthrow
 renversi	zwo	capsize, overturn; overthrow, subvert
 repa	kwo	turnip
 repara	kwo	repair
 reparaguan	kwo	repair shop/station
 reparen	kwel	repaired
 repari	zwo	repair
 repari-ney	kwel	repaired
 repela	kwo	repelling, repulsion
 repeler	kwo	repellent
 repeli	zwo	repel (put off, force away)
 repertuar	kwo	repertoire, repertory
 repeta	kwo	repetition; rehearsal
 repeti	zwo	repeat; rehearse (practice by repetition)
 replasa	kwo	replacement
 replasi	zwo	replace, displace, supersede
 replika	kwo	cue, retort, replication, rejoinder, reply
 repliki	zwo	cue, retort, rejoin, reply
 reporta	kwo	report, account, reportage
 reporter	kwo	reporter
 reporti	zwo	report, give an account
 reposa	kwo	rest, repose
 reposi	zwo	rest, take/have a rest, repose
 reposi-stopa		halt, rest
 represa	kwo	repression
 representer	kwo	representative
 representi	zwo	represent (stand for; be the representative of; depict)
 represi	zwo	repress, check, restrain, suppress, subdue
 reprodukta	kwo	reproduction
 reprodukti	zwo	reproduce
 reproduktive	kwel	reproductive
 reprosha	kwo	reproach, reproof, rebuke
 reproshi	zwo	reproach, upbraid
 reptila	kwo	reptile
 republika	kwo	republic
 republikista	kwo	republican
 reputasion	kwo	reputation
 resepta	kwo	recipe
 reserva	kwo	reserve, store, stock
 reserva-ney	kwel	reserve, spare, held in or forming a reserve
 reserve	kwel	reserve, spare, held in or forming a reserve
 reservi	zwo	reserve, save, set apart, lay by or up
 residi	zwo	reside, dwell, abide
 residilok	kwo	residence, abode
 resista	kwo	resistance
 resisti	zwo	resist; withstand
 resiva	kwo	reception
 resiver	kwo	receiver (device)
 resivi	zwo	receive
 resivi-sha	kwo	recipient, receiver (person), receptionist
 resivi-shamba	kwo	reception, parlour
 resiviyuan	kwo	receptionist
 resolusion	kwo	resolution (formal decision)
 resolute	kwel	resolute, determined, firm, unwavering
 resolutem	komo	resolutely
 resolutenesa	kwo	resoluteness, determination, resolution
 resoluti	zwo	be resolved
 resolva	kwo	solution (answer, plan)
 resolvi	zwo	solve, resolve (find solution - cf. “solvi”)
 reson	kwo	reason, grounds; point, sense; argument
 resonful	kwel	reasonable, well-grounded, having a point
 resoni	zwo	reason
 resoning	kwo	reasoning
 resora	kwo	spring (of vehicle)
 respekta	kwo	respect, esteem
 respekti	zwo	respect, esteem
 respektival	kwel	respectable, honourable
 responsa	kwo	responsibility
 responsi	zwo	be responsible (om koysa - for smth)
 responsi-she	kwel	responsible
 resta	kwo	remainder, rest
 resta-ney	kwel	remaining
 reste	kwel	remaining
 restes		the rest (people)
 resti	zwo	remain (continue unchanged in place, form or state; be left over)
 restika	kwo	remainder; change (money given back)
 resting	kwo	stay, sojourn
 restora	kwo	restoration
 restori	zwo	restore
 resulta	kwo	result
 resulti	zwo	result
 resuma	kwo	recapitulation, summary, resume
 resumi	zwo	recapitulate, sum up, summarize
 retena	kwo	retention
 reteni	zwo	retain, keep in one’s possession
 returna	kwo	return
 returni	zwo	return (come or go back; give back)
 reumatisma	kwo	rheumatism (a short form is «reuma»)
 revela	kwo	revelation, disclosure
 reveli	zwo	reveal, disclose, uncover
 reversa	kwo	reverse (back side of anything); reversal
 reversa-ney	kwel	reverse
 reverse	kwel	reverse
 reversi	zwo	reverse (turn or move in the opposite direction)
 revolusion	kwo	revolution (overthrow of government; a momentous change in a situation)
 revolusion-ney	kwel	revolutionary
 ri	syao	“again, anew”
 riapari		to reappear
 riba	kwo	rib (anat. and fig.)
 ribegin	zwo	recommence
 riche	kwel	rich
 richenesa	kwo	richness
 rida	kwo	laugh
 ridi	zwo	laugh
 ridival	kwel	laughable, ridiculous
 rif	kwo	reef (rocks at or near surface of water)
 rifai konsa	zwo	revive, regain consciousness; come to one's senses
 rifai spira		catch one's breath
 rifreshisi	zwo	refresh, freshen up
 rigide	kwel	rigid, stiff, unyielding
 rigiditaa	kwo	rigidity
 rikonsi	zwo	revive, regain consciousness; come to one's senses
 rima	kwo	rhyme
 ring	kwo	(boxing) ring
 ris	kwo	rice
 risalti	zwo	bounce, rebound, recoil
 rishta	kwo	kinsman, relative
 rishte	kwel	kindred, related, akin
 rishtejen	kwo	kinsman, relative
 rishtejenta	kwo	kinsfolk, relatives, relations, kin
 rishtitaa	kwo	kindred, kinship, relationship
 risin	kwo	ricin
 risinbush	kwo	castor oil plant
 risinolea	kwo	castor oil
 riska	kwo	risk, hazard
 riski	zwo	risk, hazard
 riter	kwo	knight
 ritma	kwo	rhythm
 ritmike	kwel	rhythmic, rhythmical
 ritual	kwo	ritual, rite
 ritual-ney	kwel	ritual
 riva	kwo	river
 riza	kwo	root (also math.)
 riza-ney	kwel	radical (of or pertaining to a root or to the intrinsic nature of smth)
 rizwo		to redo
 roba	kwo	dress, gown
 rogen	kwo	rye
 roka	kwo	rock (a relatively large body of rock, as a cliff or peak)
 roli	zwo	roll
 rolibutas	kwo	roller skates
 rolibutas	kwo	roller skates/blades
 rolika	kwo	roll; roller
 roling	kwo	roll (act), rolling
 rom	kwo	rum
 romale	kwel, kwo	Gipsy; a Gipsy; the Gipsy language
 roman	kwo	novel (rather large - cf. “novela”)
 roman	kwo	Mongolian
 romanike	kwel	Romance, Romanic
 roman-ki	kwo	short novel, story, narrative
 ronda	kwo	round (a circular object/route)
 ronde	kwel	round
 rondisi	zwo	round (off)
 rosa	kwo	rose
 rose	kwel	pink, rosy
 rosti	zwo	roast
 rostiwat	kwo	roast (smth roasted or prepared for roasting)
 rota	kwo	rotation, revolution
 roti	zwo	rotate, revolve
 rubin	kwo	ruby (red jem)
 rubla	kwo	rouble
 ruchey	kwo	brook, creek, stream
 rude	kwel	red
 fa-rude	zwo	redden, become red
 rudifi	zwo	redden, become red
 rudish	kwel	reddish, red (of hair), orange-brown, ginger
 mah-rude	zwo	redden, make red
 rudisi	zwo	redden, make red
 ruf	kwo	roof
 rufshamba	kwo	attic, garret
 ruga	kwo	wrinkle (crease)
 rugi	zwo	wrinkle, wrinkle up
 ruina	kwo	ruin (remains), ruins
 ruini	zwo	ruin
 ruja	kwo	rust
 ruja-ney	kwel	rusty
 ruje	kwel	rusty
 ruji	zwo	rust
 rujing	kwo	rusting
 rul	kwo	steering apparatus""":""" steering wheel; handlebars; helm; rudder
 ruli	zwo	steer, drive; rule, control
 ruola	kwo	role, part
 rupta	kwo	breakdown, breakage
 rupti	zwo	break
 ruptishil	kwel	fragile
 Rusia	kwo	Russia
 Rusia-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of Russia
 ruski	kwel, kwo	Russian (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Russian (person of Russian ethnicity); Russian language
 rusla	kwo	watercourse, (river)bed, channel
 ruta	kwo	route, itinerary
 rutabaga	kwo	swede, rutabaga
 rutina	kwo	routine, rut
 rutina-ney	kwel	routine, trivial, commonplace
 rutine	kwel	routine, trivial, commonplace
 sabah	kwo	morning
 sabahfan	kwo	breakfast
 sabahfan	kwo	morning meal, breakfast
 sabra	kwo	patience
 sabrem	komo	patiently
 sabre	kwel	patient
 sabra-nem	komo	patiently
 sabra-ney	kwel	patient
 sabun	kwo	soap
 sabundan	kwo	soap dish
 sada	kwo	embankment, bank
 safara	kwo	journey, trip, voyage
 safara-gola	kwo	destination (place set for the end of a journey)
 safari	zwo	travel, journey, voyage
 safari-sha	kwo	traveller
 safarnik	kwo	confirmed traveller
 safran	kwo	saffron
 sagarme	kwel	zealous, fervent
 sahe	kwel	sober
 sahil	kwo	coast, shore, bank
 sahil-gata		seafront
 sahitaa	kwo	sobriety, soberness
 sahnik	kwo	teetotaller, abstainer
 sahra	kwo	desert (barren area)
 sahralik	kwel	desolate, desert, deserted (uninhabited)
 saif	kwo	summer
 sais	kwo	size
 sait	kwo	site, website
 saja	kwo	sage
 saje	kwel	wise, sage
 sajitaa	kwo	wisdom
 sak	kwo	sack
 sakrum	kwo	sacrum
 sakte	kwel	severe (stern, harsh; very bad or intense)
 saktitaa	kwo	severity, sternness; austerity
 sal	gramatika	«to be going to» (immediate future)
 sala	kwo	hall (large room, meeting room)
 salam		1) (kwo) peace; 2) (exklami) a greeting
 salam-ney	kwel	peaceful, pacific; peace loving
 salam-paloma		dove of peace
 salata	kwo	1) salad; 2) lettuce (also “gardensalata”)
 salim	kwel	safe, sound, intact, unharmed, unhurt
 salimtaa	kwo	soundness, intactness
 saliva	kwo	saliva
 saliva-ney	kwel	salivary
 salivi	zwo	salivate
 saliving	kwo	salivation
 salpa	kwo	volley, salvo
 salta	kwo	jump, leap
 salti	zwo	jump, leap, spring
 saltijuk	kwo	grasshopper
 saltikorda	kwo	skipping rope, jump rope
 salting	kwo	jumping; hopping, skipping
 saluta	kwo	greeting, salute, salutation
 saluti	zwo	greet, salute
 salva	kwo	salvation, rescue
 salver	kwo	savior
 salvi	zwo	save (help to survive; write a file to disk - cf. “spari”), rescue
 salvi swa		save oneself
 sam	syao	of the same...
 sama	inplas-kwo	the same
 samaja	kwo	understanding, realization
 samaji	zwo	understand, comprehend, realize
 samajibile	kwel	understandable, comprehensible
 samajishil	kwel	quick-witted, bright, quick in the uptake
 saman	kwo	adobe (unburnt brick dried in the sun)
 saman-dom	kwo	adobe (house made of adobe brick)
 samdumnik	kwo	like-minded person
 same	inplas-kwel	the same, that very
 samem	inplas-komo	in the same way
 samkolor-ney	kwel	of the same colour
 samlandajen	kwo	compatriot
 samride	kwel	prosperous, thriving, flourishing
 samriditaa	kwo	prosperity, well-being
 samtaimjen	kwo	contemporary
 samtaimjen	kwo	contemporary (coexistent in time)
 samtaim-ney	kwel	contemporary (coexistent in time); simultaneous
 sandala	kwo	sandal (open shoe - cf. “santal”)
 sandwich	kwo	sandwich; bread and butter
 sane	kwel	healthy; wholesome
 sanisi	zwo	make healthier; sanitate
 sanitaa	kwo	health
 santa	kwo	saint
 santal	kwo	sandalwood
 sante	kwel	holy; sacred
 santejen	kwo	saint
 santisa	kwo	sanctification
 santisi	zwo	sanctify
 santush	kwel	content, contented, gratified, pleased
 santushtaa	kwo	contentment, contentedness
 sanyam	kwel	(self-)restrained, temperate, abstinent
 sanyamtaa	kwo	restraint, reticence, temperance
 sapa	kwo	toad
 saplai	zwo	supply, furnish, provide
 saplaisa	kwo	supply, provision, procurement
 saplaiwat	kwo	supplies
 sarwe	kwel	general (of the majority of those involved; prevalent), universal (common to all)
 satan	kwo	Satan, Devil (the chief antagonist of God)
 sate	kwel	satiate, full, filled to satisfaction
 satelita	kwo	satellite
 satifi	zwo	satiate oneself
 satisfakta	kwo	satisfaction
 satisfakti	zwo	satisfy
 satisfakti-she	kwel	satisfactory
 satisi	zwo	satiate, sate
 satitaa	kwo	satiety
 satura	kwo	saturation
 saturi	zwo	saturate
 saturi-ney	kwel	saturated
 Saturna	kwo	Saturn
 saum	kwo	garlic
 sauna	kwo	sauna
 saus	kwo	sauce (liquid condiment)
 savaja	kwo	savage
 savaje	kwel	wild, savage
 savana	kwo	savanna
 savera	kwo	early morning, daybreak
 se	inplas-kwo	this, these (cf. “to”)
 sedey	taim-komo	today
 sedla	kwo	saddle
 sega	kwo	saw (tool)
 segi	zwo	saw
 segun	konekti	according to, in accordance with
 segun ke		as, in proportion as
 sekla	kwo	century
 sekondare	kwel	secondary (not primary, minor, accessory)
 sekret	kwo	secret (hidden knowledge)
 sekreta	kwo	secretion (secreted substance)
 sekretar	kwo	secretary
 sekreti	zwo	secrete
 sekreting	kwo	secretion (process of secreting)
 sekret-nem	komo	secretly
 sekretnesa	kwo	secrecy
 sekret-ney	kwel	secret
 sekta	kwo	sect
 sektayuan	kwo	sectarian, member of a sect
 sektor	kwo	sector
 sekunda	kwo	second (unit of time)
 sekwa	kwo	consecution, succession, sequence; consequence
 sekwa-ney	kwel	consecutive, successive
 sekwi	zwo	follow
 sekwi-she	kwel	following, next
 sekwita	kwo	suite, retinue
 sekwitura	kwo	consequence, sequel; after-effects
 sela	kwo	cell (all senses)
 sela-ney	kwel	cellular
 sela-nuklea		nucleus of cell
 selekta	kwo	choice, selection
 selekti	zwo	select, choose, pick out
 selektura	kwo	what is chosen/selected
 selfa	komo	1) oneself, one's own self; 2) itself, taken on its own; 3) (syao) self- (unassisted, happening on its own; automatic)
 selfa-klare		self-evident
 selfa-lumi-she		self-luminous
 selri	kwo	celery
 sem	kwanto	seven (7)
 semafor	kwo	traffic light (signalling device)
 sembla	kwo	semblance, appearance
 sembli	zwo	seem, appear
 sembli-she	kwel	seeming
 sembli-shem	komo	seemingly, apparently
 semblem	komo	seemingly, apparently
 semdi	kwo	Sunday
 semena	kwo	seed; semen
 semener	kwo	seeding-machine
 semeni	zwo	sow; inseminate
 semening	kwo	sowing; insemination
 semeni-sha	kwo	sire, stud, bull
 sempre	taim-komo	always
 sempre-ney	kwel	regular, usual, customary
 semshi		seventy
 semsto		seven hundred
 sena	kwo	senna
 sendi	zwo	send
 sendijen	kwo	envoy
 sendijen	kwo	messenger, envoy
 sendiwat	kwo	smth sent
 sens	kwo	sense (faculty)
 sensa	kwo	sensation (perception through senses)
 sensasion	kwo	sensation (a state of intense public interest and excitement)
 sensi	zwo	sense (use senses)
 sens-ney	kwel	sensual (of or pertaining to senses), sensory
 sensu	kwo	sense (meaning - cf. «sens»)
 senta	kwo	feeling, sensation; emotion; sense (natural appreciation or ability - cf. "sens")
 sentensia	kwo	sentence (maxim, dictum, saying - cf. “frasa”)
 senti	zwo	feel (a sensation - cf. “tachi”, “tasti”)
 sentra	kwo	centre
 sentrale	kwel	central
 sentralisa	kwo	centralization
 sentralisi	zwo	centralize
 sentu	kwo	cent
 senu	kwo	hay
 senufurka		pitchfork
 senupila	kwo	haystack, hayrick
 separa	kwo	separation
 separi	zwo	separate
 separi-ney	kwel	separate
 septemba	kwo	September (also mes-nin)
 sereal	kwo	cereal
 seremonia	kwo	ceremony
 seria	kwo	series
 seriose	kwel	serious
 seriositaa	kwo	seriousness
 serpa	kwo	winding, meander, bend, twist
 serpenta	kwo	serpent, snake
 serpi	zwo	meander, twist, wind; (fig.) shift (get along by tricky or evasive means)
 serte	kwel	certain (knowing or known for sure); indisputable
 sertem	komo	certainly, of course
 sertene	kwel	certain (fixed, settled; of a specific but unspecified character/degree/quantity)
 sertitaa	kwo	certainty
 serva	kwo	service (occupation, function, work)
 server	kwo	comp. server
 serveta	kwo	serviette, napkin
 servi	zwo	serve
 serving	kwo	act of service
 serviri	zwo	serve (bring food)
 servis	kwo	service (set of dishes or utensils)
 servi-sha	kwo	servant
 sesam	kwo	sesame
 sesion	kwo	session
 seson	kwo	season
 seta	kwo	set (kit, collection)
 sex	kwo	sex (sexual intercourse)
 sexu	kwo	sex (male or female), gender
 sexuale	kwel	sexual
 sey	inplas-kwel	this, these
 sfera	kwo	sphere
 shablon	kwo	template
 shada	kwo	shadow, shade
 shadaful	kwel	shady, umbrageous
 shadi	zwo	shade, overshadow, cast a shade
 fai shada	zwo	shade, overshadow, cast a shade
 shafer	kwo	intercessor, defender; protector
 shafi	zwo	stand up (for), take smb.'s side, intercede (for)
 shah	kwo	check (in chess)
 shahmat	kwo	chess
 shahmat-geim		a chess game
 shahta	kwo	shaft (opening)
 shai	zwo	1) to be hot, burn (about the sun); 2) to sun (expose to the sun's rays, as for warming, drying, or tanning); sunbathe
 shaih	kwo	sheikh
 shaitume	kwel	sunburnt, sunburned, suntanned, brown, bronzed
 shaitumitaa	kwo	sunburn, tan
 shakal	kwo	jackal
 shakwa	kwo	complaint
 shakwi	zwo	complain
 shal	kwo	shawl
 shalash	kwo	shelter of branches
 shali	zwo	play pranks/tricks, be naughty
 shalwar	kwo	shalwar, loose trousers
 shama	kwo	shame
 shamba	kwo	room, chamber
 shambelan	kwo	chamberlain
 shami	zwo	be ahsamed
 shamishil	kwel	bashful, shy, easily abashed
 shamival	kwel	shameful, disgraceful
 shampanya	kwo	champagne
 shampu	kwo	shampoo
 shanja	kwo	change; exchange
 shanji	zwo	change (make or become smth different)
 shanjishil	kwel	changeable, inconstant
 shansa	kwo	chance (probability; opportunity, possibility)
 shao	inplas-kwanto	little (in quantity), few
 shao-ney	kwel	little in quantity, scanty
 shao-po-shao		little by little
 shao-probable		unlikely, not likely
 shaotaa	kwo	scarcity; shortage
 shapa	kwo	cap (head covering - cf. "kapushon"), hat
 sharja	kwo	charge (electric; of a gun etc.)
 sharji	zwo	charge (electrically; to load equipment with material required for its use, as a firearm with powder)
 sharjing	kwo	charging, loading
 sharka	kwo	shark
 sharnir	kwo	hinge, joint
 shatama	kwo	curse, swearword
 shatami	zwo	curse, cuss, swear
 shauza	kwo	ladle
 shayad	komo	perhaps, probably
 she	konekti	1) at, in (refers to smb's abode, country); 2) in the work / writings of (refers to author); 3) in, with (refers to person or animal); (gramatika) active participle marker
 shefa	kwo	chief, boss
 shefe	kwel	main, chief
 shefem	komo	mainly, chiefly
 shefurba	kwo	capital (city)
 sheika	kwo	shake, jolt
 sheiki	zwo	shake
 sheiking	kwo	shaking, jolting
 shel	kwo	shell (hard covering)
 sheri	kwo	sherry
 shi	kwanto	ten (10)
 shidla	kwo	awl
 shi-dwa		twelve
 shi-dwaka	kwo	dozen
 shifen		un (de) shifen - one tenth
 shifra	kwo	cipher, cypher, code
 shifta	kwo	shift, dislocation, displacement
 shifti	zwo	shift, alter, dislocate, displace
 shik	kwo	chic
 shika	kwo	a group of ten
 shikar	kwo	game, bag, prey
 shikaring	kwo	hunt, hunting
 shikara	kwo	hunt, hunting
 shikari	zwo	hunt
 shikaridoga	kwo	hunting dog
 shikari-sha	kwo	hunter
 shikarnik	kwo	(inveterate) hunter
 shik-ney	kwel	chic
 shil	syao	«having inclination or tendency to»
 shilda	kwo	shield
 shiling	kwo	shilling
 shin	kwo	shin (front part of the leg below the knee and above the ankle)
 shi-ney		tenth
 ship	kwo	ship
 shiprupta	kwo	shipwreck
 ship-sulam	kwo	ship's ladder
 shirma	kwo	screen (divider, protector - cf. "ekran")
 shi-sem		seventeen
 shi-un		eleven
 shma	syao	«disparagement»
 shma-dom		shack
 shma-gunsa		botch, bungle
 shmah	kwo	disgrace, infamy
 shmahisi	zwo	disgrace, discredit
 shma-kaval	kwo	jade, nag
 shma-kitaba	kwo	trash/filthy book
 shma-poeta	kwo	poetaster
 shma-skribi		scribble, scrawl
 shofer	kwo	(motor-car) driver, chauffeur
 shok	kwo	shock (smth surprising; electric shock; medical emergency)
 shoki	zwo	shock
 shop	kwo	store, shop
 shorta	kwo	shorts
 shosee	kwo	highway, high road
 shsh!	exklami	Hush! Sh!
 shu	kwo	shoe
 shuan	kwo	bar, bolt, hasp
 shuani	zwo	bar, bolt
 shuin	kwo	mercury
 shuka, shuking	kwo	search
 shuker	kwo	finder (device)
 shuki	zwo	search, seek, look for
 shukidoga	kwo	sleuth-hound
 shuki-sha	kwo	seeker, searcher (person)
 shukran	kwo	thanks, thank you
 shulan	kwo	sloth (animal)
 shulin	kwo	forest, woods
 shulin-ki	kwo	grove, copse
 shum	kwo	noise
 shumay	kwo	panic grass
 shumi	zwo	make a noise; be noisy
 shum-ney	kwel	noisy
 shuta	kwo	shot
 shuter	kwo	shooter
 shuti	zwo	shoot, fire
 shuti-kili	zwo	shoot, kill by shooting
 shuting	kwo	shooting, firing
 shwabra	kwo	mop, swab
 shwai	zwo	throw (esp. with great force or abruptly), hurl, fling
 shwo	zwo	say, speak
 shwoer	kwo	speaker
 shwofu	kwo	persuade, admonish
 shwoing	kwo	speaking; grammar mood
 shwo-ke	kwel	speech, related to speaking
 shwonik	kwo	talker
 shwosa	kwo	speech (see also “bashan”)
 shwotura	kwo	saying; proverb
 si	gramatika	if
 sidi	zwo	sit
 sidika	kwo	seat (object for sitting or connected with sitting)
 sidra	kwo	cider
 siferblat	kwo	dial (a graduated, circular scale over which a needle moves to show a measurement); (clock) face
 sifra	kwo	cipher (a numeric character), digit, figure
 sifra-ney	kwel	digital (numerical)
 sifta	kwo	sieve (device)
 sifti	zwo	sieve, sift
 sifting	kwo	sieve, sift, screening
 sigara	kwo	cigar
 sigareta	kwo	cigarette
 sigaretadan	zwo	cigarette-case
 sigla	kwo	seal (signet, its impression, etc. - cf. “fok”)
 sigli	zwo	seal
 signa	kwo	sign; token
 signal	kwo	signal
 signali	zwo	signal, give a signal
 signati	zwo	sign (write one’s signature)
 signatura	kwo	signature
 signi	zwo	do/give a sign (cf. “signati”)
 signifa	kwo	meaning
 signifaful	kwel	significant (carrying meaning; having a covert or hidden meaning)
 signifi	zwo	signify, mean, stand for
 sigure	kwel	confident or connected with confidence, sure, secure and certain, safe, reliable, dependable
 sigurem	komo	confidently, with confidence
 sigurisa	kwo	guaranteeing, securing, ensuring; insurance
 sigurisi	zwo	ensure, assure, secure; insure
 siguritaa	kwo	confidence, assurance; reliability
 sikada	kwo	cicada
 sikin	kwo	knife
 sikla	kwo	cycle
 sikom	unisi	since, because, as, considering that (at the beginning of a clause)
 silaba	kwo	syllable
 silda	kwo	herring
 silensa	kwo	silence
 silensa-ney	kwel	silent
 silense	kwel	silent
 silensi	zwo	be/keep silent; keep silence
 silensishil	kwel	taciturn, silent, reserved
 silinda	kwo	cylinder
 silka	kwo	silk
 silya	kwo	eyelash; (biol.) cilium, cilia
 sim	komo	simply; just
 sima	kwo	top, apex, summit
 simbol	kwo	symbol
 simboli	zwo	symbolize
 simbolike	kwel	symbolic
 simile	kwel	similar, alike
 simili	zwo	be similar; resemble
 similisi	zwo	liken
 similitaa	kwo	likeness, resemblance, similarity, similitude
 simple	kwel	simple
 simplem	komo	simply; just
 simplisa	kwo	simplification
 simplisi	zwo	simplify (tr.)
 simplitaa	kwo	simplicity
 simti	zwo	shrink, shrivel, cower
 simula	kwo	simulation
 simuler	kwo	simulator (device)
 simuli	zwo	feign; simulate
 simuli-sha	kwo	simulator (person); malingerer
 sin	konekti	without
 sin duba		undoubtedly, no doubt
 sin fala		without fail, surely (syn.""":""" zaruu)
 sin intenta		unintentionally
 sin mushkila		without difficulty, easily, with no trouble
 sin reversa		irreversibly
 sin stopi		without stopping, nonstop
 sin trefi		beside the mark
 sin vola		involuntarily, unwittingly
 sina	kwo	breast; bosom
 sinap	kwo	mustard
 sinbasa-ney	kwel	groundless, unfounded
 sindotnik	kwo	person without talent
 sinfatige	kwel	tireless, indefatigable
 sinfatiga-ney	kwel	tireless, indefatigable
 sinfoba-ney	kwel	fearless, intrepid
 single	kwel	single (consisting of one part/aspect; undivided; individual and distinct - cf. “sole”)
 singola-ney	kwel	aimless
 sinian	zwo	miss (to feel the absence of someone or something, sometimes with regret), yearn, pine
 sinior	kwo	sir, gentleman (a polite form of addressing or naming a male)
 sinjen-ney	kwo	empty of people, lonely, desolate
 sinka	kwo	sinking, submersion, submergence
 sinki	zwo	sink (submerge; subside; go down slowly)
 sinkonsitaa	kwo	unconsciousness
 sinkulpa-ney	kwel	guiltless, innocent
 sinkulpe	kwel	guiltless, innocent
 sinkuydem	kwel	carelessly; light-heartedly, with complete unconcern
 sinkuyde	kwel	careless; carefree
 sinkuyda-nem	kwel	carelessly; light-heartedly, with complete unconcern
 sinkuyda-ney	kwel	careless; carefree
 sinmahta-ney	kwel	powerless, impotent, helpless
 sinmuva-ney		motionless
 sinnamba-ney	kwel	innumerable
 sinonim	kwo	synonym
 sinreprosha-ney	kwel	irreproachable, blameless
 sinreproshe	kwel	irreproachable, blameless
 sinsamaja-ney	kwel	unconscious
 sinsamaje	kwel	unconscious
 sinsensu-ney	kwel	senseless
 sinsere	kwel	sincere (not feigned, genuine)
 sinseritaa	kwo	sincerity
 sintalim-ney	kwel	uneducated, ignorant
 sintel-ney	kwel	wireless (not having any wires)
 sintes	kwo	synthesis
 sinua	kwo	convolution, sinuosity
 sinus	kwo	sine (math.)
 sinvola-ney	kwel	involuntary
 sinvole	kwel	involuntary
 sinvolem	komo	involuntarily, unwittingly
 sipi	zwo	pour (about granular solid)
 siringa	kwo	syringe
 sirke	komo	approximately, about, around
 sirkuita	kwo	(electric) circuit
 sirkula	kwo	circle (also group of persons)
 sirkulalinia	kwo	circumference
 sirkula-ney (sirkule)	kwel	circular
 sirkuli	zwo	circulate
 sirkuling	kwo	circulation (also “sirkulasion”)
 sirkum	konekti-komo	around
 sirkuma	kwo	encirclement
 sirkum-dao		roundabout way
 sirkumi	zwo	encircle, surround
 sirkumlok	kwo	surroundings
 sirkum-milyoo	kwo	(natural) environment
 sirkus	kwo	circus
 sisma	kwo	earthquake (also “ardatrema”)
 sista	kwo	sister
 sistason	kwo	nephew (sister's son)
 sistema	kwo	system
 sit	kwanto	six (6)
 sitata	kwo	quotation, citation
 sitati	zwo	cite, quote
 sitdi	kwo	Saturday
 siti	kwo	city (most ancient part of a town; the financial and commercial center; municipality - cf. “urba”)
 sitisen	kwo	citizen (person that is a legally recognized as a member of a state)
 sitshi		sixty
 sitsto		six hundred
 situasion	kwo	situation
 situasion-ney	kwel	situational
 sivila	kwo	civilian
 sivile	kwel	civil (pertaining to a citizen and his rights; not military or ecclesiastical), civic, civilian
 sivilisa	kwo	civilization
 sivilisi	zwo	civilize
 skala	kwo	scale (a system of ordered marks at fixed intervals; calibrated line; the ratio of depicted distance to actual distance; size, scope; - cf. "kaskasa", "pondidan")
 skalpel	kwo	scalpel
 skandal	kwo	scandal
 skandal-ney	kwel	scandalous
 skandi	zwo	chant (shout rhythmically); scan (verse)
 skarfa	kwo	scarf (a long garment worn around the neck)
 skay	kwo	sky (cf. "swarga")
 skelet	kwo	skeleton (anat.)
 skema	kwo	scheme (outline of system, not project)
 skema-nem	komo	schematically
 skema-ney	kwel	schematic
 skena	kwo	scene; stage (theater)
 sketa	kwo	skates, skate
 sketi	zwo	skate
 sketing	kwo	skating
 ski	kwo	ski
 skier	kwo	skier
 skiing	kwo	skiing
 skola	kwo	school
 skolakitaba	kwo	schoolbook
 skorpion	kwo	scorpion
 skotish	kwel, kwo	Scottish; Scotsman
 Skotland	kwo	Scotland
 skrapi	zwo	scratch, scrape
 skrapi swa		scratch oneself
 skraping	kwo	scratching
 skrapitura	kwo	scratch (result of scratching)
 skriba, skribing	kwo	writing
 skriber	kwo	writer
 skribi	zwo	write
 skribitabla	kwo	writing-table
 skribitip	kwo	handwriting
 skribitura	kwo	inscription; writing (smth written)
 skriki	zwo	creak
 skrupulose	kwel	scrupulous, meticulous
 skulpti	zwo	sculpt, sculpture, chisel, carve
 skulptura	kwo	sculpture (result of sculpting)
 skuma	kwo	foam, spume; scum; froth; lather
 skuma-onda	kwo	breaker (wave)
 skumi	zwo	foam; froth
 skupa	kwo	scoop, dipper
 skusa	kwo	excuse
 skusi	zwo	excuse (forgive; make allowance for; serve as justification for)
 skwili	zwo	squeal, screech, scream, shrill
 slama	kwo	straw
 slap	exklami	flop! plop!
 slapi	zwo	slap, flap, flop, plump
 slapi-lwo		fall with a plop, plop down
 slika	kwo	snail
 slim	kwel	slender, slim
 slipa	kwo	slipper
 slipas		slippers
 sliva	kwo	plum
 slivabaum	kwo	plum tree
 sloy	kwo	layer, stratum
 sloy-nem	komo	in layers
 sloy-ney	kwel	stratified, laminar, flaky
 slu	zwo	listen, strain one's ears to hear; auscultate
 smaila	kwo	smile
 smaili	zwo	smile
 smaragda	kwo	emerald
 smaragda-ney	kwel	emerald
 smena	kwo	shift (group of workers or working period)
 smiri	kwo	smear, anoint, daub, spread (a substance by rubbing)
 smola	kwo	resin (plant secretion)
 smola-ney	kwel	resinous
 smuk	kwo	grass snake
 smuli	zwo	smoulder (burn slowly without flame)
 snega	kwo	snow
 snegabol	kwo	snowball
 snega-feng	kwo	snowstorm
 snega-kasha	kwo	slush, mire
 snegalwosa	kwo	snowfall
 snegastorma	kwo	snowstorm; blizzard
 snegi	zwo	snow
 sneging	kwo	snowing
 sneginka	kwo	snowflake
 snifi	zwo	smell at, snuff, sniff at
 snova	komo	again, anew
 snufi	zwo	snuffle, breathe heavily and noisily through the nose
 sobre	konekti-komo	above, over
 sobredurti	zwo	outwit, overreach, circumvent
 sobreloda	kwo	overload
 sobrelodi	zwo	overload, overburden
 sobrenesa	kwel	superiority
 sobre-ney	kwel	superjacent; superior
 sobreolo	komo	especially
 sobrepasi	zwo	outrun, outstrip, outdistance, overtake
 sobreshefa	kwo	supreme chief
 sobreyuan	kwo	superior (a person of higher rank)
 sobri	zwo	surpass, exceed; overcome
 soda	kwo	soda
 sok	kwo	sock (covering for the foot)
 sol	komo	only
 soldata	kwo	soldier
 soldi	zwo	solder (unite or repair parts with solder)
 soldika	kwo	solder (fusible alloy)
 sole	kwel	sole, only; alone, solitary, lonely
 solem	komo	alone; solely
 solemne	kwel	solemn
 solide	kwel	solid (reliable, upstanding and dependable; substantial - cf. “twerde”)
 solitaa	kwo	solitude, loneliness
 solo	kwo	solo
 solstis	kwo	solstice
 solta	kwo	salt
 soltadan	kwo	saltcellar; salt shaker
 solta-ney	kwel	saline
 solta-nish	kwel	saltish
 solte	kwel	saline
 solten	kwel	salted
 solti	zwo	salt
 solti-ney	kwel	salted
 solver	kwo	dissolvent, solvent
 solvi	zwo	dissolve, melt (cf. “resolvi”)
 solving	kwo	dissolving, dissolution
 solvitura	kwo	solution (liquid mixture)
 somna	kwo	sleep
 somnaful	kwel	sleepy
 somni	zwo	sleep
 somni-ki		to take a nap
 somnisak		sleeping bag
 somniser	kwo	soporific, sleeping draught
 somnisi	zwo	put to sleep
 son	kwo	son
 sonda	kwo	sonde, probe, sounder
 sondi	zwo	probe, sonder, sound
 soneta	kwo	sonnet
 son-inloo	kwo	nephew
 sonja	kwo	dream (imaginary events while sleeping)
 sonji	zwo	dream (to see imaginary events in one’s mind while sleeping - cf. “drimi”)
 sonore	kwel	sonorous, ringing, resonant
 soroka	kwo	magpie
 sorpi	zwo	sup, sip
 sorta	kwo	sort, kind
 sosiale	kwel	social (relating to society)
 sosietaa	kwo	society
 sosis	kwo	sausage
 sosiskin	kwo	frankfurter, small sausage
 sospira	kwo	sigh
 sospiri	zwo	sigh
 sovi	zwo	shove, poke
 sovrin	kwo	sovereign (coin)
 soya	kwo	soya
 soya bona	kwo	soya bean(s)
 soya saus	kwo	soy sauce
 spaida	kwo	spider
 spaidaweba	kwo	cobweb, spiderweb
 spam	kwo	spam
 spami	zwo	spam
 spara	kwo	economy (frugal use), saving
 spari	zwo	spare (be frugal), save, economize
 sparing	kwo	economy (frugal use), saving
 sparishil	kwel	frugal, thrifty, economical
 sparitura	kwo	savings
 spas	kwo	space (also whitespace)
 spas-ney	kwel	spacial
 spas-taim-ney	kwel	spatiotemporal, space-time
 spenda	kwo	expenditure, expense
 spendi	zwo	spend, expend
 spesia	kwo	species (biol.)
 spesiale	kwel	special
 spesialem	komo	specially
 spesialista	kwo	specialist
 spesialitaa	kwo	speciality
 spesifa	kwo	specification
 spesifi	zwo	specify, designate particularly
 spesifike	kwel	specific
 spesifikitaa	kwo	specificity
 spika	kwo	thorn, spine, prickle
 spikabush	kwo	thorn bush
 spikatel	kwo	barbed wire
 spila	kwo	pin
 spilakapa		pinhead
 spili	zwo	pin
 spin	zwo	spin (make thread)
 spina	kwo	spine, backbone
 spinata	kwo	spinach
 spintul	kwo	spinning wheel
 spintura	kwo	yarn
 spion	kwo	spy
 spioni	zwo	spy
 spira	kwo	breath
 spiral	kwo	spiral
 spiri	zwo	breathe
 spiri gro		pant
 spiri mushkilem		gasp
 spiritu	kwo	spirit (non-material essence)
 spirituale	kwel	spiritual
 spiritualitaa	kwo	spirituality
 splin	kwo	spleen (melancholy, depression - cf. “limpa”)
 splinta	kwo	splinter
 sponja	kwo	sponge
 sponja-biskwit		sponge cake
 sponji	zwo	sponge
 spontane	kwel	spontaneous
 sporta	kwo	sport (physical activity, often competitive)
 sporta-ney	kwel	sport, sports
 sporte	kwel	sport, sports
 spota	kwo	blot, stain, spot
 spoti	zwo	spot, stain, maculate
 spoti-ney	kwel	spotty, spotted
 spoten	kwel	spotty, spotted
 sprata	kwo	sprat
 sprinki	zwo	sprinkle, scatter in drops or particles
 spuka	kwo	spit, spittle
 spuki	zwo	spit (evacuate saliva)
 srok	kwo	term (fixed space of time, time limit)
 sta	sta	be in a certain state; be doing, feel, stand (about the matters)
 staba	kwo	staff, headquarters
 stabile	kwel	stable
 stabilisa	kwo	stabilization
 stabilisi	zwo	stabilize, make stable
 stabilitaa	kwel	stability
 stadia	kwo	stage, phase
 staka	kwo	stake (piece of wood pointed at one end)
 staka-barana	kwo	palisade, paling
 stakato	kwo	staccato
 stakatot	kwo	palisade, paling
 stal	kwo	steel
 stal-arma		cold steel
 stampa	kwo	stamp (device; official mark; impression)
 stampi	zwo	stamp, imprint on the surface (cf. "tompi")
 stan	zwo	stand
 standa	kwo	stand (device for displaying information; section of an exhibition)
 standarda	kwo	standard
 standarda-ney	kwel	standard
 standarde	kwel	standard
 stanga	kwo	pole (a long slender piece of wood etc.), rod
 stanka	kwo	stand (device to hold smth), strut, prop, stay
 stankolar		stand-up collar
 stansa	kwo	standing; stand (position), stance; point (stance taken by a hunting dog)
 stanshil	kwel	stable (maintaining equilibrium)
 stanum	kwo	tin (metal)
 stara	kwo	star
 stara-figura		constellation
 staraful	kwel	starry, starlit
 stara-ney	kwel	stellar
 starta	kwo	start
 starter	kwo	starter
 starti	zwo	start (begin; set into operation)
 stasa	kwo	state (condition)
 stasion	kwo	station
 stata	kwo	state (polity; a political division of a federation)
 statagana		national anthem
 statagana		national anthem
 stata-ney	kwel	state (attr.), national
 state	kwel	state (attr.), national
 stavi	zwo	set, station, set up, put up; mount, install
 stavi mina		lay/plant mines
 stay	kwel, komo	steady, steadily; constant, regular, standing, permanent, persistent
 stem	kwo	stem, stalk (main axis of a plant)
 step	kwo	steppe
 stepa	kwo	step (also measure, action)
 stepi	zwo	step (move the foot in walking), pace, tread
 stif	syao	"step"
 stif-mata		stepmother
 stif-patra		stepfather
 stik	kwo	stick (piece of wood; smth resembling a stick)
 stil	kwo	style
 stimula	kwo	stimulus, incentive
 stimuli	zwo	stimulate
 stimuling	kwo	stimulation, encouragement
 stiri	zwo	stretch (lengthen by pulling or when pulled (“tiri” – pull))
 sto	kwanto	hundred (100)
 stofen		sem (de) stofen - seven hundredths
 stofenka		hundredth part
 stoka	kwo	a group of hundred
 stolba	kwo	post, pillar, column, pole
 stomak	kwo	stomach (organ - cf. “duza”)
 ston	kwo	stone
 stonifa	kwo	petrifaction
 stonifi	zwo	turn to stone; petrify
 ston-ney	kwel	stone, stony
 stopa	kwo	stop (act of stopping), stopping; cessation, cease
 stoper	kwo	stopper
 stopi	zwo	stop; cease
 stopika	kwo	stop (halting place)
 storma	kwo	storm
 storna	kwo	starling
 stotra	kwo	stammer(ing), stutter(ing)
 stotri	zwo	stammer, stutter
 strane	kwel	strange, odd, queer
 stranem	komo	strangely
 stranitaa	kwo	strangeness
 strategia	kwo	strategy
 strategike	kwel	strategic
 strategikem	komo	strategically
 stres	kwo	stress (strain, tension - cf. “aksenta”)
 strikte	kwel	strict (exact; rigorous)
 striktenesa	kwo	strictness
 stripa	kwo	stripe
 stripa-ney	kwel	striped, stripy
 stripe	kwel	striped, stripy
 stripi	zwo	stripe
 strom	kwo	stream, torrent, flow
 stromi	zwo	stream, run, pour, flow
 struktura	kwo	structure
 struktura-ney	kwo	structural
 strukture	kwo	structural
 strukturisa	kwo	structurization
 strukturisi	zwo	structure (give arrangement to)
 studa	kwo	study
 studenta	kwo	student
 studi	zwo	study
 studio	kwo	studio
 stuka	kwo	stucco
 stuki	zwo	stucco, plaster
 stula	kwo	chair
 stumbli	zwo	stumble (trip)
 stupida	kwo	fool
 stupide	kwel	stupid, silly, foolish, idiotic
 stupiditaa	kwo	stupidity, foolishness, silliness
 stupor	kwo	stupor, torpor, numbness
 sturma	kwo	assault, storm, onslaught
 sturmi	zwo	assault, storm
 suan	kwel	sour; acid
 suanish	kwel	sourish
 suanmilka	kwo	sour milk
 suannesa	kwo	sourness; acidity
 suantaa	kwo	acid
 sub	konekti-komo	under, below
 subi	zwo	undergo
 subjen	kwo	subject (a person ruled over)
 submarina	kwo	submarine boat
 sub-ney	kwel	subjacent; subordinate, inferior (of lower rank)
 subordini	zwo	subordinate or be subordinate
 substansa	kwo	substance (matter, material - cf. "esensia")
 substansia	kwo	substance (philosophy)
 substituta	kwo	substitute
 substituti	zwo	substitute
 substituting	kwo	substitution
 subtitla	kwo	subtitles, captions
 subtraga	kwo	subtraction
 subtragi	zwo	subtract
 suburba	kwo	suburb
 subyekta	kwo	subject (gram., log., philos.)
 subyuan	kwo	subordinate
 suda	kwo	south
 sudak	kwo	pike-perch
 suda-ney	kwel	south, southern
 suden	konekti-komo	to the south, south of
 sudor	kwo	sweat, perspiration
 sudori	zwo	perspire, sweat
 sudoriser	kwo	sudorific
 sudorisi	zwo	produce sweating
 sudor-ney	kwel	sweaty
 sufi	zwo	suffice
 sufi-she	kwel	sufficient
 sufi-shem	komo	sufficiently, enough
 sufliri	zwo	prompt (theater and television)
 sufra	kwo	suffering
 sufri	zwo	suffer (feel pain or distress; sustain loss, injury, harm, or punishment - cf. "subi", "toleri")
 sugesta	kwo	suggestion (psychol.)
 sugesti	zwo	suggest (put an idea etc. into a person's mind - cf. "proposi")
 suhbranchika	kwo	brushwood, dry twigs
 suhe	kwel	dry
 suher	kwo	dryer
 suhi	zwo	dry
 suhing	kwo	drying
 suhitaa	kwo	dryness; drought
 suhtamra	kwo	dried dates
 suker	kwo	sucker
 suki	zwo	suck
 suking	kwo	sucking
 suki-sha	kwo	sucker (a person or animal)
 sukra	kwo	sugar
 sukradan	kwo	sugar-bowl
 sukra-kana	kwo	sugar-cane
 sukses	kwo	success
 suksesi	zwo	succeed
 sukses-nem	komo	successfully
 sukses-ney	kwel	successful
 sulam	kwo	stairs; staircase; ladder
 sulfa	kwo	sulfur
 suluka	kwo	behavior
 suluki	zwo	behave
 suma	kwo	sum
 sumare	kwel	total, aggregate
 sumi	zwo	sum up
 suming	kwo	summing up, summation (process)
 sumpa	kwo	bog, morass, swamp, marsh
 sun	komo	soon
 sunda	kwo	delivery
 sundi	zwo	convey, deliver (bring or transport to the proper place or recipient; distribute)
 sunduk	kwo	(big) chest (strong box)
 sunga	kwo	send-off, seeing-off
 sungi	zwo	see off
 sun-ney	kwel	near, coming soon
 suola	kwo	sole (underside of a shoe or foot)
 suomen	kwel, kwo	Finnish; Finn; Finnish language
 Suomi		Finland (also "Finland")
 suon	kwo	sound
 suoni	zwo	sound, ring
 suoning	kwo	sounding
 sup	kwo	soup
 super	kwel, komo, exklami, syao	super
 superflue	kwel	superfluous
 superjen		superman
 supermarket	kwo	supermarket
 superstara		superstar
 suplementa	kwo	supplement, appendix
 suporta	kwo	supporting, support
 suporter	kwo	supporter
 suporti	zwo	support
 suposa	kwo	supposition
 suposi	zwo	suppose, assume
 surfas	kwo	surface
 surfi	zwo	surf
 surfing	kwo	surfing
 surma	kwo	antimony, stibium
 surprisa	kwo	surprise
 surprisi	zwo	surprise; be surprised
 sursa	kwo	source
 surya	kwo	sun
 suryachu	kwo	sunrise
 suryadarba	kwo	sunstroke
 suryaflor	kwo	sunflower
 suryalwo	kwo	sunset, sundown
 suryaspota	kwo	sunspot
 suskriba	zwo	subscription
 suskribi	zwo	subscribe (contract to receive; promise to contribute)
 suspekta	kwo	suspicion
 suspekta-nem	komo	suspiciously
 suspekta-ney	kwel	suspect, suspicious (arousing suspicion, dubious)
 suspekte	kwel	suspect, suspicious (arousing suspicion, dubious)
 suspektem	komo	suspiciously
 suspekti	zwo	suspect
 suspektishil	kwel	suspicious (distrustful)
 susu	zwo	rustle
 sususa	kwo	rustle, rustling
 suter	kwo	sewer, tailor
 suti	zwo	sew, suture
 suti-igla	kwo	sewing needle
 suting	kwo	sewing
 sutura	kwo	seam; suture
 suy	inplas-kwel	his, her, its
 svenska	kwel, kwo	Swedish (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Swede; the Swedish language
 swa	gramatika	myself, yourself etc. (common reflexive pronoun for all persons and numbers); (syao) self- (of oneself - сf.&nbsp;«selfa»)
 swaagat	exklami	welcome
 swaagati	zwo	welcome
 swa-kontrola		self-control
 swa-luba	kwo	self-love
 swa-luba		self-love
 swa-perfektisa	kwo	self-perfection
 swarga	kwo	heaven (cf. "skay")
 swargalok	kwo	paradise
 swasti	exklami	Good luck! May fortune favour you! Everything good to you!
 swatberi	kwo	blackberry, bramble
 swate	kwel	black
 swatebrova-ney		dark-browed
 swicher	kwo	switch (device)
 swichi	zwo	switch (set a switch into another position)
 swiching	kwo	switching
 swichi-of		switch off
 swichi-on		switch on
 swimer	kwo	swimmer
 swimi	zwo	swim
 swiming	kwo	swimming
 swina	kwo	pig, swine
 swina-fet	kwo	lard
 swinamasu	kwo	pork
 swingi	zwo	swing (move backward and forward; brandish; ride a swing)
 swingika	kwo	swing (hanging seat)
 swinging	kwo	swinging
 swinina	kwo	sow, female pig
 swino	kwo	boar, male pig
 swipa	kwo	lash, scourge, whip
 swipi	zwo	lash, scourge, whip
 syao	kwel	small, little (not large or big)
 syao chia		snack
 syao pashu		small cattle
 syaodela	kwo	trifle (thing of little importance, also "nomuhimka")
 syaofinga	kwo	little finger
 syaograd	komo	to a small extent
 syen	kwo	string (esp. of a musical instrument or of a bow - cf. “korda”)
 syentul	kwo	stringed instrument
 ta	inplas-kwo	he, she, it; him, her (common for animate - cf. "it")
 tabahi	zwo	perish
 tabak	kwo	tobacco
 tabakdan	kwo	tobacco pouch
 tabela	kwo	table (orderly arrangement of data)
 tabla	kwo	table (item of furniture)
 tablakovra	kwo	table-cloth
 tableta	kwo	tablet, pill
 tabu	kwo	taboo
 tabui	zwo	taboo
 tabula	kwo	board (flat surface on which a game is played; flat surface used for writing or posting; name board); (name) tablet
 tabu-ney	kwel	taboo, forbidden
 tabut	kwo	coffin
 tacha	kwo	touch
 tachi	zwo	touch (also fig.)
 tafeta	kwo	taffeta
 taim	kwo	time
 taimduan		space of time
 taimike	kwel	temporary
 taimikem	komo	temporarily
 taim-ney	kwel	temporal (of or relating to time)
 taip	kwo	type, typeface, font
 taipi	zwo	type, typewrite
 taiping	kwo	typing
 tak	komo	so, in this way
 tak ke		so that
 tal	inplas-kwel	such (like this, that etc.)
 talam	kwo	tray
 talenta	kwo	talent (marked ability or skill)
 talentaful	kwel	talented, gifted
 talenta-ney	kwel	talented, gifted
 talente	kwel	talented, gifted
 talgrad		to such an extent
 talgrad ke		to such an extent that
 talia	kwo	waist
 talim	kwo	education
 talimer	kwo	teacher
 talimi	zwo	teach
 taliming	kwo	teaching
 talim-ney	kwel	educated
 talisman	kwo	talisman, amulet
 talka	kwo	talc
 tamana	kwo	wish(es)
 tamani	zwo	wish (bid, express wishes for - cf. “yao”)
 tambur	kwo	drum (percussive musical instrument)
 tamburi	zwo	drum
 tampon	kwo	tampon
 tamra	kwo	date (sweet fruit)
 tamrapalma	kwo	date palm
 tamrin	kwo	exercise
 tamrini	zwo	exercise, train, practice
 tana	kwo	shelf
 tange	kwel	narrow, tight
 tangifi	zwo	get narrower
 tangisi	zwo	narrow, contract
 tangitaa	kwo	narrowness, tightness
 tangli	zwo	tangle, snarl
 tanglika	kwo	tangle (confused, intertwined mass)
 tanika	kwo	a tiny bit
 tanike	kwel	tiny, wee
 tanikem	komo	a tiny bit
 tanka	kwo	1) tank (armoured vehicle); 2) tank (container for liquids)
 tanto	inplas-kwanto	so much, so many, thus much, so (to such an extent)
 tapa	kwo	spigot, tap, plug, stopper
 tapi	zwo	plug, gag
 tapis	kwo	carpet
 tara	kwo	tyre
 taraf	kwo	side
 taratori	zwo	jabber, gabble, chatter
 tarde	kwel	late, tardy
 tardi, tardefai	zwo	be late
 tarditaa	kwo	lateness, tardiness; delay, late arrival
 tarif	kwo	tariff, rate
 tasa	kwo	cup (for tea or coffee)
 taska	kwo	task
 tasma	kwo	lace, tape, braid
 tasmi butas		lace up one’s boots
 tasti	zwo	feel one’s way, grope, fumble
 tatu	kwo	tattoo (on skin)
 tatui	zwo	tattoo
 tatuing	kwo	tattooing
 tau	zwo	thaw, melt
 tausian	zwo	surrender, give up, capitulate
 tavan	kwo	ceiling
 taverna	kwo	tavern
 tawa	kwo	tower
 taxi	kwo	taxi
 tay	kwo	necktie
 tayar	kwel	ready
 tayari	zwo	prepare (tr./intr.)
 tayari swa	zwo	make oneself ready, get ready, prepare (for smth - fo koysa)
 tayaring	kwo	preparing, preparation
 tayartaa	kwo	readiness, preparedness
 te	gramatika	past tense marker
 teatra	kwo	theatre
 tedi	zwo	bore, tire, weary
 tedi-she	kwel	boring, tedious
 tegla	kwo	tile, tiling
 teip	kwo	tape (adhesive, magnetic, telegraph)
 teknika	kwo	technics; technique
 teknike	kwel	technical
 teknologia	kwo	technology
 teknologike	kwel	technological
 tel	kwo	wire
 telefon	kwo	telephone, phone
 telefoni	zwo	telephone, phone
 telegraf	kwo	telegraph
 teleskop	kwo	telescope
 television	kwo	television (broadcasting system - cf. "televisor")
 televisor	kwo	television set
 tem	gramatika	(in comparisons) kem pyu…tem pyu - the more...the more
 tema	kwo	theme, topic, subject
 temperatura	kwo	temperature
 temta	kwo	temptation
 temti	zwo	tempt, entice
 temti-she	kwel	tempting, alluring, seductive
 tendon	kwo	tendon, sinew
 teni	zwo	hold
 tenis	kwo	tennis
 tensa	kwo	tension, strain
 tensa-ney	kwel	tense, tight
 tense	kwel	tense, tight
 tensen	kwel	strained
 tensi	zwo	tense, tighten, strain, stretch
 tensi-ney	kwel	strained
 tenta	kwo	tent
 teologia	kwo	theology
 teologier	kwo	theologian
 teoria	kwo	theory
 terasa	kwo	terrace
 terible	kwo	terrible
 teritoria	kwo	territory
 termin	kwo	term (a word having a particular meaning)
 teror	kwo	terror (violence - cf. "dashat")
 terorisi	zwo	terrorize
 terorista	kwo	terrorist
 tesa	kwo	thesis (also in the meaning "dissertation")
 testa	kwo	test (trial; quiz)
 testi	zwo	test
 texer	kwo	weaver
 texi	zwo	weave
 teximashina	kwo	loom
 texing	kwo	weaving
 texitura	kwo	tissue, texture (cf. "histo")
 texta	kwo	text
 tfu	exklami	ptooey
 ti	gramatika	optional marker of a noun group; optional first element of the construction
 tia	kwo	aunt
 tifus	kwo	typhus
 tigra	kwo	tiger
 tigrina	kwo	tigress
 tigro	kwo	male tiger
 tik	kwo	tic
 tikla	kwo	tickle
 tikli	zwo	tickle
 tiktaki	zwo	tick (emit recurring clicking sounds)
 tiktaking	kwo	ticking
 til	konekti	till, until
 til fin		up to the end
 til nau		till now
 til sun		see you soon!
 tim	kwo	team (a group organized to work or play together)
 timide	kwel	timid, bashful, shy
 timidem	komo	timidly
 timidi, timidefai	zwo	be shy, behave timidly
 timshefa	kwo	boatswain
 tin	kwo	tin, tin plate
 tinta	kwo	ink
 tintini	zwo	clink, tinkle, jingle
 tinza	kwo	arbour, pergola
 tip	kwo	type (class)
 tipike	kwel	typical
 tira	kwo	pull, tug, draught
 tiran	kwo	tyrant
 tiri	zwo	draw, pull, drag
 tiriboxa	kwo	drawer (box)
 tirpan	kwo	scythe
 tirpani	zwo	scythe
 titan	kwo	Titan, titan
 titanike	kwel	titanic
 titanium	kwo	titanium
 titar	kwo	partridge
 titla	kwo	title (of a book, article, person), heading
 to		1) (inplas-kwo) that, those; 2) (gramatika) optional apposition marker
 to es		that is, i.e.
 toka	kwo	conversation, talk, discourse
 toki	zwo	talk, converse
 toknik	kwo	conversationalist
 tokon	kwo	stump, stub
 tolera	kwo	toleration, tolerance
 toleri	zwo	tolerate, stand, bear
 toleribile	kwel	tolerable, bearable, endurable
 tolerishil	kwel	tolerant, lenient
 tolerishiltaa	kwo	lenience
 tolka	kwo	interpretation
 tolki	zwo	interprete, expound
 tomata	kwo	tomato
 tompi	zwo	stamp (step heavily), tramp, pound
 tomping	kwo	stamping, tramping
 ton	kwo	tone
 tona	kwo	ton
 tonus	kwo	tonus, tonicity, tone
 topale	kwel	lame
 topali	zwo	limp
 topaling	kwo	limping, lameness
 topti	zwo	trample (beat down with the feet, tread destructively), tramp on, trample down
 topuk	kwo	heel (part of the foot on the backside only; the part of a shoe's sole is "kabluk")
 tora	kwo	tear
 torcha	kwo	torch
 tori	zwo	tear, rip
 tori kasam		break one's oath
 toripes	kwo	scrap, shred
 tormenta	kwo	torment, misery, distress
 tormenti	zwo	torment, distress; agonize, suffer torments
 tormentisi	zwo	torture, make suffer (cf. "torturi")
 tornado	kwo	tornado
 torsi	zwo	twist, wring, contort
 torta	kwo	gateaux, cake (especially a rich and elaborate one filled with custard, fruit, or nuts)
 tortakin	kwo	pastry, tart
 tortuga	kwo	turtle
 tortura	kwo	torture (infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion)
 torturi	zwo	torture
 toshi	komo	too, as well, also, likewise, similarly, like or in the same way as somebody or something else (cf. "yoshi")
 tota	kwo	whole
 totale	kwel	total, overall
 tote	kwel	whole, entire
 totem	komo	wholly, entirely, completely
 toxin	kwo	poison, toxin, venom
 toxini	zwo	poison, envenom
 toxining	kwo	poisoning
 toxin-ney	kwel	poisonous, toxic, venomous
 toy	inplas-kwel	that, those
 tra	konekti-syao	through; over, across, to (on) the other side of
 trabori	zwo	drill through, perforate
 tradision	kwo	tradition
 tradision-ney	kwel	traditional
 tradukta	kwo	translation
 tradukti	zwo	translate (render in another language)
 trafik	kwo	traffic (the passage of people or vehicles; the conveyance of messages or data)
 trafuger	kwo	defector, deserter, turncoat
 trafugi	zwo	defect, desert to the enemy, go over (to)
 tragedia	kwo	tragedy
 tragike	kwel	tragic, tragical
 trai	zwo	try, attempt
 traisa	kwo	attempt, endeavour, try
 trajivi	zwo	experience, go through, live through; survive (remain alive)
 trakangi	zwo	comb (search thoroughly; look through)
 traktor	kwo	tractor
 trakusi		bite through
 tralasi	zwo	let through
 tralekti		to read through (from begining to end)
 tra-nem	komo	(all the way) through
 tra-ney	kwel	through
 trani	zwo	drag, trail, train
 tranika	kwo	trail, train (of a dress, of a comet)
 trankwile	kwel	tranquil, placid, peaceful
 trankwilitaa	kwo	tranquility, peacefulness
 tranochi	zwo	pass the night, spend the night
 transa	kwo	trance
 transfera	kwo	transfer, transference
 transferi	zwo	transfer (convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another)
 transforma	kwo	transformation
 transformi	zwo	transform (change the form, nature, or function)
 transha	kwo	tranche
 transistor	kwo	transistor
 transita	kwo	transit, transition
 transiti	zwo	transit (also "pass over into another state")
 transmita	kwo	transmission (also a broadcast)
 transmiti	zwo	transmit (convey, send out)
 transplanta	kwo	transplantation
 transplanti	zwo	transplant (med., botan.)
 transplantiwat	kwo	transplant (thing transplanted)
 transporta	kwo	transport (vehicles; system of transporting)
 transporti	zwo	transport (with vehicles)
 transporting	kwo	transportation
 trapa	kwo	rag (scrap/piece of cloth)
 trapas		rags, raggery
 trapasi	zwo	pass through, make one's way through
 trasa	kwo	trace, spoor, track, trail
 trasalti		skip; omit
 trasi	zwo	trace, spoor, trail
 trata	kwo	treatment (process or manner of treating); approach (method of dealing with)
 trati	zwo	treat (handle, deal with or behave towards); approach (an issue etc.)
 trauma	kwo	trauma, injury
 traumafah	kwo	trauma department (at a hospital)
 traumafah	kwo	trauma department (at a hospital)
 traumi	zwo	traumatize
 traur	kwo	mourning
 traur-ney	kwel	mourning
 travidibile	kwel	transparent
 trawarmi	zwo	warm through
 treba	sta	it is necessary; require
 trefa	kwo	hit (successfully executed shot or blow)
 trefi	zwo	hit, not miss; overtake, strike, befall, (med.) affect
 trefishil	kwel	accurate (in shooting)
 trefnik	kwo	marksman
 trema	kwo	tremble, tremor
 tremi	zwo	tremble
 tren	kwo	train (a line of connected railroad cars)
 trenyuan	kwo	conductor (in a train)
 trepa	kwo	flutter, trepidation
 trepi	zwo	flutter
 tresor	kwo	treasure
 treta	kwo	trait, feature
 tri	kwanto	three (3)
 triangula	kwo	triangle
 tribu	kwo	tribe
 tribunal	kwo	tribunal
 tribut	kwo	tribute
 tridi	kwo	Wednesday
 trifen		un (de) trifen - one third
 trifenka	kwo	third
 triger	kwo	trigger
 trigeri	zwo 	trigger
 trikolor-violeta	kwo	heartsease
 trimeska	kwo	quarter (period of 3 months)
 trimi	zwo	trim, cut
 tri-nem		thirdly, in the third place
 tri-ney		third
 trinitaa	kwo	Trinity
 triple	kwel	threefold, triple
 triplem	komo	triply
 trishi		thirty
 triste	kwel	sad (sorrowful)
 tristefai	zwo	be sad
 tristitaa	kwo	sadness
 tristo		three hundred
 triumfa	kwo	triumph
 triumfa-arka		triumphal arch
 triumfi	zwo	triumph
 tro	komo	too, too much
 trofee	kwo	trophy
 troisa	zwo	exaggeration
 trompa	kwo	deception, deceit
 trompi	zwo	deceive, mislead
 tron	kwo	throne
 tronka	kwo	trunk (of tree, of a human or animal)
 tropika	kwo	tropic
 tropike	kwel	tropic, tropical
 troti	zwo	trot (along)
 truk	kwo	trick (feat; knack, artifice; conjuring trick)
 trukyuan	kwo	conjurer, magician
 trumpeta	kwo	trumpet
 trupa	kwo	troupe; herd, flock, troop, swarm; crowd
 trupas	kwo	troops (military forces)
 tsar	kwo	tsar (emperor of Russia)
 tsunami	kwo	tsunami
 tu	gramatika	(the infinitive particle, substantivation)
 tualet	kwo	WC, lavatory, toilet (cf. "tuvalet")
 tualya	kwo	towel
 tuan	kwo	lump, clod, clot; clew, ball
 tuangrunta		lumpy soil
 tuba	kwo	1) pipe, tube; barrel (of a gun); 2) tuba (mus.)
 tudun	kwo	hillock, knoll, mound, tussock
 tufi	zwo	suffocate, strangle, choke, smother, stifle; drown (mask by a louder sound)
 tufi-she	kwel	suffocating, choking; stifling; stuffy, close
 tuh	kwo	a piece of cloth, kerchief
 tuhmat	kwo	slander, calumny
 tuhmati	zwo	calumniate, slander, libel
 tuhun	komo	together (jointly; simultaneously)
 tuka	kwo	knock, rap, tap
 tuki	zwo	knock, rap, tap
 tuking	kwo	knocking, rapping, tapping
 tuk-tuk	exklami	rat-tat
 tul	kwo	tool, instrument
 tulipa	kwo	tulip
 tuman	kwo	fog; mist
 tumanisi	zwo	fog, befog, haze
 tumderma-ney	kwel	dark-skinned, swarthy
 tumderma-ney	kwel	swarthy, dark-skinned
 tumderme	kwel	dark-skinned, swarthy
 tume	kwel	dark
 tume-grin		dark green
 tumitaa	kwo	darkness
 tundra	kwo	tundra
 tunel	kwo	tunnel
 tunga	kwo	pain, ache
 tungaful	kwel	painful, excruciating
 tunga-ney	kwel	painful, sore
 tunge	kwel	painful, sore
 tungi	zwo	ache, hurt, be painful
 tupe	kwel	blunt, dull, obtuse (also figuratively)
 tupifi	zwo	get/become blunt
 tupisi	zwo	make blunt, dull
 tur	kwo	tour; turn (turn to do smth)
 turan	taim-komo	suddenly
 turan-ney	kwel	sudden
 turdi	zwo	stun
 turdi-she		stunning
 turi	zwo	tour
 turista	kwo	tourist
 turk	kwel, kwo	Turkish (relating to ethnicity, language or country); Turkish (person of Turkish ethnicity); Turkish language (also “turk-lingwa”)
 Turkiye	kwo	Turkey
 Turkiye-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of Turkey
 turna	kwo	turn
 turni	zwo	turn
 turning	kwo	turning
 tushi	zwo	extinguish, quench; die out
 tushing	kwo	extinguishing, putting out; extinction, dying (away)
 tuta	kwo	thigh
 tuvalet	kwo	toilet (grooming or dressing - cf. "tualet")
 tuy	komo	immediately, at once, right away; tuy ke - as soon as
 tuza	kwo	hare
 twarog	kwo	curds, cottage cheese
 twerde	kwel	hard, solid
 twerdi	zwo	harden (tr./intr.)
 twerdifi	zwo	harden, become hard, coarsen
 twerdika	kwo	solid (not a liquid or gas); smth hard
 twerdisi	zwo	harden, make hard
 twerditaa	kwo	hardness, solidity
 twin	kwo	twin
 twines		twins, gemini
 twoli	zwo	thresh
 twolilok	kwo	threshing-floor
 twolilok	kwo	threshing-floor
 twolimashina	kwo	threshing machine
 twoling	kwo	threshing
 twolitul	kwo	flail
 tyuba	kwo	tube (a flexible container with a screw top for pastelike substances)
 tyuba de dentapasta		a tube of toothpaste
 udala	kwo	removal, deletion
 udali	zwo	remove, delete
 udaling	kwo	removal, deletion
 uf	exklami	An exclamation expressing tiredness or relief, appeasement
 ugosti	zwo	regale (entertain with food)
 ugrosa	kwo	threat, menace
 ugrosi	zwo	threaten, menace; make threatening gestures
 Ukraina	kwo	Ukraine
 ukrainska	kwel, kwo	Ukrainian; Ukrainian language
 ulsa	kwo	ulcer
 ultraviolete	kwel	ultraviolet
 ulu	kwo	owl
 un	kwanto	one (1)
 unatma-nem	komo	unanimously
 unatma-ney	kwel	unanimous
 unatme	kwel	unanimous
 unatmem	komo	unanimously
 undi	kwo	Monday
 une	kwel	united, joined into a single entity
 une tota		a single whole
 un-e-haf		one and a half
 uni	zwo	unite (tr./intr.)
 unida	kwo	unit
 uniforma	kwo	uniform (distinctive outfit)
 uniforme	kwel	uniform
 uniformisi	zwo	uniform
 uniformitaa	kwo	uniformity
 unika	kwo	unique
 unike	kwel	unique
 union	kwo	union
 unisa, unifa	kwo	unification, integration
 unisi-ney	kwel	united
 unitaa	kwo	unity
 universa	kwo	the universe
 universala	kwo	universal
 universale	kwel	universal (common to all; useful for many purposes)
 universa-ney	kwel	universal (of the universe), cosmic
 universitet	kwo	university
 unka	kwo	one
 unkwe	gramatika	“-ever”""":""" kwo unkwe - whatever, kwel unkwe - whichever
 un-nem	komo	firstly, in the first place; (taim-komo) at first, initially
 un-ney	kwel	first
 unple		single, one-time
 unves	inplas-komo	once
 unves	komo	once
 upruge	kwel	resilient, springy
 uragan	kwo	hurricane
 Uran	kwo	Uranus
 uranyum	kwo	uranium
 urba	kwo	city, town
 urina	kwo	urine
 urini	zwo	urinate
 urjensia	kwo	urgency
 urjente	kwel	urgent (compelling immediate action or attention, pressing)
 urli	zwo	purr
 urna	kwo	urn (vessel for ashes of a deceased person)
 USA	kwo	USA (Unisi-ney Statas de Amerika)
 USA-jen	kwo	inhabitant/citizen of the USA
 ushiba	kwo	contusion, bruise
 ushibi	zwo	contuse, hurt, bruise
 ustupa	kwo	concession
 ustupi	zwo	concede, yield, give way
 ustupishil	kwel	compliant, yielding, pliable
 utile	kwel	useful
 utilisi	zwo	make use of, utilize, avail oneself of
 utilitaa	kwo	benefit, use, good
 utka	kwo	duck
 utkina	kwo	female duck
 utko	kwo	male duck, drake
 utopia	kwo	utopia
 uupar	konekti-komo	up, upwards
 uupara	kwo	top, the upper part
 uupare	kwel	upper, top
 uuparen	konekti-komo	up, at the upper part of
 uuparetaja		upper floor
 uuparlodi	zwo	upload
 uuparlok	kwo	eminence, upland
 vafla	kwo	wafer, waffle
 vagabonder	kwo	vagabond, tramp, vagrant
 vagabondi	zwo	vagabond, lead the life of a vagabond
 vagabonding	kwo	vagrancy
 vagabondi-she	kwel	vagrant, strolling, nomadic
 vage	kwel	vague, dim, indistinct
 vagina	kwo	vagina
 vagon	kwo	coach, carriage (railroad car)
 vaika	komo	at least, just; for example, say; whichever suits, if you like
 vaka	kwo	balance, scales
 vakansia	kwo	vacancy
 vakante	kwel	vacant (not occupied; not filled with activity; empty)
 vakasion	kwo	vacation
 vaksina	kwo	vaccine
 vakue	kwel	empty, devoid of content
 vakue-handa-ney	kwel	empty-handed
 vakuitaa	kwo	emptiness
 vakum	kwo	vacuum
 val	sta	(it) is worth; (syao) "worth"
 valide	kwel	valid
 valor	kwo	value (worth; importance - cf. “valu”)
 valorful	kwel	valuable, precious
 valori	zwo	be worth; value
 valor-ney	kwel	valuable, precious
 valu	kwo	value (numerical quantity measured or assigned or computed)
 vane	kwel	vain, futile
 vanem	komo	vainly, in vain
 vanisi	zwo	waste, squander; thwart, bring to naught
 vanitaa	kwo	futility, vainness
 vapor	kwo	vapour, steam
 vapori	zwo	evaporate
 vaporing	kwo	evaporation
 vaporkazan	kwo	steam boiler
 vapormashina		steam engine
 vari	zwo	vary
 varia	kwo	variation
 varianta	kwo	variant
 varibile	kwel	variable
 vasa	kwo	vessel (for holding liquids); vase (as for flowers, etc.)
 vaste	kwel	vast, extensive (in all directions)
 vastitaa	kwo	vastness, vast extent, spaciousness
 vata	kwo	cotton wool; wadding
 ve	gramatika	future tense marker
 vega	kwo	weight
 vegi	zwo	weigh (have weight - cf. “pondi”)
 vena	kwo	vein (anat. - cf. «jila»)
 venda, vending	kwo	sale, selling
 vendi	zwo	sell, vend
 vendi-gina	kwo	saleswoman
 venja	kwo	revenge, vengeance
 venji	zwo	revenge, revenge oneself, avenge (on smb - a koywan)
 venjishil	kwel	vindictive, revengeful
 Venus	kwo	Venus
 ver		indeed, true, really
 veranda	kwo	veranda
 vere	kwel	true (correct; veritable, genuine, real)
 verem	komo	truly, genuinely, indeed, really
 verguy	kwel	precious
 verguyka	kwo	precious thing
 verifika	kwo	verification
 verifiki	zwo	verify
 veritaa	kwo	truth, verity
 versa	kwo	verse (in poetry, also of Bible)
 version	kwo	version
 versu	konekti	toward, towards
 vertebra	kwo	vertebra
 vertiga	kwo	giddiness, dizziness, vertigo
 vertikala	kwo	vertical
 vertikale	kwel	vertical
 ves	kwo	time (an instance or occurrence)
 vesna	kwo	spring (season)
 vesna-ekinoxa		vernal equinox
 vespa	kwo	wasp
 veteran	kwo	veteran
 vexa	kwo	vexation, annoyance
 vexi	zwo	vex, annoy, iritate; become irritated
 vexishil	kwel	irritable
 via	konekti	via (passing through, by way/means of)
 vibra	kwo	vibration
 vibri	zwo	vibrate
 vida	kwo	sight, vision, view (ability to see, act of seeing, smth seen)
 video	kwo, kwel	video
 video-geim	kwo	video game
 vidi	zwo	see
 vidibile	kwel	visible
 vidike	kwel	visual
 vidimogsa	kwo	vision (ability to see)
 vidipunta	kwo	point of view, standpoint
 vidisens	kwo	the sense/organ of sight
 vidiwat	kwo	view, spectacle, smth seen
 vigor	kwo	vigor (exuberant and resiliant strength of body or mind, vitality)
 vigorful	kwel	vigorous
 vigorisi	zwo	invigorate
 vigyan	kwo	science
 vigyaner	kwo	scientist
 vigyan-ney	kwel	scientific
 vije	kwel	sprightly, vivacious, brisk, zestful, cheerful, bright
 vikar	kwo	vicar
 vikla	kwo	vehicle (any means of transport; (fig.) a means of transmitting)
 viktima	kwo	victim
 vilaja	kwo	village
 vin	kwo	vine, grape
 vinegra	kwo	vinegar
 vingrapa		bunch of grapes
 vinjus		grape juice
 vino	kwo	wine
 vinta	kwo	screw; screw propeller
 vinti	zwo	screw
 vintitul	kwo	screwdriver
 viola	kwo	viol
 violata	kwo	violation, infringement, breach
 violati	zwo	violate (infringe, transgress, break (a law) - cf. “violensi”)
 violensa	kwo	violence
 violensa-ney	kwel	violent (having to do with violence)
 violense	kwel	violent (having to do with violence)
 violensi	zwo	use/do violence, violate (rape, assault sexually)
 violeta	kwo	violet (plant)
 violete	kwel	violet, purple
 vipera	kwo	adder, viper
 virga	kwo	virgin
 virga-ney	kwel	virgin
 virge	kwel	virgin
 virti	zwo	whirl
 virtifeng	kwo	whirlwind
 virulente	kwel	virulent
 virus	kwo	virus
 visa	kwo	visa
 visin	kwo	neighbour
 visin-ney	kwel	neighbouring; next, adjacent
 visintaa	kwo	neighbourhood, vicinity
 visita	kwo	visit
 visiter	kwo	visitor, guest
 visiti	zwo	visit
 viskose	kwel	viscous, viscid
 visok	kwo	temple (part of head)
 viti	zwo	twine (encircle or coil around, esp. about vines; go in a winding course (Syn.""":""" serpi))
 vitiplanta	kwo	vine, twiner, climber
 viva	exklami	long live!
 vodka	kwo	vodka
 voka	kwo	call, summons
 vokala	kwo	vowel
 vokasion	kwo	vocation, calling
 voki	zwo	call, summon, ask to come
 vola	kwo	will, volition
 vola-forsa		strength of will
 voler	kwo	volunteer
 voli	zwo	will, exercise volition
 voli-shem	komo	voluntarily
 volta	kwo	volt (unit of measure)
 volum	kwo	volume
 volupta	kwo	voluptuousness
 volupte	kwel	voluptuous
 volupta-ney	kwel	voluptuous
 volvi	zwo	roll (up), form into spherical or cylindrical body, curl up, coil up
 voma	kwo	vomit
 vomi	zwo	vomit
 vos	kwo	voice (cf. "vota")
 vota	kwo	vote (expression of preference)
 voti	zwo	vote
 voting	kwo	voting, poll, vote
 voti-raita		the right to vote, suffrage
 voti-urna		ballot box
 vual	kwo	veil
 vulgare	kwo	vulgar, smutty
 vulkan	kwo	volcano
 vulkanike	kwel	volcanic
 vulva	kwo	vulva
 wada	kwo	promise
 wadi	zwo	promise
 wahta	kwo	watch (the post or period of duty of a guard, sentinel, or watcher)
 wahter	kwo	sentinel, watchman
 wahti	zwo	watch (keep a watchful eye on; guard)
 wahting	kwo	watch (act or process)
 waipi	zwo	wipe, dry
 walaa	exklami	here is/are
 wan	inplas-kwo	an individual, one
 wanda	kwo	wander, ramble, roam, travel, excursion
 wandi	zwo	wander, roam, ramble
 wanga	kwo	cheek (the fleshy part of either side of the face)
 wanga-har	kwo	whiskers, sidewhiskers
 wanga-osta	kwo	cheek-bone
 wangaruda	kwo	redness in one’s cheeks, (high) colour, flush, blush
 warme	kwel	warm
 warmifi	zwo	get warm, warm up, grow warm
 warmish	kwel	lukewarm, tepid
 warmisi	zwo	warm, make warm
 warmitaa	kwo	warmth
 warna	kwo	warning
 warni	zwo	warn (om koysa - of smth)
 wat	kwo	watt
 watwat	kwo	bat (flying mammal)
 wau	exklami	wow (expresses excitement or amazement)
 wauka	kwo	bark, barking, bay, yap
 wauki	zwo	bark (about dogs)
 waxa	kwo	wax (but not cerumen - cf. “aurganda”)
 way	kwesti	why
 web	kwo	the World Wide Web
 weba	kwo	web (cobweb)
 webi	zwo	web
 weita	kwo	waiting, wait
 weiti	zwo	wait, wait for
 weitisala	kwo	waiting room
 wek		1) (loko-komo) away, off; 2) (exklami) “Start! Go!”
 wekgoni	zwo	chase away, drive away
 wekika	kwo	refuse, waste, trash
 weklansi	zwo	throw away, throw out
 weksheiki	zwo	shake off (remove by shaking)
 wekturni	zwo	turn away (avert)
 wel	exklami	well, now then
 wen	kwesti	when
 westa	kwo	west
 westa-ney	kwel	west(ern), westerly; occidental
 westen	konekti-komo	to the west, west of
 widuwa	kwo	widow/widower
 widuwina	kwo	widow
 widuwo	kwo	widower
 wik	kwo	week
 wikfin		weekend
 winda	kwo	window
 windaframa	kwo	window-frame
 windakin	kwo	small window; small opening window pane
 winda-planka	kwo	windowsill
 wisla	kwo	whistle (act; sound)
 wisli	zwo	whistle
 wislika	kwo	whistle (device)
 wit	kwo	wheat
 witfarina		wheat flour
 wo	kwesti	where
 wolba	kwo	vault
 worda	kwo	word
 worda-geim	kwo	word game
 wordamenga	kwo	verbiage, verbosity
 wordi	zwo	word
 wosher	kwo	washer
 woshi	zwo	wash
 woshi bartan		wash up (to clean the utensils, dishes etc.)
 woshi swa	zwo	wash oneself
 woshi-mashina	kwo	washing machine
 woshing	kwo	wash, washing, laundering
 woshipuda		washing powder
 wud	gramatika	«would» (conditional marker)
 wula	kwo	howl
 wulfa	kwo	wolf
 wulfina	kwo	she-wolf
 wulfo	kwo	he-wolf
 wuli	zwo	howl
 wunda	kwo	wound, injury
 wundi	zwo	wound, injure
 wurma	kwo	worm
 wuya	kwo	crow (bird)
 ya		1) (exklami) yes; 2) (gramatika) "you see", "really" (emphatic particle)
 ya hi		yes, to be sure; certainly
 yabla	kwo	apple
 yak	kwo	yak
 yama	kwo	pit (a hole in the ground); cavity
 yamakin	kwo	dimple
 yan	kwo	sheep
 yangurta	kwo	herd of sheep
 yanmasu	kwo	mutton
 yanmay	kwo	oats
 yanza	kwo	swallow (bird)
 yao	sta	want, wish (cf. “tamani”)
 yaosa	kwo	desire, wish
 yao-shem	komo	willingly
 yar	kwo	year
 yarda	kwo	yard (unit of length or volume)
 yardey	kwo	anniversary
 yarke	kwel	bright; vivid
 yarkitaa	kwo	brightness; vividness
 yaruga	kwo	ravine
 yasen	kwo	ash-tree
 yash	kwo	age (stage/time or duration of life)
 yashi	zwo	age (intr.)
 yashen	kwel	aged, elderly
 yashi-ney	kwel	aged, elderly
 yashing	kwo	ageing
 yashma	kwo	jasper
 yasmin	kwo	jasmine
 yatima	kwo	orphan
 ye	gramatika	there is/are, available (cf. "yok")
 yedoh	komo	however, nevertheless, yet
 yel	kwo	spruce
 yema	kwo	bud, gemma
 yen	gramatika	«-ing» (verbal adverb marker)
 yeri	taim-komo	yesterday
 yeroshi	zwo	tousle, dishevel, ruffle
 yo	taim-komo	already
 yoda	kwo	iodine
 yogur	kwo	yoghurt
 yoja	kwo	hedgehog (small mammal with spiny back)
 yok	gramatika	there is no, not available, no (cf. "ye")
 yoksa	kwo	absence, lack
 yoksuni	zwo	deprive, bereave
 yorsi	zwo	fidget, move restlessly
 yoshi	komo	in addition, also, moreover (cf. "toshi")
 yoshi pyu		still more
 yota	kwo	iota, jot
 yu	inplas-kwo	you (sg., pl.)
 yuan	kwo	member (a part of a whole; one who belongs to a group or organization - cf. "memba"); employee, worker, staff member; (syao) « member of»; «staff member performing a function connected with»
 yuantot	kwo	personnel
 yul	kwo	Yule
 yuli	kwo	July (also mes-sem)
 yuma	kwo	humour
 yumanik	kwo	humourist
 yuma-rakonta	kwo	humorous story
 yunda	kwo	(smoothing) iron
 yundi	zwo	iron, press
 yundoga	kwo	pup, puppy
 yu-ney	inplas-kwel	your (sg., pl.)
 yunfaula	kwo	baby bird
 yunfoxa	kwo	fox cub
 yunga	kwo	young man/woman
 yungansa	kwo	gosling
 yunge	kwel	young
 yunge jenta	kwo	young people, youth
 yungifi	zwo	become younger
 yungina	kwo	young woman
 yungisi	zwo	make (look) younger
 yungitaa	kwo	youth (period, condition or quality)
 yungo	kwo	young man
 yungova	kwo	heifer/calf
 yungovamasu	kwo	veal
 yunhiran	kwo	young deer, fawn
 yuni	kwo	June (also mes-sit)
 yunkalkun	kwo	turkey-poult
 yunkaval	kwo	foal
 yunkok	kwo	chick
 yunkota	kwo	kitten
 yunmaus	kwo	baby mouse
 yunpava	kwo	peachick
 yunswina	kwo	piglet, young pig
 yuntigra	kwo	tiger cub
 yuntuza	kwo	young hare, leveret
 yunutka	kwo	duckling
 yunwulfa	kwo	wolf cub
 yunyan	kwo	lamb
 yur	inplas-kwel	your (sg., pl.)
 yurta	kwo	yurta, yurt, ger
 yus	komo	just (precisely, exactly); (gramatika) «just, only a moment ago» (immediate past marker)
 yusa	kwo	use, usage, application
 yuser	kwo	user
 yusi	zwo	use (put into service, apply, exploit)
 yusibile	kwel	usable
 yuwel	kwo	jewel, gem, precious stone
 yuweler	kwo	jeweller
 yuwelguan	kwo	jeweller's
 yuwelka	kwo	jewel (piece of jewellery)
 zai	gramatika	«be doing» (progressive tense marker)
 zaruu	komo	without fail, certainly
 zebra	kwo	zebra
 zen	kwo	Zen
 zian	kwo	sword
 ziandan	kwo	scabbard, sheath
 zide	kwel	pertinacious, stubborn, obstinate
 zigzaga	kwo	zigzag
 zigzagi	zwo	zigzag
 zin	zwo	enter, go in, come into; join, matriculate
 zindwar		entrance door
 chudwar		exit door
 zink	kwo	zinc
 zinki	zwo	zinc
 zinking	kwo	zincing
 zinsa	kwo	entry, entrance
 ziper	kwo	zipper
 zipi	zwo	zip (fasten by zipper)
 zodiak	kwo	zodiac
 zona	kwo	zone (area, region)
 zoo	kwo	zoo
 zoo-garden	kwo	zoological garden
 zuda	kwo	itch
 zudi	zwo	itch
 zumbi	zwo	buzz, hum, drone; whizz
 zun	zwo	concern oneself with, give one’s time to, devote oneself to, occupy oneself
 zun sporta		go in for sport
 zunsa	kwo	occupation (activity)
 zuy	gramatika-komo	most; most of all
 zuy shao		least, the smallest amount of
 zuy uupare		uppermost
 zwo	zwo	do, make
 porti-kompa	>	notebook, portable computer
 kundal	>	earring
 dedukti	>	to deduce
 bu pyu jive	>	late, deceased / покойный
 nitrat	>	nitrate
 Ups!	>	Oops!
 bakapi	>	to backup (data)
 gul	>	ghoul
 vampir	>	vampire
 wulfajen	>	werewolf
 salon	>	1) parlor, sitting room, living room / гостиная; 2) salon / салон
 ivri	>	Jew (etnicity) / еврей
 yehudi	>	Jew (adherent of Judaism) / иудей
 kokain	>	cocaine
 tuberkulos	>	tuberculosis
 siluet	>	silhouette
 bohema	>	bohemia, bohemians / богема
 gravika	>	weight (object used to make something heavier), ballast / утяжелитель, грузило
 saraf	>	seraph (highest order of angels)
 kurban	>	sacrifice (n.)
 defolta	>	default (e.g.setting)
 vos-musika, tul-musika	>	vocal or instrumental music
 responsorio	>	responsory
 disekti	>	dissect
 neuron	>	neuron
 narkolepsia	>	narcolepsy
 bruxisma	>	bruxism
 degenerative	>	degenerative
 tendi	>	tend, have tendency to
 anakronisma	>	anachronism
 avangarda	>	avant-garde
 sosialisma, sosialista	>	socialism, socialist
 resursa	>	resource
 kraun	>	crown (former British coin worth 5 shillings) / крона
 patriarka	>	patriarch/патриарх
 onhev	>	to have on, wear / иметь на себе, быть одетым в
 kauboy	>	cowboy
 aprikos	>	aprikot/абрикос
 literati	>	esp. literatear / заниматься литературой
 hiki	>	hiccup / икать
 jokey	>	jockey
 halusina	>	hallucination
 kronika	>	chronicle/хроника, летопись
 akordion	>	accordion
 tosta	>	toast (toasted bread) / тост, гренка
 ranga	>	rank (level, position in society or organization)/ранг, чин, звание, служебное или социальное положение
 freska	>	fresco
 karisma	>	charisma
 trek	>	track (sports; computer; music)
 flak	>	flake(s) / хлопья
 monograma	>	monogram / монограмма
 info-kitaba	>	reference book, guide / справочник
 tom	>	volume, tome
 palka	>	pod (seed case for legumes) / стручок
 malta	>	mortar (mixture) / строительный раствор
 paslasi	>	let pass; miss  / пропустить (мимо), упустить
 gini	>	guinea (coin) / гинея
 biografia	>	biography / биография
 astrakan	>	astrakhan / каракуль
 do dwa buton-fila	>	double-breasted / двубортный
 subkapra	>	lining / подкладка
 beril	>	beryl / берилл
 agenta	>	agent (person)
 sidi lagem	>	lounge / arrellanarse / сидеть развалившись
 kondesendi	>	condescend
 dusaventura	>	adventure (reckless scheme, shady enterprise) / авантюра
 taimplan	>	timatable, schedule / расписание
 vandala	>	vandal / вандал
 kompensi	>	compensate (to be equivalent to, to counterbalance, to make amends for, to make up for)
 shan	>	leaf, wing (movable section of door, window) / створка
 menestrel	>	minstrel / менестрель
 vasal	>	vassal / вассал
 torneo	>	tournament / турнир
 helma-faska	>	visor / забрало
 sentimentale	>	sentimental
 merlan	>	whiting / мерлан
 fasta	>	fast/пост
 diametra	>	diameter / диаметр
 apoplexia	>	apoplexy / апоплексия
 jaltura	>	snuff (of candle)/ нагар
 abatlok	>	abbey / аббатство
 shwo-talenta	>	eloquence / красноречие
 karpa	>	carp/карп
 bliwan	>	neighbour, fellow human / ближний (сочеловек) / prójimo
 rostistanga	>	spit/вертел
 sardina	>	sardine / сардина
 tuna	>	tuna / тунец
 nektar	>	nectar / нектар
 sho	>	show (exhibition, program) / шоу, спектакль
 resivi-nota	>	receipt (written acknowledgement of receipt) / расписка
 (noti-)dafta	>	notebook / записная книжка
 bakshwo	>	say back / ответить, парировать
 dulhifa	>	betrothal / помолвка
 kontralto	>	contralto / контральто
 primadona	>	prima donna / примадонна
 opera 	>	opera / опера
 shantaja	>	blackmail / шантаж
 klavikorda	>	harpsichord / клавесин
 konservatorio	>	conservatoire / консерватория
 liturgia	>	liturgy / литургия
 psalma	>	psalm / псалом
 sakrale	>	sacral, sacred
 kavalyuan	>	groom, stableman / конюх; грум
 twid	>	tweed / твид
 faktor	>	factor / фактор
 porsion	>	portion / порция
 vila	>	villa / вилла
 begun	>	to work, process, treat / обрабатывать
 serenada	>	serenade / серенада
 kontiyuan	>	accountant, bookkeeper / счетовод, бухгалтер
 konsonanta	>	consonant (sound, letter) / согласный, согласная (звук, буква)
 idioma	>	idiom (idiomatic expression) / идиома
 finweiti	>	live to see, get at last / дождаться
 trubadur	>	troubadour / трубадур
 kopiraita	>	copyright / копирайт, авторское право
 altar	>	altar / алтарь
 flirti	>	flirt / флиртовать, заигрывать
 kapsel	>	cap (explosive device) / капсюль
 fa-fini pa 	>	end up / закончить(ся) чем-л; в конечном счёте оказаться
 guardia	>	guard (squad) / гвардия
 sikriti	>	secrete (produce by secretion) / выделять, производить секрецию
 gaiva	>	seagull / чайка
 blueta	>	cornflower / васидёк
 orkestra	>	orchestra
 simpatia	>	sympathy (liking, kindly feelings (for)) / симпатия
 empatia	>	empathy / эмпатия
 chelo	>	cello / виолончель
 murer	>	mason / каменщик
 blonde	>	blonde (fair-haired)
 mentaliga	>	association (mental connection) / ассоциация (умственная связь)
 pelmeni	>	pelmeni
 refrena	>	refrain (burden of song) / припев
 strofa	>	strophe / строфа; куплет
 skecha, skechi	>	sketch, draft / набросок, эскиз
 wiski	>	whisky
 nikel	>	nickel
 agrisha	>	gooseberry / крыжовник
 balut	>	acorn / жёлудь
 josha	>	effervescence / 1) бурное вспенивание, выделение пузырьков газа, вскипание, шипение, искристость; 2) возбуждение, подъём, волнение
 dieta	>	diet, ration / диета, рацион
 monotone	>	monotonous / монотонный, однообразный
 bifoo-dey, bifoo-aksham	>	eve / канун
 suposem	>	supposedly / как предполагается, предположительно, якобы
 minus	>	minus / минус
 virtuale	>	virtual / виртуальный
 muka	>	allegedly
 afisha	>	bill, poster, placard / афиша
 perka	>	perch (fish) / окунь
 snuva	>	sniffles / насморк, заложенный нос, сопли
 bresa	>	heather / вереск
 ekologia, eko	>	ecology, eco-
 fishgina	>	mermaid / русалка / rusalca
 onsa	>	ounce / унция
 gualisi, gualifi	>	charr / обугливать(ся)
 kanseli	>	cancel (annul, invalidate; also comp.) / отменять
 pigma	>	pygmy / пигмей, карлик
 Noa	>	Noah / Ной
 komedia	>	comedy
 kontrasta	>	contrast / контраст
 sir	>	sir (a honorific before the name of baronets and knights)
 konsula	>	consul / консул
 lao virga	>	spinster / старая дева
 kapital	>	capital (wealth, resources) / капитал
 pirata	>	pirate
 kentaur	>	centaur
 abeta	>	fir (tree) / пихта
 kaprifolia	>	honeysuckle / жимолость
 lepra	>	lepra
 medalion	>	locket, medallion / медальон
 namem	>	inplas "nami-yen"
 kul	>	cool!/круто
 cherma	>	bird cherry
 area	>	area (measure of extent of a surface) / площадь (напр. фигуры)
 gerba	>	coat of arms / герб
 bharat-europike	>	Indo-European
 slavian	>	slav
 germanike	>	Germanic
 xilofon	>	xylophone
 demokratia	>	democracy
 kandidat	>	candidate
 kompetente	>	competent
 slu 	>	adi signifa "to eavesdrop"
 hush	>	sinonim fo "felise, santush"
 sinonim, antonim	>	synonym, antonym
 konstelasion	>	sinonim fo "stara-figura"
 intuision	>	intuition
 batata	>	sweet potato
 shlang	>	hose / manguera / шланг
 zitay	>	bearing, demeanor / осанка, выправка
 menu	>	menu
 lisensa	>	license
 konkrete	>	noabstrakte
 kontexta	>	context
 ingoma	>	osobe tambur [http: / / / instruments / english / burundi / ingoma.html]
 rakun	>	raccoon
 linda	>	linden
 biologia	>	biology
 markitan	>	sutler
 kavaleria	>	cavalry
 prooisih	>	Prussian
 Prooisen	>	Prussia
 obsesi	>	obsess
 kolonel	>	colonel
 subkolonel	>	lieutenant colonel
 batalion	>	battalion
 kaporal	>	corporal / капрал
 husar	>	hussar
 burjua	>	bourgeois
 kartush	>	cartridge (ammunition)
 bayonet	>	bayonet, штык
 agni-ston	>	flint, gunflint, огниво, кремень
 galopi	>	to gallop
 tineijer	>	teenager
 jumla	>	clause, sentence (gram.)
 doh	>	(in response to a negative question or statement) yes; oh yes; surely; really; on the contrary
 seksion	>	section
 fenshu	>	mark (acad.) отметка, оценка
 depatmen	>	department отдел департамент
 wektaimi	>	become outdated, obsolete
 altaimi	>	update
 atarafi	>	move aside, отодвинуть
 ohoo	>	oho / ого!
 inlubi 	>	fall in love (with), enamorar(se) / влюбиться
 randa	>	plane (tool) / рубанок / cepillo
 teklif	>	ceremoniousness, prudishness, primness / церемонность, деланность, чинность, формальность
 kosmonauta	>	astronaut
 demision	>	resignation, retirement / отставка, выход в отставку, уход (с должности)
 pasporta	>	passport
 pension	>	pension
 patranam	>	patronymic / отчество
 duranem	>	meanwhile
 interspas	>	interspace (in space)
 intertaim	>	a period between
 kontribu	>	contribute / содействовать, способствовать, делать вклад
 akseleri	>	accelerate
 solidare	>	solidary
 format	>	format
 telegrama	>	telegram
 telegraf	>	telegraph
 karta	>	adi signifa "card bearing a person's name and other information, used for purposes of identification or classification / удостоверение, билет"
 tango	>	tango
 kopeyka	>	kopek / копейка
 signika 	>	insignia; badge, pin / значок; знак отличия
 sanisilok	>	health resort / курорт
 halka-dansa	>	round dance
 koktel	>	cocktail
 kuri	>	ухаживать / court, pay court (to) / hacer la corte
 autostop	>	hitch-hiking
 pasi-auto	>	a passing car / macchina de passaggio / проезжающая машина; попутка
 voleibol	>	
 etnike	>	ethnic
 arigatoo	>	sinonim fo danke e shukran
 leuga	>	league (unit) / лье, лига
 soba	>	buckwheat
 spelta	>	spelt (a kind of wheat)
 adyutanta	>	aide de camp, adjutant
 lwaba	>	froth, salivary foam; lather (on horse) / пена (слюнная или на лошади)
 nomagari	>	
 ravan	>	amble / иноходь
 akauda	>	@
 no-obedi	>	disobey, dispute, strive against, resist
 komta	>	earl / граф
 starakin	>	asterisk
 exklami-signa ("!"), kwesti-signa ("?")	>	
 skoba	>	cramp, staple; bracket, parentheses / скоба, скобка
 eversi	>	evert, turn inside out / выворачивать наизнанку
 hi-hi(-hi)	>	tee-hee / хи-хи / hi-hi
 trombon	>	trombone
 katlet	>	cutlet
 marmelada	>	marmelade
 sirop	>	syrup
 frikasee	>	fricassee
 sentrifuga	>	centrifuge
 genetika	>	genetics
 kritike	>	adi signifa "pivotal, extremely important"
 stop!	>	stop! (interjection)
 el-nutra	>	power supply
 hermete	>	hermetic
 infarkta	>	infarction
 ironia	>	
 artileria, infanteria	>	
 boh-blama	>	blasphemy / богохульство
 nomus	>	must not (obligatory prohibition) / нельзя, не должен
 vise-	>	vice- / вице-
 ekipi	>	equip / экипировать
 raidi-pedika, estriba	>	
 ek-lai	>	нагрянуть / to suddenly arrive or appear
 gambir	>	serious (a synonym for seriose)
 barometra	>	
 eskorta	>	
 pantalon	>	панталоны
 koala	>	coala
 pluri-forma	>	plural form
 toywan, samlok	>	
 suli	>	сулить, предвещать, обещать / forebode, promise
 fatale	>	fatal
 abat	>	abbot / аббат
 linka	>	link / ссылка
 formale	>	
 ovohwanka	>	egg yolk
 sanisi-dom	>	санаторий / sanitarium
 streptotsid	>	стрептоцид / streptocid
 girlanda	>	гирлянда / garland
 abajur	>	абажур / lampshade
 franja	>	бахрома / fringe
 antena	>	антенна / antenna
 flotika	>	поплавок / bobber
 egaliser	>	equalizer, the process of adjusting the balance between frequency components
|''Description:''|Moves the sidebar to the backstage, as suggested at|
|''CodeRepository:''|n/a |
|''Comments:''|Please make comments at |
|''License''|[[BSD License|]] |


if(!version.extensions.BackstageSidebarPlugin) {
version.extensions.BackstageSidebarPlugin = {installed:true};

config.tasks.sidebar = {
	text: "sidebar",
	tooltip: "sidebar options",
	content: "<<tiddler SideBarOptions>><<tiddler SideBarTabs>>"

config.macros.BackstageSidebarPlugin = {

config.macros.BackstageSidebarPlugin.init = function() {
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} //# end of 'install only once'


#sidebar {

!(end of Stylesheet)
Herbert Wels. Buvidibil jen.	>	Herbert Wells. The Invisible Man.
Gariba lai in ran februar, pa un hima-dey, tra drangi-she snega-storma - laste snegalwosa de yar. Ta pedi tra uuparlok fon ferdao stasion Swatberilok al porti un syao swate bavul in handa do grose ganta. Ta es kuten fon kapa til pedas, e borda de suy felta-ney shapa ahfi  ol fas exepte glan-she nos-nok. Snega fa-montoni on suy plechas e sina, on bavul toshi ye blan kresta. Hili-yen, al sta hampi morti-she por lenga e fatiga, ta zin gastaguan "Garijen e kaval" e mah-lwo suy bavul. 	>	The stranger came early in February, one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow, the last snowfall of the year, over the down, walking from Bramblehurst railway station, and carrying a little black portmanteau in his thickly gloved hand. He was wrapped up from head to foot, and the brim of his soft felt hat hid every inch of his face but the shiny tip of his nose; the snow had piled itself against his shoulders and chest, and added a white crest to the burden he carried. He staggered into the "Coach and Horses" more dead than alive, and flung his portmanteau down. 
- Agni! - ta krai. - Pa nam de karitaa! Shamba e agni!	>	"A fire," he cried, "in the name of human charity! A room and a fire!" 
Ta tompi e weksheiki snega fon swa in bar, poy sekwi madam Hol inu salon, dabe fai kontrakta. Dela ladi kway: para sovrin es lansen on tabla, e ta en-habiti in gastaguan.	>	He stamped and shook the snow from off himself in the bar, and followed Mrs. Hall into her guest parlour to strike his bargain. And with that much introduction, that and a couple of sovereigns flung upon the table, he took up his quarters in the inn.
Madam Hol mah agni jal e lyu ta dar, duran ke ela go tayari chifansa fo ta bay swa-ney handas. Un gasta stopi-she in Aiping al hima, yoshi bu prais-disputnik, es bu-gwo-audi-ke fortuna. Ela resoluti diki ke ela meriti tal hao kisma. Wen bekon es hampi tayar, e afte ke Mili, elay mlan servi-sha, es ajilisen bay kelke kushalem selekten expresa de bicha, ela porti tablakovra, pyata e glasa inu salon. Dar ela begin bepon tabla kun zuy-ney shik.	>	Mrs. Hall lit the fire and left him there while she went to prepare him a meal with her own hands. A guest to stop at Iping in the wintertime was an unheard-of piece of luck, let alone a guest who was no "haggler," and she was resolved to show herself worthy of her good fortune. As soon as the bacon was well under way, and Millie, her lymphatic aid, had been brisked up a bit by a few deftly chosen expressions of contempt, she carried the cloth, plates, and glasses into the parlour and began to lay them with the utmost //éclat//.
Agni zai jal ajilem, bat visiter, pa elay surprisa, haishi bu he depon shapa e palto. Ta zai stan al bey versu ela e zai kan tra winda den lwo-she snega in korta. Suy handas, haishi in gantas, es hunten pa bey, e ta sembli gro-dumi. Ela merki ke resta de snega on ta-ney plechas tau e guti on elay tapis.	>	Although the fire was burning up briskly, she was surprised to see that her visitor still wore his hat and coat, standing with his back to her and staring out of the window at the falling snow in the yard. His gloved hands were clasped behind him, and he seemed to be lost in thought. She noticed that the melting snow that still sprinkled his shoulders dripped upon her carpet.
- Ob me mog pren yur shapa e palto, sinior? – ela shwo. – Me ve suhisi li hao in kukishamba.	>	"Can I take your hat and coat, sir?" she said, "and give them a good dry in the kitchen?"
- Non, - ta shwo sin turni.	>	"No," he said without turning.
Ela dumi ke ela misaudi e yao repeti kwesta.	>	She was not sure she had heard him, and was about to repeat her question.
Bat gariba turni kapa e kan ela sobre plecha. 	>	He turned his head and looked at her over his shoulder. 
- Me preferi bu depon li, - ta shwo kun emfasa. Ela merki ke ta porti gran blu okula do klosen borda e ke ta hev dense wanga-har kel totem ahfi wangas.	>	"I prefer to keep them on," he said with emphasis, and she noticed that he wore big blue spectacles with sidelights, and had a bush side-whisker over his coat-collar that completely hid his cheeks and face.
- Muy hao, sinior, - ela shwo. - Kom yu yao. Shamba sun warmifi.	>	"Very well, sir," she said. "//As// you like. In a bit the room will be warmer."
Ta fai nul jawaba e wekturni fas fon ela snova. Madam Hol senti ke elay kunshwo-proba es nobyen-taim-ney, pon reste tabla-kosa pa kway stakato e fliti aus shamba. Wen ela returni, ta haishi zai stan dar, kwasi jen aus ston, al gorben bey, uuparisen kolar e nichisen mokre shapa-borda kel ahfi suy fas e aures totem. Ela pon omlet kun bekon on tabla aika lautem e pyu-nem voki kem shwo:	>	He made no answer, and had turned his face away from her again, and Mrs. Hall, feeling that her conversational advances were ill-timed, laid the rest of the table things in a quick staccato and whisked out of the room. When she returned he was still standing there, like a man of stone, his back hunched, his collar turned up, his dripping hat-brim turned down, hiding his face and ears completely. She put down the eggs and bacon with considerable emphasis, and called rather than said to him, 
- Yur middeyfan es serviren, sinior.	>	"Your lunch is served, sir."
- Danke, - ta shwo pa same taim, bat bu muvi til ke ela klosi dwar. Dan ta ek-turni e lai a tabla kun nosabra.	>	"Thank you," he said at the same time, and did not stir until she was closing the door. Then he swung round and approached the table with a certain eager quickness.
Al ke ela go baken bar versu kukishamba, ela audi suon kel repeti regularem. Laik chirk-chirk-chirk, es suon de chiza kel gei virti kway in kopa. 	>	As she went behind the bar to the kitchen she heard a sound repeated at regular intervals. Chirk, chirk, chirk, it went, the sound of a spoon being rapidly whisked round a basin. 
- Ah sey gela! – ela shwo. – Walaa! Me ga fogeti. Longtaimnik!	>	"That girl!" she said. "There! I clean forgot it. It's her being so long!" 
E ela selfa fini mixi sinap, al fai kelke worda-ney pika a Mili por suy tro-ney lentitaa. Ela selfa ya he kuki omlet e bekon, he bepon tabla, he zwo olo, duran ke Mili (shma-helper!) sol he deri sinap. E lu es ya nove gasta kel yao resti! Poy madam Hol fulisi sinapdan, pon it, kun sertene solemnitaa, on swate-golde chay-talam, e porti it inu salon.	>	And while she herself finished mixing the mustard, she gave Millie a few verbal stabs for her excessive slowness. She had cooked the ham and eggs, laid the table, and done everything, while Millie (help indeed!) had only succeeded in delaying the mustard. And him a new guest and wanting to stay! Then she filled the mustard pot, and, putting it with a certain stateliness upon a gold and black tea-tray, carried it into the parlour.
Ela tuki e zin tuy. Al to visiter fai kway muva, e ela apena ek-vidi koysa blan desapari-she baken tabla. Sembli kwasi ta he pren-lifti koysa fon poda. Ela tuki-pon sinap on tabla e dan merki, ke depon-ney palto e shapa zai lagi on stula bli agni e ke para mokre buta stan on stal-ney grata, ugrosi-yen rujisi it. Ela go a sey kosas resolutem.	>	She rapped and entered promptly. As she did so her visitor moved quickly, so that she got but a glimpse of a white object disappearing behind the table. It would seem he was picking something from the floor. She rapped down the mustard pot on the table, and then she noticed the overcoat and hat had been taken off and put over a chair in front of the fire, and a pair of wet boots threatened rust to her steel fender. She went to these things resolutely.
- Me opini ke nau me mog pren li fo suhisi, - ela shwo pa vos kel toleri nul objeta.	>	"I suppose I may have them to dry now," she said in a voice that brooked no denial.
- Lyu shapa, - visiter shwo pa gluhe vos. Al turni ela en-vidi ke ta zai sidi rektem e zai kan ela.	>	"Leave the hat," said her visitor, in a muffled voice, and turning she saw he had raised his head and was sitting and looking at her.
Duran un minuta ela stan al kan ta bay gro-okos, tro surprisen fo shwo.	>	For a moment she stood gaping at him, too surprised to speak.
Ta zai teni koy blan kapra - es serveta ke ta he bringi kunem - bifoo nicha de fas, ahfi-yen muh e jabras. Se hi bin kausa de vos-ney gluhenesa. Bat madam Hol es astonen bay otre kosa. Gariba-ney ol frenta sobre blu okula es kovren bay blan bandaja, yoshi otre bandaja kovri aures, also nul pes de fas es exposen exepte rose agude nos. Nos es sam rose e glan-she kom al ke ta yus lai-te. Ta porti tume-brun bahmal jaka, kel-ney gao swate kolar do linkapra pa inen-taraf es uuparisen sirkum galsa. Dense swate har chu pa no-ordina inter krosi-she bandaja e ragi pa stran chuf, lo kel mah ta aspekti gro-ajibem. Sey kuti-ney e bandaji-ney kapa es tanto nosimile a kwo ela expekti ke duran kelke taim ela resti sinmuva-ney.	>	He held a white cloth - it was a serviette he had brought with him - over the lower part of his face, so that his mouth and jaws were completely hidden, and that was the reason of his muffled voice. But it was not that which startled Mrs. Hall. It was the fact that all his forehead above his blue glasses was covered by a white bandage, and that another covered his ears, leaving not a scrap of his face exposed excepting only his pink, peaked nose. It was bright, pink, and shiny just as it had been at first. He wore a dark-brown velvet jacket with a high, black, linen-lined collar turned up about his neck. The thick black hair, escaping as it could below and between the cross bandages, projected in curious tails and horns, giving him the strangest appearance conceivable. This muffled and bandaged head was so unlike what she had anticipated, that for a moment she was rigid.
Ta bu mah-wek serveta bat kontinu teni it, kom ela vidi nau, bay handa in brun ganta, e kontinu kan ela bay butralasike blu okula.	>	He did not remove the serviette, but remained holding it, as she saw now, with a brown gloved hand, and regarding her with his inscrutable blue glasses. 
- Lyu shapa, - ta snova shwo al trai pronunsi klarem tra blan kapra.	>	"Leave the hat," he said, speaking very distinctly through the white cloth.
Nervas de madam Hol begin defai shok. Ela pon shapa on stula bli agni. 	>	Her nerves began to recover from the shock they had received. She placed the hat on the chair again by the fire. 
- Me bu jan-te, sinior, - ela begin, - ke... Ela stopi konfusi-nem.	>	"I didn't know, sir," she began, "that—" and she stopped embarrassed.
- Danke, - ta shwo lengem al kan nau ela, nau dwar signifafulem.	>	"Thank you," he said drily, glancing from her to the door and then at her again.
- Me sal suhisi li hao, sinior, tuy, - ela shwo e porti klaida aus shamba. Pa dwar ela snova kan ta-ney blan-kuti-ney kapa e blu okula; bat ta haishi zai  kovri fas bay serveta. Al klosi dwar ela tremi idyen, e elay myen evidenti perplexitaa.	>	"I'll have them nicely dried, sir, at once," she said, and carried his clothes out of the room. She glanced at his white-swathed head and blue goggles again as she was going out of the door; but his napkin was still in front of his face. She shivered a little as she closed the door behind her, and her face was eloquent of her surprise and perplexity.
"Me nulves... - ela hamsi. - Walaa dela!"Ela go inu kukishamba ga kyetem e iven bu kwesti Mili om kwo ela lentefai pa //sey// ves.	>	"I never," she whispered. "There!" She went quite softly to the kitchen, and was too preoccupied to ask Millie what she was messing about with //now//, when she got there.
Gariba zai sidi e slu elay dalifi-she stepa. Bifoo mah-wek serveta e snova begin chi, ta ek-kan winda kwestem. Ta gloti un muhfula, kan winda suspektem, gloti otre muhfula, poy en-stan e al teni serveta in handa go tra shamba e tiri winda-shirma nich til blan parda kel kovri nicha de winda. Haf-luma en-ye in shamba. Afte zwo se ta returni a tabla e chia pa pyu kalme stasa.	>	The visitor sat and listened to her retreating feet. He glanced inquiringly at the window before he removed his serviette, and resumed his meal. He took a mouthful, glanced suspiciously at the window, took another mouthful, then rose and, taking the serviette in his hand, walked across the room and pulled the blind down to the top of the white muslin that obscured the lower panes. This left the room in a twilight. This done, he returned with an easier air to the table and his meal.
- Povre wan, ta he subi aksidenta o operasion o koysa, - madam Hol shwo. - Bandajas kadalok, dashat-ney vida!	>	"The poor soul's had an accident or an op'ration or somethin'," said Mrs. Hall. "What a turn them bandages did give me, to be sure!"
Ela pon pyu gual inu forna, depligi klaida-suhiser e extendi palto de gasta on it.	>	She put on some more coal, unfolded the clothes-horse, and extended the traveller's coat upon this. 
- E toy okula! Al shwo veritaa, ta aspekti pyu-nem kom plunjer-helma kem normale jen.	>	"And they goggles! Why, he looked more like a divin' helmet than a human man!" 
Ela pendi gasta-ney skarfa on suhiser.	>	She hung his muffler on a corner of the horse. 
- E ta ahfi muh bay poshtuh oltaim! E shwo tra it!.. Shayad ta-ney muh toshi es damaji-ney... mogbi.	>	"And holding that handkerchief over his mouth all the time. Talkin' through it! ... Perhaps his mouth was hurt too—maybe."
Ela ek-turni sirkum, kom wan kel turan remembi koysa. 	>	She turned round, as one who suddenly remembers. 
- Rahim boh! – ela exklami. - Mili! Ob patata bu es haishi tayar?!	>	"Bless my soul alive!" she said, going off at a tangent; "ain't you done them taters //yet//, Millie?"
Wen madam Hol go klinisi tabla, ela findi konfirma de elay idea om ke gariba-ney muh es toshi katen o mutilen por aksidenta: ta zai fumi pipa, bat, duran ol taim ke ela es in shamba, ta nulves laxi ti kuti fas-nicha na silka-tuh, dabe pon muhka inu labas. Se bu es por fogeta: madam Hol merki ke ta kan-kan ti vanem smuli na pipa. Ta zai sidi in angula, al bey versu winda-shirma. Nau, afte chi e pi e afte trawarmi hao, ta shwo kun meno agresive brevitaa. Por rude-si reflekta de agni suy gran okula nau kwasi animifi.	>	When Mrs. Hall went to clear away the stranger's lunch, her idea that his mouth must also have been cut or disfigured in the accident she supposed him to have suffered, was confirmed, for he was smoking a pipe, and all the time that she was in the room he never loosened the silk muffler he had wrapped round the lower part of his face to put the mouthpiece to his lips. Yet it was not forgetfulness, for she saw he glanced at it as it smouldered out. He sat in the corner with his back to the window-blind and spoke now, having eaten and drunk and being comfortably warmed through, with less aggressive brevity than before. The reflection of the fire lent a kind of red animation to his big spectacles they had lacked hitherto.
- Me hev kelke bagaja, - ta shwo, - pa stasion Swatberilok. Komo me mog mah it sundi-ney?	>	"I have some luggage," he said, "at Bramblehurst station," and he asked her how he could have it sent. 
Afte audi elay explika ta latifem inklini kapa. 	>	He bowed his bandaged head quite politely in acknowledgment of her explanation. 
- Also, sol manya? Pyu kway sundi-dao yok? – ta kwesti e vidi-nem fa-grivi al ke ela jawabi: "Non". - Ob yu es ga serte? Mogbi koy man kun gari wud mog raki a stasion?	>	"To-morrow?" he said. "There is no speedier delivery?" and seemed quite disappointed when she answered, "No." Was she quite sure? No man with a trap who would go over?
Madam Hol yao-shem jawabi a oli kwesta e developi toka.	>	Mrs. Hall, nothing loath, answered his questions and developed a conversation. 
- Kamina tra uuparlok es muy krute, sinior, - ela shwo; e poy, utilisi-yen kasu, adi:<br>- Un gari he renversi dar, un yar bak oda pyu. Un sinior e un garijen ambi kilen til morta. Aksidenta, sinior, it eventi pa un momenta, bu ver?	>	"It's a steep road by the down, sir," she said in answer to the question about a trap; and then, snatching at an opening, said, <br>"It was there a carriage was upsettled, a year ago and more. A gentleman killed, besides his coachman. Accidents, sir, happen in a moment, don't they?"
Bat tu mah gasta ko-toki bu es fasile. 	>	But the visitor was not to be drawn so easily. 
- Ver, - ta shwo tra suy trapa al okovati ela kalmem bay butralasike okula.	>	"They do," he said through his muffler, eyeing her quietly through his impenetrable glasses.
- Bat tu haili es longe dela, bu ver? Walaa, may sistason Tom, ta kati bracha bay tirpan, al stumbli duran tirpaning, - wel, yu kredi ku? duran tri hi mes ta go al bracha bandaji-ney, sinior. Oni apena mog kredi se. Depos dan me gro-fobi tirpan, sinior.	>	"But they take long enough to get well, don't they? ... There was my sister's son, Tom, jest cut his arm with a scythe, tumbled on it in the 'ayfield, and, bless me! he was three months tied up sir. You'd hardly believe it. It's regular given me a dread of a scythe, sir."
- Me ga samaji to, - gasta shwo. 	>	"I can quite understand that," said the visitor.
- Ye-te taim ke nu dumi ke treba zwo operasion - ta sta-te ga buhao, sinior. 	>	"He was afraid, one time, that he'd have to have an op'ration—he was that bad, sir."
Gasta ridi abruptem, kwasi wauki. 	>	The visitor laughed abruptly, a bark of a laugh that he seemed to bite and kill in his mouth. 
- Ga buhao? - ta shwo.	>	"//Was// he?" he said.
- Ga buhao, sinior. E bu bin ridi-kosa fo toy wan kel mus fai zwosa fo ta. Me hi bin toy wan, sinior, - may sista tro mangi kuydi suy syao wanes. Nau treba fai bandaja, nau treba defai bandaja. Also, si yu lasi me shwo frankem, sinior...	>	"He was, sir. And no laughing matter to them as had the doing for him, as I had - my sister being took up with her little ones so much. There was bandages to do, sir, and bandages to undo. So that if I may make so bold as to say it, sir-"
- Dai a me kibrit plis, - gasta shwo turan. - May pipa he tushi.	>	"Will you get me some matches?" said the visitor, quite abruptly. "My pipe is out."
Madam Hol es mah-stopi-ney ga abruptem. Sertem, fon ta-ney taraf es karke, tu interrupti ela tak. Ela kan ta ira-nem duran kelke taim-ki, bat poy remembi dwa sovrin e go fo kibrit.	>	Mrs. Hall was pulled up suddenly. It was certainly rude of him, after telling him all she had done. She gasped at him for a moment, and remembered the two sovereigns. She went for the matches.
- Danke, - ta shwo brevem al ke ela pon kibrit on tabla, poy turni versu winda, al plecha versu ela. Wel, tal suluka es verem vexi-she. Shayad tema de operasion e bandaja es bupriate fo ta. Ela bu kontinu toka. Bat gariba-ney gamande manera irisi ela, e Mili fai mushkile taim. 	>	"Thanks," he said concisely, as she put them down, and turned his shoulder upon her and stared out of the window again. It was altogether too discouraging. Evidently he was sensitive on the topic of operations and bandages. She did not "make so bold as to say," however, after all. But his snubbing way had irritated her, and Millie had a hot time of it that afternoon.
Gasta resti in salon til klok char, dai-yen nul hi bahana fo intrusa. Duran maiste taim ta es ga kyete. Shayad ta zai sidi e fumi al agni-luma, o mogbi somni-ki.	>	The visitor remained in the parlour until four o'clock, without giving the ghost of an excuse for an intrusion. For the most part he was quite still during that time; it would seem he sat in the growing darkness smoking in the firelight - perhaps dozing.
Koy jigyas-ney slu-sha wud mog audi para ves, komo ta fai gual. Duran pet minuta ta audibilem go ahir-adar in shamba e shwo kun swa selfa. Poy brachastula skriki al ke ta en-sidi snova.	>	Once or twice a curious listener might have heard him at the coals, and for the space of five minutes he was audible pacing the room. He seemed to be talking to himself. Then the armchair creaked as he sat down again.
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2006.12.31 [1.4.0] in formatter, test for chkDisableNonExistingWikiLinks
2006.12.09 [1.3.0] in formatter, test for excluded wiki words specified in DisableWikiLinksList
2006.12.09 [1.2.2] fix logic in autoLinkWikiWords() (was allowing links TO shadow tiddlers, even when chkDisableWikiLinks is TRUE).  
2006.12.09 [1.2.1] revised logic for handling links in shadow content
2006.12.08 [1.2.0] added hijack of Tiddler.prototype.autoLinkWikiWords so regular (non-bracketed) WikiWords won't be added to the missing list
2006.05.24 [1.1.0] added option to NOT bypass automatic wikiword links when displaying default shadow content (default is to auto-link shadow content)
2006.02.05 [1.0.1] wrapped wikifier hijack in init function to eliminate globals and avoid FireFox crash bug when referencing globals
2005.12.09 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.DisableWikiLinksPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 6, revision: 0, date: new Date(2008,7,22)};

if (config.options.chkDisableNonExistingWikiLinks==undefined) config.options.chkDisableNonExistingWikiLinks= false;
if (config.options.chkDisableWikiLinks==undefined) config.options.chkDisableWikiLinks=false;
if (config.options.txtDisableWikiLinksList==undefined) config.options.txtDisableWikiLinksList="DisableWikiLinksList";
if (config.options.chkAllowLinksFromShadowTiddlers==undefined) config.options.chkAllowLinksFromShadowTiddlers=true;
if (config.options.txtDisableWikiLinksTag==undefined) config.options.txtDisableWikiLinksTag="excludeWikiWords";

// find the formatter for wikiLink and replace handler with 'pass-thru' rendering
function initDisableWikiLinksFormatter() {
	for (var i=0; i<config.formatters.length && config.formatters[i].name!="wikiLink"; i++);
	config.formatters[i].handler=function(w) {
		// supress any leading "~" (if present)
		var skip=(w.matchText.substr(0,1)==config.textPrimitives.unWikiLink)?1:0;
		var title=w.matchText.substr(skip);
		var exists=store.tiddlerExists(title);
		var inShadow=w.tiddler && store.isShadowTiddler(w.tiddler.title);
		// check for excluded Tiddler
		if (w.tiddler && w.tiddler.isTagged(config.options.txtDisableWikiLinksTag))
			{ w.outputText(w.output,w.matchStart+skip,w.nextMatch); return; }
		// check for specific excluded wiki words
		var t=store.getTiddlerText(config.options.txtDisableWikiLinksList);
		if (t && t.length && t.indexOf(w.matchText)!=-1)
			{ w.outputText(w.output,w.matchStart+skip,w.nextMatch); return; }
		// if not disabling links from shadows (default setting)
		if (config.options.chkAllowLinksFromShadowTiddlers && inShadow)
			return this.coreHandler(w);
		// check for non-existing non-shadow tiddler
		if (config.options.chkDisableNonExistingWikiLinks && !exists)
			{ w.outputText(w.output,w.matchStart+skip,w.nextMatch); return; }
		// if not enabled, just do standard WikiWord link formatting
		if (!config.options.chkDisableWikiLinks)
			return this.coreHandler(w);
		// just return text without linking

Tiddler.prototype.coreAutoLinkWikiWords = Tiddler.prototype.autoLinkWikiWords;
Tiddler.prototype.autoLinkWikiWords = function()
	// if all automatic links are not disabled, just return results from core function
	if (!config.options.chkDisableWikiLinks)
		return this.coreAutoLinkWikiWords.apply(this,arguments);
	return false;

Tiddler.prototype.disableWikiLinks_changed = Tiddler.prototype.changed;
Tiddler.prototype.changed = function()
	// remove excluded wiki words from links array
	var t=store.getTiddlerText(config.options.txtDisableWikiLinksList,"").readBracketedList();
	if (t.length) for (var i=0; i<t.length; i++)
		if (this.links.contains(t[i]))
in kel lekti-sha ve fai plesir de en-koni brata Goranflo ke nu he mensioni yo dwa ves duran sey historia.	>	IN WHICH THE READER MAKES BROTHER GORANFLOT'S ACQUAINTANCE.
Afte klare dey, klare aksham lai; yedoh dey bin aika lenge, e al aksham fa-lenge yoshi pyu. Oni mog vidi ke sub shapa de tardi-she urbajen densifi vapor de spira, rude-si por luma de fanus. Oni audi klarem pasijen-ney stepa on frosten arda, sonore "Hm!" kausi-ney bay lenga e reflekti-ney bay elastike surfases, kom sedey-ney fisiker wud mog shwo. Brevem, es toy prival vesna-ney aksham-frosta kel mah dwaplem charmaful den hotel-windas lumi-she pa rose kolor.	>	To a lovely day had succeeded a lovely night ; except that, cold as had been the day, the night was colder still. The vapor exhaled by the breathing of the belated citizens, tinged with red by the glare of the lamps, could be seen condensing under their hats ; the footsteps of the passers-by on the frozen ground could be distinctly heard, as well as the vigorous 1mm, extracted by the chilliness of the season and " reverberated by the elastic surfaces," as a professor of physics would say at the present day. In a word, it was one of those nice spring frosts that add a double charm to the rosy tints which shine on the panes of a hostelry.
Shiko un-nem zin sala, kan-kan oli it-ney angula e plasa, e al bu he findi ti ta shuki na jen inter gasta de masta Klod Bonome, ta sinteklifem go a kuki-shamba.	>	Chicot first entered the dining-room, peered into every nook and corner, and, not finding the man he sought among Maitre Claude's guests, he passed familiarly into the kitchen.
Masta de guan zai lekti koy boh-ney kitaba, duran ke chitan-si de olea in gro-gran fraier zai weiti niden garma-gradus al kel oni ve mog pon inu sey fraier den farini-ney merlanes.	>	The master of the establishment was reading a pious book, while a little pool of grease in a huge frying-pan was trying to attain the degree of heat necessary for the introduction of several whitings, dusted with flour, into the said pan.
Al shum de ofni-she dwar, masta Bonome lifti kapa.	>	At the noise made by Chicot's entrance, Maitre Bonhomet raised his head.
- Aa, es yu, sinior, - ta shwo al klosi kitaba. - Hao aksham e hao apetit!	>	- Ah, it's you, monsieur," said he, closing his book. " Good evening and a good appetite to you.
- Shukran por sey dwaple tamana, obwol haf de it es sam profit-ney fo yu kom fo me. Bat may apetit sal dependi.	>	Thanks for both your wishes, although one of them is made as much for your own profit as for mine. But that will depend.
- Sal dependi? Komo?	>	Will depend! how?
- Yu jan ke me nopri chifan pa sole.	>	You know I don't like eating by myself?
- Si treba, sinior, - shwo Bonome al lifti-ki suy pistaka-kolor-ney shapa, - me ve chi akshamfan kun yu.	>	Oh, if you like, I 'll sup with you.
- Shukran, kare masta, me jan ke yu es gro-hao kompanion; yedoh me zai shuki un jen.	>	Thanks, my dear host, I know you 're a capital companion ; but I am looking for some one.
- Mogbi den brata Goranflo? - kwesti Bonome.	>	Brother Gorenflot, perhaps? " asked Bonhomet.
- Den ta hi, - Shiko jawabi. - Ob ta yo begin-te chifan?	>	"The very person," answered Chicot; "has he begun his supper yet?
- Non, bu haishi; yedoh, hasti ba.	>	No, not yet ; still, you had better make haste.
- Way hasti?	>	Why?
- Bikos afte pet minuta ta ve fini.	>	Because he'll have finished it in five minutes.
- Brata Goranflo haishi bu begin-te chifan, e afte pet minuta ta ve fini yo, yu shwo?	>	Brother Gorenflot has not begun his supper and will have finished in five minutes, you say?
E Shiko sheiki kapa, lo kel, in oli landa de munda, gei yusi kom signa de bukreda.	>	And Chicot shook his head, which, in every country in the world, is accepted as a sign of incredulity.
- Sinior, - shwo masta Klod, - sedey es tridi, granfasta yo begin-te.	>	Monsieur," said Maitre Claude, " to-day is Wednesday, and we are beginning Lent.
- Wel, e poy? - shwo Shiko, evidentem dubi-yen religion-ney lagan de Goranflo.	>	And suppose you are," said Chicot in a tone that proved he was rather dubious as to the religious emotions of Gorenflot, " what follows?
- Wel, shatam! - jawabi Klod kun jesta kel klarem signifi: "Me bu samaji pyu kem yu, bat es tak hi".	>	Humph! " answered Claude, with a gesture which clearly meant: " I 'm in the dark as much as you are, but so it is.
- Desidem, - repliki Shiko, - koysa deladi in subluna-ney mekanisma: pet minuta fo akshamfan de Goranflo! Es fata ke me vidi miraklas sedey.	>	Decidedly," muttered Chicot, " there must be something wrong with this sublunary sphere. Five minutes for Gorenflot's supper! It was fated that I should witness miracles to-day.
E, aspekti-yen kom safari-sha kel pon peda on bujan-ney landa, Shiko fai kelke stepa versu aparte shamba e pushi-ofni glas-ney dwar kun mao-ney parda do kwadras blan e rose. In glubitaa de shamba, al luma de kandela do fumi-she fitil, ta vidi digne monah kel zai turni on suy pyata egalsentem den magre porsion de spinata buli-ney in akwa, probi-yen mah-hao gusta de sey herba-ney substansa bay mixi it kun resta de Suren-ney kes.	>	And with the air of a traveller whose feet have touched an unknown country, Chicot made his way to a private room, and pushed open a glass door, over which hung a woollen curtain checkered in white and red. Away at the back, he perceived by the light of a sputtering candle the worthy monk, who was listlessly turning over on his plate a scanty morsel of spinach which he essayed to render more savory by blending with this herbaceous substance a fragment of Sureties cheese.
Duran ke digne brata zai tayari sey mixa al grimasa indiki-she duba om kwalitaa de tanto noluxe kombina, nu trai ba prisenti ta a nuy lekti-sha pa zuy yarke dao, dabe mah-wek afsos om bu en-koni ta tanto longem.	>	While the excellent brother is working at this mixture, with a sullen expression that augurs badly for the success of the combination, let us try to depict his personality so completely and veraciously for the benefit of our readers as in some sort to recompense them for their misfortune in not having already made his acquaintance.
Brata Goranflo es do trishi-ot yar e pet fut gao. Tal gaotaa, shayad kelkem syao, es kompensi-ney, kom shwo brata selfa, bay admirival harmonia de proporsiones; bikos olo ke ta lusi in gaotaa ta gwin in chauritaa, hev-yen hampi tri fut in diametra fon un plecha a otre, lo kel, kom kadawan jan, korespondi a nin fut in sirkulalinia.	>	Brother Gorenflot was thirty-eight years old, and five feet high, by standard measure. His stature, a little scanty perhaps, was made up for, as he was in the habit of stating himself, by the admirable harmony of the proportions ; for what he lost in height he gained in breadth, measuring nearly three feet in diameter from shoulder to shoulder, which, as every one should know, is equivalent to nine feet in circumference.
Pa sentra de sey herkules-ney plechas loki grose galsa on kel, kwasi gran kordas, ragi forte muskulas. Pa nofortuna, galsa toshi es in proporsion kun lo reste, to es it es grose e kurte, also oni mog fobi ke eni gro-emosion de brata Goranflo ve kausi apoplexia. Bat, samaji-yen sey halat, brata Goranflo neva fai gro-emosion; e rarem hi, nu mus adi, ta es tanto vexi-ney kom al ke Shiko zin shamba.	>	From the centre of these herculean shoulders rose a thick neck intersected by muscles as big as your thumb and standing out like cords. Unfortunately, the neck harmonized with the other proportions, by which we mean that it was very bulky and very short, and it was to be feared that any great emotion would result in apoplexy for Brother Gorenflot. But, being perfectly conscious of this defect and of the danger to which it exposed him, brother Gorenflot never allowed any strong emotion to get the better of him ; it was, in fact, very seldom — we are bound to make this statement — that he was as visibly thrown off his balance to such an extent as he was at the moment when Chicot entered his room.
- Hey, amiga, kwo yu zwo hir? - exklami nuy gaskon al kan alternem an herba, an Goranflo, an kandela kun jaltura e an kopa fule til borda de akwa, idyen koloren bay kelke vino-guta. 	>	Hello! my friend, what are you doing there? " cried our Gascon, looking alternately at the vegetables, at Gorenflot, and then at the unsnuffed candle and at a goblet filled to the brim with water, tinted by a few drops of wine.
- Yu vidi selfa, may brata. Me chi akshamfan, - Goranflo jawabi bay vos sam sonore kom glok de suy abatlok.	>	You see for yourself, my brother. I am having my supper," replied Gorenflot, in a voice as resonant as that of the bell of the abbey.
- Yu nami se akshamfan, yu, Goranflo? Herba e kes? Kwo ye? - exklami Shiko.	>	You call that supper, Gorenflot? Herbs, cheese? Oh, pshaw! " cried Chicot.
- Nu zin-te un-ney tridi de granfasta; nu kuydi ba om nuy atma, may brata, nu kuydi ba om nuy atma! - jawabi Goranflo tra nos, blagem uuparisi-yen okos versu skay. 	>	This is the first "Wednesday of Lent ; let us think of our souls, my brother, let us think of our souls! " answered Gorenflot, in a nasal twang, raising his eyes sanctimoniously to heaven.
Shiko es turdi-ney. Suy kansa diki ke ta pyu kem un ves gwo vidi Goranflo glorisi-she pa ga otre manera den sante taim de granfasta ke yus begin-te.	>	Chicot was completely taken aback; his looks indicated that he had once seen Gorenflot glorify the holy season on which they were entering in quite a different manner.
- Om nuy atma? - ta repeti. - Shatam! Ob akwa e herba gwansi nuy atma?	>	Our souls! " he cried, " and what the devil have herbs and water to do with our souls? "
- Pa petdi masu bu gai chi<br>Samem ni pa tridi, -<br>Goranflo shwo.	>	' On Friday meat thou shall not eat,<br>And not on Wednesday, either,'" <br>said Gorenflot.
- E wen yu chi-te sabahfan?	>	At what hour did you breakfast?
- Me ga bu chi-te sabahfan, may brata, - monah shwo oltaim pyu tra nos.	>	I have not breakfasted, brother," he replied, in a tone that was growing more and more nasal.
- Oo, si treba sol shwo tra nos, - Shiko shwo, - me es tayar fo kompeti kun oli monah in munda. - E ta en-shwo tra nos sin limiting: - Wel, si yu iven bu chi-te sabahfan, kwo hi, dan, yu zun-te?	>	Oh, if your religion consists in speaking through your nose, I can beat any monk in Christendom at that game. And if you have not been breakfasting, my brother," said Chicot, with a snuffle that at once challenged comparison with that of Brother Gorenflot, " what, in the name of mercy, have you been doing?"
- Me komposi-te bashan, - jawabi Goranflo al garwem lifti kapa.	>	I have been composing a sermon," answered Gorenflot, proudly raising his head.
- Wel, bashan. E fo kwo?	>	Oh, nonsense! a sermon, indeed! and what for?
- Fo pronunsi it pa sey aksham in abatlok.	>	To be delivered to-night in the abbey.
"Ewalaa! - dumi Shiko. - Bashan pa sey aksham in abatlok. Interes-ney."	>	Stay! " thought Chicot. « A sermon to-night? That 's queer."
- E nau, - adi Goranflo al porti a muh den un-ney furka kun spinata e kes, - me treba yo go wek. May auditoria mog nosabrifi.	>	It is about time for me to leave," said Gorenflot, taking his first mouthful of the spinach and cheese, ""it's time for me to think of returning, the congregation may get impatient."
Shiko remembi gro-menga de monah ke ta vidi-te go versu abatlok, e al dumi ke duko Mayen, segun ol probablitaa, toshi bin inter toy monah, ta kwesti swa, way Goranflo hi, she kel oni bu gwo merki shwo-talenta, es selekten bay suy sobreyuan Josef Fulon, dan-ney abat de Sante Jeneviev abatlok, fo prichi bifoo Loren prinsa e tanto menga-ney asembla. 	>	Chicot remembered the crowd of monks he had seen on the way to the abbey, and as M. de Mayenne was, in all probability, among these monks, he wondered how it was that Gorenflot, whose eloquence had not been heretofore one of his titles to fame, had beer, selected by his superior, Joseph Foulon, the then Abbot of Sainte Genevieve, to preach before the Lorraine prince and such a numerous assembly.
- Hey! - ta shwo. - Yur pricha es pa kwel klok?	>	Pshaw! " said he. "When do you preach?
- Inter klok nin e nin-e-haf, may brata.	>	Between nine and half-past nine, brother.
- Hao! Nau es haishi klok nin sin charfen. Dai ba a me vaika pet minuta. Shatam! Es yo pyu kem ot day ke nu bu hev shansa de chifan tuhun.	>	"Good! it's only a quarter to nine now. Surely you can give me five minutes. Ventre de biche! It's more than a week since we had a chance of hobnobbing together.
- Bu es yur kulpa, - shwo Goranflo, - e nuy amigitaa bu he subi eni nuksan, kredi ba, may kare brata. Deba de yur serva mah yu resti bli nuy mahan rega Anri Tri-ney, hay boh protekti ta. Deba de may posision mah me zun almu-jaming. Also bu es astoni-she ke nu es separi-ney.	>	"That has not been your fault," said Gorenflot, "and our friendship has not been lessened thereby, I assure you, my beloved brother. The duties of your office keep you at the side of our great King Henri III, whom God preserve ; the duties of mine impose upon me the task of collecting alms, and, after that, of praying ; it is not astonishing, then, that our paths should lie apart."
- Ver; bat, shatam! - shwo Shiko. - Es yoshi un kausa fo ke nu joi al miti.	>	"True," said Chicot, "but, corboeuf! isn't that the more reason why, when we do meet, we should be jolly?
- Me joi hi, me joi sinfin-nem, - Goranflo shwo al myen gro-pitival, - bat olosam me majbur kwiti yu.	>	Oh, I am as jolly as jolly can be," answered Gorenflot, in a tone that was almost heart-broken, " but that does not render it the less necessary for me to leave you."
E monah fai muva fo en-stan.	>	And the monk attempted to rise.
- Finchi ba vaika yur herbas, - shwo Shiko, pon-yen handa on suy plecha e mah-yen ta sidi.	>	At least finish your herbs," said Chicot, laying a hand on his shoulder and forcing him to sit down again.
Goranflo kan spinata e sospiri. Poy suy okos miti koloren akwa, e ta wekturni kapa.	>	Gorenflot gazed on the spinach and heaved a sigh. Then his eyes happening to fall on the colored water, he turned away his head.
Shiko samaji ke es byen momenta fo begin ataka.	>	Chicot saw it was time to begin operations.
- Ob yu remembi toy prival akshamfan ke nu chi-te bli Monmartr geit? Duran ke nuy mahan rega Anri Tri-ney zai swipi-te swa e otres, nu zai chi-te utka fon sumpa Granj-batelyer kun krebas, e zai pi-te gro-hao vino de Burgonye. Kwel es it-ney nam? - toy vino ke semblem yu selfa he deskovri.	>	So you remember the little dinner I was just speaking about? " said he. " Yes, it was, you know, at the Porte Mont- martre, where, while our great King Henri III was belaboring himself and others, we were eating widgeons from the Grange- Bateliere marshes, garnished with crabs, and were drinking that nice Burgundy, — what 's this its name was? — a wine, I think, you discovered yourself.
- Es vino de may janmalok, - shwo Goranflo, - de Romane.	>	It was the wine of my native country, La Romance," answered Gorenflot.
- Aa, ya, me zai remembi, es toy milka ke yu suki-te in bebi-yash, digne son de Noah!<br>Kun triste smaila Goranflo lisi swa-ney labas.	>	Ah, yes, now I recollect, the milk you sucked after making your appearance in this world, worthy son of Noah!"<br>With a sad smile, Gorenflot licked his lips.
- Kwo yu mog shwo om toy vino? - kwesti Shiko.	>	What have you to say about the wine? " asked Chicot.
- Es hao, yedoh ye pyu hao, - jawabi monah.	>	It was good ; but there is better," answered the monk.
- Sama shwo-te nuy masta, Klod Bonome, pa un aksham; ta aserti ke in suy kela ye amini petshi botela de vino, kontra kel toy vino ke nu pi-te bli Monmartr geit es shma-pia.	>	Just what our host, Claude Bonhomet, declared some time ago ; he claims he has fifty bottles in his cellar compared to which that we drank at the Porte Montmartre was but sour vinegar."
- Es veritaa, - shwo Goranflo.	>	He speaks the truth," said Gorenflot.
Kwo? Es veritaa? - krai Shiko.- E yu zai pi sey nafra-ney rudisi-ney akwa, wen yu treba sol extendi bracha, dabe pai tal vino! Fuy!	>	"What! the truth, does he? " cried Chicot, " and here you are drinking that abominable red water when you have only to hold out your hand for wine like that! Paugh!
E Shiko pren kopa e shwai it-ney kontena on poda.	>	And Chicot seized the goblet and flung its contents out of the room.
- Ye taim fo kada dela, may brata, - shwo Goranflo. - Vino godi hao wen afte pi it yu bu mus zwo enisa exepte ke glorisi boh kel he kreati tal haotaa. Bat si yu mus fai bashan, akwa es preferival, bu segun gusta, naturalem, bat segun utilitaa: //facunda est aqua (pa latina: "akwa es hao fo shwoing")//.	>	There is a time for everything, my brother," said Gorenflot. " Wine is good when we have nothing to do after we drink it except glorify the God who made it ; but when you have to preach a sermon, water is to be preferred, not because of its taste, but for its utility: facunda est aqua.
- Kontrem, - objeti Shiko, - //magis facundum est vinum (vino es yoshi pyu hao fo shwoing)//, e kom pruva me sal ordi un botela de toy Romane vino, obwol me toshi mus fai bashan-si sedey. May resepta es fidival. Apropoo, Goranflo, kwo yu'd konsili ke me chi kun it?	>	Bah! " retorted Chicot. " Magis facundum est vinum, and the proof of it is that I, who have also a sort of sermon to preach, and have the utmost faith in my prescription, am going to order a bottle of that same La Romanee ; and, by the way, what would you advise me to have with it, Gorenflot? "
- Bu pren sey herbas, - shwo monah, - ye nixa pyu buhao.	>	Don't have any of those herbs with it, at all events; they're nauseous."
- Fuy, fuy! - exklami Shiko pren-yen Goranflo-ney pyata e porti-yen it a swa-ney nos. - Fuy!	>	Faugh, faugh," exclaimed Chicot, as he seized Gorenflot's plate and carried it to his nose, " faugh! "
Pa sey ves ta ofni un syao winda e lansi i spinata i pyata inu gata.	>	And, thereupon, opening a little window, he hurled both herbs and plate into the street.
Poy ta krai al turni:<br>- Masta Klod!	>	Then turning back : <br>" Maitre Claude! " he cried.
Masta, kel evidentem zai slu-te pa dwar, apari tuy.	>	The host, who had been probably listening at the door, appeared at once.
- Masta Klod, bringi a me dwa botela de toy Romane vino kel, segun yu, es pyu hao kem enilok.	>	Maitre Claude," said Chicot, " bring me two bottles of the Romanee which you hold to be better than anybody's."
- Dwa botela! - shwo Goranflo. - Way dwa, si me bu pi?	>	Two bottles! " said Gorenflot ; " why two, as I don't drink? "
- Si yu wud pi, me wud ordi char botela, me wud ordi sit botela, me wud ordi oli botela kel ye in dom. Bat sikom me pi pa sole, dwa botela sufi. Me es buhao pi-sha.	>	If you were drinking', I'd order four, or five, or six ; I 'd order all there are in the house," said Chicot. " But when I drink by myself, I'm but a poor drinker, and two bottles will be enough for me."
- Ver, - shwo Goranflo, - dwa botela, es rasum-ney. E si yu bu chi masu kun li, yur pop-konfeser bu ve shwo nixa a yu.	>	In fact, two bottles are moderate, and if you eat no meat with them, your confessor will not quarrel with you."
- Naturalem. Tu chi masu al tridi de granfasta, gro-fuy!	>	Oh, fie, fie! " said Chicot, "to hint at any one's eating meat on a Wednesday in Lent!
Masta Bonome go a kela fo treba-ney dwa botela, e Shiko lai a fan-lemar e tiri aus it un grose kokina do Mans.	>	And making his way to the larder, while Maitre Bonhomet was making his way to the cellar, he drew therefrom a fine fat pullet of the Mans breed.
- Kwo yu zai zwo dar, may brata? - shwo Goranflo kel sekwi oli muva de gaskon kun sinvole interes. - Kwo yu zai zwo dar?	>	What are you doing there? " said Gorenflot, who could not help taking an interest in the Gascon's movements ; " what are you doing there, my brother? "
Yu vidi ya, ke me en-posesi sey karpa, por foba ke koy otre jen mog pren ta. Pa tridi de granfasta sey tip de fan es populare.	>	Why, you see! I'm appropriating this carp for fear some one else might lay his hands on it. During the Wednesday of Lent there 's always a fierce competition for these sorts of comestibles."
- Karpa! - exklami anstoni-ney Goranflo.	>	A carp! " cried the astounded monk.
- Sin duba, karpa, - shwo Shiko al teni apetit-ney pula bifoo Goranflo-ney okos.	>	A carp beyond doubt," said Chicot, holding the succulent fowl up before his eyes.
- E depos wen karpa hev bik? - kwesti monah.	>	And how long is it since a carp had a beak? " asked Gorenflot.
- Bik? - exklami gaskon. - Wo yu vidi bik? Es fish-ney muh.	>	A beak? " exclaimed the Gascon ; " you mean a mouth! "
- E alas?	>	And wings? " continued the monk.
- Fishalas.	>	Fins."
- E plumas?	>	And feathers?
- Kaskasa hi, may kare Goranflo, yu es pyan. 	>	Scales. My dear Gorenflot, you must be drunk.
- Pyan! - krai Goranflo. - Me es pyan! Es ya tro. Me chi-te sol spinata e pi-te sol akwa!	>	Drunk! " cried Gorenflot, " I drunk! A likely thing, indeed! I who have eaten only herbs and drunk only water."
- Wel, shayad spinata he disturbi yur stomak, e akwa deladi kapa.	>	Nothing surprising. The spinach has upset your stomach and the water has gone to your head."
- Shatam! - shwo Goranflo. - Walaa nuy masta lai, ta ve judi.	>	"Well, here is our host ; he'll settle it."
- Judi kwo?	>	Settle what? "
- Ob es karpa o kokina.	>	"Whether it is a carp or a pullet."
- Hay. Bat un-nem hay ta dekorki vino. Me yao jan ob es same. Dekorki ba, masta Klod.	>	Agreed, but first let him uncork the wine. I want to see if it is the same. Uncork, Maitre Claude."
Masta Klod dekorki botela e liti haf-glasa fo Shiko.	>	Maitre Bonhomet uncorked a bottle and poured out half a glass for Chicot.
Shiko gloti it e klapi bay lisan. 	>	Chicot swallowed it off aud smacked his lips.
- Ah! - ta shwo. - Me es buhao gusti-sha, e may lisan bu remembi nixa. Me bu mog shwo, ob sey vino es meno hao oda pyu hao kem  toy-la ke nu pi-te bli Monmartr geit. Me bu es serte iven, ob es same vino. 	>	Ah! " said he, " I am a poor taster and my tongue has no memory. It is impossible for me to tell if it's worse or better than that we drank at the Porte Montmartre. I am not sure even but that it is the same.
Goranflo-ney okos en-brili al kan kelke guta de rubin-ney likwa resti-she pa diba de Shiko-ney glasa.	>	Gorenflot's eyes sparkled as they rested on the couple of ruby drops still left in the bottom of Chicot's glass.
- Pren, may brata, - shwo Shiko al liti fingadanfula de vino inu glasa de monah. - Yu es plasen in sey munda fo helpi yur bliwan; stavi ba me on prave dao.	>	"Now, my good brother," said Chicot, pouring a thimbleful of wine into the monk's glass, " you are placed in this world for the good of your neighbor ; enlighten me.
Goranflo pren glasa, porti it a labas e lentem gusti-pi suy shao-ney kontena.	>	Gorenflot took the glass, raised it to his lips, and slowly swallowed the small quantity of liquid it contained.
- Es vino do same sorta, sin eni duba, - ta shwo, - bat...	>	It 's of the same country for certain," said he , " but " —
- Bat? - repeti Shiko.	>	But," repeated Chicot.
- Bat it ye-te hir tro shao fo shwo, ob es pyu o meno hao.	>	"I tasted too little to be sure whether it is better or worse."
- Yedoh me'd yao hi jan se. Shatam! Me bu yao bi trompen. May brata, si yu bu wud mus fai bashan, me'd pregi yu tu gusti sey vino yoshi un ves.	>	"And yet I have such a longing to know," said Chicot. " Confound it! I do not like to be deceived, aud only that you have a sermon to preach, my brother, I should ask you to give this wine another trial."
- Solem fo yur plesir, - shwo monah. 	>	If it would be doing you a favor," said the monk.
- Ya, shatam! - shwo Shiko.	>	Wouldn't it, though! " rejoined Chicot.
E ta haf-fulisi glasa de Goranflo.	>	And he half filled Gorenflot's glass.
Goranflo, sam solemnem kom pa un-ney ves, porti glasa a labas e gusti-pi vino kun same samaja de responsa.	>	Gorenflot raised the glass to his lips with the same solemnity as before, and sipped it with the same conscientious deliberation.
- Es pyu hao, - ta konklusi. - Pyu hao, me garanti.	>	It is better," said he, " better ; I stake my reputation on that."
- Wau, yu konkordi kun nuy masta! 	>	Bah! you had an understanding with our host!
- Hao pier, - shwo Goranflo, - al un-ney glota mus rekoni sorta de vino, al dwa-ney den kwalitaa, al tri-ney den yar.	>	A good drinker ought, at the first draught, to recognize the wine, at the second the quality, at the third the age."
Oo! Yar! Me gro-yao jan, do kwel yar sey vino es.	>	Oh, the age," said Chicot ; " I can't tell you how much I should like to know the age of that wine!
- Es ga fasile, - shwo Goranflo al extendi bracha kun glasa, - guti ba hir kelke guta, e me ve shwo a yu. 	>	The easiest thing in the world," replied the monk, holding out his glass, " just a few drops, and you'll know it."
Shiko fulisi glasa pa tri charfen. Monah vakuisi it lentem, bat sin stopi.	>	Chicot filled three-fourths of the glass. Gorenflot swallowed it slowly, but without taking the glass from his lips.
- Yar mil petsto-sitshi-un, - ta shwo al pon glasa bak on tabla.	>	1561," said he, as he put the glass back on the table.
- Bravo! - krai Klod Bonome. - Yar 1561, yus tak!	>	Hurrah! " cried Claude Bonhomet, " 1561; that's the naked truth."
- Brata Goranflo, - gaskon shwo al depon shapa bifoo ta, - in Roma oni he santisi mucho wan kel bu meriti se tanto kom yu.	>	Brother Gorenflot," said the Gascon, doffing to him, " Rome has canonized many who were not as deserving of the honor as you."
- Idyen anubav, may brata, nixa pyu, - Goranflo shwo namrem.	>	Oh," said Gorenflot modestly, " it is partly the result of experience."
- E talenta toshi, - shwo Shiko. - Pesta-shatam! Sole anubav signifi nixa, me es jive pruva de to: may anubav es ya gro-ney. Hey, kwo yu zwo?	>	And of genius! " asserted Chicot. " Experience alone could never achieve such results. I 'm a living proof of that, for my experience has not, I venture to say, been inconsiderable. But what are you doing now? "
- Yu vidi ya, me en-stan.	>	You see for yourself, I 'm getting up.
- Fo kwo?	>	Why? "
- Fo go a may asembla.	>	"To meet my congregation."
- Sin chi un pes de may karpa?	>	Without eating a piece of my carp!"
Ah, ver, - shwo Goranflo, - sembli ke yu, may digne brata, jan iven meno om chia kem om pia. Masta Bonome, kwo es sey animal?	>	Ah! true," said Gorenflot ; " it would seem, my worthy brother, that you know even less about eating than drinking. Maitre Bonhomet, please tell us what is that creature?
E brata Goranflo indiki obyekta de diskusa.	>	And Brother Gorenflot pointed to the object under discussion.
Hotel-masta kan kwesti-sha kun astona.	>	The innkeeper stared in bewilderment at his questioner.
- Ya, - Shiko shwo, - oni kwesti yu: kwo es se?	>	Yes," repeated Chicot, " we want to know what is that creature."
- Pa diabla! - shwo masta. - Es kokina.	>	Why," said mine host, " it is a pullet."
- Kokina! - Shiko exklami al aspekti turdi-ney. 	>	A pullet! " exclaimed Chicot, with an air of dismay.
- E fon Mans, - kontinu masta Klod	>	And a Mans pullet at that," continued Bonhomet.
- Me ya shwo-te a yu! - shwo triumfi-she Goranflo.	>	"Now what have you to say?" said Gorenflot, triumphantly.
- Wel, - shwo Shiko, - sembli ke me fai-te gaf. Bat me gro-yao chi sey kokina e pa same taim bu fai gunah. May brata, fai ba favor a me: pa nam de nuy mutuale amigitaa, sprinki ba kelke akwa-guta an ta e namisi ta karpa. 	>	What have I to say? " returned Chicot. " Why, that I am apparently in error ; but, as I have a real longing to eat of this pullet, and yet would not sin, do me the favor, my brother, in the name of our mutual friendship, to sprinkle a few drops of water on it and christen it carp."
- Ah! Ah! - fai Goranflo.	>	Oh, really! " protested Brother Gorernflot.
- Me pregi yu gro, zwo ba se; otrem me mog fai morta-ney gunah.	>	Do it, I beseech you! " said the Gascon, " do it ; you will thereby, perhaps, save me from a mortal sin."
- Hao, - ustupi Goranflo, kel pa natura es hao amiga e krome to begin yo senti efekta de tri gusting. - Bat akwa bu ye pyu.	>	Well, to save yon from a mortal sin — agreed! " said Gorenflot, who, besides being naturally an excellent comrade, had had his spirits elevated a little by his three vinons experiments, " but I don't see any water."
- Es ya skribi-ney, me bu remembi wo: "In kasu de urjensia, utilisi to ke yu findi bli". Intenta es zuy muhim. Kristisi kokina bay vino, may brata, kristisi bay vino; pula ve bi idyen meno katolike, shayad, bat bu meno hao-chi-ke.	>	I know it is written, though I forget where : " In a case of urgency thou shalt use whatever comes to thy hand ; everything is in the intention.' Baptize with wine, my brother, baptize with wine ; the creature will not be the worse on that account, though it may be a little less Catholic."
E Shiko fulisi monah-ney glasa til borda. Un-ney botela es fini-ney.	>	And Chicot filled the monk's glass to the brim. The first bottle was finished.
- Pa nam de Bahus, Momus e Komus, trinitaa de mahan sante Pantagruel, - pronunsi Goranflo, - me nami yu karpa.	>	In the name of Bacchus, Momus, and Comus, trinity of the great Saint Pantagruel," said Gorenflot, " I baptize thee carp."
Ta makni finganok inu vino e sprinki kokina.	>	And, steeping his finger-tips in the wine, he sprinkled a few drops on the pullet.
- E nau, - shwo Shiko al tintini glasa kun monah, - pro sanitaa de yus kristisen wan! Hay oni rosti ta hao, e hay arta de masta Klod Bonome perfektisi yoshi pyu ta-ney naturale kwalitaa!	>	Now," said the Gascon, touching glasses with the monk, " to the health of the newly baptized ; may she be roasted to perfection, and may the art of Maitre Claude Bonhomet add other priceless qualities to those she has received from nature."
- Pro suy sanitaa! - jawabi Goranflo kun laute rida, gloti-yen glasafula vino ke Shiko he liti a ta. - Pro suy sanitaa. Morta-shatam! Es ya prival vino!	>	To his health," said Gorenflot, interrupting a hearty laugh to swallow the Burgundy Chicot poured out for him, " to his health. Morbleu! but that's a wine that's up to the mark."
- Masta Klod, - shwo Shiko, - tuy plasi sey karpa on rostistanga, arosi ta bay freshe nayu, inu kel yu adi fainem katen swina-fet e luk; poy, wen fish fa-brun, kati ta inu dwa parta e serviri garme.	>	-'Maitre Claude," said Chicot, "roast me incontinent this carp on the spit, baste it with fresh butter, into which you will shred a little bacon and some shalots ; then, when it hath begun to turn a golden brown, slip me into the pan two slices of toast, and serve hot."
Goranflo shwo nixa bat aspekti ga aprobi-she: oni vidi se pa syao nikas ke ta fai.	>	Gorenflot spoke not a word, but he looked approbation, which approbation was confirmed by a certain little motion of the head, peculiar to him.
- E nau, - shwo Shiko, al vidi ke suy intenta zai realifi, - bringi sardina, masta Bonome, bringi tuna. Al nau nu es in granfasta, kom nuy boh-fidele brata yus he expliki a nu, e me bu yao violati it. Hey, weiti ba, bringi yoshi dwa botela de toy gro-hao Romane vino do yar 1561.	>	And now," said Chicot, when he saw his orders in a fair way of being executed, " sardines, Maitre Bonhomet, and some tunny. We are in Lent, as our pious brother has just told us, and only Lenten fare will I touch. So, — stay a moment, — bring on two more bottles of that excellent Romanee, 1561."
Aromas fon kukishamba, mah-remembi-she suda-ney kuking kel es tanto kare a vere haochinik, begin difusi in shamba e shao-po-shao tumanisi monah-ney brein. Suy lisan humidifi, suy okos brili; bat ta haishi kontroli swa e iven probi en-stan. 	>	The perfumes that arose from the kitchen, one of those kitchens of the south so dear to the true gourmand, were beginning to be diffused around ; they gradually mounted to the brain of the monk ; his tongue became moist and his eyes shone, but he restrained himself still, and even made a movement to get up.
- Also yu kwiti me al beginsa de batala? - kwesti Shiko.	>	So, then," said Chicot, " you leave me thus, and at the very beginning of the battle?
- Majbur, may brata, - shwo Goranflo al lifti okos versu skay, dabe mah boh atenti swa-ney uhra. 	>	I must, my brother," said Gorenflot, lifting up his eyes to heaven to notify God of the sacrifice he was making for His sake.
- Es ga buchauke fon yur taraf, tu go fai bashan al vakue stomak.	>	But it is terribly imprudent of you to think of preaching when you're fasting."
- Way? - stotri monah.	>	Why? " stammered the monk.
- Bikos yur pulmones ve fali, may brata. Galen shwo: «Pulmo hominis facile deficit» - Jen-ney pulmones es feble e fali fasilem.	>	Because your lungs will fail you, my brother ; Gallien has said: «Pulmo hominis facile deficit» — Man's lungs are weak and easily fail.
- Afsos, ya, - shwo Goranflo, - me selfa anubavi se oftem. Si me'd hev masbute pulmones, may shwosa wud trefi jen kom bliza.	>	Alas! yes," said Gorenflot, " and it has often been my own experience ; had I had lungs, I should have been a thunderbolt of eloquence.
- Yu vidi selfa ke me es prave, - remarki Shiko.	>	You see I 'm right, then,"' returned Chicot.
- Pa fortuna, - kontinu Goranflo al lwo bak on stula, - pa fortuna, me hev lagan.	>	Luckily," said Gorenflot. falling back on his chair, " luckily, I have zeal.
- Ya, bat lagan bu sufi. Pa yur plasa me wud gusti sey sardinas e pi yoshi kelke guta de sey nektar.	>	Yes, but zeal is not enough ; in your place I should try these sardines and drink a few drops of this nectar.
- Un sole sardina, - shwo Goranflo, - e un sole glasa.	>	A single sardine, then," replied Gorenflot, " and just one glass."
Shiko pon un sardina on brata-ney pyata e handi dwa-ney botela a ta.	>	Chicot laid a sardine on the brother's plate and passed him the second bottle.
Monah chi sardina e pi glasa-kontena.	>	The monk ate the sardine and drank the contents of the glass.
- Wel? - kwesti Shiko kel, mah-yen monah chi e pi, resti ga sahe selfa. - Komo yu sta?	>	Well? " asked Chicot, who, while urging the Genevievan to eat and drink, took care to keep sober himself: " well, how do you feel? "
- Ver, - shwo Goranflo, - me sta meno feble.	>	The fact is," answered Gorenflot, " I feel a little stronger."
- Kasam do bohmata! Wen wan mus fai bashan, bu sufi sta meno feble, gai sta pa fule fortitaa. E pa yur plasa, - kontinu gaskon, - dabe ateni fule fortitaa, me wud chi dwa fishala de sey karpa. Bikos, si yu bu chi, yu ve fauhi pa vino: //Merum sobrio mâle olet. (Tro-ney modera fauhi badem).//	>	Ventre de biche! when a fellow has a sermon to preach, it is not a question of feeling a little stronger, it 's a question of feeling entirely strong, and," continued the Gascon, " in your place, if I wanted to achieve this result I should eat the two fins of this carp ; for if you do not eat, your breath is pretty sure to smell of wine. Merum sobrio male olet.
- Ah, diabla! - shwo Goranflo, - yu es prave, me bu dumi-te om to.	>	"Ah!" exclaimed Gorenflot, "devil take me if you're not right. I never thought of that."
In sey momenta oni bringi kokina yus pren-ney fon rostistanga. Shiko wekkati un de suy gambas ke ta he namisi "fishalas", e monah chi it fulem kway.	>	The pullet was brought in at this very moment. Chicot carved one of the portions he had baptized by the name of fins; the monk ate it, and picked a leg and thigh afterward.
- Kasam do Krista-ney korpa! - exklami Goranflo. - Gro-hao-gusta-ney fish!	>	Christ's body! " he cried, " but this is the delicious fish!
Shiko wekkati otre fishala e pon it on Goranflo-ney pyata, duran ke ta selfa delikatem zai suki ala-ge.	>	Chicot cut off another fin and laid it on Gorenflot's plate, he himself toying with a bone.
- Es ya magnifike vino! - ta shwo al dekorki tri-ney botela.	>	And the famous wine," said he, uncorking a third bottle.
Afte mah-gun, afte warmisi, afte jagisi glubitaa de swa-ney gro-gran stomak, Goranflo bu pyu mog stopi; ta avidem chi ala, glodi ol kokina til ostas, e poy voki Bonome:	>	Once started, once warmed up, once quickened in the depths of his huge stomach, Gorenflot no longer had the strength to stop ; he devoured the wing, made a skeleton of the carcass, and then summoned Bonhomet.
- Masta Kold, - ta shwo, - me sta gro-hunge; ob she yu ye koy omlet kun swina-fet?	>	Maitre Claude," said he, " I am very hungry ; did you not suggest a certain bacon omelet?
- Sertem ye, - shwo Shiko, - e it es yo ordi-ney. Bu ver, Bonome?	>	
- Sin duba, - jawabi hotel-masta, kel neva kontrashwo a klienta wen li mah-pyu ley orda e ergo ley spenda.	>	Undoubtedly," answered the innkeeper, who never contradicted his customers when their assertions had a tendency to increase the length of their bills.
- Dan bringi it, bringi it tuy! - demandi monah.	>	"Then bring it on, bring it on immediately," said the monk.
- Afte pet minuta, - jawabi masta e, obedi-yen kansa fon Shiko, hasti tayari lo demandi-ney.	>	In five minutes," replied the host, who, at a glance from Chicot, left hurriedly to prepare the order.
- Ah! - sospiri Goranflo al lasi lwo on tabla den swa-ney gro-gran kulak kun forka, - nau me sta pyu hao.	>	"Ah! " cried Gorenflot, dropping his enormous fist, which was armed with a fork, on the table, " things are going better now."
- Ver ku?	>	I should think so! " said Chicot.
- E si omlet wud bi yo hir, me wud gloti it tuy pa un glota, kom sey vino.<br>Ta vakusi charfen de tri-ney botela, e suy okos glimi por juisa.	>	And if the ojuelet were here I 'd make only a mouthful of it, just as I swallow this wine at a gulp." <br>And his liquorish eyes gleamed as he tossed off a quarter of the third bottle.
- Aha! - shwo Shiko, - also yu bin nosane?	>	Aha! " said Chicot, " so you were ill, my friend?
- Me bin pumbe, amiga, - jawabi Goranflo. - Sey damni-ney bashan mah-te me pagale; duran laste tri dey me dumi sol om it.	>	I was a ninny, my brother," returned Gorenflot ; " that cursed sermon drove me crazy ; I have thought of nothing else for the last three days."
- Shayad es magnifike bashan? - shwo Shiko.	>	It must be magnificent? " said Chicot.
- Briliante.	>	Splendid."
- Shwo a me koysa fon it, duran ke omlet haishi yok.	>	Tell me about it while we 're waiting for the omelet."
- Non hi! - krai Goranflo. - Tu prichi pa tabla! Wo yu vidi-te se, sinior ahmak? Mogbi pa korta de rego, yur masta?	>	"No, no!" cried Gorenflot ; " a sermon at table! where did you ever hear of such a thing? at your royal master's court, Mister Jester? "
- Pa korta de rego Anri, hay Boh protekti ta, oni fai muy jamile shwosa, - shwo Shiko al lifti shapa.	>	Oh, I have heard some very fine discourses at the court of King Henri, whom God preserve! " said Chicot, raising his hat.
- E om kwo es toy shwosa? - kwesti Goranflo.	>	And on what do those discourses turn? " inquired Gorenflot.
- Om dasin, - shwo Shiko.	>	On virtue," said Chicot.
- Kamon, - exklami monah al fa-pushi bak on stula, - walaa fujur-ney dasinnik, yur rego Anri Tri-ney.	>	Oh, yes," cried the monk, throwing himself back in his chair, " he is quite a paragon of virtue, is your King Henri."
- Me bu jan ob ta es dasinnik, - objeti gaskon, - bat me jan hi ke pa suy korta me bu gwo vidi enisa kel wud mah me rudifi.	>	I don't know if he be a paragon or not," rejoined the Gascon; "but what I do know is that I have never seen anything there to bring a blush to my cheeks.
- Shatam do shatam! Me kredi yu. Yu he delerni rudifi depos longtaim, sinior gunahnik, - shwo monah.	>	I believe you ; mordieu bien! don't I believe you! " said the monk. " It is a long time since you could blush, you hardened sinner."
- Me ku gunahnik? - indigni Shiko. - Me es sanyamtaa selfa, me es abnega inkarni-ney! Me parisipi in kada prosesion, in kada fasta!	>	"la sinner! Oh, fie! " said Chicot, " I who am abstinence personified, continence in flesh and bone! I who follow all the processions and observe all the fasts! "
Ya, profit-ney prosesion, nosinsere fasta de yur Sardanapal, de yur Nabuhodonosor, de yur Irod! Pa fortuna, oni begin yo samaji kwel hi es yur Anri Tri-ney, hay diabla mah ta wek.	>	Yes, the hypocritical processions, the make-believe fasts of your Sardanapalus, your Nebuchadnezzar, your Herodes! Fortunately, we're beginning to know your King Henri by heart. May the devil take him! "
E Goranflo, inplas bashani, en-gani pa ol mogsa:	>	And Gorenflot, in place of the sermon asked for, sang the following song at the top of his voice :
Nuy rego mani yao pai<br>Fo se ta sho* ga oftem fai<br>ke povra es.<br>Simuli hweisa e pasion,<br>i fasta fai i prosesion,<br>mah-aus bes.<br>Yedoh Paris den ta yo jan,<br>A ta bu kredi yo nulwan, <br>Ta debi tro!<br>E wen ta yao loni pyu,<br>jawaba es: "Go wek ba yu,<br>Fo almu go!"	>	The King, to get money, pretends <br>That he 's poor, as if that made amends <br>For his shameful abuses <br>The hypocrite thinks that his sin <br>Is effaced when he scourges his skin <br>And fasts like recluses. <br>But Paris, who knows him too well, <br>Would far sooner see him in hell <br>Than lend him copper. <br>He filched from her so much before. <br>That she says: " You pay off the old score, <br>Or go begging, you pauper!
- Bravo! - krai Shiko. - Bravo!	>	Bravo! " cried Chicot, " bravo!
Poy adi kyetem:	>	Then, to himself :
- Hao. Sikom ta gani, ta ve shwo.	>	Good! since he sings, he'll speak."
Al sey momenta zin masta Bonome, porti-yen in un handa den fama-ney omlet, e in otre handa dwa nove botela.	>	At this moment, Maitre Bonhomet entered, in one hand the famous omelet, and in the other two fresh bottles.
- Ahir, ahir! - krai monah al brili-she okos e al smaila tanto chaure ke it reveli oli denta.	>	Bring it here, bring it here," cried the monk, with sparkling eyes and with a smile so broad that it revealed all his thirty-two teeth.
- Bat, may amiga, - shwo Shiko, - ob yu remembi ke yu mus fai bashan?	>	But, friend Gorenflot, it seems to me that you have to preach a sermon,"' said Chicot.
- Bashan es hir, - shwo Goranflo al tuki swa-ney frenta, on kel yo zai aflui agnilik ruditaa fon wangas.	>	The sermon is here," said the monk, slapping his forehead, which was already beginning to partake of the ruddy color of his cheeks.
- Pa klok nin-e-haf, - shwo Shiko.	>	At half-past nine," continued Chicot.
- Me lugi-te, - shwo monah. - //Omnis homo mendax confiteor (Kada jen es luger.)//	>	I lied," said the monk, — " omnis homo mendax confiteor.
- Dan pa kwel klok realem?	>	Well, at what hour is it to take place?
- Klok shi.	>	At ten.
- Klok shi? Me dumi-te ke abatlok klosi al nin.	>	At ten? I thought the abbey closed at nine.
- Hay it klosi, - shwo Goranflo al kan-kan flama de kandela tra rubinlik kontena de suy glasa, - hay it klosi, me hev klef.	>	Let it close," said Gorenflot, looking at the candle through the ruby contents of his glass ; " let it close, I have a key.
- Klef de abatlok? - exklami Shiko. - Yu hev klef de abatlok?	>	The key of the abbey! " cried Chicot, " you have the key of the abbey? "
- Hir, in may posh, - shwo Goranflo al slapi swa-ney tuta, - hir hi.	>	Here, in my pocket," said Gorenflot, tapping a part of his robe.
- Buposible, - shwo Shiko. - Me jan monastir-ney regula, me fai-te hweisa in tri monastir. Oni neva konfidi klef de abatlok a simple brata.	>	Impossible," answered Chicot, " I know what monastic rules are. I have made retreats in three convents : the key of an abbey is never confided to a mere brother."
- Walaa it, - shwo Goranflo al fa-pushi bak on stula e al diki triumfem koy moneta a Shiko.	>	Here it is," said Gorenflot, falling back in his chair, and holding up a coin exultingly before the eyes of Chicot.
- Ohoo! Mani, - shwo Shiko. - Aa, me samaji. Yu he karabisi brata dwaryuan, dabe mog returni pa eni ora, yu povre gunahnik.	>	"Let me see. Hah! money," sneered Chicot ; "you corrupt the brother porter and return at whatever hour you like, you miserable sinner! "
Goranflo fai pumbe felise smaila do pyan wan, ofni-yen muh hampi til aures.	>	Gorenflot opened his mouth from ear to ear, with that idiotic, good-natured smile peculiar to the drunkard.
-//Sufficit (Sufi)//, - ta murmuri.	>	Sufficit," he stammered.
E ta porti moneta bak versu posh.	>	And he was hurriedly restoring the coin to his pocket.
- Weiti ba, - shwo Shiko. - Lasi me kan. Ohoo! Es ya drole moneta!	>	Stay," said Chicot, - hold a moment. Bless my eyes! what a queer coin! "
- Kun imaja de falsekrednik, - shwo Goranflo. - Yoshi, dun on plasa de kordia. 	>	With the effigy of the heretic on it," said Gorenflot. " Look — a hole through the heart."
- Ver,- shwo Shiko, - es teston stampi-ney bay Bearn rego, e walaa dun.	>	Yes, I see," answered Chicot, " a tester minted by the Bearn monarch ; and the hole is there, too."
- Es kinjal-ney darba! - shwo Goranflo. - Morta a falsekrednik! Wan kel kili falsekrednik, ta es deklaren sante bifoo morti, e me dai a ta may plasa in swargalok.	>	Made by a poniard! " said Gorenflot. " Death to the heretic! Whoever kills the heretic is canonized before his death, and I freely give up my place in paradise to him."
- Ahaa! - dumi Shiko. - Dela begin fa-klare; bat sey ahmak haishi bu es basta pyan.	>	Oho! " muttered Chicot, " things are beginning to take shape ; but the rascal is not yet drunk enough."
E ta snova fulisi glasa de monah.	>	And he filled the monk's glass again.
- Ya, - ta shwo. - Morta a falsekrednik, e viva mesa!	>	Yes," cried the Gascon, " death to the heretic! and long live the Mass! "
- Viva mesa! - grauli Goranflo e inusuki suy glasa in miga-taim. - Viva mesa!	>	Long live the Mass! " said Gorenflot, gulping down the contents of his glass, " death to the heretic, and long live the Mass!
|''Name:''|LoadRemoteFileThroughProxy (previous LoadRemoteFileHijack)|
|''Description:''|When the TiddlyWiki file is located on the web (view over http) the content of [[SiteProxy]] tiddler is added in front of the file url. If [[SiteProxy]] does not exist "/proxy/" is added. |
|''Date:''|mar 17, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
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|''Description:''|Extends TiddlyWiki options with non encrypted password option.|
|''Date:''|Apr 19, 2007|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.2.0 (Beta 5)|
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// need to reload options to load passwordOptions

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|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|disable doubleclick-to-edit-tiddler or replace doubleclick with shift/ctrl/alt+singleclick|
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*''key'' (optional)
**''none'' (default=disables double-click)
**''ctrl, shift,'' or ''alt'' invokes the action only when the indicated key is used in combination with the mouse.
*''trigger'' (optional)<br>is either 'click' or 'doubleclick' (default).
{{{<<tiddler ReplaceDoubleClick with: shift click>>}}}
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Lidepla shuki-tul

Fo Sherlok Holms ela es sempre "sey gina". Rarem hi me he audi lu mensioni ela sub koy otre nam. In suy okos ela eklipsi e domini ol elay sexu. It bu bin tak, ke lu senti-te koy emosion simile a luba versu Iren Adler. Oli emosion, e osobem toy-la, bin nafra-ney a suy lenge, exakte bat admirivalem balansi-ney menta. Lu bin, me suposi, zuy perfekte resoni-she e observi-she mashina ke munda he vidi, bat kom lubijen lu wud plasi swa inu false posision. Lu neva shwo-te om pyu dule pasiones, exepte ke kun moka. Li bin kosas admirival fo observer – gro-hao fo tiri vual fon motives e aktas jen-ney. Bat fo jen do tamrini-ney rasum, tu admiti tal intrusas in suy prope delikate e fainem ajusti-ney temperamenta wud bi tu introdukti elementa distrakti-she, kel wud mog lansi duba on oli suy mentale resultas. Defekta in sensitive tul oda krek in un fon suy mahtaful linsas bu wud bi pyu disturbi-she kem forte emosion in tal natura kom luy. E yedoh ye-te sol un gina fo lu, e toy gina bin Iren Adler bu pyu jiva-ney, do dubival memoria.	>	TO SHERLOCK HOLMES she is always the woman. I have seldom heard him mention her under any other name. In his eyes she eclipses and predominates the whole of her sex. It was not that he felt any emotion akin to love for Irene Adler. All emotions, and that one particularly, were abhorrent to his cold, precise but admirably balanced mind. He was, I take it, the most perfect reasoning and observing machine that the world has seen, but as a lover he would have placed himself in a false position. He never spoke of the softer passions, save with a gibe and a sneer. They were admirable things for the observer–excellent for drawing the veil from men’s motives and actions. But for the trained reasoner to admit such intrusions into his own delicate and finely adjusted temperament was to introduce a distracting factor which might throw a doubt upon all his mental results. Grit in a sensitive instrument, or a crack in one of his own high-power lenses, would not be more disturbing than a strong emotion in a nature such as his. And yet there was but one woman to him, and that woman was the late Irene Adler, of dubious and questionable memory.
In laste taim me vidi-te Holms rarem. May gaming he mah nu floti wek un fon otre. May prope komplete felisitaa e dom-gwansi-ke intereses, kel apari in manjen hu pa un-ney ves findi swa masta de prope hom, bin sufi-she fo absorbi may integre atenta, duran ke Holms, kel nafri-te oli forma de sosietaa bay ol suy boheme atma, resti-te in nuy flet in Beiker-strit, sirkumi-ney bay suy dave kitabas, alterni-yen fon wik a wik den kokain e den aktive gunsa, den somna do narko e den ferose energia de suy prope flama-ney natura. Lu bin haishi, kom sempre, glubem atrakti-ney bay studa de krimen, e okupi-te suy gro-kapablitaas e nopinchan observa-potensias bay shuki krimen-ney klef e klarisi toy misterias, kel es kwiti-ney kom sin-nada-ney bay ofisiale polis. Fon taim a taim me audi-te koy vage rakonta om luy aktas: om ke oni voki lu a Odessa in kasu de Trepov-kila, om ke lu klarisi ajibe tragedia de Atkinson bratas in Trinkomali, e fin-nem om mision ke lu fulfil tanto delikatem e kun sukses fo regi-she familia de Nederland. Yedoh krome sey signas de suy aktivitaa, ke me simplem parti-te kun oli lekti-sha de dey-ney pres, me jan-te shao hi om may bifoo-ney amiga e kompanion.	>	I had seen little of Holmes lately. My marriage had drifted us away from each other. My own complete happiness, and the home-centred interests which rise up around the man who first finds himself master of his own establishment, were sufficient to absorb all my attention, while Holmes, who loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our lodgings in Baker Street, buried among his old books, and alternating from week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the drug, and the fierce energy of his own keen nature. He was still, as ever, deeply attracted by the study of crime, and occupied his immense faculties and extraordinary powers of observation in following out those clues, and clearing up those mysteries which had been abandoned as hopeless by the official police. From time to time I heard some vague account of his doings: of his summons to Odessa in the case of the Trepoff murder, of his clearing up of the singular tragedy of the Atkinson brothers at Trincomalee, and finally of the mission which he had accomplished so delicately and successfully for the reigning family of Holland. Beyond these signs of his activity, however, which I merely shared with all the readers of the daily press, I knew little of my former friend and companion.
Unves pa nocha – es 20 marto 1888 – me zai returni fon safara a pasienta (bikos me returni-te nau a sivile praktika), e may dao dukti me via Beiker-strit. Wen me pasi bli hao remembi-ney dwar, kel mus sempre bi konekten in may menta kun may kuring e kun tume insidentas de "Etuda do rude tones", me en-gro-yao vidi Holms snova e en-jan, komo lu exploti luy nopinchan potensias. Luy shambas es lumisi-ney yarkem, e al kan uupar me vidi luy gao e slim figura kel pasi dwaplem kom siluet kontra kurtena. Lu zai go ahir-adar tra shamba ajilem, energikem, al kapa sinki-ney on sina e al handas hunti-ney baken lu. A me, kel koni oli suy muda e abyas, ta-ney suluka e manera reveli mucho. Lu zai gun snova. Lu he weksheiki drimas kreati-ney bay narko e zai shuki sagarmem klef fo koy nove problema. Me gloki, e oni dukti me uupar a shamba kel bifooen bin may-la toshi.	>	One night – it was on the twentieth of March, 1888 – I was returning from a journey to a patient (for I had now returned to civil practice), when my way led me through Baker Street. As I passed the well-remembered door, which must always be associated in my mind with my wooing, and with the dark incidents of the Study in Scarlet, I was seized with a keen desire to see Holmes again, and to know how he was employing his extraordinary powers. His rooms were brilliantly lit, and, even as I looked up, I saw his tall, spare figure pass twice in a dark silhouette against the blind. He was pacing the room swiftly, eagerly, with his head sunk upon his chest and his hands clasped behind him. To me, who knew his every mood and habit, his attitude and manner told their own story. He was at work again. He had risen out of his drug-created dreams and was hot upon the scent of some new problem. I rang the bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been in part my own.
Lu bu expresi yarke emosion. Rarem hi lu expresi emosion; bat lu joi por vidi me, me dumi. Hampi sin worda, al kan me karimem, lu mavi-indiki brachastula a me, muvi suy sigaradan pyu blisem a me, indiki alkoholdan e akwa-gasiser in angula. Poy lu en-stan bifoo agni e kan-kan me pa suy unike manera meditike.	>	His manner was not effusive. It seldom was; but he was glad, I think, to see me. With hardly a word spoken, but with a kindly eye, he waved me to an armchair, threw across his case of cigars, and indicated a spirit case and a gasogene in the corner. Then he stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular introspective fashion.
"Gama es hao fo yu," lu remarki. "Me dumi, Wotson, ke yur vega fa-pyu pa sem-e-haf paun fon taim ke me vidi-te yu."	>	"Wedlock suits you," he remarked. "I think, Watson, that you have put on seven and a half pounds since I saw you."
"Sem!" me jawabi.	>	"Seven!" I answered.
"Ver ku? Non, idyen pyu. Idyen-ki pyu, Wotson, kredi me. E yu fai praktika snova, me observi. Yu bu shwo-te a me, ke yu intenti go in jota."	>	"Indeed, I should have thought a little more. Just a trifle more, I fancy, Watson. And in practice again, I observe. You did not tell me that you intended to go into harness."
"Yedoh, komo yu jan?"	>	"Then, how do you know?"
"Me vidi se, me dedukti se. Pa exampla, komo me jan, ke nodavem yu bin gro-mokre e ke yur servi-gela es gro-nokushale e sinkuyda-ney ?"	>	"I see it, I deduce it. How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?"
"May kare Holms," me shwo, "se es tro. Yu sertem wud bi jal-ney, si yu wud jivi kelke sekla bak. Ver, me fai-te promena in agralanda pa chardi e lai-te a dom in dashat-ney stasa, bat bikos me he shanji may klaida me bu mog imajini komo yu dedukti se. Om Meri Jein, ela es nokorektibile, e may molya he fai warna a ela, bat snova, me fali vidi, komo yu pai gesi om se."	>	"My dear Holmes," said I, "this is too much. You would certainly have been burned, had you lived a few centuries ago. It is true that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes I can't imagine how you deduce it. As to Mary Jane, she is incorrigible, and my wife has given her notice, but there, again, I fail to see how you work it out."
Lu fai hi-hi a swa e froti suy longe e nerva-ney handas tuhun.	>	He chuckled to himself and rubbed his long, nervous hands together.
"Es simplitaa selfa", lu shwo; "may okos shwo a me, ke on inen-taraf de yur shu lefte, yus wo luma de agni trefi it, piga es raspi-ney pa sit hampi paralele kata. Evidentem li bin kausi-ney bay wan kel he nokuydem raspi sirkum bordas de suola fo udali krosta-ney kicha fon it. Also, vidi, me fai dwaple dedukta, ke yu bin ausen in bade meteo, e ke yu hev osobem nuksanful musta de buta-fendi-she servijenta in London. Om yur praktika, si un sinior zin may shamba fauhi-yen pa iodoforma, hev-she swate marka de nitrata de argenta on suy desne dikifinga, e balja on desne flanka de suy silinda, lo kel diki wo lu he ahfi suy stetoskop, me mus bi stupide, verem, si me bu deklari ke lu es yuan aktive de medike profesion."	>	"It is simplicity itself," said he; "my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe, just where the firelight strikes it, the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts. Obviously they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scraped round the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it. Hence, you see, my double deduction that you had been out in vile weather, and that you had a particularly malignant boot-slitting specimen of the London slavey. As to your practice, if a gentleman walks into my rooms smelling of iodoform, with a black mark of nitrate of silver upon his right forefinger, and a bulge on the right side of his top-hat to show where he has secreted his stethoscope, I must be dull, indeed, if I do not pronounce him to be an active member of the medical profession."
Me bu mog fai sin ridi por fasilitaa, kun kel lu expliki suy prosesa de dedukta.&nbsp;	>	I could not help laughing at the ease with which he explained his process of deduction. "When I hear you give your reasons," I remarked, "the thing always appears to me to be so ridiculously simple that I could easily do it myself, though at each successive instance of your reasoning I am baffled until you explain your process. And yet I believe that my eyes are as good as yours."
"Wen me audi yu dai yur resones", me remarki, "kosa sempre sembli a me tanto ridivalem simple, ke me selfa wud mog fasilem resolvi it, obwol al kada nove kasu me es perplexe til ke yu expliki a me yur dumi-prosesa. E yedoh me kredi, ke may okos es sam hao kom yur."	>	
"Totem tak," lu jawabi, agnisi-yen sigareta, e lansi-yen swa in brachastula. "Yu vidi, bat yu bu observi. Distinta es klare. Fo exampla, yu he oftem vidi sulam kel dukti uupar fon vestibul a sey shamba."	>	"Quite so," he answered, lighting a cigarette, and throwing himself down into an armchair. "You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. For example, you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room."
"Oftem."	>	"Frequently."
"Komo oftem?"	>	"How often?"
"Wel, kelke stoka ves."	>	"Well, some hundreds of times."
"Dan, kwanto gradinas it hev?"	>	"Then how many are there?"
"Kwanto? Me bu jan."	>	"How many? I don't know."
"Totem tak! Yu bu he observi. E yedoh yu he vidi. To es yus may punta. Yedoh, me jan, ke ye shi-sem gradina, bikos me he i vidi i observi. Apropoo, bikos yu fai interes om sey syao problemas, e bikos yu he kroniki sufi-shem hao un o dwa fon may anubaves nomuhim, yu mog fai interes om se."&nbsp;	>	"Quite so! You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point. Now, I know that there are seventeen steps, because I have both seen and observed. By-the-way, since you are interested in these little problems, and since you are good enough to chronicle one or two of my trifling experiences, you may be interested in this."&nbsp;
Lu lansi lif de grose rose papir, kel lagi-te ofni-ney on tabla.&nbsp;	>	He threw over a sheet of thick, pink-tinted note-paper which had been lying open upon the table.&nbsp;
"It lai-te bay laste meil," lu shwo. "Lekti se lautem."	>	"It came by the last post," said he. "Read it aloud."
Nota bin sin datum e sin signatura oda adres.	>	The note was undated, and without either signature or address.
"Sey aksham klok ot sin charfen sertene sinior kel yao konsulti yu om dela do zuy gro-ney muhimtaa, ve visiti yu. Yur nodave servas fo un fon regale domes de Europa he diki, ke yu es jen kel mog gei fidi sigurem om delas, kel-ney muhimtaa bu mog bi troisi-ney. Sey rakonta om yu fon oli taraf nu he resivi. Bi ba in yur shamba in toy ora, e bye missamaji, si yur visiter porti maska."	>	"There will call upon you to-night, at a quarter to eight o'clock," it said, "a gentleman who desires to consult you upon a matter of the very deepest moment. Your recent services to one of the royal houses of Europe have shown that you are one who may safely be trusted with matters which are of an importance which can hardly be exaggerated. This account of you we have from all quarters received. Be in your chamber then at that hour, and do not take it amiss if your visitor wear a mask.
"Se es verem misteria," me remarki. "Kwo, yu dumi, se signifi?"	>	"This is indeed a mystery," I remarked. "What do you imagine that it means?"
"Me bu haishi hev koy informa. Es prime galta tu fai teoria bifoo ke oni hev informa. Sinmerkem oni begin torsi faktas dabe li fiti teorias, inplas shanji teorias, dabe li fiti faktas. Bat om nota selfa. Kwo yu dedukti fon it?"	>	"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts. But the note itself. What do you deduce from it?"
Me atentem examini skribitura e papir, on kel it bin skribi-ney.	>	I carefully examined the writing, and the paper upon which it was written.
"Ti skribi it na jen es suposibilem riche," me remarki, trai-yen imiti prosesas de may kompanion. "Tal papir bu wud mog bi akwiri-ney pur meno kem haf-kraun per paketa. Es osobem forte e rigide."	>	"The man who wrote it was presumably well to do," I remarked, endeavoring to imitate my companion's processes. "Such paper could not be bought under half a crown a packet. It is peculiarly strong and stiff."
"Osobe - to es exakte worda," Holms shwo. "It totem bu es inglish papir. Teni it kontra luma."	>	"Peculiar – that is the very word," said Holmes. "It is not an English paper at all. Hold it up to the light."
Me zwo tak, e vidi gran "E" kun syao "g", "P" e gran "G" kun syao "t" texi-ney in surfas de papir.	>	I did so, and saw a large "E" with a small "g," a "P," and a large "G" with a small "t" woven into the texture of the paper.
"Kwo yu samaji fon to?" Holmes kwesti.	>	"What do you make of that?" asked Holmes.
"Nam de fabriker, sin duba; oda luy monograma, pyu-nem."	>	"The name of the maker, no doubt; or his monogram, rather."
"Totem non. "G" kun "t" syao signifi "Gesellschaft" kel es doiche fo "Firma". Es pinchan abreviasion kom nuy "Co". "P", evidentem, signifi "Papir". Nau vidi "Eg". Nu kan ba nuy "Kontinentike geografike info-kitaba.” Lu pren nich fon suy tanas den grave brun tom. "Eglow, Eglonitz... Walaa: Egria. It es in doiche-shwo-ke landa - in Bohemia, bu dalem fon Karlsbad. Merkival kom morta-loko de Wallenshtain, e por suy menga-ney glas- e papir-fabrikas. Ha-ha, may boy, kwo yu samaji fon to?" Luy okos brili e lu sendi uupar den gran blu triumfi-she badal fon suy sigareta.	>	"Not at all. The 'G' with the small 't' stands for 'Gesellschaft,' which is the German for 'Company.' It is a customary contraction like our 'Co.' 'P,' of course, stands for 'Papier.' Now for the 'Eg.' Let us glance at our Continental Gazetteer." He took down a heavy brown volume from his shelves. "Eglow, Eglonitz – here we are, Egria. It is in a German-speaking country – in Bohemia, not far from Carlsbad. 'Remarkable as being the scene of the death of Wallenstein, and for its numerous glass-factories and paper-mills.' Ha, ha, my boy, what do you make of that?" His eyes sparkled, and he sent up a great blue triumphant cloud from his cigarette.
"Papir bin fabriki-ney in Bohemia," me shwo.	>	"The paper was made in Bohemia," I said.
"Exaktem. E jen kel skribi-te nota es doiche. Ob yu merki osobe konstrukta de frasa - 'Sey rakonta om yu fon oli taraf nu he resivi'. Franse oda ruski bu wud mog skribi to. Doiches hi trati swa-ney zwo-worda tanto bulatifem. It resti sol, ergo, tu deskovri kwo gei yao bay sey doichejen kel skribi on Bohemia-ney papir e preferi porti maska kem diki suy fasa. E walaa lu lai, si me bu galti, fo resolvi oli nuy duba."	>	"Precisely. And the man who wrote the note is a German. Do you note the peculiar construction of the sentence – 'This account of you we have from all quarters received.' A Frenchman or Russian could not have written that. It is the German who is so uncourteous to his verbs. It only remains, therefore, to discover what is wanted by this German who writes upon Bohemian paper and prefers wearing a mask to showing his face. And here he comes, if I am not mistaken, to resolve all our doubts."
Wen lu shwo, nu audi suon agude de kaval-huf e rotas skwili-she kontra kamina-borda, sekwi-ney bay agude tiras de glok. Holms wisli-ki.	>	As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses' hoofs and grating wheels against the curb, followed by a sharp pull at the bell. Holmes whistled.
"Para kaval, suon indiki se," lu shwo. "Ya," lu kontinu, al kan fon winda. "Prival syao keb e para de jamilas. Sto petshi gini per un. Sey kasu gwansi mani, Wotson, mani enikas."	>	"A pair, by the sound," said he. "Yes," he continued, glancing out of the window. "A nice little brougham and a pair of beauties. A hundred and fifty guineas apiece. There's money in this case, Watson, if there is nothing else."
"Shayad es pyu hao ke me go, Holms."	>	"I think that I had better go, Holmes."
"Ga non, doktor. Resti wo yu es. Me es lusi-ney sin may biografier. E dela suli bi interes-ney. Wud bi afsos si yu paslasi it."	>	"Not a bit, Doctor. Stay where you are. I am lost without my Boswell. And this promises to be interesting. It would be a pity to miss it."
"Bat yur klienta ..."	>	"But your client ..."
"Bu dumi om lu. Me mog nidi yur helpa, e lu toshi. Walaa lu lai. Sidi in toy brachastula, doktor, e atenti ba gro."	>	"Never mind him. I may want your help, and so may he. Here he comes. Sit down in that armchair, Doctor, and give us your best attention."
Lente e grave stepas ke bin audi-ney on sulam e in koridor, stopi yus ausen dwar. Poy oni audi laute e komandalik tuka.	>	A slow and heavy step, which had been heard upon the stairs and in the passage, paused immediately outside the door. Then there was a loud and authoritative tap.
"Zin!" Holms shwo.	>	"Come in!" said Holmes.
Ti zin na man apena es meno kem 6 fut e 6 incha gao, kun sina e membas de Herkules. Suy klaida es riche, bat do tal richitaa kel wud bi, in Ingland, opini-ney kom simili-she bade gusta. Grave bandas de astrakan es suti-ney oblikwem on manshas e fasadas de suy palto do dwa buton-fila, duran ke tumblu mantela lansi-ney on suy plechas es subkapri-ney bay flama-kolor-ney silka e fixi-ney pa galsa bay klaspa do unple flami-she berila. Butas, kel extendi til mida de ikras e kel es orni-ney pa uupara bay riche brun farwa, kompletisi impresion de barbare luxitaa ke ol suy aspekta mah-fai. Lu teni shapa do chaure borda in handa, e uupare parta de suy fas es kovren bay swate maska kel extendi nich pas wanga-ostas. Den maska lu semblem yus ajusti-te, bikos suy handa es haishi lifti-ney a it wen lu zin. Judi-yen bay niche parta de fas, lu sembli bi manjen do forte karakter: grose ragi-she laba e longe rekte chibuk sugesti resolutitaa til ziditaa.	>	A man entered who could hardly have been less than six feet six inches in height, with the chest and limbs of a Hercules. His dress was rich with a richness which would, in England, be looked upon as akin to bad taste. Heavy bands of astrakhan were slashed across the sleeves and fronts of his double-breasted coat, while the deep blue cloak which was thrown over his shoulders was lined with flame-colored silk and secured at the neck with a brooch which consisted of a single flaming beryl. Boots which extended halfway up his calves, and which were trimmed at the tops with rich brown fur, completed the impression of barbaric opulence which was suggested by his whole appearance. He carried a broad-brimmed hat in his hand, while he wore across the upper part of his face, extending down past the cheekbones, a black vizard mask, which he had apparently adjusted that very moment, for his hand was still raised to it as he entered. From the lower part of the face he appeared to be a man of strong character, with a thick, hanging lip, and a long, straight chin suggestive of resolution pushed to the length of obstinacy.
"Yu resivi-te may skriba?" lu kwesti bay glube e rauke vos kun forte doiche aksenta. "Me shwo-te a yu, ke me ve lai." Lu kan-kan nu fon un a otre, kwasi buserte, den hu adresi.	>	"You had my note?" he asked with a deep harsh voice and a strongly marked German accent. "I told you that I would call." He looked from one to the other of us, as if uncertain which to address.
"En-sidi, plis," Holms shwo. "Se es may amiga e kompanion, Dr. Wotson kel es koyves tanto karim ke ta helpi me in may gunsa. Kun hu me hev honor de kunshwo?”	>	"Pray take a seat," said Holmes. "This is my friend and colleague, Dr. Watson, who is occasionally good enough to help me in my cases. Whom have I the honor to address?"
"Yu mog adresi me kom Komta Fon Kramm, noble Bohemia-jen. Me nadi ke sey sinior, yur amiga, es jen do honor e chaukitaa, a kel me mog konfidi dela do extreme muhimtaa. Si non, me'd gro-preferi komuniki kun yu sole."	>	"You may address me as the Count Von Kramm, a Bohemian nobleman. I understand that this gentleman, your friend, is a man of honor and discretion, whom I may trust with a matter of the most extreme importance. If not, I should much prefer to communicate with you alone."
Me en-stan fo go, bat Holms kapti me pa polsa e pushi me bak in may stula.&nbsp;	>	I rose to go, but Holmes caught me by the wrist and pushed me back into my chair.&nbsp;
"Es oda nu ambi, oda nulwan," lu shwo. "Yu mog shwo bifoo sey sinior olo ke yu mog shwo a me."	>	"It is both, or none," said he. "You may say before this gentleman anything which you may say to me."
Komta ek-lifti suy chaure plechas.&nbsp;	>	The Count shrugged his broad shoulders.&nbsp;
"Also me mus begin," lu shwo, "al obligi yu oli dwa a absolute sekretnesa duran dwa yar; in fin de toy taim dela bu ve bi muhim. Nau bu es troisa tu shwo ke it hev tal gravitaa, ke it mog influsi Europa-ney historia."	>	"Then I must begin," said he, "by binding you both to absolute secrecy for two years; at the end of that time the matter will be of no importance. At present it is not too much to say that it is of such weight it may have an influence upon European history."
"Me wadi," Holms shwo.	>	"I promise," said Holmes.
"Me toshi."	>	"And I."
"Pardoni sey maska," nuy ajibe visiter kontinu. "Gro-eminente persona, kel betaski me, yao ke suy agenta es bukonen a yu, e me mog konfesi tuy ke titla bay kel me yus he nami swa bu es exaktem may prope."	>	"You will excuse this mask," continued our strange visitor. "The august person who employs me wishes his agent to be unknown to you, and I may confess at once that the title by which I have just called myself is not exactly my own."
"Me merki-te se," Holms shwo lengem.	>	"I was aware of it," said Holmes drily.
"Halat es gro-delikate, e oni mus fai oli chauka-stepa, dabe tushi to kel wud mog kresi inu gro-skandal e kel mog dusfamisi seriosem un fon regi-she familias de Europa. Shwo-yen kurtem, toy dela gwansi mahan Dom de Ormstain, herede regas de Bohemia."	>	"The circumstances are of great delicacy, and every precaution has to be taken to quench what might grow to be an immense scandal and seriously compromise one of the reigning families of Europe. To speak plainly, the matter implicates the great House of Ormstein, hereditary kings of Bohemia."
"Me suposi-te yus to," Holms murmuri, al instali swa in brachastula e al klosi okos.	>	"I was also aware of that," murmured Holmes, settling himself down in his armchair and closing his eyes.
Nuy visiter kan kun vidi-ney surprisa an mlan, lagem sidi-she figura de man ke oni sin duba deskribi-te a lu kom zuy yarke resoni-sha e zuy energike detektif de Europa. Holmes riofni lentem suy okos e kan nosabrem suy gigantike klienta.	>	Our visitor glanced with some apparent surprise at the languid, lounging figure of the man who had been no doubt depicted to him as the most incisive reasoner and most energetic agent in Europe. Holmes slowly reopened his eyes and looked impatiently at his gigantic client.
"Si Yur Mahantaa wud mog kondesendi expliki yur kasu," lu remarki, "fo me wud bi pyu fasile, tu fai konsila a yu."	>	"If your Majesty would condescend to state your case," he remarked, "I should be better able to advise you."
Man en-stan pa salta fon stula e begin go-go tra shamba pa gro-agita. Dan, kun denada-ney jesta, lu ek-depon maska fon fas e shwai it on poda.&nbsp;	>	The man sprang from his chair and paced up and down the room in uncontrollable agitation. Then, with a gesture of desperation, he tore the mask from his face and hurled it upon the ground.&nbsp;
"Yu es prave," lu exklami; "Me es Rego. Way me mus trai ahfi se?"	>	"You are right," he cried; "I am the King. Why should I attempt to conceal it?"
"Ver, way?" Holms murmuri. "Yur Mahantaa haishi bu en-shwo-te wen me yo jan-te ke me adresi Wilhelm Gotsraih Sigismond von Ormstain, mahan Duko de Kasel-Felstain e herede Rego de Bohemia."	>	"Why, indeed?" murmured Holmes. "Your Majesty had not spoken before I was aware that I was addressing Wilhelm Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein, Grand Duke of Cassel-Felstein, and hereditary King of Bohemia."
"Bat yu mog samaji," nuy ajibe visiter shwo al en-sidi snova e al muvi suy handa sobre suy gao e blan fronta, "yu mog samaji, ke me bu hev abyas de zun tal dela pa selfa. Yedoh dela es tanto delikate, ke me bu wud mog konfidi it a polis-agenta sin riska de geti sub suy mahta. Me he lai ahfem fon Praha, dabe pai konsulta fon yu."	>	"But you can understand," said our strange visitor, sitting down once more and passing his hand over his high white forehead, "you can understand that I am not accustomed to doing such business in my own person. Yet the matter was so delicate that I could not confide it to an agent without putting myself in his power. I have come incognito from Prague for the purpose of consulting you."
"Dan, pai it, bi karim," Holms shwo, al klosi snova suy okos.	>	"Then, pray consult," said Holmes, shutting his eyes once more.
"Faktas es brevem tal: sirke pet yar bak, duran longe visita in Varshava, me en-koni-te den hao jan-ney dusaventurnik Iren Adler. Nam es sin duba koni-ney a yu."	>	"The facts are briefly these: Some five years ago, during a lengthy visit to Warsaw, I made the acquaintance of the wellknown adventuress, Irene Adler. The name is no doubt farmiliar to you."
"Bi karim, shuki ela in may kataloga, doktor," Holms murmuri sin ofni okos. Duran mucho yar lu he adopti sistema de registring de faktas gwansi-she jenes e kosas, also es mushkile tu nami tema oda persona, om kel lu bu wud mog tuy furni informa. In sey kasu me findi suy biografia inter toy-la de ivri rabin e toy-la de staba-shefa kel he skribi monografia om fishes de glube mar.	>	"Kindly look her up in my index, Doctor," murmured Holmes without opening his eyes. For many years he had adopted a system of docketing all paragraphs concerning men and things, so that it was difficult to name a subject or a person on which he could not at once furnish information. In this case I found her biography sandwiched in between that of a Hebrew rabbi and that of a staff-commander who had written a monograph upon the deep-sea fishes.
"Lasi me kan!" Holms shwo. "Hm! Janmi in Nyu Jersi in yar 1858. Kontralto – hm! La Skala, hm! Primadona de Imperator-ney Opera in Varshava – ya! Kwiti opera-ney skena – ha! Residi in London – ga tak! Yur Mahantaa, kom me samaji, zin-te relatas kun sey yunge persona, skribi-te a ela letas do posible dusfama, e nau wud yao pai toy letas bak.	>	"Let me see!" said Holmes. "Hum! Born in New Jersey in the year 1858. Contralto – hum! La Scala, hum! Prima donna Imperial Opera of Warsaw – yes! Retired from operatic stage – ha! Living in London – quite so! Your Majesty, as I understand, became entangled with this young person, wrote her some compromising letters, and is now desirous of getting those letters back."
"Exaktem tak. Bat komo..."	>	"Precisely so. But how –"
"Ob ye-te sekret-ney gama?"	>	"Was there a secret marriage?"
"Nul."	>	"None."
"Nul jura-ney papir o dokumenta?"	>	"No legal papers or certificates?"
"Nul."	>	"None."
"Dan me fali samaji yur Mahantaa. Si sey yunge persona wud yao utili letas fo shantaja oda fo koy otre gola, komo ela mog pruvi ley autentikitaa?"	>	"Then I fail to follow your Majesty. If this young person should produce her letters for blackmailing or other purposes, how is she to prove their authenticity?"
"May skribitip."	>	"There is the writing."
"Pu, pu! Falsifika."	>	"Pooh, pooh! Forgery."
"May private nota-papir."	>	"My private note-paper."
"Chori-ney."	>	"Stolen."
"May prope sigla."	>	"My own seal."
"Imiti-ney."	>	"Imitated."
"May foto."	>	"My photograph."
"Kupi-ney."	>	"Bought."
"Nu ambi es in foto."	>	"We were both in the photograph."
"Oo! To es gro-bade! Yur Mahantaa he verem zwo nochaukitaa."	>	"Oh, dear! That is very bad! Your Majesty has indeed committed an indiscretion."
"Me bin pagale por inluba."	>	"I was mad – insane."
"Yu he nuksani swa seriosem."	>	"You have compromised yourself seriously."
"Dan me bin sol kronprinsa. Me bin yunge. Iven nau me es apena do trishi yar."	>	"I was only Crown Prince then. I was young. I am but thirty now."
"It mus bi pai-ney bak."	>	"It must be recovered."
"Nu probi-te bat fali-te."	>	"We have tried and failed."
"Yur Mahantaa mus pagi. It mus bi kupi-ney."	>	"Your Majesty must pay. It must be bought."
"Ela bu ve vendi."	>	"She will not sell."
"Dan, chori-ney."	>	"Stolen, then."
"Ye-te pet proba. Dwa ves ti me pagi na jen beshuki-te elay dom. Un ves nu ridirigi-te elay bagaja al ke ela safari. Dwa ves nu fai-te ambush. Resulta yok."	>	"Five attempts have been made. Twice burglars in my pay ransacked her house. Once we diverted her luggage when she travelled. Twice she has been waylaid. There has been no result."
"Ga yok?"	>	"No sign of it?"
"Totem yok."	>	"Absolutely none."
Holms fai hi-hi.&nbsp;	>	Holmes laughed.
"Es ya mushkile hi problema-ki." lu shwo.	>	"It is quite a pretty little problem," said he.
"Bat es gro-muhim fo me." Rego bakshwo reproshem.	>	"But a very serious one to me," returned the King reproachfully.
"Ver, gro. E kwo ela intenti zwo om toy foto?"	>	"Very, indeed. And what does she propose to do with the photograph?"
"Ruini me."	>	"To ruin me."
"Bat komo?"	>	"But how?"
"Me sal gami."	>	"I am about to be married."
"Me audi-te se."	>	"So I have heard."
"Den Klotilde Lotman fon Saxe-Meningen, dwa-ney docha de Rego de Skandinavia. Yu mog jan strikte prinsipes de suy familia. Ela es delikatitaa selfa. Iven syao shada de duba om may suluka mog finisi dela."	>	"To Clotilde Lothman von Saxe-Meningen, second daughter of the King of Scandinavia. You may know the stnct principles of her family. She is herself the very soul of delicacy. A shadow of a doubt as to my conduct would bring the matter to an end."
"E Iren Adler?"	>	"And Irene Adler?"
"Ela ugrosi sendi foto a li. E ela ve zwo se. Me jan, ke ela ve zwo se. Yu bu koni ela, bat ela hev atma aus stal. Ela hev fas de gro-jamile gina, bat menta de gro-resolute manjen. Dabe bu lasi me gami otre gina, ela mog zwo enisa - enisa hi."	>	"Threatens to send them the photograph. And she will do it. I know that she will do it. You do not know her, but she has a soul of steel. She has the face of the most beautiful of women, and the mind of the most resolute of men. Rather than I should marry another woman, there are no lengths to which she would not go – none."
"Yu es serte, ke ela bu haishi sendi-te it?"	>	"You are sure that she has not sent it yet?"
"Me es serte."	>	"I am sure."
"E way?"	>	"And why?"
"Bikos ela he shwo, ke ela ve sendi it in dey, wen nuy dulhifa es publikem proklami-ney. To ve bi undi sekwi-she."	>	"Because she has said that she would send it on the day when the betrothal was publicly proclaimed. That will be next Monday."
"Oo, dan nu hev haishi tri dey," Holms shwo al guapi. "To es gro-hao, bikos me hev un oda dwa dela muhim fo zun nau hi. Yur Mahantaa ve resti, evidentem, in London fo nau?"	>	"Oh, then we have three days yet," said Holmes with a yawn. "That is very fortunate, as I have one or two matters of importance to look into just at present. Your Majesty will, of course, stay in London for the present?"
"Sertem. Yu ve findi me pa Lenghem hotel sub nam de Komta Fon Kram."	>	"Certainly. You will find me at the Langham under the name of the Count Von Kramm."
"Also me ve sendi yu nota-ki fo informi yu, komo nu progresi."	>	"Then I shall drop you a line to let you know how we progress."
"Fai tak, bi karim. Me es ya gro-agiti-ney."	>	"Pray do so. I shall be all anxiety."
"Also, om mani?"	>	"Then, as to money?"
"Spendi ba kwanto treba."	>	"You have carte blanche."
"Absolutem?"	>	"Absolutely?"
"Me shwo a yu, ke me wud dai un provinsia de may regilanda fo hev toy foto."	>	"I tell you that I would give one of the provinces of my kingdom to have that photograph."
"E fo nau-spendas?"	>	"And for present expenses?"
Rego pren fon sub suy mantela den grave gamusa-ney bao e pon it on tabla.	>	The King took a heavy chamois leather bag from under his cloak and laid it on the table.
"Se es tristo paun in golda e semsto in bileta," lu shwo.	>	"There are three hundred pounds in gold and seven hundred in notes," he said.
Holms skribi resivi-nota on lif de suy dafta e handi it a lu.	>	Holmes scribbled a receipt upon a sheet of his note-book and handed it to him.
"E adres de mis?" lu kwesti.	>	"And Mademoiselle's address?" he asked.
"Es Braioni-loj, Serpentain avenu, Sent-Jon’s Wud."	>	"Is Briony Lodge, Serpentine Avenue, St. John's Wood."
Holms noti se. "Yoshi un kwesta," lu shwo. "Ob foto es do shamba-ney sais?"	>	Holmes took a note of it. "One other question," said he. "Was the photograph a cabinet?"
"Ya, es tal."	>	"It was."
"Also, hao nocha, yur Mahantaa, e me kredi ke sun nu ve hev koy hao habar fo yu. E hao nocha, Wotson," lu adi, wen rotas de keb regale en-roli pa gata. "Bi karim, lai ba manya klok tri afte middey, me wud yao toki kun yu om sey dela-ki."	>	"Then, good-night, your Majesty, and I trust that we shall soon have some good news for you. And good-night, Watson," he added, as the wheels of the royal brougham rolled down the street. "If you wlll be good enough to call to-morrow afternoon at three o'clock I should like to chat this little matter over with you."
	>	2
Klok tri exaktem me es pa Beiker-strit, bat Holms bu returni-te haishi. Domgina informi me, ke lu he kwiti dom sun afte klok ot pa sabah. Me en-sidi bli agni, yedoh, kun intenta finweiti lu, komo unkwe longem treba weiti. Me yo fai interes glube om suy investiga, bikos, obwol it bu hev toy glume e ajibe treta ke ti me yo registri na dwa krimen hev-te, natura de sey kasu e gao posision de suy klienta mah it nopinchan. Ver, apartem fon natura de investiga ke may amiga zai fai, ye koysa in suy master-ney graspa de situasion e in suy agude e yarke resoning kel mah me jui al studi luy sistema de gunsa e al sekwi kway, kushale metodas bay kel lu detanglisi noresolvibile misterias. Me es tanto abyas-ney a suy sempre-ney sukses ke iven posiblitaa de suy fala bu zin may kapa.	>	At three o'clock precisely I was at Baker Street, but Holmes had not yet returned. The landlady informed me that he had left the house shortly after eight o'clock in the morning. I sat down beside the fire, however, with the intention of awaiting him, however long he might be. I was already deeply interested in his inquiry, for, though it was surrounded by none of the grim and strange features which were associated with the two crimes which I have already recorded, still, the nature of the case and the exalted station of his client gave it a character of its own. Indeed, apart from the nature of the investigation which my friend had on hand, there was something in his masterly grasp of a situation, and his keen, incisive reasoning, which made it a pleasure to me to study his system of work, and to follow the quick, subtle methods by which he disentangled the most inextricable mysteries. So accustomed was I to his invariable success that the very possibility of his failing had ceased to enter into my head.
Es bli klok char wen dwar ofni e den shamba zin pyan-si kavalyuan, yeroshi-ney e wanga-har-ney, do inflami-ney fas e lao povre klaida. Obwol me es abyasen a may-amiga-ney astoni-she kapablitaa de ahfi-klaidi, me majbur kan tri ves bifoo ke me es serte, ke es verem lu. Kun ek-noda lu desapari in somnishamba, fon wo lu riapari afte pet minuta, klaidi-ney in twid-kostum e hao-aspekti-she, kom sempre. Al sovi suy handas in poshes, lu extendi suy gambas bifoo agni e fai hi-hi kordialem duran kelke minuta.	>	It was close upon four before the door opened, and a drunkenlooking groom, ill-kempt and side-whiskered, with an inflamed face and disreputable clothes, walked into the room. Accustomed as I was to my friend's amazing powers in the use of disguises, I had to look three times before I was certain that it was indeed he. With a nod he vanished into the bedroom, whence he emerged in five minutes tweed-suited and respectable, as of old. Putting his hands into his pockets, he stretched out his legs in front of the fire and laughed heartily for some minutes.
"Hao, verem!" lu krai, poy fa-tufi e fai hi-hi snova til ke lu majbur en-lagi bak on stula, laxe e sinmahte.	>	"Well, really!" he cried, and then he choked and laughed again until he was obliged to lie back, limp and helpless, in the chair.
"Kwo ye?"	>	"What is it?"
"Es totem tro amusi-she. Me es serte, ke yu wud mog neva gesi, komo me utilisi-te may sabah, oda kwo me zwo-te pa fin."	>	"It's quite too funny. I am sure you could never guess how I employed my morning, or what I ended by doing."
"Me bu mog imajini. Me suposi, ke yu he wahti abyases, e posiblem dom, de mis Iren Adler."	>	"I can't imagine. I suppose that you have been watching the habits, and perhaps the house, of Miss Irene Adler."
"Totem tak; bat sekwa bin aika ajibe. Me ve shwo a yu, yedoh. Me chu dom shao hi afte ora 8 sey sabah in aspekta de kavalyuan sin emploisa. Ye diva-ney mutu-pria e amigitaa inter kavalyuan. Bikam un fon li, e yu ve jan olo, ke ye fo jan. Me findi Braioni-loj sun. Es syao luxe vila do dwa etaja yus bli kamina, kun garden baken. Chab-ney kufla pa dwar. Gran salon desnen, hao mebeli-ney, kun longe windas hampi til poda, e toy absurde inglish winda-fixika ke eni kinda wud mog ofni. Baken ye nixa merkival, exepte ke koridor-winda es atenibile fon ruf de keb-dom. Me promeni sirkum it e examini it atentem fon oli punta de vida, bat sin merki koysa otre interes-ney.	>	"Quite so; but the sequel was rather unusual. I will tell you, however. I left the house a little after eight o'clock this morning in the character of a groom out of work. There is a wonderful sympathy and freemasonry among horsy men. Be one of them, and you will know all that there is to know. I soon found Briony Lodge. It is a bijou villa, with a garden at the back. but built out in front right up to the road, two stories. Chubb lock to the door. Large sitting-room on the right side, well furnished, with long windows almost to the floor, and those preposterous English window fasteners which a child could open. Behind there was nothing remarkable, save that the passage window could be reached from the top of the coach-house. I walked round it and examined it closely from every point of view, but without noting anything else of interest.
Poy me flani along gata e findi, yus kom me expekti-te, ke ye kavaldom in gata-ki bordi-she garden-mur. Me helpi kavalyuanes tu froti-suhisi ley kavales, e pur to resivi dwa peni, un glasa de vodka, dwa porsion de nofaine tabak, e tanto mucho informa kwanto me'd mog yao om mis Adler, sin mensioni haf shi-dwaka de otre jen in visintaa, om kel me totem bu fai interes, bat kel-ney biografias me majbur audi."	>	"I then lounged down the street and found, as I expected, that there was a mews in a lane which runs down by one wall of the garden. I lent the ostlers a hand in rubbing down their horses, and received in exchange twopence, a glass of half and half, two fills of shag tobacco, and as much information as I could desire about Miss Adler, to say nothing of half a dozen other people in the neighborhood in whom I was not in the least interested, but whose biographies I was compelled to listen to."
"E kwo om Iren Adler?" me kwesti.	>	"And what of Irene Adler?" I asked.
"Oo, ela he pagalisi kapa de oli man in toy urba-parta. Ela es zuy charmaful jivika sub gina-ney shapa-ki on sey planeta. Oli Serpentain-kavalyuan shwo tak, oli hi. Ela jivi trankwilem, gani in konsertas, chu-raki klok pet kada dey e returni klok sem exaktem fo akshamfan. Rarem chu in otre taim, exepte wen ela gani. Sol un man visiti ela, bat visiti muy oftem. Lu es tumhar-ney, jamile e hao-klaiden, fai visita amini un ves per dey, e oftem dwa ves. Lu es sinior Godfri Norton, fon Iner Templ. Yu vidi ya avantaja de hev fida de garijen. Li gwo sundi lu a dom fon Serpentain-kavaldom mucho ves, e li jan olo om lu. Afte audi olo ke li hev fo shwo, me begin promeni ahir-adar bli Braioni-loj e dumi om may plan de kampania.	>	"Oh, she has turned all the men's heads down in that part. She is the daintiest thing under a bonnet on this planet. So say the Serpentine-mews, to a man. She lives quietly, sings at concerts, drives out at five every day, and returns at seven sharp for dinner. Seldom goes out at other times, except when she sings. Has only one male visitor, but a good deal of him. He is dark, handsome, and dashing, never calls less than once a day, and often twice. He is a Mr. Godfrey Norton, of the Inner Temple. See the advantages of a cabman as a confidant. They had driven him home a dozen times from Serpentine-mews, and knew all about him. When I had listened to all they had to tell, I began to walk up and down near Briony Lodge once more, and to think over my plan of campaign.
Sey Godfri Norton es verem muhim faktor in toy dela. Lu es jurista. To suoni dussignem. Kwel es relata inter li, e kwel es gola de suy ofte visitas? Ob ela es suy klientina, suy amiga, oda suy lubigina? Si lo bifoo-ney, shayad ela he dai a lu den foto fo kiping. Si lo laste, se es meno probable. Fon sey kwesta dependi, ob me treba kontinu may gunsa pa Braioni-loj oda turni may atenta a flat de sey sinior in Templ. Es delikate kwesta, e it chaurisi felda de may investiga. Me fobi ke me gro-tedi yu bay sey detales, bat dabe yu samaji situasion, me mus mah yu vidi may mushkila-ki."	>	"This Godfrey Norton was evidently an important factor in the matter. He was a lawyer. That sounded ominous. What was the relation between them, and what the object of his repeated visits? Was she his client, his friend, or his mistress? If the former, she had probably transferred the photograph to his keeping. If the latter, it was less likely. On the issue of this question depended whether I should continue my work at Briony Lodge, or turn my attention to the gentleman's chambers in the Temple. It was a delicate point. and it widened the field of my inquiry. I fear that I bore you with these details, but I have to let you see my little difficulties, if you are to understand the situation."
"Me sekwi yur rakonta atentem," me jawabi.	>	"I am following you closely," I answered.
"Me haishi zai bedumi dela in may menta, wen dwa-rada-ney keb lai-raki a Braioni-loj, e un sinior aussalti. Lu es gro-jamile, tumhar-ney, orlalik e mustash-ney - klarem toy man, om kel me audi-te. Lu semblem gro-hasti. Lu krai a garijen tu weiti e lopi pas ti ofni dwar na servi-gela kom jen kel es totem she swa.	>	"I was still balancing the matter in my mind when a hansom cab drove up to Briony Lodge, and a gentleman sprang out. He was a remarkably handsome man, dark, aquiline, and moustached-evidently the man of whom I had heard. He appeared to be in a great hurry, shouted to the cabman to wait, and brushed past the maid who opened the door with the air of a man who was thoroughly at home.
Lu es in dom sirke haf-ora, e me mog ek-vidi-ek-vidi in salon-winda, komo lu go ahir-adar, shwo-yen agitem e mavi-yen brachas. Den ela me bu mog vidi. Nau lu apari, do aspekta iven pyu exiti-ney kem bifooen. Wen lu lai a keb, lu tiri golde kloka fon posh e kan it lagan-nem.&nbsp;	>	"He was in the house about half an hour, and I could catch glimpses of him in the windows of the sitting-room, pacing up and down, talking excitedly, and waving his arms. Of her I could see nothing. Presently he emerged, looking even more flurried than before. As he stepped up to the cab, he pulled a gold watch from his pocket and looked at it earnestly,&nbsp;
Raki gro-kway!', lu exklami, 'un-nem a Gros e Henki in Rijent-strit, e poy a Kirka de Sante Monika in Ejwer-rod. Haf de gini si yu zwo se duran dwashi minuta!'	>	Drive like the devil,' he shouted, 'first to Gross & Hankey's in Regent Street, and then to the Church of St. Monica in the Edgeware Road. Half a guinea if you do it in twenty minutes!'
Li go wek, e me en-dumi ob me gai sekwi li, ewalaa un syao prival lando-gari lai a dom. Garijen es al mantela sol haf-butoni-ney, al tay sub aur, e jota-ney beltas es ausen klaspas. Al ke it stopi, ela fliti aus vila-dwar e zin it. Me sol ek-vidi hi ela dan, bat se sufi: ela es charmaful gina, do tal fas, fo kel man wud mog morti.	>	"Away they went, and I was just wondering whether I should not do well to follow them when up the lane came a neat little landau, the coachman with his coat only half-buttoned, and his tie under his ear, while all the tags of his harness were sticking out of the buckles. It hadn't pulled up before she shot out of the hall door and into it. I only caught a glimpse of her at the moment, but she was a lovely woman, with a face that a man might die for.
Kirka de Sante Monika, Jon,' ela exklami, 'e haf-sovrin si yu ateni it duran dwashi minuta'.	>	"'The Church of St. Monica, John,' she cried, 'and half a sovereign if you reach it in twenty minutes.'
Es bu-gai-lusi-ke kasu, Wotson. Al ke me zai desidi, ob me gai lopi baken lando oda klingi a it-ney baka, un keb apari in gata. Kebyuan hesiti ob pren tal shma-klienta, bat me inusalti bifoo ke lu mog objeti.&nbsp;	>	"This was quite too good to lose, Watson. I was just balancing whether I should run for it, or whether I should perch behind her landau when a cab came through the street. The driver looked twice at such a shabby fare, but I jumped in before he could object.&nbsp;
Kirka de Sante Monika,' me shwo, 'e haf-sovrin, si yu ateni it duran dwashi minuta.'	>	The Church of St. Monica,' said I, 'and half a sovereign if you reach it in twenty minutes.'&nbsp;
Es klok shi-dwa sin dwashi pet, also bu es mushkile tu samaji situasion".	>	It was twenty-five minutes to twelve, and of course it was clear enough what was in the wind.
May keb raki gro-kway. Semblem me bu gwo raki tanto kway bifooen, yedoh otras es dar bifoo nu. Keb e lando-gari kun ley vapori-she kavales es bifoo kirka-dwar wen me arivi. Me pagi a kebyuan e fa-lansi inu kirka. Dar ye nul jen exepte ti me sekwi na dwa-la e kirkayuan kel semblem zai shwofu li. Oli tri zai stan bifoo altar. Me begin go ahir-adar in flanke pasaja, tak kom eni otre flaner kel ouran zin kirka. Turan, pa may surprisa, sey tri pa altar turni swa a me, e Godfri Norton fa-lansi versu me.	>	"My cabby drove fast. I don't think I ever drove faster, but the others were there before us. The cab and the landau with their steaming horses were in front of the door when I arrived. I paid the man and hurried into the church. There was not a soul there save the two whom I had followed and a surpliced clergyman, who seemed to be expostulating with them. They were all three standing in a knot in front of the altar. I lounged up the side aisle like any other idler who has dropped into a church. Suddenly, to my surprise, the three at the altar faced round to me, and Godfrey Norton came running as hard as he could towards me.
"Shukran a Boh", lu krai. "Yu godi. Lai! Lai!"	>	"Thank God," he cried. "You'll do. Come! Come!"
"Kwo ye?" me kwesti.	>	"What then?" I asked.
"Kamon, hao jen, kamon, ye sol tri minuta, otrem se bu ve bi kanun-ney."	>	"Come, man, come, only three minutes, or it won't be legal."
Me es haf-tranen versu altar, e bifoo samaji kwo eventi, me findi swa murmuri-she jawabas ke oni hamsi in may aures, kasami-she om delas ke me bu koni, e generalem helpi-she gaming de Iren Adler e Godfri Norton. Olo es zwo-ney in momenta, ewalaa sinior yo zai danki me fon un taraf e dama fon otre taraf, duran ke kirkayuan zai smaili-rayvati an me. Es zuy pumbe situasion in kel me gwo findi swa, rememba om it hi mah-te me ridi. Semblem li hev-te koy formale mushkila, e kirkayuan totem refusi-te zwo ley gama sin koy gavaher, also may fortune apara librisi-te dulho fon nesesitaa de lopi-chu a gata fo shuki jen. Dulhina dai a me un sovrin, e me intenti porti it on may kloka-kadena pa rememba de sey aventura."	>	I was half-dragged up to the altar, and before I knew where I was I found myself mumbling responses which were whispered in my ear. and vouching for things of which I knew nothing, and generally assisting in the secure tying up of Irene Adler, spinster, to Godfrey Norton, bachelor. It was all done in an instant, and there was the gentleman thanking me on the one side and the lady on the other, while the clergyman beamed on me in front. It was the most preposterous position in which I ever found myself in my life, and it was the thought of it that started me laughing just now. It seems that there had been some informality about their license, that the clergyman absolutely refused to marry them without a witness of some sort, and that my lucky appearance saved the bridegroom from having to sally out into the streets in search of a best man. The bride gave me a sovereign, and I mean to wear it on my watch-chain in memory of the occasion."
"Es ga noexpekti-ney turna de dela," me shwo; "e kwo poy?"	>	"This is a very unexpected turn of affairs," said I; "and what then?"
"Wel, me samaji ke may plan es seriosem ugrosi-ney. Semblem toy para sal departi tuy, also fon may taraf treba fai ajile e energike akta. Pa dwar de kirka, yedoh, li separi: lu starti bak a Templ, e ela a suy prope dom. 'Me ve raki a parka klok pet kom pinchanem,' ela shwo al fai adyoo. Me audi nixa poy. Li raki wek a farke taraf, e me returni fo fai sertene tayaring."	>	"Well, I found my plans very seriously menaced. It looked as if the pair might take an immediate departure, and so necessitate very prompt and energetic measures on my part. At the church door, however, they separated, he driving back to the Temple, and she to her own house.&nbsp;
	>	I shall drive out in the park at five as usual,' she said as she left him. I heard no more. They drove away in different directions, and I went off to make my own arrangements."
"Kwel tayaring?"	>	"Which are?"
"Kelke lenge masu e glasa de bira", lu jawabi al titini glok. "Me tro mangi-te fo dumi om chia, e semblem me sal mangi iven pyu pa sey aksham. Apropoo, doktor, me ve treba yur ko-opera."	>	"Some cold beef and a glass of beer," he answered, ringing the bell. "I have been too busy to think of food, and I am likely to be busier still this evening. By the way, Doctor, I shall want your cooperation."
"Me joi."	>	"I shall be delighted."
"Ob yu fobi violati kanun?"	>	"You don't mind breaking the law?"
"Ga non."	>	"Not in the least."
"Iven al riski gei aresti?"	>	"Nor running a chance of arrest?"
"Fo hao dela me es tayar fo se."	>	"Not in a good cause."
"Oo, dela es gro-hao!"	>	"Oh, the cause is excellent!"
"Dan me es yur hi jen."	>	"Then I am your man."
"Me bin serte, ke me mog fidi yu."	>	"I was sure that I might rely on you."
"Bat kwo yu yao?"	>	"But what is it you wish?"
"Wen Madam Turner ve he bringi fan, me ve expliki se a yu... Nau," lu shwo al hungem begin chi den simple fan ke nuy domgina he tayari, "Me mus diskusi olo duran chiing, bikos me hev bu mucho taim. Es hampi klok pet. Afte dwa ora nu mus bi in treba-ney loko. Mis Iren, oda pyu-nem madam, returni fon suy raking klok sem. Nu mus bi pa Braioni-loj fo miti ela."	>	"When Mrs. Turner has brought in the tray I will make it clear to you. Now," he said as he turned hungrily on the simple fare that our landlady had provided, "I must discuss it while I eat, for I have not much time. It is nearly five now. In two hours we must be on the scene of action. Miss Irene, or Madame, rather, returns from her drive at seven. We must be at Briony Lodge to meet her."
"E kwo poy?"	>	"And what then?"
"Yu mus lyu to a me. Me he yo organisi to kel mus eventi. Ye sol un punta om kel me mus insisti. Bye interfai, kwo unkwe eventi. Ob yu samaji?"	>	"You must leave that to me. I have already arranged what is to occur. There is only one point on which I must insist. You must not interfere, come what may. You understand?"
Also, me mus bi neutrale?"	>	"I am to be neutral?"
"Yu mus zwo nixa hi. Ve ye shayad koy nopriatitaa. Bye interfai. It ve fa-fini pa ke oni ve porti me inu dom. Afte char o pet minuta salon-ney winda ve bi ofni-ney. Yu mus plasi swa bli toy winda."	>	"To do nothing whatever. There will probably be some small unpleasantness. Do not join in it. It will end in my being conveyed into the house. Four or five minutes afterwards the sitting-room window will open. You are to station yourself close to that open window."
"Hao."	>	"Yes."
"Yu ve mus observi me, me ve bi vidibile fo yu."	>	"You are to watch me, for I will be visible to you."
"Hao."	>	"Yes."
"E wen me ve lifti may handa - tak - yu ve lansi inu shamba to ke me ve dai a yu fo lansi, e pa same taim en-krai: "Agnibeda!". Ob yu fulem samaji?"	>	"And when I raise my hand – so – you will throw into the room what I give you to throw, and will, at the same time, raise the cry of fire. You quite follow me?"
"Fulem."	>	"Entirely."
"Bu es danja-ney," lu shwo al pren aus posh den longe rolika in forma de sigara. "Es pinchan fum-raketa, do kapsel pa kada fin fo selfa-agnisa. Yur taska es limiti-ney a to. Wen yu krai om agni, menga de jen ve begin ko-krai. Dan yu mog promeni a fin de gata, e me ve hunti a yu afte shi minuta. Yu he samaji olo, me nadi?"	>	"It is nothing very formidable," he said, taking a long cigarshaped roll from his pocket. "It is an ordinary plumber's smokerocket, fitted with a cap at either end to make it self-lighting. Your task is confined to that. When you raise your cry of fire, it will be taken up by quite a number of people. You may then walk to the end of the street, and I will rejoin you in ten minutes. I hope that I have made myself clear?"
"Me mus resti neutrale, lai a winda, observi yu, e afte yur signal na lansi sey obyekta inu, poy en-krai om agnibeda e weiti yu pa angula de gata."	>	"I am to remain neutral, to get near the window, to watch you, and at the signal to throw in this object, then to raise the cry of fire, and to wait you at the corner of the street."
"Exaktem."	>	"Precisely."
"Dan yu mog ya fidi me."	>	"Then you may entirely rely on me."
"To es gro-hao. Shayad es yo taim fo ke me tayari swa fo nove ruola ke me mus plei."	>	"That is excellent. I think, perhaps, it is almost time that I prepare for the new role I have to play."
Lu desapari inu suy somnishamba e returni afte kelke minuta in aspekta de amigalik e pumbe kirkayuan. Suy swate chaure shapa, suy tro chaure panta, suy blan tay, suy prival smaila, e generale aspekta de karimtaa e jigyas es tal ke sol sinior Jon Hea wud mog egalefai kun ta. Bu es sol por ke Holms shanji-te kostum. Suy myen, suy suluka, iven suy atma sembli shanji segun kada nove ruola ke ta plei. Skena lusi-te gro-hao aktor, sam kom vigyan lusi-te faine dumer, wen lu bikam-te spesialista in krimen.	>	He disappeared into his bedroom and returned in a few minutes in the character of an amiable and simple-minded Nonconformist clergyman. His broad black hat, his baggy trousers. his white tie, his sympathetic smile, and general look of peering and benevolent curiosity were such as Mr. John Hare alone could have equalled. It was not merely that Holmes changed his costume. His expression, his manner, his very soul seemed to vary with every fresh part that he assumed. The stage lost a fine actor, even as science lost an acute reasoner, when he became a specialist in crime.
Es klok sit e un charfenka, wen nu departi fon Beiker-strit, e es haishi shi minuta til treba-ney ora wen nu findi swa in Serpentain avenu. Es yo tume, e lampas yus gei lumisi, wen nu go ahir-adar bifoo Braioni-loj, al weiti laisa de suy okuper. Dom es yus tal kom me imajini-te it segun exakte deskriba de Sherlok Holms, bat loko sembli bi pyu jenful kem me expekti-te. Fo syao gata in kyete urba-region, it es merkibilem jenful. Ye grupa de povrem klaidi-ney man fumi-she e ridi-she in angula, ye mikas-agudiser kun suy rada, ye dwa gwardier flirti-she kun gela-nana, e kelke hao-klaidi-ney yunge man, kel promeni ahir-adar kun sigara in muh.	>	It was a quarter past six when we left Baker Street, and it still wanted ten minutes to the hour when we found ourselves in Serpentine Avenue. It was already dusk, and the lamps were just being lighted as we paced up and down in front of Briony Lodge, waiting for the coming of its occupant. The house was just such as I had pictured it from Sherlock Holmes's succinct description, but the locality appeared to be less private than I expected. On the contrary, for a small street in a quiet neighborhood, it was remarkably animated. There was a group of shabbily dressed men smoking and laughing in a corner, a scissors-grinder with his wheel, two guardsmen who were flirting with a nurse-girl, and several well-dressed young men who were lounging up and down with cigars in their mouths.
"Yu vidi," Holms remarki, wen nu wandi bifoo dom, "sey gama, pyu-nem, simplisi dela. Foto bikam dwa-blada-ney arma nau. Mogbi ela samem bu yao ke it gei vidi bay sinior Godfri Norton, kom nuy klienta bu yao ke it lai a okos de suy rega-docha. Nau kwesta es tal: "Wo nu findi foto?"	>	"You see," remarked Holmes, as we paced to and fro in front of the house, "this marriage rather simplifies matters. The photograph becomes a double-edged weapon now. The chances are that she would be as averse to its being seen by Mr. Godfrey Norton, as our client is to its coming to the eyes of his princess. Now the question is, Where are we to find the photograph?"
"Ver, wo?"	>	"Where, indeed?"
"Es shao-probable, ke ela sempre porti it kunem. It es do shamba-ney grantaa. Tro gran fo ahfi it fasilem in gina-ney klaida. Ela jan, ke Rego es kapable de fai ambush e beshuki ela. Dwa tal proba yo bin zwo-ney. Also nu mog suposi ke ela bu porti it kunem."	>	"It is most unlikely that she carries it about with her. It is cabinet size. Too large for easy concealment about a woman's dress. She knows that the King is capable of having her waylaid and searched. Two attempts of the sort have already been made. We may take it, then, that she does not carry it about with her."
"Dan wo?"	>	"Where, then?"
"Suy banker oda suy jurista. Ye sey dwa posiblitaa, bat me dubi om ambi. Ginas es ahfishil fon natura, elas pri fai sekret. Way ela wud mus handi it a koywan otre? Ela mog fidi swa-ney garding, bat ela bu mog bi sigure om bisnesjen, den kel oni mog influsi politikem o koykomo otrem. Krome, remembi ba ke ela desidi-te yusi it duran kelke lai-she dey. Fo se it mus bi bli handas. Foto mus bi in suy prope dom."	>	"Her banker or her lawyer. There is that double possibility. But I am inclined to think neither. Women are naturally secretive, and they like to do their own secreting. Why should she hand it over to anyone else? She could trust her own guardianship, but she could not tell what indirect or political influence might be brought to bear upon a business man. Besides, remember that she had resolved to use it within a few days. It must be where she can lay her hands upon it. It must be in her own house."
"Bat it dwa ves bin beshuken."	>	"But it has twice been burgled."
"Pumbitaa! Li bu jan-te komo shuki."	>	"Pshaw! They did not know how to look."
"Bat komo yu hi ve shuki?"	>	"But how will you look?"
"Me bu ve shuki."	>	"I will not look."
"Bat komo, dan?"	>	"What then?"
"Me ve mah ela diki it a me."	>	"I will get her to show me."
"Bat ela ve refusi."	>	"But she will refuse."
"Ela bu ve mog. Bat me audi shum de radas. Es suy gari. Nau fulfil ba may komandas gro-exaktem."	>	"She will not be able to. But I hear the rumble of wheels. It is her carriage. Now carry out my orders to the letter."
Wen lu shwo, luma de gari-ney flanka-fanus apari fon turna de alee. Syao jamile lando-gari blisifi a dwar de Braioni-loj. Al ke it stopi, un fon flani-she man pa angula fa-lansi versu it, dabe ofni dwar e gwin un kuprum-moneta, bat ta es wekkudi-ney bay otre flani-sha kel hasti a dwar kun same intenta. Furia-ney draka begin, mah-pyu-ney bay dwa gwardier kel pren taraf de un fon flaner e bay mikas-agudiser kel sam lagan-nem suporti otre-la. Ek-darba es fai-ney, e afte miga-taim dama, kel he chu gari, en-loki in sentra de syao grupa de rudifi-ney draki-she man kel bati mutu ferosem bay kulak e stik. Holms fa-lansi inu jenmenga fo protekti dama; bat yus al ateni ela lu ek-krai e lwo a arda, al ke hema flui nich suy fas. Afte ke lu lwo, gwardier en-lopi a un taraf e flaner a otre. Kelke pyu hao klaidi-ney jen, kel observi-te draka sin partisipi, lai fo helpi dama e fo kuydi om wundi-ney wan. Iren Adler, kom me ve nami ela for, hastem go uupar porcha, bat stopi uuparen e kan bak a gata. Siluet de elay magnifike figura es klarem viden kontra vestibul-ney lumas.	>	As he spoke the gleam of the side-lights of a carriage came round the curve of the avenue. It was a smart little landau which rattled up to the door of Briony Lodge. As it pulled up, one of the loafing men at the corner dashed forward to open the door in the hope of earning a copper, but was elbowed away by another loafer, who had rushed up with the same intention. A fierce quarrel broke out, which was increased by the two guardsmen, who took sides with one of the loungers, and by the scissorsgrinder, who was equally hot upon the other side. A blow was struck, and in an instant the lady, who had stepped from her carriage, was the centre of a little knot of flushed and struggling men, who struck savagely at each other with their fists and sticks. Holmes dashed into the crowd to protect the lady; but just as he reached her he gave a cry and dropped to the ground, with the blood running freely down his face. At his fall the guardsmen took to their heels in one direction and the loungers in the other, while a number of better-dressed people, who had watched the scuffle without taking part in it, crowded in to help the lady and to attend to the injured man. Irene Adler, as I will still call her, had hurried up the steps; but she stood at the top with her superb figure outlined against the lights of the hall, looking back into the street.
"Ob povre sinior es gro-wundi-ney?" ela kwesti.	>	"Is the poor gentleman much hurt?" she asked.
"Lu es morte," kelke vos krai.	>	"He is dead," cried several voices.
"Non, non, haishi ye jiva in lu!" koywan otre krai. "Bat lu ve morti bifoo ke oni mog sundi lu a hospital."	>	"No, no, there's life in him!" shouted another. "But he'll be gone before you can get him to hospital."
"Lu es brave man," koy gina shwo. "Li wud wekpren dama-ney manidan e kloka, si lu bu wud helpi. Li es grupa de bandita, danjaful-la. Oo, lu en-spiri."	>	"He's a brave fellow," said a woman. "They would have had the lady's purse and watch if it hadn't been for him. They were a gang, and a rough one, too. Ah, he's breathing now."
"Bu gai ke lu lagi in gata. Ob nu mog porti lu inu dom, madam?"	>	"He can't lie in the street. May we bring him in, marm?"
"Sertem. Porti lu inu salon. Dar ye byen divan. Ahir, bi karim!"	>	"Surely. Bring him into the sitting-room. There is a comfortable sofa. This way, please!"
Lentem e solemnem lu es porti-ney inu Braioni-loj e pon-ney in salon, duran ke me haishi zai kan lo eventi-she fon may plasa bli winda. Lampas es lumisen, bat winda-shirma bu es nichisen, also me mog vidi Holms lagi-she on divan. Me bu jan, ob lu es trefen bay remorsa in toy momenta por ti plei na ruola, bat me jan ke me neva gwo senti pyu-ney shama om swa, kem al vidi toy magnifike gina, kontra kel me komploti, kuydi-she wundi-ney man kun gro-ney karimtaa e rahimtaa. E yedoh wud bi gro-gadara versu Holms, tu refusi fulfil ti ta konfidi a me na mision. Me represi may kordia e pren fum-raketa fon sub palto. Faktem, me dumi, nu bu fai nuksan a ela. Nu simplem preventi ke ela fai nuksan a otre jen.	>	Slowly and solemnly he was borne into Briony Lodge and laid out in the principal room, while I still observed the proceedings from my post by the window. The lamps had been lit, but the blinds had not been drawn, so that I could see Holmes as he lay upon the couch. I do not know whether he was seized with compunction at that moment for the part he was playing, but I know that I never felt more heartily ashamed of myself in my life than when I saw the beautiful creature against whom I was conspiring, or the grace and kindliness with which she waited upon the injured man. And yet it would be the blackest treachery to Holmes to draw back now from the part which he had intrusted to me. I hardened my heart, and took the smoke-rocket from under my ulster. After all, I thought, we are not injuring her. We are but preventing her from injuring another.
Holms idyen lifti swa on divan, e me vidi ke lu fai muva kom jen al falta de aira. Servi-gela fa-lansi a winda e pushi-ofni it. Yus in toy momenta me vidi ke lu lifti handa. Segun sey signal me lansi may raketa inu shamba kun kraisa "Agnibeda!" Yus afte ke sey worda chu may muh, ol menga de kan-sha, i hao klaidi-ney i buhao klaidi-ney - siniores, kavalyuanes, servi-gelas - oli krai tuhun "Agnibeda!". Dense fum-badal floti tra shamba e chu tra ofni-ney winda. Me ek-vidi lopi-she figuras, e afte momenta Holms-ney vos shwo fon inen ke es false alarma. Al fa-drangi tra menga de krai-she jen, me ateni angula de gata. Afte shi minuta me joi por findi handa de may amiga in may handa, e por go wek fon skena de garbar. Lu pedi kway e silensem duran kelke minuta til ke nu turni in un fon kyete gatas kel dukti a Ejwer-rod.	>	Holmes had sat up upon the couch, and I saw him motion like a man who is in need of air. A maid rushed across and threw open the window. At the same instant I saw him raise his hand and at the signal I tossed my rocket into the room with a cry of "Fire!" The word was no sooner out of my mouth than the whole crowd of spectators, well dressed and ill – gentlemen, ostlers, and servant-maids – joined in a general shriek of "Fire!" Thick clouds of smoke curled through the room and out at the open window. I caught a glimpse of rushing figures, and a moment later the voice of Holmes from within assuring them that it was a false alarm. Slipping through the shouting crowd I made my way to the corner of the street, and in ten minutes was rejoiced to find my friend's arm in mine, and to get away from the scene of uproar. He walked swiftly and in silence for some few minutes until we had turned down one of the quiet streets which lead towards the Edgeware Road.
"Yu zwo-te olo muy hao, doktor," lu remarki. "Nixa wud mog bi pyu hao. Olo es in lada."	>	"You did it very nicely, Doctor," he remarked. "Nothing could have been better. It is all right."
"Yu pai-te foto?"	>	"You have the photograph?"
"Me jan, wo it es."	>	"I know where it is."
"E komo yu en-jan-te?"	>	"And how did you find out?"
"Ela diki-te a me, kom me ya preshwo-te."	>	"She showed me, as I told you she would."
"Me haishi bu samaji."	>	"I am still in the dark."
"Me bu yao fai misteria," lu shwo al ridi. "Dela bin ga simple. Yu gesi-te shayad ke oli jen in gata bin ko-akti-sha. Me emploi-te li oli fo sey aksham."	>	"I do not wish to make a mystery," said he, laughing. "The matter was perfectly simple. You, of course, saw that everyone in the street was an accomplice. They were all engaged for the evening."
"Ya, gesi-te."	>	"I guessed as much."
"Me hev-te idyen humide rude pinta in handa. Wen draka begin, me fa-lansi avan, lwo, klapi bay handa an may fas, ewalaa me es pitival vidiwat. Es lao truk."	>	"Then, when the row broke out, I had a little moist red paint in the palm of my hand. I rushed forward, fell down. clapped my hand to my face, and became a piteous spectacle. It is an old trick."
"Den se me toshi he graspi."	>	"That also I could fathom."
"Poy li porti me inu. Ela majbur lasi me inu. Kwo otre ela wud mog zwo? Me en-loki in salon, yus ti me suspekti na shamba. Foto es koylok bli, oda in salon oda in somnishamba, e me resoluti findi wo hi. Oni pon me on divan, me simuli falta de aira, li majbur ofni winda, e yu en-mog zwo yur gunsa."	>	"Then they carried me in. She was bound to have me in. What else could she do? And into her sitting-room. which was the very room which I suspected. It lay between that and her bedroom, and I was determined to see which. They laid me on a couch, I motioned for air, they were compelled to open the window. and you had your chance."
"Komo se helpi-te yu?"	>	"How did that help you?"
"Se bin gro-muhim. Wen gina dumi ke suy dom es in agni, ela instinktem tuy fa-lansi a kosa ke ela valori zuy. Es gro-mahtaful impulsa, me gwo utilisi it plurives. In kasu de Darlington-ney skandal me utilisi-te it, sam kom in dela de Kastela de Arnswort. Gami-ney gina graspi suy kinda; nogami-ney gina graspi suy yuweldan. Nau es klare a me, ke nuy sedey-ney dama hev in dom nixa pyu verguy kem ti nu zai shuki na kosa. Ela fa-lansi-te salvi it. Alarma de agni es zwo-ney admirivalem. Fum e kraisa wud sufi fo mah-tremi iven nervas aus stal. Ela reakti-te jamilem. Foto es in ahfilok baken glidi-she planka, yus sobre desne glok-korda. Ela en-loki dar tuy, e me iven ek-vidi foto wen ela haf-austiri it. Wen me krai ke es false alarma, ela pon it bak, ek-kan raketa, chu shamba al lopi, e depos dan me bu he vidi ela. Me en-stan e, al pregi skusa, eskapi fon dom. Me yao-te pren foto tuy; bat un garijen zin-te e wahti-te me atentem, also tu weiti sembli-te pyu anchun. Tro-ney hasta mog ruini olo."	>	"It was all-important. When a woman thinks that her house is on fire, her instinct is at once to rush to the thing which she values most. It is a perfectly overpowering impulse, and I have more than once taken advantage of it. In the case of the Darlington substitution scandal it was of use to me, and also in the Arnsworth Castle business. A married woman grabs at her baby; an unmarried one reaches for her jewel-box. Now it was clear to me that our lady of to-day had nothing in the house more precious to her than what we are in quest of. She would rush to secure it. The alarm of fire was admirably done. The smoke and shouting were enough to shake nerves of steel. She responded beautifully. The photograph is in a recess behind a sliding panel just above the right bell-pull. She was there in an instant, and I caught a glimpse of it as she half-drew it out. When I cried out that it was a false alarm, she replaced it, glanced at the rocket, rushed from the room, and I have not seen her since. I rose, and, making my excuses, escaped from the house. I hesitated whether to attempt to secure the photograph at once; but the coachman had come in, and as he was watching me narrowly it seemed safer to wait. A little over-precipitance may ruin all."
"E nau?" me kwesti.	>	"And now?" I asked.
"Nuy investiga es praktikem fini-ney. Me ve visiti ela manya kun rego e kun yu, si yu ve yao akompani nu. Nu ve bi dukti-ney inu salon fo weiti dama, bat es probable, ke wen ela lai ela bu ve findi ni nu ni foto. Fo Luy Mahantaa se mog bi priate, tu pren it bay prope handas."	>	"Our quest is practically finished. I shall call with the King to-morrow, and with you, if you care to come with us. We will be shown into the sitting-room to wait for the lady; but it is probable that when she comes she may find neither us nor the photograph. It might be a satisfaction to his Majesty to regain it with his own hands."
"E wen yu ve go dar?"	>	"And when will you call?"
"Klok ot pa sabah. Ela haishi ve bi in kama, also nu ve mog akti librem. Krome to, nu mus bi ajile, bikos sey gama mog totem shanji suy jiva e abyases. Me mus telegrafi a rego sin dera."	>	"At eight in the morning. She will not be up, so that we shall have a clear field. Besides, we must be prompt, for this marriage may mean a complete change in her life and habits. I must wire to the King without delay."
Nu ateni Beiker-strit e stopi pa dwar. Lu zai shuki klef in poshes wen koywan shwo al pasi:	>	We had reached Baker Street and had stopped at the door. He was searching his pockets for the key when someone passing said:
"Hao nocha, Sinior Sherlok Holms."	>	"Good-night, Mister Sherlock Holmes."
Ye kelke jen on pavimenta in toy taim, bat saluta sembli lai fon pasi-she slim yungo in longe palto.	>	There were several people on the pavement at the time, but the greeting appeared to come from a slim youth in an ulster who had hurried by.
"Me gwo audi toy vos," Holms shwo, al kan obskurem lumi-ney gata. "Bat me bu graspi, hu hi, pa diabla, to wud mog bi."	>	"I've heard that voice before," said Holmes, staring down the dimly lit street. "Now, I wonder who the deuce that could have been."
	>	3
Me somni pa Beiker-strit in toy nocha. Pa sabah nu zai zun nuy tosta e kahwa wen Rego de Bohemia zin shamba al haf-lopi.	>	I slept at Baker Street that night, and we were engaged upon our toast and coffee in the morning when the King of Bohemia rushed into the room.
"Yu hev it verem!" lu krai al graspi Sherlok Holms pa ambi plecha e al kan pasion-nem an suy fas.	>	"You have really got it!" he cried, grasping Sherlock Holmes by either shoulder and looking eagerly into his face.
"Bu haishi."	>	"Not yet."
"Bat yu hev nada?"	>	"But you have hopes?"
"Me hev nada."	>	"I have hopes."
"Dan, nu go ba. Me es totem nosabre fo go."	>	"Then, come. I am all impatience to be gone."
"Nu treba keb."	>	"We must have a cab."
"May keb zai weiti."	>	"No, my brougham is waiting."
"Se simplisi dela."&nbsp;	>	"Then that will simplify matters."&nbsp;
Nu desendi e departi yoshi un ves a Braioni-loj.	>	We descended and started off once more for Briony Lodge.
"Iren Adler he gami," Holms remarki.	>	"Irene Adler is married," remarked Holmes.
"He gami! Wen?"	>	"Married! When?"
"Yeri."	>	"Yesterday."
"Bat den hu?"	>	"But to whom?"
"Den inglish jurista nami-ney Norton."	>	"To an English lawyer named Norton."
"Bat ela bu wud mog lubi lu."	>	"But she could not love him."
"Me nadi ke ela lubi lu."	>	"I am in hopes that she does."
"E way yu nadi?"	>	"And why in hopes?"
"Bikos it wud librisi yur Mahantaa fon ol foba de futur-ney beda. Si dama lubi suy gamiman, ela bu lubi yur Mahantaa. Si ela bu lubi yur Mahantaa, es nul reson way ela wud mixi swa in plan de yur Mahantaa."	>	"Because it would spare your Majesty all fear of future annoyance. If the lady loves her husband, she does not love your Majesty. If she does not love your Majesty, there is no reason why she should interfere with your Majesty's plan."
"Es vere. E yedoh - Oo! Magari ela wud bi do same ranga kom me! Komo hao regina ela wud bi!" Lu plunji in glume silensa kel bu es rupti-ney til ke nu stopi in Serpentain avenu.	>	"It is true. And yet – Well! I wish she had been of my own station! What a queen she would have made!" He relapsed into a moody silence, which was not broken until we drew up in Serpentine Avenue.
Dwar de Braioni-loj es ofni-ney, e un yashen gina zai stan on gradinas. Ela zai kan nu fixem e ironikem duran ke nu stepi fon keb.	>	The door of Briony Lodge was open, and an elderly woman stood upon the steps. She watched us with a sardonic eye as we stepped from the brougham.
"Sinior Sherlok Holms, me suposi?" ela shwo.	>	"Mr. Sherlock Holmes, I believe?" said she.
"Me es Sinior Holms," may kompanion jawabi, kan-yen fixem ela bay kwesti-she e aika astoni-ney okos.	>	"I am Mr. Holmes," answered my companion, looking at her with a questioning and rather startled gaze.
"Ver! May gin-masta shwo-te a me ke yu ve lai probablem. Ela departi-te sey sabah kun suy gamiman bay tren al klok 5:15 fon stasion Chering-Kros a kontinenta."	>	"Indeed! My mistress told me that you were likely to call. She left this morning with her husband by the 5:15 train from Charing Cross for the Continent."
"Kwo!" Sherlok Holms hili bak, blan por griva e surprisa. "Ob yu maini ke ela he departi fon Ingland?"	>	"What!" Sherlock Holmes staggered back, white with chagrin and surprise. "Do you mean that she has left England?"
"E neva ve returni."	>	"Never to return."
"E papires?" Rego kwesti raukem. "Olo es lusi-ney."	>	"And the papers?" asked the King hoarsely. "All is lost."
"Nu ve vidi." Lu go pas servi-sha e fa-lansi inu salon, sekwi-ney bay Rego e me selfa. Mebel es rasshwai-ney sirkum pa oli direksion, kun demontiri-ney tanas e ofni-ney tiriboxas, kom si dama he beshuki-te li kway bifoo suy fuga. Holms fa-lansi a glok-korda, mah-wek syao glidi-she shirma, e, plunji-yen suy handa inu, auspren foto e leta. Foto diki Iren Adler selfa in aksham-ney roba, e on leta ye skriba: "A sinior Sherlok Holms. Handing al visita." May amigo ofni-tori it e nu oli tri lekti se tuhun. It hev datum de pasi-ney midnocha e fa-lekti tak:	>	"We shall see." He pushed past the servant and rushed into the drawing-room, followed by the King and myself. The furniture was scattered about in every direction, with dismantled shelves and open drawers, as if the lady had hurriedly ransacked them before her flight. Holmes rushed at the bell-pull, tore back a small sliding shutter, and, plunging in his hand, pulled out a photograph and a letter. The photograph was of Irene Adler herself in evening dress, the letter was superscribed to "Sherlock Holmes, Esq. To be left till called for." My friend tore it open and we all three read it together. It was dated at midnight of the preceding night and ran in this way:
May kare sinior Sherlok Holms,	>	My dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes,
Yu verem zwo-te se olo muy hao. Yu mah-te me kredi yu. Til momenta afte alarma de agni, me bu hev suspekta. Bat poy, wen me samaji ke me he gadari me selfa, me begin dumi. Me bin warni-ney kontra yu meses bak. Oni he shwo a me, ke si Rego wud yusi agenta it wud bi sertem yu. E yur adres bin dai-ney a me. Yedoh, malgree se olo, yu mah-te me reveli kwo yu yao-te jan. Iven afte ke me begin suspekti, me findi se mushkile, tu dumi badem om tal kare, lao e latif kirkayuan. Bat, yu jan, oni gwo tamrini me selfa kom aktorina. Man-ney kostum es nixa nove fo me. Me oftem utilisi libritaa ke it dai. Me sendi-te Jon, garijen, fo wahti yu, duran ke me selfa lopi-te uupar, onpon-te may promena-klaida, kom me nami it, e desendi-te yus al yur departa.	>	You really did it very well. You took me in completely. Until after the alarm of fire, I had not a suspicion. But then, when I found how I had betrayed myself, I began to think. I had been warned against you months ago. I had been told that if the King employed an agent it would certainly be you. And your address had been given me. Yet, with all this, you made me reveal what you wanted to know. Even after I became suspicious, I found it hard to think evil of such a dear, kind old clergyman. But, you know, I have been trained as an actress myself. Male costume is nothing new to me. I often take advantage of the freedom which it gives. I sent John, the coachman, to watch you, ran up stairs, got into my walking-clothes, as I call them, and came down just as you departed.
Wel, me sekwi-te yu til yur dwar, e also mah-te swa serte, ke me verem es obyekta de interes fo fama-ney sinior Sherlok Holms. Poy me, aika buchaukem, tamani a yu hao nocha, e raki a Templ a may gamiman. Nu oli dwa desidi ke zuy hao media es fuga, sikom nu gei persekwi bay tanto forte kontrajen; also yu ve findi nesta vakue wen yu ve lai manya. Om foto, yur klienta mog bi trankwile. Me lubi e gei lubi bay manjen pyu hao kem lu. Rego mog zwo olo ke lu yao sin impeda fon persona ke lu he wundi kruelem. Me kipi it sol fo sigurisi me selfa, e fo reteni arma kel sempre ve sigurisi me kontra oli stepa ke lu wud mog fai in futur. Me lyu un otre foto ke lu wud mog yao posesi; e me resti, kare sinior Sherlok Holms,	>	Well, I followed you to your door, and so made sure that I was really an object of interest to the celebrated Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Then I, rather imprudently, wished you good-night, and started for the Temple to see my husband. We both thought the best resource was flight, when pursued by so formidable an antagonist; so you will find the nest empty when you call to-morrow. As to the photograph, your client may rest in peace. I love and am loved by a better man than he. The King may do what he will without hindrance from one whom he has cruelly wronged. I keep it only to safeguard myself, and to preserve a weapon which will always secure me from any steps which he might take in the future. I leave a photograph which he might care to possess; and I remain, dear Mr. Sherlock Holmes,
Verem yur,	>	Very truly yours,
Iren NORTON, janmi-ney ADLER."	>	IRENE NORTON, nee ADLER.
"Kwel gina! Oo, kwel gina!" Rego de Bohemia krai, wen nu oli tri finlekti sey leta. "Me ya shwo-te a yu ke ela es intele e resolute. Ob ela bu wud bi admirival regina? Ob bu es dela afsos-ney ke ela bu es on may nivel?"	>	"What a woman – oh, what a woman!" cried the King of Bohemia, when we had all three read this epistle. "Did I not tell you how quick and resolute she was? Would she not have made an admirable queen? Is it not a pity that she was not on my level?"
"Tanto ke me en-jan-te sey dama, sembli ke ela verem es on ga otre nivel kem yur Mahantaa," Holms shwo lengem. "Me afsosi, ke me bu mog-te bringi dela de yur Mahantaa a pyu sukses-ney fin."	>	"From what I have seen of the lady she seems indeed to be on a very different level to your Majesty," said Holmes coldly. "I am sorry that I have not been able to bring your Majesty's business to a more successful conclusion."
"Kontrem, may kare sinior," rego krai,"nixa wud mog bi pyu sukses-ney. Me jan ke elay worda es butoribile. Foto es nau sam anchun kom si it wud bi in agni."	>	"On the contrary, my dear sir," cried the King; "nothing could be more successful. I know that her word is inviolate. The photograph is now as safe as if it were in the fire."
"Me joi al audi yur Mahantaa shwo se."	>	"I am glad to hear your Majesty say so."
"Me fai gro-deba a yu. Bi karim, shwo a me, in kwel manera me mog rekompensi yu. Sey halka..." Lu glidi smaragda-ney serpenta-ney halka fon suy finga e teni it on suy pama bifoo Holms.	>	"I am immensely indebted to you. Pray tell me in what way I can reward you. This ring –" He slipped an emerald snake ring from his finger and held it out upon the palm of his hand.
"Yur Mahantaa hev koysa ke me valori iven pyu," Holms shwo.	>	"Your Majesty has something which I should value even more highly," said Holmes.
"Yu treba sol nami it."	>	"You have but to name it."
"Sey foto!"	>	"This photograph!"
Rego kan lu kun astona.	>	The King stared at him in amazement.
"Foto de Iren!" lu krai. "Sertem, si yu yao it."	>	"Irene's photograph!" he cried. "Certainly, if you wish it."
"Me danki yur Mahantaa. Also ye nixa pyu fo zwo om sey dela. Me hev honor tu tamani a yu gro-hao sabah." Lu saluti bay muva de kapa, e, turni-yen wek sin merki ti Rego extendi a lu na handa, go wek in may sosietaa a suy shambas.	>	"I thank your Majesty. Then there is no more to be done in the matter. I have the honor to wish you a very good-morning." He bowed, and, turning away without observing the hand which the King had stretched out to him, he set off in my company for his chambers.
Also tak hi gran skandal ugrosi-te trefi regilanda de Bohemia, e tak hi gro-hao planes de Sinior Sherlok Holms bin destrukti-ney bay intelekta de gina. Lu gwo moki intelekta de ginas, bat me bu he audi lu zwo se afte toy dela. E sempre wen lu shwo om Iren Adler, oda maini elay foto, es sempre sub honor-ney titla de "Sey Gina".	>	And that was how a great scandal threatened to affect the kingdom of Bohemia, and how the best plans of Mr. Sherlock Holmes were beaten by a woman's wit. He used to make merry over the cleverness of women, but I have not heard him do it of late. And when he speaks of Irene Adler, or when he refers to her photograph, it is always under the honorable title of the woman.
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 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Help!// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ Find out more about ~TiddlyWiki at [[|]].  Also visit [[|]] for documentation on learning and using ~TiddlyWiki. New users are especially welcome on the [[TiddlyWiki mailing list|]], which is an excellent place to ask questions and get help.  If you have a tiddlyspot related problem email [[tiddlyspot support|]].",
 "@@font-weight:bold;font-size:1.3em;color:#444; //Enjoy :)// &nbsp;&nbsp;@@ We hope you like using your site.  Please email [[|]] with any comments or suggestions."

| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |
| 10/01/2014 17:35:42 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
| 13/01/2014 16:19:32 | YourName | [[korpus-de-lidepla.html|file:///C:/Users/balandin_a/Desktop/korpus-de-lidepla.html]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
| 21/01/2014 11:02:19 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
| 21/02/2014 14:11:46 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
| 04/03/2014 13:29:32 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
| 21/04/2014 16:22:46 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
| 10/09/2015 11:44:14 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 10/09/2015 11:44:34 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | failed |
| 10/09/2015 11:44:52 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . | ok |
| 10/09/2015 11:45:27 | YourName | [[/|]] | [[store.cgi|]] | . | [[index.html |]] | . |
|''Description:''|Save to web a TiddlyWiki|
|''Date:''|Feb 24, 2008|
|''Author:''|BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info)|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license| ]]|
version.extensions.UploadPlugin = {
	major: 4, minor: 1, revision: 3,
	date: new Date("Feb 24, 2008"),
	source: '',
	author: 'BidiX (BidiX (at) bidix (dot) info',
	coreVersion: '2.2.0'

// Environment

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {}; // bidix namespace
bidix.debugMode = false;	// true to activate both in Plugin and UploadService
// Upload Macro

config.macros.upload = {
// default values
	defaultBackupDir: '',	//no backup
	defaultStoreScript: "store.php",
	defaultToFilename: "index.html",
	defaultUploadDir: ".",
	authenticateUser: true	// UploadService Authenticate User
config.macros.upload.label = {
	promptOption: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki with UploadOptions",
	promptParamMacro: "Save and Upload this TiddlyWiki in %0",
	saveLabel: "save to web", 
	saveToDisk: "save to disk",
	uploadLabel: "upload"	

config.macros.upload.messages = {
	noStoreUrl: "No store URL in parmeters or options",
	usernameOrPasswordMissing: "Username or password missing"

config.macros.upload.handler = function(place,macroName,params) {
	if (readOnly)
	var label;
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
		label = this.label.saveLabel;
		label = this.label.uploadLabel;
	var prompt;
	if (params[0]) {
		prompt = this.label.promptParamMacro.toString().format([this.destFile(params[0], 
			(params[1] ? params[1]:bidix.basename(window.location.toString())), params[3])]);
	} else {
		prompt = this.label.promptOption;
	createTiddlyButton(place, label, prompt, function() {config.macros.upload.action(params);}, null, null, this.accessKey);

config.macros.upload.action = function(params)
		// for missing macro parameter set value from options
		if (!params) params = {};
		var storeUrl = params[0] ? params[0] : config.options.txtUploadStoreUrl;
		var toFilename = params[1] ? params[1] : config.options.txtUploadFilename;
		var backupDir = params[2] ? params[2] : config.options.txtUploadBackupDir;
		var uploadDir = params[3] ? params[3] : config.options.txtUploadDir;
		var username = params[4] ? params[4] : config.options.txtUploadUserName;
		var password = config.options.pasUploadPassword; // for security reason no password as macro parameter	
		// for still missing parameter set default value
		if ((!storeUrl) && (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http")) 
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString())+'/'+config.macros.upload.defaultStoreScript;
		if (storeUrl.substr(0,4) != "http")
			storeUrl = bidix.dirname(document.location.toString()) +'/'+ storeUrl;
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = bidix.basename(window.location.toString());
		if (!toFilename)
			toFilename = config.macros.upload.defaultToFilename;
		if (!uploadDir)
			uploadDir = config.macros.upload.defaultUploadDir;
		if (!backupDir)
			backupDir = config.macros.upload.defaultBackupDir;
		// report error if still missing
		if (!storeUrl) {
			return false;
		if (config.macros.upload.authenticateUser && (!username || !password)) {
			return false;
		bidix.upload.uploadChanges(false,null,storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir, backupDir, username, password); 
		return false; 

config.macros.upload.destFile = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir) 
	if (!storeUrl)
		return null;
		var dest = bidix.dirname(storeUrl);
		if (uploadDir && uploadDir != '.')
			dest = dest + '/' + uploadDir;
		dest = dest + '/' + toFilename;
	return dest;

// uploadOptions Macro

config.macros.uploadOptions = {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var wizard = new Wizard();
		var markList = wizard.getElement("markList");
		var listWrapper = document.createElement("div");
		var uploadCaption;
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "http") 
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.saveLabel;
			uploadCaption = config.macros.upload.label.uploadLabel;
				{caption: uploadCaption, tooltip: config.macros.upload.label.promptOption, 
					onClick: config.macros.upload.action},
				{caption: this.cancelButton, tooltip: this.cancelButtonPrompt, onClick: this.onCancel}
	options: [
	refreshOptions: function(listWrapper) {
		var opts = [];
		for(i=0; i<this.options.length; i++) {
			var opt = {};
			opt.option = "";
			n = this.options[i]; = n;
			opt.lowlight = !config.optionsDesc[n];
			opt.description = opt.lowlight ? this.unknownDescription : config.optionsDesc[n];
		var listview = ListView.create(listWrapper,opts,this.listViewTemplate);
		for(n=0; n<opts.length; n++) {
			var type = opts[n].name.substr(0,3);
			var h = config.macros.option.types[type];
			if (h && h.create) {
	onCancel: function(e)
		return false;
	wizardTitle: "Upload with options",
	step1Title: "These options are saved in cookies in your browser",
	step1Html: "<input type='hidden' name='markList'></input><br>",
	cancelButton: "Cancel",
	cancelButtonPrompt: "Cancel prompt",
	listViewTemplate: {
		columns: [
			{name: 'Description', field: 'description', title: "Description", type: 'WikiText'},
			{name: 'Option', field: 'option', title: "Option", type: 'String'},
			{name: 'Name', field: 'name', title: "Name", type: 'String'}
		rowClasses: [
			{className: 'lowlight', field: 'lowlight'} 

// upload functions

if (!bidix.upload) bidix.upload = {};

if (!bidix.upload.messages) bidix.upload.messages = {
	//from saving
	invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
	backupSaved: "Backup saved",
	backupFailed: "Failed to upload backup file",
	rssSaved: "RSS feed uploaded",
	rssFailed: "Failed to upload RSS feed file",
	emptySaved: "Empty template uploaded",
	emptyFailed: "Failed to upload empty template file",
	mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
	mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
	//specific upload
	loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
	aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
	storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.upload.uploadChanges = function(onlyIfDirty,tiddlers,storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password)
	var callback = function(status,uploadParams,original,url,xhr) {
		if (!status) {
		if (bidix.debugMode) 
		// Locate the storeArea div's 
		var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
		if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	if(onlyIfDirty && !store.isDirty())
	// save on localdisk ?
	if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) == "file") {
		var path = document.location.toString();
		var localPath = getLocalPath(path);
	// get original
	var uploadParams = new Array(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir,backupDir,username,password);
	var originalPath = document.location.toString();
	// If url is a directory : add index.html
	if (originalPath.charAt(originalPath.length-1) == "/")
		originalPath = originalPath + "index.html";
	var dest = config.macros.upload.destFile(storeUrl,toFilename,uploadDir);
	var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
	log.startUpload(storeUrl, dest, uploadDir,  backupDir);
	if (bidix.debugMode) 
		alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);
	var r = doHttp("GET",originalPath,null,null,username,password,callback,uploadParams,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

bidix.upload.uploadRss = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		if(status) {
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadRss
	if(config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed) {
		var rssPath = uploadParams[1].substr(0,uploadParams[1].lastIndexOf(".")) + ".xml";
		var rssUploadParams = new Array(uploadParams[0],rssPath,uploadParams[2],'',uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5]);
		var rssString = generateRss();
		// no UnicodeToUTF8 conversion needed when location is "file" !!!
		if (document.location.toString().substr(0,4) != "file")
			rssString = convertUnicodeToUTF8(rssString);	
	} else {

bidix.upload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams,original,posDiv) 
	var callback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		var log = new bidix.UploadLog();
		if(status) {
			// if backupDir specified
			if ((params[3]) && (responseText.indexOf("backupfile:") > -1))  {
				var backupfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")+11,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("backupfile:")));
			var destfile = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("destfile:")+9,responseText.indexOf("\n", responseText.indexOf("destfile:")));
		} else {
	// do uploadMain
	var revised = bidix.upload.updateOriginal(original,posDiv);

bidix.upload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams,data,callback,params)
	var localCallback = function(status,params,responseText,url,xhr) {
		url = (url.indexOf("nocache=") < 0 ? url : url.substring(0,url.indexOf("nocache=")-1));
		if (xhr.status == 404)
		if ((bidix.debugMode) || (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )) {
			if (responseText.indexOf("Debug mode") >= 0 )
				responseText = responseText.substring(responseText.indexOf("\n\n")+2);
		} else if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0') 
		if (responseText.charAt(0) != '0')
			status = null;
	// do httpUpload
	var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";	
	var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
	// compose headers data
	var sheader = "";
	sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
	sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
	sheader += "backupDir="+uploadParams[3] +
				";user=" + uploadParams[4] +
				";password=" + uploadParams[5] +
				";uploaddir=" + uploadParams[2];
	if (bidix.debugMode)
		sheader += ";debug=1";
	sheader += ";;\r\n"; 
	sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\""+uploadParams[1]+"\"\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
	sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
	// compose trailer data
	var strailer = new String();
	strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
	data = sheader + data + strailer;
	if (bidix.debugMode) alert("about to execute Http - POST on "+uploadParams[0]+"\n with \n"+data.substr(0,500)+ " ... ");
	var r = doHttp("POST",uploadParams[0],data,"multipart/form-data; ;charset=UTF-8; boundary="+boundary,uploadParams[4],uploadParams[5],localCallback,params,null);
	if (typeof r == "string")
	return r;

// same as Saving's updateOriginal but without convertUnicodeToUTF8 calls
bidix.upload.updateOriginal = function(original, posDiv)
	if (!posDiv)
		posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
	if((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {
	var revised = original.substr(0,posDiv[0] + startSaveArea.length) + "\n" +
				store.allTiddlersAsHtml() + "\n" +
	var newSiteTitle = getPageTitle().htmlEncode();
	revised = revised.replaceChunk("<title"+">","</title"+">"," " + newSiteTitle + " ");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-HEAD","MarkupPreHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-HEAD","MarkupPostHead");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"PRE-BODY","MarkupPreBody");
	revised = updateMarkupBlock(revised,"POST-SCRIPT","MarkupPostBody");
	return revised;

// UploadLog
// config.options.chkUploadLog :
//		false : no logging
//		true : logging
// config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine :
//		-1 : no limit
//      0 :  no Log lines but UploadLog is still in place
//		n :  the last n lines are only kept
//		NaN : no limit (-1)

bidix.UploadLog = function() {
	if (!config.options.chkUploadLog) 
		return; // this.tiddler = null
	this.tiddler = store.getTiddler("UploadLog");
	if (!this.tiddler) {
		this.tiddler = new Tiddler();
		this.tiddler.title = "UploadLog";
		this.tiddler.text = "| !date | !user | !location | !storeUrl | !uploadDir | !toFilename | !backupdir | !origin |";
		this.tiddler.created = new Date();
		this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
		this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	return this;

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.addText = function(text) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	// retrieve maxLine when we need it
	var maxLine = parseInt(config.options.txtUploadLogMaxLine,10);
	if (isNaN(maxLine))
		maxLine = -1;
	// add text
	if (maxLine != 0) 
		this.tiddler.text = this.tiddler.text + text;
	// Trunck to maxLine
	if (maxLine >= 0) {
		var textArray = this.tiddler.text.split('\n');
		if (textArray.length > maxLine + 1)
			this.tiddler.text = textArray.join('\n');		
	// update tiddler fields
	this.tiddler.modifier = config.options.txtUserName;
	this.tiddler.modified = new Date();
	// refresh and notifiy for immediate update
	store.notify(this.tiddler.title, true);

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.startUpload = function(storeUrl, toFilename, uploadDir,  backupDir) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	var now = new Date();
	var text = "\n| ";
	var filename = bidix.basename(document.location.toString());
	if (!filename) filename = '/';
	text += now.formatString("0DD/0MM/YYYY 0hh:0mm:0ss") +" | ";
	text += config.options.txtUserName + " | ";
	text += "[["+filename+"|"+location + "]] |";
	text += " [[" + bidix.basename(storeUrl) + "|" + storeUrl + "]] | ";
	text += uploadDir + " | ";
	text += "[[" + bidix.basename(toFilename) + " | " +toFilename + "]] | ";
	text += backupDir + " |";

bidix.UploadLog.prototype.endUpload = function(status) {
	if (!this.tiddler)
	this.addText(" "+status+" |");

// Utilities

bidix.checkPlugin = function(plugin, major, minor, revision) {
	var ext = version.extensions[plugin];
	if (!
		(ext  && 
			((ext.major > major) || 
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor > minor))  ||
			((ext.major == major) && (ext.minor == minor) && (ext.revision >= revision))))) {
			// write error in PluginManager
			if (pluginInfo)
				pluginInfo.log.push("Requires " + plugin + " " + major + "." + minor + "." + revision);
			eval(plugin); // generate an error : "Error: ReferenceError: xxxx is not defined"

bidix.dirname = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	} else {
		return filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("\\"));

bidix.basename = function(filePath) {
	if (!filePath) 
	var lastpos;
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1) 
		filePath = filePath.substring(0, lastpos);
	if ((lastpos = filePath.lastIndexOf("/")) != -1) {
		return filePath.substring(lastpos + 1);
	} else
		return filePath.substring(filePath.lastIndexOf("\\")+1);

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
	if (!config.options[name])
		config.options[name] = value;

// Initializations

// require PasswordOptionPlugin 1.0.1 or better
bidix.checkPlugin("PasswordOptionPlugin", 1, 0, 1);

// styleSheet
setStylesheet('.txtUploadStoreUrl, .txtUploadBackupDir, .txtUploadDir {width: 22em;}',"uploadPluginStyles");

	txtUploadStoreUrl: "Url of the UploadService script (default: store.php)",
	txtUploadFilename: "Filename of the uploaded file (default: in index.html)",
	txtUploadDir: "Relative Directory where to store the file (default: . (downloadService directory))",
	txtUploadBackupDir: "Relative Directory where to backup the file. If empty no backup. (default: ''(empty))",
	txtUploadUserName: "Upload Username",
	pasUploadPassword: "Upload Password",
	chkUploadLog: "do Logging in UploadLog (default: true)",
	txtUploadLogMaxLine: "Maximum of lines in UploadLog (default: 10)"

// Options Initializations

// Backstage
	uploadOptions: {text: "upload", tooltip: "Change UploadOptions and Upload", content: '<<uploadOptions>>'}


<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<span macro="tiddler ReplaceDoubleClick with: alt click"></span></span>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<<tiddler HideTiddlerTags>>{{small smallform{
<html><a href='' class='link'><u>Download for offline use on iPhones, Android or desktop devices.</u></a><form style='display:inline;white-space:nowrap;' onsubmit=';return false;'>
<table><tr><td style='width:33%;font-size:1.4em;'>
search for «<input name=pattern style='width:auto;font-size:1.4em;' value='' title='o lukin' autofocus>
<input type=button style='width:auto;font-size:1.0em;' name=pavysisku value='» go !' onclick="
var f=this.form;
var target=f.nextSibling; removeChildren(target);
var arrRestStr=[];
var outa=[];
var outb=[];
var outc=[];
var outd=[];
var oute=[];
var Couta=[];
var Coutb=[];
var Coutc=[];
var Coutd=[];
var Coute=[];
var zil=[];
var tempa;
var tempb='';
var tempc;
var tempd;
var tempe;
var tb='[^\t]*?\t';
var fpvd;
var zi='@@background-color:#7FFF00;$1@@';
var sle='>|>|@@margin-top:0px;padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;font-size:1em;float:right;font-weight:normal;border:1px solid #393939;margin-top:-1px;color:#fff;background:#db4;display:block;//[[';
var slewhite='>|>|@@margin-top:0px;padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;font-size:1em;float:right;font-weight:normal;border:1px solid #222;margin-top:-1px;color:#fff;background:#999;display:block;//[[';
Array.prototype.diff = function(a) {
    return this.filter(function(i) {return !(a.indexOf(i) > -1);});

var tids=store.getTaggedTiddlers('dic');
fpv = f.pattern.value.toLowerCase();
if(fpv.length == 0) return;
for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {

	tempa=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+fpv+'\t','i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempa);
	//tempb=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+'(|[^\t]*?[;\.\042])'+fpv+'[!;\.\042\t]','i')));
	//arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempb);
	tempc=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+'(|[^\t]*?[;\.\042, ])'+fpv+'[!;\.\042, \t]','i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempc);
	if (tempa.length+tempb.length+tempc.length>0) outa = outa.concat([sle+tids[t].title+']]//@@']);
	zil = zil.concat(tempa.slice(0,30)).concat(tempc.slice(0,30)).map(function(somet){return somet.replace(new RegExp('('+fpv+')', 'gi'),zi);});
        outa = outa.concat(zil); zil=[];
//now vague
	tempd=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+'(|[^\t]*?[;\.\042, ])'+fpv,'i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempd);
	tempe=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+'(|[^\t]*?)'+fpv,'i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempe);
	if (tempd.length+tempe.length>0) outd = outd.concat([slewhite+tids[t].title+']]//@@']);
	zil = zil.concat(tempd.slice(0,30)).concat(tempe.slice(0,30)).map(function(somet){return somet.replace(new RegExp('('+fpv+')', 'gi'),zi);});
        outd = outd.concat(zil); zil=[];
//Cout precise
	tempa=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+tb+tb+fpv+'([!;\.\042\t,]|$)','i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempa);
	//tempb=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+tb+tb+'(|[^\t]*?[;\.\042])'+fpv+'([!;\.\042\t]|$)','i')));
	//arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempb);
	tempc=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+tb+tb+'(|[^\t]*?[;\.\042, ])'+fpv+'([!;\.\042, \t]|$)','i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempc);
	if (tempa.length+tempb.length+tempc.length>0) Couta = Couta.concat([sle+tids[t].title+']]//@@']);
	zil = zil.concat(tempa.slice(0,30)).concat(tempc.slice(0,30)).map(function(somet){return somet.replace(new RegExp('('+fpv+')', 'gi'),zi);});
        Couta = Couta.concat(zil); zil=[];
//now vague
	tempd=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+tb+tb+'(|[^\t]*?[;\.\042, ])'+fpv+'([!;\.\042, \t]|$)','i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempd);
	tempe=arrRestStr.filter(/./.test.bind(new RegExp('^'+tb+tb+'(|[^\t]*?)'+fpv,'i')));
	arrRestStr = arrRestStr.diff(tempe);
	if (tempd.length+tempe.length>0) Coutd = Coutd.concat([slewhite+tids[t].title+']]//@@']);
	zil = zil.concat(tempd.slice(0,30)).concat(tempe.slice(0,30)).map(function(somet){return somet.replace(new RegExp('('+fpv+')', 'gi'),zi);});
        Coutd = Coutd.concat(zil); zil=[];
	//Coute = Coute.concat(tempe.slice(0,30));
//concat all arrays, reformat to tw-table formatting
if (outa.length>0) outa = ['>\t>\t!in source words:'].concat(outa);
if (Couta.length>0) Couta = ['>\t>\t!in translation:'].concat(Couta);
if (outa.length+Couta.length>0) outa = ['>\t>\t!PRECISE SEARCH'].concat(outa);

//vague search output
if (outd.length>0) outd = ['>\t>\tbackground-color:#999;!in source words:'].concat(outd);
if (Coutd.length>0) Coutd = ['>\t>\tbackground-color:#999;!in translation:'].concat(Coutd);
if (outd.length+Coutd.length>0) outd = ['>\t>\tbackground-color:#999;!SEQUENCE SEARCH'].concat(outd);
tids = outa.concat(Couta).concat(outd).concat(Coutd).join('\n').replace(/(^|\t|$)/img,'|');

//output this fucking string!
if (tids.length>3) wikify(tids,target);
// hacky solution to avoid scrolling header out of view 
window.ensureVisible = function(e) {return false} 
